
NS runs "Pseudo-Purple" exercise

Under the NS alerts system PURPLE is the highest alert status and one which NS hopes is never reached. Under PURPLE the existence of NS (and the UNP) is in serious doubt. Perhaps the Proxima Centauri system has been invaded by an enemy or NS GHQ destroyed. Under a PURPLE alert remaining NS units would open fractal security locked instructions as to what to do next.

These orders are kept top secret but analysts suspect they include locations for regrouping, how to set up a new power structure and plans for a fight back.

Although NS hopes to never have to issue a PURPLE alert, training has to take place. It has been reported that two NS ships recently underwent a "Pseudo-Purple" exercise. The crews were led to believe there was a real PURPLE alert (NS are thought to have sent false communications and telemetry to the ships) and they followed the unlocked procedures.

No further details have been issued after the exercise though one analyst says there were issues with crew psychological reaction to the PURPLE alert and following the procedures. However, finding flaws and shortcomings are exactly why such exercises are carried out.