
NS warn Clones on escalation

A couple of days ago it was reported the soon-to-be new Emperor Terin wants the number of Clone Space Missile (CSM) deployed increased five fold to 1000 by the end of the decade. Vice-President (Ops) Torus warned Terin and the Clone Star Empire to not cause an escalation of tension and an arms race. Torus said that NS could also increase it's strategic strike forces including LRM-20.

When asked, Torus said there was no need for NS to match the Clones numbers saying that the current and projected LRM forces (which remain a secret) would be sufficient for "strategic purposes". It is thought NS aims to field around 150 LRM-20 within the next couple of years. With nuclear warheads these would be able to strike hard at the heart of the Clone Star Empire, especially as NS also possesses a power strategic strike force of spaceships.