
NS to switch production to Protector Spec B, Violet 57B

Following the completion of 57-120 Pavonia in a few weeks, NS will switch production of the Protector 57A to a "Spec B". The last planned Protector of the current ship building plan will be the first to this new standard and this should be the standard used for the remaining nineteen ships to be built. The Spec B ships will have names which begin with V (some planned names which begin with P have been changed).

The Spec B Protector has a number of changes which reflect experience with operating the earlier ships. The main change is a larger docking bay. This has been increased in size by 20%, achieved by merging two cargo holds and reallocating some of the space (cargo capacity has only been cut by 9%). The Spec B also has a larger brig, improved ship board security measures and will be the first NS ship to deploy automated DNA scanning technology to reduce the load on the DSA.

The Spec B will also be able to carry a single MRM externally and it's TPM VLS cell will be compatible with the new TPM-3 Sigma 3 variant. It is thought NS also planned to update the engine but this will not be ready for the first Spec B Protector and may be carried out later this year or early next. The Spec B will officially be known as the Violet 57B.


Starbotians report Mantae intelligence

S101 and B-B are returning from deep space where they have been on a secret mission for NS to investigate the Mantae and assess how much of a threat this mysterious power, which destroyed the Utrek Federation, is.

S101 has contacted NS via a long-range hyperlink, their ship will not return to Starbot for another month. NS have released a summary of some of the intelligence gathered, basically the Mantae threat is now considered to have receded for the short to medium term. The Mantae have entered a vicious civil and religious war over the purity of their anti-carbon ideology. S101 said that the Mantae have already been reduced to over 30% of their original population by the various wars and the civil war looks likely to cripple the Mantae as a military power for the next few decades.

Windscorpion will hold an NS Politburo meeting when he returns from his holiday next month. Although it is likely the reconnaissance mission will need to be followed up the removal of the Mantae from the list of immediate threats is likely to be welcomed.


Judder Man (2774)

Xoizz's dreadful plan is revealed.

Deeper Than Night (2773)

S101 and B-B reach the Mantae homeworld.


Clones hold major amphibious warfare exercise

The Clones have given a demonstration of their very impressive amphibious warfare capabilities with a five day exercise which was held on Daggaddon. Three armoured brigades were landed from a large fleet in orbit. This was many more troops than the HCS landed to invade Daggaddon during the First Clone War!

Fifty Clone warships were deployed in the exercise which was overseen by new Emperor Terin. The exercise is thought to have been a demonstration of Terin's power to an internal and external audience.

Terin said that the forces deployed would "soon" by used to expand the Clone Star Empire. This kind of rhetoric is quite common from Terin and other senior CSE leaders though it is feared very possible Terin will want a military triumph to cement his rule.


SS to be renamed Dino Security Service (DSS), Voth setting up own SS

The SS (Security Service) is to be renamed Dino Security Service (DSS) to differentiate it from other SS organisations which will be set up in the DTA. The Voth have renamed it's internal security force and merged it with counter-espionage and diplomatic protection teams to form the Voth Security Service (VSS).

Sirikwan and Yeng are also considering setting up their own SS. The DSS will take leadership of security issues across the DTA.


NS update TPM-3, delay TPM-4

The two versions of TPM-3 have been updated. The front-line TPM-3 Omega 2 includes a new coating to aid stealth and signature management. The missile also has a new mission computer that is faster and slightly smaller. This will enable the fitting of extra ECM aids.

The second-line TPM-3 Sigma 2 also includes this new computer and ECM. Both missiles have now entered production.

NS also announced that it's next generation TPM-4, a clean sheet redesign, has been delayed until 2123. This is due to new technologies which NS wish to employ in the TPM-4 not being quite ready yet.


UNP defence forces to become NS territorials

All UNP member states have their own militaries, some even have the last remnants of independent space forces (though by now token obsolete forces). The UNP via Epiphany, the NS body what works across the UNP, has begun renaming these individual militaries as New Sparta Territorials. These will remain separate forces, and funded by the relevant home planets, but will adopt standardised communications and command protocols to enable them to work with and support New Sparta.

Over time these territorial forces will also standardise with NS weapons such as the DAR-L1 laser rifle. The head of the NS armed forces Zeppelin has said these territorial forces will be a valuable back-up and support in future operations. In a trial exercise last year, he said, a regiment of the Solaris National Defence Force successfully worked alongside NS Terrestrial Forces.


Torus to tour NS

VP (Ops) Torus is to undertake a tour of major New Sparta bases from Proxima Centauri to Saeou over the next 4 weeks. This is said to be a "morale boosting and fact finding" tour but in reality is seen as the first step in Torus' election campaign to replace her adopted father Windscorpion as NS President at the end of the year.

Torus has called on all NS personnel to be "honest" with how NS is run and to present suggestions for improvements.


Terrasaur ship attacks Repicans

The Dinos are going to send a ship to investigate space beyond the DTA near Apassara after the reported attack of a Repican merchant ship by the Terrasaurs. Although the attack took place some lightyears away from Apassara a Terrasaur ship was detected here last month.

The Dinos are also preparing to send a detachment of ships and troops to Voth to reinforce the DTA forces in the area.


NS exploring civil version of Pentekonter Protector

While many warships are now equipped with worm drive and the much greater speeds facilitated, civilian ships such as spaceliners and transports are still stuck with traditional hyperspace drive and most in the 400-500c speed band. New Sparta has started to explore producing a civil version of the Pentekonter Protector platform with Consolidated Spacecraft. These could be fitted with worm drive.

NS are looking at three possible versions, a 50 berth spaceliner, a luxury VIP craft and a 120 seat short range liner (though with worm drive such a type could make very popular journeys such as Proxima Centauri to Solaris in less than a day).

The ships could be built at a new jig owned by Consolidated Spacecraft and bring in a lot of valuable income to NS. It is said that several large spacelines have already shown an interest.


Fleet News (05/02/21) : Sentinel leaves service

No new ships have been completed this month due to the Christmas shutdown.

The last two Sentinel 55A light patrol ships 55-107 Finistere and 55-112 Manche have left service. They had been restricted to port for the last couple of months ready to be used in emergencies only. The two ships have now been powered down and will be scrapped.


The Org (2772)

Redjec reveals the dark power behind the scenes.


Hibiscus gives New Year message

The new NS Head of Communications Hibiscus has given the New Year message to New Sparta.

"Fellow New Spartans, we now enter the new year of 2121. We will continue to enhance our defensive capabilities in the face of emerging and developing threats. Threats which come from a variety of sources and a variety of forms, in the last year especially the threats have been biological. NS' DNA Scanning Agency was one of our biggest achievements in 2120 and we will continue to facilitate a full spectrum grid of response vectors.

"I can exclusively announce that NS will add a fifth exercise to it's schedule this year. This will replace the floating exercises. This new exercise will concentrate on bio-warfare, terrorism and asymmetric threats. More details will be released later on. This will be just part of NS' continuing development and holistic self-actualisation. 

"The new year will also end with a new president. As we know President Windscorpion will not stand again, the election for his replacement will take place in November. So there is much to look forward to this year. Happy new year."