When NS first built the Isometric-Export / Freedom 41B it was fitted with a H-scoop, the Rome 46A also had this addition. The H-scoop "sucks" in free hydrogen as the ship moves through space for use as nuclear fuel. Unfortunately the H-scoop only returned a 0.4% increase in range compared to 5% as originally envisioned and was removed from the Freedom during refits.
However NS Research has now come up with a change to NS engine and power system technology as part of the e-Core technology suite. In tests on two Freedom destroyers 3-4% increases in range were gained. The same amount of "free" fuel is gathered as before but the fuel is used differently by the engine which makes it much more effective.
NS will begin rolling out H-scoop / eCore as an option to it's Pentekonter Protector and Corkscrew Export ships from next year. As for NS ships it is likely the technology will be rolled out first on the Rome fleet as this retains the H-scoop and is due a major update (including new e-Core engines) within the next year.