
NS and Raegris battle losses reported

Twelve ships on the NS-Raegris side were lost in the third battle of Nemoka. The Terrasaurs lost over 20 ships and were broken, they are now reported to have left Raegris space with whats left of their fleet.

NS lost 5 ships and the Raegris 7. The NS ships lost were the cruisers SS Kingfisher, SS Illustrious and SS Impregnable. They also lost the destroyers SS Conflict, SS Sea of Serenity and SS Archaeozoic.

The Raegris lost 4 DF-1 destroyers and 3 RC-2s.

President Torus has congratulated Akbar and the fleet though has instructed all NS units to remain in Raegris space until it is certain the Terrasaurs have given up.