
Windy confirms he will not stand in next year's NS Presidential election

A year after winning the election for the New Sparta Presidency, Windscorpion has said he will not stand next year in the next one. However, he did not rule out standing again in 2123. Windy said he will remain in NS after his term in office ends and it is expected he will take on an official role as NS Protector.

Windy has given his endorsement to his protege (and adopted daughter) VP (Ops) Torus to stand in the election instead and with Windy's support is the firm favourite. It is thought Zeppelin will also stand again.


Terin becomes Emperor of Clone Star Empire

Terin has officially become Emperor of the Clone Star Empire, though the official ceremony and a programme of pomp and circumstance will not take place until next week. Oojok has now officially become the Supreme Leader and Cosmic Eternal Master

There has been some opposition to the change though with protests by die-hard Oojok fanatics and anti-Oojok groups across the empire. The Religious Police have brutally cracked down on dissent.  

The capital Ailier City is now in full lockdown ahead of a military parade.


Dull & Drab (2755)

Gibson lusts for Terin's downfall.

Get Away With It (2754)

S101 and B-B begin a mission with Xoizz.


Panther Intermediate Life Update 2121

The Panther fleet has begun it's Intermediate Life Update (ILU) with one ship (name not disclosed yet) leaving service to begin a lengthy rebuild and update. The rebuilt ship will be reclassified Panther 35M and is the first stage of a programme to unify the Type 35.

The Panther ILU will include extending the fuselage to allow for a larger weapon load, up to 148 TPMs. The extra volume will also enable a larger docking bay and a larger storage bay. This bay will be quickly configurable to accommodate special forces. The first Panther ILU is expected to be completed in Q1 2121, the rest of the fleet will be completed by the end of 2122.


NS runs "Pseudo-Purple" exercise

Under the NS alerts system PURPLE is the highest alert status and one which NS hopes is never reached. Under PURPLE the existence of NS (and the UNP) is in serious doubt. Perhaps the Proxima Centauri system has been invaded by an enemy or NS GHQ destroyed. Under a PURPLE alert remaining NS units would open fractal security locked instructions as to what to do next.

These orders are kept top secret but analysts suspect they include locations for regrouping, how to set up a new power structure and plans for a fight back.

Although NS hopes to never have to issue a PURPLE alert, training has to take place. It has been reported that two NS ships recently underwent a "Pseudo-Purple" exercise. The crews were led to believe there was a real PURPLE alert (NS are thought to have sent false communications and telemetry to the ships) and they followed the unlocked procedures.

No further details have been issued after the exercise though one analyst says there were issues with crew psychological reaction to the PURPLE alert and following the procedures. However, finding flaws and shortcomings are exactly why such exercises are carried out.


Hunt For Holly (2753)

Can Origano avoid a fate worse than death?

Soon Be 49 (2752)

Crickson, Xaron and Origano investigate SS corruption.

Gonna Be A Wide (2751)

Windy orders a search for a Redjec agent at GHQ.

NS raises alert level

President Windscorpion has raised the NS alert level to AMBER. This brings active units to full readiness and cancels planned leave and pauses long-term maintenance. The reason for the change in alert status is thought to be the Terin coronation. Windy does not expect trouble from the Clones either directly or indirectly but thinks it is prudent to be ready if so.

Former NS Commander Sea Urchin will attend Terin's coronation as the UNP representative. Senator Jimmy will also attend representing the DTA.


Clone Star Empire locks down to highest alert level ahead of Terin coronation

The Clone Star Empire has been put on the highest alert and the Clone Defence Forces fully activated ahead of Terin's coronation as new emperor in a few days. Security on Cloneworld is the tightest it has been since the Clone Wars. The entire 1st Legion has been mobilised and has surrounded the capital Ailier City in a ring of steel. The location where Terin will be coronated has been sealed off by two Red Lizard brigades. A no-fly zone has been instigated over the capital and CDF GHQ.

The Clones are leaving nothing to chance with hourly security sweeps of the central district in the capital and a wide ranging teleport dampening field to be raised a day before the coronation. As for Terin himself he has arrived on Cloneworld and is preparing for the next stage in his life.


NS will maintain DNA scanning despite costs

Although the threat from Mutre Bee Organisation clones appears to have reduced in recent months, NS said it's DNA Scanning Agency (DSA) will continue to regularly test and monitor the DNA of all NS personnel and selected UNP military. DSA was built rapidly into a large organisation with offices at all NS bases and personnel in all NS units and ships. The cost of DSA is said to be around a billion zarks a year though will reduce next year due to improved technology and procedures.

The head of DSA, VP (Bio) Mad Medic said that bio-security would be a permanent part of NS now not just due to cloning technology but other bio-threats including nano-augmentation. It is rumoured that a well-known member of NS was recently discovered to be an enemy agent (not thought to be a major power or Mutre Bee) and had been augmented with nano-technology to increase his intellect. DSA are looking into adding scans for nano-technology to their existing procedures.


Dinos dust off plans for Dinomark Mark 131

The Mark 125 Dinomark XT was expected to be the very last of a very long line, with the Dinomark LM taking over as the backbone of the Dino fleet. However, the cancellation of the LM after just thirty eight being built has meant the Dinos have needed to go back the XT and have begun development of a new version, the Mark 131 (or Dinomark XT/131). Some development of the Mark 131 had already been done when the XT development was ceased in 2115.

