
NS warn Clones on escalation

A couple of days ago it was reported the soon-to-be new Emperor Terin wants the number of Clone Space Missile (CSM) deployed increased five fold to 1000 by the end of the decade. Vice-President (Ops) Torus warned Terin and the Clone Star Empire to not cause an escalation of tension and an arms race. Torus said that NS could also increase it's strategic strike forces including LRM-20.

When asked, Torus said there was no need for NS to match the Clones numbers saying that the current and projected LRM forces (which remain a secret) would be sufficient for "strategic purposes". It is thought NS aims to field around 150 LRM-20 within the next couple of years. With nuclear warheads these would be able to strike hard at the heart of the Clone Star Empire, especially as NS also possesses a power strategic strike force of spaceships.


Wide Ball (2746)

S101 and B-B encounter Lord Xoizz.

Approaching Half-Time (2745)

S101 and B-B get a lead in their search for the Mantae.


NS foils attempted incursion at NS GHQ

The Maritime Defence Force section of NSIS, supported by N01 Maritime Support Regiment troops, have foiled an attempt by anti-NS protesters to land on Helikan Island, the location of NS GHQ. Three small craft were intercepted by the MDF, sixteen activists were arrested and handed over to the Proxima 5 police authorities. A sweep by troops verified that no one managed to land on the island.

The activists are part of an coalition opposed to NS and it's increasing role in UNP defence and affairs. It is thought the activists aim had been to place banners on NS buildings on the island. Security sweeps at sea and on land have been stepped up.


Clones to deploy 1000 CSM

Soon-to-be Emperor Terin has promised to increase the number of Clone Space Missiles deployed five fold. The number in service is already set to increase from 200 to 250 but Terin said he wants 1000! Terin has given a fairly lengthy timetable for this increase, 2130 is the target date but even so deploying 800 more CSM and the relevant launch and support systems will be a difficult task for the Clone Defence Forces.

It is thought that most of the new missiles will be land mobile, though a rail mobile launching system is also under development. It is likely that many of these extra missiles will be deployed to planets in the empire other than Cloneworld.


Terin to become CSE Emperor on December 1st

Emperor Oojok has announced that his son Terin will take over as Emperor on December 1st. Oojok will become the Supreme Leader & Cosmic Eternal Master, it is thought he will still have a major role in policy though Terin will take over the day to day running of the empire.

The succession will be marked by a huge military parade and flypast over the capital Ailier City. Terin, once installed, will begin a tour of the empire. He will visit every planet in the empire over the coming year.


Clones to built up tank force back up

At the height of the Clone Wars the HCS had tens of thousands of tanks in service. Since the reductions in size of the Clone Army the number has been reduced to about 19,000 - roughly half T-89F and T-55Z. Admiral Anderson has announced the Clone Army will form three more armoured brigades over the next three years. The number of tanks in service will rise to about 21,000.

These extra tanks will be T-55Z7s (aka ZDM3). The tank is already in production but the factory producing it will increase production early next year.

The Clone Army is also going to fund extra upgrades of T-89s to T-89FSU2 standard.


Evil Inside (2744)

LORD Gibson reveals his plan for the universe.

It Is Her (2743)

White Fox is contacted by SS-CINT.


NS commit to Multi-Mode Combat Ship (MMCS)

NS have funded initial development of the Multi-Mode Combat Ship (MMCS). This will be a warship with an atmospheric mode like the Dinomark AM. The Type 35 platform has been chosen as the most suitable for MMCS and work will begin on a prototype Type 35Z (as it will be known) next year.

This ship will resemble a Kinetic 35C in size and space mode capabilities though have aerodynamic modifications and turbine engines for atmospheric mode. It is hoped the Type 35Z prototype will begin trials in 2122.


NS buy 4 maritime patrol aircraft

Currently patrol of the seas around NS GHQ on Proxima 5 is handled by a small fleet of RP-30 Canada Goose amphibious aircraft. These aircraft do a decent job but NS Terrestrial Forces considers the relative slow speed of the Canada Goose means it might not be able to respond quickly enough to an attack.

