
Joint Dino-NS expedition to begin next month

At a joint press conference on Proxima 7 VP (Ops) Torus and Senator GBH announced that the expedition to explore new space would begin in mid April. Three NS and three Dino ships would form the expedition, with a Zephyr oiler accompanying the fleet to support it.

The ships to be involved will be decided within the next few days and will perform some joint-ops training in early April.

One bone of contention is who will ultimately be in charge of the expedition. Neither NS or the Dinos will accept the other having overall charge thus the expedition will be jointly run by the two respective commanding officers. One observer said this could cause problems in a highly stressed situation.


SS-CINT cleared after scandal but changes will be made

Senators Cruggson and Spikeson have concluded a review of the Dino counter-espionage and spying agency SS-CINT after it's former head was behind a conspiracy to seize control of major powers including New Sparta. Cruggson told the Senate that the conspiracy of the former head (whose name is secret, even in death) did not stretch beyond a single deputy, the former SS-Deputy Commander Pircasa who is also now dead.

SS-CINT is therefore cleared to continue operations though there will be changes, which were agreed in Senate. Traditionally SS-CINT has been kept on an extremely long lead, operating virtually autonomously. That will change as SS-CINT will now have two heads, a public and a secret one.

The public head will be the Minister of the Intelligence Services, currently Krusty. He will oversee operations and report to a Senate in closed sessions where required. SS-CINT will continue to be run by a secret head agent though will no longer be allowed to do as it pleases. Krusty was quick to point out however that it will retain "99%" of it's old autonomy.


When will NS update it's export portfolio?

NS has again delayed updating it's portfolio of ships available for sale. NS was originally going to update it's portfolio last year but the update was delayed repeatedly by various events. However as the delay has continued despite things quietening down.

A source at the DDS Exports Agency (as it is still called) said that the delay is because of indecision with the direction NS needs to head now with ship sales as the current market has become saturated. "Do we look to offer new types of ships or push harder to update existing customer fleets? The former has cost implications and no guarantee of success." the source said, though the Depender has sold very well and even was accepted by NS after originally being a design purely for export.


Hypnosis (2583)


New Product (2582)

Trouble in Mind (2581)


Ship Building Plan 2119/2120

The next Ship Building Plan for 2119 to 2120 has been approved following a meeting of the NS Poliburo and sign-off by President Sea Urchin. As expected the plan priorities Protector and Okra light patrol ships to enable to replacement of legacy UNPSP ships.

8 Protector 57A
1 Kinetic 35C
1 Mulberry 36A
2 Proxima Centauri 42A
1 Corkscrew 51A
2 Okra 96L
2 Pentekonter 44T
1 Emerald 116A
1 Extender 73A
2 Depender 161A

There may be extra ships added to the plan though after failing to build everything from the last plan NS may not be too ambitious this time.


NS and Dinos to stage joint long-range reconnaissance

Following a meeting between VP (Ops) Torus and Senator Ronald on Dino-Land it has been announced that a joint long-range reconnaissance will be staged by NS and the Dinos within the next few months. The mission will explore uncharted space and be an opportunity for joint operations and co-operation.

Torus said the joint force will compromise three ships from both the NS and the Dinos fleets. More details will be announced at a later stage.


DTA wants mine warfare capability

The Dino Trade Association is seeking a pan-DTA mine warfare capability. A fleet of minesweepers, perhaps as many as twenty five, is to be procured and operated as a joint-DTA pool. Mine sweeper direction systems would be fitted to a number of ships in the Dino, Sirikwan and Aritan fleets.

The Dinos have approached both NS and the Clones. NS have offered a fleet of Pentekonter-M minesweepers plus Pave Orange systems for the direction role. The Clones have yet to reply but it is likely the Shark would be the offered ship. Both Pentekonters and Sharks are operated by DTA members (Sirikwanese Sharks already perform basic mine hunting) already.


Dinos working on underwater capable Dinomark LM

The underwater capable variants of the Dinomark XT are a highly useful part of the Dino fleet, also used by New Sparta. However underwater capable versions of later Dinomarks like the PT were never made by the Dinos.

Now that the XT has ceased production work has begun on an underwater capable version of it's replacement the Dinomark LM. No date has yet been given as to when this will be built however.

NS returns to "nautical" terms for ship types

VP (Ops) Torus has announced a return to "nautical" terms for the different ship types in the NS fleet. This is because of the confusion about what terms like Fleet Combat Ship and Medium Combat Ship mean.

Fleet Combat Ships like the Panther and Mulberry will be known as Cruisers while Isometric and Corkscrew Medium Combat Ships will instead be known as Destroyers. Smaller patrol ships will simply be called Patrol Ships. Torus hoped this would remove any uncertainty and confusion moving forward.


Bolitic Confederacy bankrupt?

The Dinos have warned the Bolitic Confederacy may be financially bankrupt and their stability is now in question. Ronald has ordered forces in Pulsin, near the border, to be heightened alert just in case.

The Bolitic have not built a new ship for months, it is also rumoured that many Bolitic soldiers have not been paid since last year. Emperor Melson is under increasing pressure (though that is not new for a Bolitic leader).


NS and Dinos to collaborate on conspiracy investigation

NSIS and SS-CINT are to form an unprecedented joint task force to investigate the deadly conspiracy that has caused havoc recently. With agents such as former VP (Ops) Caratore and it is rumoured the former head of SS-CINT both NS and the Dinos have been forced to review some of their highest power structures and procedures.

Senator Krusty, the head of Dino intelligence services and VP (Ops) Torus are to hold a summit on Dino-Land next week to formalise the collaboration.

UV257 : X

  • It Strikes! - Trojan is targeted by The Tarquin
  • Harsh Beatz - Another lead dries up for Krusty
  • On The Edge - Caratore is freed by Agent X
  • Mow The Garden - The return of Agent X shocks Windy
  • Rooting For Me - Krusty engineers an alliance with NS
  • Last Dash - A Sangan freighter goes missing

Fleet News (05/03/19)

Three new ships were completed this month, not everything in the ship building plan has been built in time this year.

35-311 Killer is the latest Kinetic 35C heavy cruiser completed. It is joined by another Protector 57A 57-105 Photinia.

The final ship is Navelwort 86M "special" transport 86-204 Nemesia.


Last Dash (2576)

Rooting For Me (2575)