
Starbotians report Mantae intelligence

S101 and B-B are returning from deep space where they have been on a secret mission for NS to investigate the Mantae and assess how much of a threat this mysterious power, which destroyed the Utrek Federation, is.

S101 has contacted NS via a long-range hyperlink, their ship will not return to Starbot for another month. NS have released a summary of some of the intelligence gathered, basically the Mantae threat is now considered to have receded for the short to medium term. The Mantae have entered a vicious civil and religious war over the purity of their anti-carbon ideology. S101 said that the Mantae have already been reduced to over 30% of their original population by the various wars and the civil war looks likely to cripple the Mantae as a military power for the next few decades.

Windscorpion will hold an NS Politburo meeting when he returns from his holiday next month. Although it is likely the reconnaissance mission will need to be followed up the removal of the Mantae from the list of immediate threats is likely to be welcomed.