NS have ordered 4 jet powered maritime patrol aircraft which will be based on the Consolidated RFX airliner. The RP-50 Albatross is expected to enter service around 2123. The 6 Canada Goose aircraft will be retained in a support role.


Anderson denies Lornaca Melnig spiralling out of control as second Red Lizard brigade readied

The head of the CDF, Admiral Anderson, has denied reports in the media that the Clones are losing control of Lornaca Melnig. Seven terrorist attacks targeting CDF emplacements have occurred over the last couple of days. Nineteen soldiers and six civilians have been killed. It is thought that other groups have been emboldened by the success of Free Lornaca and have resumed operations.

A second Red Lizard brigade has been mobilised on Cloneworld and may be sent to Lornaca Melnig within the next few weeks if the situation does not improve. A Tiamon II carrier arrived in orbit yesterday delivering sixteen K45C fighters. 


Repulse to use e-Core engine

NS have announced the Repulse 51B, which will follow-on from the Corkscrew 51A from 2122, will have an e-Core engine. The Repulse will have a Proton RM-01MZ e-Core engine. This is an uprated version of the RM-01 used in the Protector and updated Rome classes. The ships will also have an Electron W1A worm drive.

It is expected the Repulse will be capable of the same speeds as the Corkscrew.


Red Lizard carry out reprisal attacks on Lornaca Melnig

Following a recent series of bombings and terrorist attacks on Lornaca Melnig which have killed several dozen Clone soldiers, the CDF have launched a security crackdown. Free Lornaca, the new group which claimed responsibility for the attacks, raided a Clone Army depot last week. They killed six Clone soldiers and stole a large number of arms and ammunition.

The CDF have responded by sending a crack Red Lizard special forces brigade to the planet. In a series of raids suspected bases and villages supporting Free Lornaca were targeted. The CDF reports that six terrorists were killed and over a dozen arrested (though it is not known if these were actual terrorists or "suspects"). The CAF has also attacked a number of suspected camps.

The Clone Space Navy has also strengthened patrols around the planet and are stopping freighters for inspection. It was suspected (but never proven) that the DDS had supplied previous Lornaca terrorist groups.


Starbot still wants to buy Sharks

When Starbot left New Sparta it looked elsewhere for ships for it's fleet and placed an order with the Clones for ten Shark SKS frigates. However, Starbot returned to NS soon afterwards and the order for Sharks fell into limbo.

The head of the Starbotian military K-1 has said that Starbot still wants the Sharks and has begun negotiations with the Clones for delivery dates. The Clones have welcomed the news, though some CDF senior officers have raised some concerns about NS operating a key Clone Space Navy type. However Admiral Anderson has said that NS already operates the Intruder so he could not see Starbot operating Sharks as a problem.

Starbot also ordered Loader and Omiten transports, these will also be mentioned in the negotiations.


Sirikwan order Providers to replace Nerval fleet

Sirikwan has placed an order for 6 Provider 111SE transports with NS. The transports will be delivered from late 2121 and will replace Sirikwan's aging fleet of ex-HCS Nerval transports which are coming to the end of their lives. 

Sirikwan already operate one Provider 111S but the new ships will have improved navigational systems, internal security and cargo handling equipment. The older Provider will also be bought up to this improved 111SE standard as part of the order.


Clones unveil coreless induction engine for stealth

One area where the Clones lag behind NS and the Dinos is in ship propulsion, however today they unveiled a new engine technology which will greatly assist in stealth operations. The technology is a coreless induction engine which is said to use gravitons for propulsion at up to 0.2c (a standard cruising speed). By using gravitons there is said to be no particle displacement and this would greatly reduce the amount of work a cloaking device has to do, and hence improve it's effectiveness and reliability.

