
SS-CINT cleared after scandal but changes will be made

Senators Cruggson and Spikeson have concluded a review of the Dino counter-espionage and spying agency SS-CINT after it's former head was behind a conspiracy to seize control of major powers including New Sparta. Cruggson told the Senate that the conspiracy of the former head (whose name is secret, even in death) did not stretch beyond a single deputy, the former SS-Deputy Commander Pircasa who is also now dead.

SS-CINT is therefore cleared to continue operations though there will be changes, which were agreed in Senate. Traditionally SS-CINT has been kept on an extremely long lead, operating virtually autonomously. That will change as SS-CINT will now have two heads, a public and a secret one.

The public head will be the Minister of the Intelligence Services, currently Krusty. He will oversee operations and report to a Senate in closed sessions where required. SS-CINT will continue to be run by a secret head agent though will no longer be allowed to do as it pleases. Krusty was quick to point out however that it will retain "99%" of it's old autonomy.