
Dinos purchase Bolitic ash cannon data

The Dinos have bought data on the Bolitic ash cannon and some other weapon systems in a five billion zark deal as part of the Saurian Alliance. The ash cannon was destroyed by the Dinos in the ABBO-Bolitic War, the loss of the lab ended development of the devastating weapon. However, data on the weapon still exists and the Dinos are hoping they can create a working system.

The weapon will be jointly owned by the Dinos and the Bolitic. The Dinos are also understood to have purchased data on Bolitic temporal weapons.

Forced to (2882)

Redjec and the Onion break into a Clone prison.

Retro story : Passion on a plate (1584)

The Dinos seek to destroy the ash cannon base.

Retro story : Get those fans in here... com'on (1583)

The Clones battle the Xenon.


Retro story : Underage not under the page (1582)

The hunt for Bolitic agents continues.

Retro story : Might is Rite (1581)

Crickson and company hunt for a traitor.


T Ten (2881)

LORD Gibson hunts for Redjec.

UV287 : Fall of a Regime

  • Good Record
     - SS-CINT make an incredible discovery about Terin.
  • Noose Tightens - Oojok confronts Ayatollah Clone XE.
  • Booster Shot - SS-CINT begins to turn the screws on Terin.
  • Up Before The Beak - Terin loses his cool.
  • Great Job! - Oojok prepares to bring down the Terin regime.
  • You'll Never Be Happy - Krusty deals with the Terin problem.


UV286 : Target : Terin

  • What Goes Around
     - SS-CINT prepares to rescue Oojok.
  • Oojok Heist - Oojok is rescued.
  • Oh Please! - The Religious Police surround the Dino embassy.
  • That Reminds Me - Can SS-CINT keep the Kloisters Brigade away from Oojok?
  • Moron! - Oojok and Sleeze are taken to the new super secret SS base.
  • His Physicality - Krusty is tasked to get a sample of Terin's DNA.

UV285 : The Final Round

  • Round Up
     - The Dinos launch an attack on the Terrasaur forward base.
  • Climate Change - Krusty is bought back into the SS-CINT fold.
  • Only A Spider - Terin makes a move on LORD Gibson.
  • Punch This Kid - SS-CINT investigate Doctor Proctor.
  • Devil Girl - The new LORD Gibson rises.
  • Late Goal - LORD Rumble unveils his next plan of attack.

UV284 : Tyranny of Terin

  • The Headache
     - Terin plans more purges.
  • Don't Stop Dreaming - The Raegris make a discovery.
  • Locked Watch - The Oojok Death Squad is wiped out.
  • Gone Off - S-CINT is betrayed by Terin.
  • Witness - Sleeze asks for political asylum.
  • The Final Disgrace - The Dinos prepare for the final battle against the Terrasaurs.

UV283 : Fight Back

  • The Wurm Turns
     - The Dino / Bolitic alliance continues to shock.
  • The Battle of Apasarra - The Terrasaur and Bolitic fleets do battle.
  • Shower Attack! - The Dinos fight back against the Terrasaurs.
  • All Bases Covered - Redjec recruits The Tarquin.
  • Also Very Proud - Windy is arrested by the SS!
  • Struck Late On - Windy comes face to face with Solaxxxxxx.

NS to experiment with "space camouflage"

Next year New Sparta will trial a new kind of "space camouflage" coating on a number of ships. Although visual camouflage is irrelevant in space, analysis of Telvin 802's ships - who have used such a covering for a number of years - indicate that special paints can confuse sensors and delay target acquisition. 

The coating is said to use a mixture of electric and magnetic refraction. Although this cannot replace cloaking devices, the coatings could delay enemy targeting by vital microseconds in a combat situation.

Retro story : Mutant Sex (1576)

The Dinos and Bolitic battle on Pulsin.

Retro story : Crown Court (1575)

A raid is launched to destroy the devastating Bolitic ash cannon.


Retro story : Lets Give it a Shot (1574)

The Bolitic unleash a horrific secret weapon on the Dinos.

Retro story : All for One! (1573)

Starbot comes under ABBO attack.

Retro story : Interesting Combination (1572)

Redjec leads a special mission into Bolitic space.



Torus warns of new threats

In an address to New Sparta, President Elect Torus, has warned NS that the fairly quiet period it is currently enjoying could end at any moment. "The galaxy is a dangerous place, new threats can emerge all the time and so quickly. Look at the Voth, for example, a year ago did they ever consider their fleet could be decimated by the Terrasaurs?"