The induction drive will be added to the next generation of engines developed and deployed by the Clones, the induction drive being part of a traditional engine that can be activated when needed. The first ships to receive the new engines will be new-build Sharks next year a spokesclone said.


DTA conduct large amphibious exercise

The DTA have conducted a large amphibious exercise with Dino Army, Sirikwanese and Aritan troops landed by Dino Provider SX and Provider MX amphibious attack ships. Over 3,000 troops and 120 tanks were landed at two sites on Sirikwan.

The Dinos' amphibious warfare capabilities will be greatly improved from 2122 when the first Dinomark SR enters service, this is a licence built version of the Clone Intruder design.


Clone Navy accepts final Olana into service, discusses future fleet shape

After a lengthy delay due to budgetary issues the eight and final Olana class destroyer has joined the Clone Navy. The powerful warships are the core surface combatants of the fleet, their main mission these days protecting the carrier fleet.

The CDF Head Admiral Anderson has said that the Clone Navy (Cloneworld Fleet) will be based around the structure of three carrier battle groups (one active, one working up and one in refit). Each battle group will be based around one of the Cloneworld class carriers and West Clone Republic class helicopter carriers.

Anderson said that it was likely now that a larger carrier to follow-on from the Cloneworld class would not be built until the 2140s at least. Instead a fourth Cloneworld and West Clone Republic will be built in the mid-2120s to form a fourth carrier battle group. He said that orders for these two carriers had been made, extra escorts would be also ordered in time. So there may be more Olanas built after all!


UV273 : Under the Cosh

  • The Beast
     - Redjec is hunted. Quarz is tormented.
  • Spawn of Satan - Egonneck and Neverak battle Redjec's hired thugs.
  • Hit U Over The Head - Terin (White Fox) is contacted by the Mutre Bee Organisation.
  • Excluded - S101 and B-B encounter the Mantae, and have a shock.
  • Great Deal of Money - Tiger is set a mission into the Rim Worlds as his final command assessment.
  • Pull Over Son - Tiger has to tangle with the Telvins.

Disco Duck (2742)

Who is Redjec's agent at GHQ?

Goat (2741)

The Crusader and Quarz are given a new mission.


Terrorist attacks on Lornaca Melnig kill dozens

Lornaca Melnig is one of the most recent additions to the Clone Star Empire and has always been an awkward possession for the Clones. The Clones have maintained stronger Clone Defence Forces on the planet than might be expected, and it is one of the few planets in the empire without it's own territorial army (yet - though one is planned).

A new group who call themselves Free Lornaca have begun a new bombing campaign, targeting CDF premises. A car bomb in the capital outside a CDF recruitment office killed six, two more bombs in the capital injured dozens. The worst attack came two days later when a suicide bomber smashed through the gates of an army camp. The attack was followed up by a mortar attack. Over twenty Clone soldiers were killed.

Lornaca Melnig has been put on the highest alert. Clone Air Force attack aircraft attacked three positions in the countryside outside of the capital though it is not known how successful.


Dino Army cancels Dinomark LM production and development

It was supposed to be the future of the Dino space forces and be the mainstay of the DTA for the next fifty years but after just thirty five being built the Dino Army has cancelled it's remaining LMs on order. Three LMs are near completion and will be accepted but after that the production line will be closed. The Dino Army has also withdrawn funding for the next version of the LM which was expected in the mid-2120s.

The LM's many problems including serviceability soured the new ship to the Dino Army but the worst problem is the awkwardness of the ship compared to the XT which it was supposed to replace. A Dino source said the LM had many design flaws which should have been detected during development. Instead the Dinos went ahead with series production during the prototype's early testing.

The thirty eight (as the fleet will eventually be) LMs will remain in service for an expected forty years and will receive upgrades. They are fine for deep space missions though are poor in atmospheric environments. The Dino Army say the LM fleet will become a specialised deep space fleet.

It is not known what the Dino Army will do next though a return to the XT is possible.