
Mutre Bee ship destroyed over Remedia Prime, attack on NS base

A Mutre Bee ship has been destroyed in orbit over Remedia Prime by a Remedian warsbip. An NS base on the planet is reported to have been attacked. The attack was an attempt to kill the injured Windscorpion who was recovering at the base.

Windy and Firefly are reported to be fine, the base was badly hit however with over thirty NS Terrestrial Forces troops killed. Windy and Firefly have relocated to a secret location.


Lot of potential (2916)

The MBO fleet is detected.

Grunting (2915)

Windy is seriously injured, Tiger comes back to face with the Beast.

Back in time (2914)

NS comes under attack.


Rioting on Liberation, Saeou over perceived abandonment by NS

NS has withdrawn all ships back to the core UNP space (previously known as DDS Centre) in order to face the approaching MBO fleet. This is despite pleas by the governments of Liberation, Saeou and Malau not to leave them defenceless against the MBO. Last night anti-NS riots were reported on Liberation and Saeou, with NS facilities attacked by mobs. Local police and NS Territorial Forces troops restored order. There were 2 fatalities reported on Liberation, and dozens of arrests.

President Torus has said that no one has been abandoned. "The Mutre Bee fleet is not invading Liberation or anywhere else, they are heading for Proxima Centauri. They want to destroy the NS fleet, the only way to protect Liberation, Saeou and anywhere else is to engage the Mutre Bee fleet and destroy it. NS is assembling it's largest ever fleet to do just that!"


NS list ships lost in battle

NS have listed the ships lost in the battle of Saeou, the majority were warships and represent a serious proportion of NS' combat potential. NS is now regrouping. The MBO fleet is continuing towards the Proxima Centauri system and could be at Proxima 7 in 3 weeks. NS plans to form a defence line near New Jakarta.

The ships lost were:

21-101 Missileer 

21-104 Grenadier 

21-109 Bombardier 

35-302 King 

35-307 Kale 

35-310 Kando 

35-312 Kentucky 

35-105 Ocelot 

35-108 Puma 

36-103 Magnificent 

36-108 Mallow 

37-104 Denebola 

37-109 Procyon 

37-111 Velocity 

51-107 Crescent 

51-109 Cygnet 

51-110 Chrysalis 

51-114 Chasm 

41-114 Phanerzoic 

43-104 Barents Sea 

43-109 Sulu Sea 

46-203 Claudius 

47-110 Caracara 

71-115 Crane 

76-104 Zealous 

81-104 Fleming 


NS lost 26 ships in battle of Saeou

New Sparta has confirmed the reports of a catastrophic loss in the battle of Saeou with the Mutre Bee Organisation fleet. Twenty six ships were lost including the fleet flagship SS Missileer and the cream of NS' front line fleet.

President Torus has ordered every possible ship recalled to the central UNP territory including Akbar's detachment in Raegris space (though it is reported the ships are in a poor condition after their battles with the Terrasaurs).

Liberation and Saeou have protested the withdrawal of NS ships, saying they are being abandoned, Torus said that unless the MBO fleet is stopped then everywhere will be lost. Former NS Commander Knobhead has been recalled (he has remained a reservist) to command the NS fleet.


NS suffers catastrophic defeat according to third party sources

Although NS have not commented on it, third party reports are coming in from the Saeou press and Starbotians that New Sparta has suffered a catastrophic defeat in battle against the Mutre Bee Organisation. This news website cannot yet confirm or deny the very worrying news.

Earlier today over forty NS warships engaged in battle with a MBO fleet of sixty ships. Now only around eleven NS ships remain, the rest destroyed or captured. Rubicks Cube Warrior is reported to have died. MBO took significant losses too though by no means as bad as NS. Their fleet is regrouping.

Details of the battle are sketchy, one report states sabotage acts destroyed numerous NS ships and caused the rest of the fleet to lose discipline. NS have not commented on the battle. 


NSIS foil MBO terror plot near Hexian City

NSIS have intercepted and killed 4 human clones belonging to the Mutre Bee Organisation. The clones were said to be preparing to attack an NS facility near Hexian City which stores chemical waste from the production of rocket propellant. The agents may have been intending to try and release a toxic cloud near to the capital.

Security has tightened across all NS facilities across the UNP


Hospital ship mobilised to help with mass casualties at DDS City

One of NS' hospital ships has been mobilised to assist with mass casualties after an anthrax attack at NS' largest facility DDS City has left several thousands seriously ill. NS and civilian hospitals around DDS City and Hexian City have been overwhelmed by this incident and the fire at the nearby chemical factory (which is now under control). An unconfirmed report states that there have been 27 fatalities with more expected.

DDS City has been completely evacuated and sealed off. Whilst it is no longer the GHQ of NS, it remains it's administrative hub. The closure of DDS City has seriously affected NS operations at a critical juncture. A large NS fleet is said to be preparing to give battle with the huge MBO fleet near Saeou.


DDS City hit by biological attack

The main administrative centre of NS, the former GHQ DDS City on Proxima 7, has been put under full lockdown following a biological attack which has left dozens seriously ill (and unconfirmed reports say a number of fatalities). The Nuclear Forces Protection Regiment is already on scene having been deployed to the nearby chemical factory fire. It is suspected the attack is anthrax and the action of the MBO.

VP (Ops) Stella has placed all NS facilities under a level 4 lockdown which means no one comes in or out with senior level permission. It is understood the President has been evacuated from NS GHQ on Proxima 5 to her flagship SS Cicero.