This is expected to have the same engine as the LM (Solarburst GX-990Y) as well as the updated tactical and sensor systems of the LM. A Dino Army source that production of the XT/131 could begin in 2-3 years.


Torus brings UNP citizens back from the Clone Star Empire

Following a meeting with Deputy Emperor Sleeze, VP (Ops) Torus has managed to secure the release of the UNP citizens accused of spying on Cloneworld. The citizens were released into Torus' custody and are being brought back to Proxima 5 aboard the NS flagship SS Cicero.

Torus has denied the citizens were NSIS operatives and that NS paid a ransom for their release. However, a Proxima 7 media source says that it is likely the citizens were spying. As for a ransom, there is an asteroid near Oscar, just inside the UNP border. The Clones had requested mining rights and this has just been granted. Of course this could be a sheer coincidence...


K85QA begins flight testing

The 5th generation K85, the K85QA, has begun flight testing ahead of an expected entry into service in late 2121. The K85QA (Quiet Attack) is designed for acoustic stealth and has an electric motor powered by fuel cells. A CAF source said that the QA was over 90% quieter than the 4th generation NT. The QA is also said to have visual stealth features using active lighting.

As well as stealth features the QA has a new tactical system with much greater data link bandwidth. The QA also has a new wing to aid STOL performance and aerial stability.


Sleeze will remain head of ODS

Deputy Emperor Sleeze will retain control of the Oojok Death Squad, Oojok's personal vanguard which operates independently of the rest of the Clone Defence Forces. The ODS performs secret missions for the Emperor (including assassinations) as well as being part of his bodyguard. 

It had been assumed Sleeze would step down as head of the ODS in favour of one of future Emperor Terin's trusted allies. However, Sleeze has said that he will remain in post and the ODS will expand it's role to serve both Oojok and Terin.

Sleeze also said that his new position in the empire after Terin takes over in December will be Prefect of the Western Empire, an overseeing role of planetary governors and regional defence forces. Presumably Marcus Totallyuseless will be Prefect of the Eastern Empire though there has been no official word. UNP analysts said this continued role for Sleeze in the empire and ODS indicates that Oojok does not trust his son 100% yet.


Clones accuse arrested "tourists" of being NS spies

The Clones have charged the human tourists they arrested near a top secret naval base with espionage and accused them of spying for New Sparta. The Clones said they will robustly investigate and prosecute the humans, the identities of whom have not been disclosed.

President Windscorpion has denied reports that a Prowler unit is being readied to rescue the humans. However, the NS alert status has been raised to GREEN.

A Terran media source has reported that VP (Ops) Torus has been in contact with Deputy Emperor Sleeze about the return of the tourists though this has not been confirmed (or denied) by NS.


Clones arrest more "lost tourists"

Clone Marines have intercepted two human tourists who were seen by a security drone near to Gonika Islet naval base. A few days ago three humans in a yacht were arrested in waters near to the top secret base which is the home to the Clone Navy's ballistic (and interstellar with SeaCSM loaded) missile submarines.

A UNP envoy has seen the arrested humans and is negotiating with the Clones for their release. The envoy said that the Clones had not produced any evidence that the humans were anything other than lost tourists.


Dino Army finding it difficult to maintain numbers

The Dino Army has undergone a large expansion over the last couple of decades, now being seventeen legions strong (plus two SS legions). However, it is understood that the Dino Army is struggling to recruit sufficient new recruits to maintain strength. The problem for the Dinos is both biological and cultural. Dinos are long-lived (a typical life span is eight hundred years) but development is slow. Dinos spend their first hundred years of life as juveniles. Difficulties in reproduction also mean that the population of Dino-Land is relatively small.

The Dinos never used to have problems maintaining army strength but the recent expansion means that recruitment targets are much higher. By the end of 2121 the Dino Army estimates it will only be an 83% strength.

To address this the Dino Army has a short and a long term plan. The short term plan is to make greater use of reservists and cadets. One legion will be converted into a territorial force by 2123, regular troops will be transferred to other legions to boost their strengths.

In the longer term the Dinos are looking at technology to help out. Greater use of unmanned combat systems will be made, including an unmanned version of the T-55ZDM tank which is in development. 


Fleet News (03/11/20)

Just one ship has joined the fleet this month, the Protector 57A 57-119 Peach. It joins the light patrol fleet.

Two ships have left the light patrol fleet due to becoming life expired, these are the Guardian 54As 54-103 Vivian Hardwick and 54-114 Bert Camp.

An extra Provider 71A transport has been added to the current ship building plan.


"A Peaceful Proxima" seeks to stop NS

The group behind the attempted landing on NS GHQ (Helnikan Island) has been revealed to be called "A Peaceful Proxima". They are a coalition of peace and anti-government groups who want to stop New Sparta further wrapping itself around the UNP. Although the landing on Helnikan Island (where they planned to unfurl banners) was stopped the group has promised more action.

VP (Ops) Torus said the group were misguided. NS was there to maintain the peace in the UNP not take it over.


Clones intercept alleged NS spy boat on Cloneworld

An Ailier II class frigate of the Clone Navy has intercepted a yacht which was approaching a naval base near Gonika Islet, on the Northern coast of the Cloneworld continent. The base is one of the Clone Defence Forces' most secret locations, it is thought to be the home of the Clone Navy's fleet of ballistic missile submarines.

The yacht was stopped and found to have a small crew of humans. They claimed to be tourists who had suffered a navigation error however the Clones have arrested them and have accused them of being spies. The UNP has said the claim is nonsense.