Torus also said that warfare continued to evolve and so did the threats. "The bio-warfare launched by the Mutre Bee was just an example of a new threat that can hit us hard until we develop a counter. This could happen time and time again, NS must be ready and it must be as nimble, nimbler, than our enemies."

Torus said that NS Research would be given funding to look into asymmetric and irregular warfare, both from a defensive and offensive point of view.


Retro story : Anatomy of a Raid (1571)

Crickson leads a raid against the enemy (Crickson?! Was the Cilit Bang guy not available?)

Retro story : Armed Polis (1565)

The Dinos fight back against the Bolitic on Pulsin.

Retro story : Civil Partnership (1564)

Crystal Ribbon meets her final challenge.


You'll Never Be Happy (2876)

Krusty deals with the Terin problem.

Great Job! (2875)

Oojok prepares to bring down the Terin regime.

Retro story : Hidden Camera (1563)

The ABBOs crush New Arit.

NS Christmas Quiz 2121

How much do you know about the DDS Comic Universe? Let's see if you are the Apogee of Man or human wreckage (a.k.a Trojan Warlord)...

1: What is the Organisation?

a) A criminal group who provide tech to other criminals

b) The official name of Redjec's faction

2: What does The Ophir's "exotic embrace" mean?

a) Death

b) Sex

c) Both 

3) The Repulse is?

a) The next batch of the Corkscrew platform 

b) What Windy feels when he sees Redjec

4) All Mutre Bee clones are programmed with obedience to?

a) Mutre Bee only

b) Mutre Bee and General Honey

5) Ronald's official rank is now?

a) Senator

b) Co-Emperor

c) Censor

6) What is Krusty's SS-CINT code name?

a) Green Fin

b) Red Anus

c) Purple Helmet

7) Who heads the Clone Defence Forces?

a) Captain Clone

b) Grand Admiral Anderson

8) How long is the period of office for an NS President?

a) 2 years

b) 5 years

9) The Clone special forces are called?

a) Kloisters Brigade

b) Prowlers

c) Red Lizard

10) What is Windy's new role after being President?

a) Sex slave

b) Protector

How did you do? Check your answers below, you get 1 point for a correct answer, a good kicking for a wrong one. The score will decide who you are in the DDS Comic Universe...

10 - Windy or Ronald a.k.a. God Mode

7-9 - Torus or MBH

4-6 - Krusty or Firefly

2-3 - Redjec or Crickson

0-1 - Trojan Warlord's bitch

Answers: 1a, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6a, 7b, 8a, 9c, 10b


Retro story : Crimes Against Children (1562)

The Dinos suffer a devastating defeat.

Retro story : Electro-Boy (1561)

The Dinos launch a major offensive against the Bolitic.

Retro story : Inappropriate Touching (1555)

SFX continues his sekrit mission.


Other arms of CDF told to find savings to fund Space Navy

With the Clone Star Empire economy slowing, Oojok has decided to impose a three year freeze on funding increases across all government departments including the Clone Defence Forces. Therefore the defence budget will be frozen at it's current level until the mid-2120s. However, Oojok also wants Clone space ship building, which has been moribund for a long time, to ramp up.

He has therefore directed the Clone Army, Clone Air Force and Clone Navy to accept a five percent cut in it's funding next year. The extra money will go to the Clone Space Navy. On top of the frozen budget this will be tough for the other arms of the CDF which will have to find substantial savings. The Clone Air Force, for example, is likely to defer production of the K85QA COIN aircraft for a year along with other cuts and delays.

Oojok has suggested the CDF rationalise it's thousands of facilities and bases across the empire, selling surplus land. This has been a very successful policy of New Sparta, having raised over thirty billion zarks over the last ten years (though this income stream is now running low). The CDF has begun identifying suitable sites which could be merged or sold.

Oojok said it would not be without difficulty but these measures taken now should put the CSE economy on a much stronger footing later in this decade.

Retro story : Engaged in Combat (1554)

The war rages on Pulsin.

Retro story : Last Gasp (1553)

The Bolitic / VVSE attack the Raegris.

Retro story : Prawn Sacrifice (1552)

The Dinos and Bolitic do battle.

Retro story : MR! (1551)

SFX begins a secret mission.

Retro story : Twisted Sister (1546)

A Bolitic prisoner has a shock.