
Bolitic Confederacy settles down as third rate power

A UNP/NS report into the Bolitic Confederacy has concluded that the Saurian power is slowly losing it's military potential amid endemic financial and demographic pressures. The self-styled "Lords of War" seem to be settling down into a new era as a third rate power.

The report cites the ABBO-Bolitic War as being the main cause for the Bolitic's decline with the huge losses incurred though the rot had been set in in the decades beforehand. "The Bolitic are running out of warriors. The caste who has led them for centuries has become dangerously thinned out." The Bolitic population has also fallen as death rates have surpassed the typically slow Saurian birthrate (a problem the Dinos also suffer from though not to the same degree). Many Bolitic sold their services to the Utrek in their catastrophic war against the Mantae, many did not return home.

The famous lead in military technology has also been lost. Budgetary pressures and the deaths of prominent scientists have stemmed the flow of new weapons from Bolitic labs. Ship production is also at a virtual standstill. The Bolitic simply can't afford it.

In previous decades this would have put the Emperor in peril, however Emperor Melson is more secure than any Bolitic leader has been for centuries. Simply because there is no longer any realistic challenger and a cultural change appears to be slowly spreading across the Bolitic. "The Bolitic seem to be losing the will for conquest, for war, for glory. After many centuries it may be they have finally been broken."