NS request help from Starbot and FES

New Sparta has requested help from it's allies as it builds a fleet large enough to take on the huge Mutre Bee Organisation fleet approaching the UNP. NS has asked Starbot and the Free Eritran States to take over patrol circuits in the Eastern sector of the UNP in order to release more ships for the front line. Starbot has agreed with the request though only has 2 ships available, the FES have yet to reply though are likely to provide up to 6.

Analysts are predicting that NS will be able to intercept the MBO fleet near Saeou in a couple of weeks. Rubick Cube Warrior is in command of the NS fleet.


Huge explosion reported at chemical factory near Hexian City

A chemical factory near the Proxima 7 capital of Hexian City has been rocked by an explosion. Emergency services are struggling to contain the fire and have asked for help from NS Terrestrial Forces. The N01 Nuclear Forces Protection Regiment has been sent from Proxima 5 to help detect the release of toxic gas. Thousands of people have been told to stay in their homes, however the Proxima Meteorological Service says that the wind will change direction in a few hours which will send toxic fumes directly at Hexian City.

NSIS are investigating the explosion, at the moment it is being called an accident though the timing is suspicious.


NS and Raegris battle losses reported

Twelve ships on the NS-Raegris side were lost in the third battle of Nemoka. The Terrasaurs lost over 20 ships and were broken, they are now reported to have left Raegris space with whats left of their fleet.

NS lost 5 ships and the Raegris 7. The NS ships lost were the cruisers SS Kingfisher, SS Illustrious and SS Impregnable. They also lost the destroyers SS Conflict, SS Sea of Serenity and SS Archaeozoic.

The Raegris lost 4 DF-1 destroyers and 3 RC-2s.

President Torus has congratulated Akbar and the fleet though has instructed all NS units to remain in Raegris space until it is certain the Terrasaurs have given up.


NS-Raegris defeat Terrasaurs in third battle of Nemoka

The combined New Sparta - Raegris fleet has engaged with the Terrasaur fleet in the Nemoka system for the third time. General Akbar decided to seek battle despite needed reinforcements being denied to him. The Terrasaur fleet has been almost totally destroyed in a heavy battle and the survivors are understood to have fled the Nemoka system.

However, the cost to New Sparta and the Raegris has been heavy. Twelve ships are reported to have been lost though the identity of the ships has yet to be established due to continuing communication issues.


Raegris ship destroyed near Central District

A Raegris PC-1 Pentekonter patrol ship has been attacked and destroyed by a Terrasaur ship near to the Raegris Central District. This has come as a complete shock to the Raegris who did not think any Terrasaur ships were in their space apart from the Nemoka system. Five ships which had been sent to Nemoka have been ordered to return.

The attack was by a Terrasaur ship of unknown type due to curious interference in the sensor data, one analyst says it could be due to a cloak malfunction or sensor spoofing.


Terrasaurs issue ultimatum

Lord Seth, commander of the Terrasaur forces in Raegris space, has issued an ultimatum to the Raegris. He wants the Raegris to agree to giving the Terrasaurs basing rights in the Nemoka system. However, the demand for Raegris demilitarisation has been dropped.

The Raegris have quickly called the ultimatum unacceptable. They have issued their own, that the Terrasaurs withdraw fully from Raegris space or face attack. It is thought the combined Raegris-NS fleet under the command of Akbar is preparing for an attack.


The battle of Nemoka (2913)

The Raegris/NS suffer a setback.

World of credit (2912)

Windy arrives in the Nemoka system.

Be rewarded (2911)

The Terrasaurs attack the Raegris.

Rubick Cube Warrior appointed to lead NS task force

President Torus has appointed Rubick Cube Warrior, one of the fleet's senior ship captains, to command the task force being sent to face the Mutre Bee fleet. Windscorpion would usually be the choice to lead but he was badly injured in the second battle of Nemoka. Another candidate, Akbar is leading the NS ships helping the Raegris against the Terrasaurs.

Rubick Cube Warrior has a great deal of experience, including for a time leading the Rapid Reaction Force. However, this will be the first time he will be leading such a major fleet into battle which has concerned some analysts. 


Fleet news 04/04/22

The last two ships of the current ship building plan have been completed. Due to the RED level war situation  the new plan has not been published for operational security reasons.

57-207 Vervain is the latest Violet 57B light patrol ship to enter service. 35-314 Kiwi is the latest Kinetic 35C heavy cruiser.


Large fleet of Mutre Bee ships detected near Aldebra

A large fleet of ships, numbering over 100, has been detected near Aldebra. The ships are thought to be Mutre Bee Organisation and are heading towards Liberation. NS now think the lost freighter SS Seine and maybe also SS Corkscrew have been lost due to Mutre Bee attacks.

President Torus has ordered a large fleet be assembled to engage with the Mutre Bee fleet. Torus has ruled out recalling the NS ships in Raegris space as she doesn't want NS to face a two front war.

An analyst on Starbot has estimated that the Mutre Bee fleet will reach Liberation in 16 days at it's current speed. Although the fleet is large, it is thought less than half of the fleet are warships, the rest being transports and support ships.


Akbar takes command of Raegris-NS fleet in the Nemoka system

The Raegris have agreed to hand over command of their remaining fleet in the Nemoka system to General Akbar who has taken over command of the NS fleet after the injury to Windscorpion. Both Raegris-NS and Terrasaur fleets are in Nemoka 4 orbit though the Raegris-NS fleet is able to protect the major population centres. The Terrasaurs have made sporadic attacks on ground positions though the rest of the planet is sparsely populated.

Due to fears the Terrasaurs may attempt a ground invasion, President Torus has ordered NS Terrestrial Force X01 Combat Brigade Central to be fully mobilised and be ready to be sent to the Nemoka system by mid-April.