
What if NS and the Dino Republic went to war?

New Spartan anger over the Caratore spy crisis has led some to fear NS and the Dino Republic could fight a war. This is highly unlikely but some analysts have been looking at the two sides and wondering what would be the result of such a conflict.

Space Fleet
The New Spartan fleet is on the face of it more powerful but the Dinos have the definite edge in numbers though most of their ships are much smaller than NS. The Dinos also have a large reserve of older ships that could be called into bolster defence (especially if equipped with TPMs) though would be of less utility in an offensive operation. Advantage: Narrow NS win depending on strategic aim

Ground Forces
NS Territorial Forces is a well equipped and well trained ground force but in total number is equal to one Dino Army legion, the Dinos have over thirty legions plus SS and strong special forces. Advantage: Dinos

Strategic Weapons
NS has finally deployed it's LRM strategic missile and also has powerful bomber units. The Dinos have only recently developed a specialised bomber though are known to deploy nuclear weapons on a large scale. Advantage: NS

NS can call upon powerful allies such as the Raegris, Porquatians and Remedians. The Dinos have the Dino Trade Association though of them only the Sirikwanese can be considered a serious power. Due to long standing ties with the Dinos going back centuries Starbot may not take part in any NS war against the Dinos, though that may be also true of the Dino allies the Aritans who used to be in the DDS. Advantage: NS

The Dino Republic is highly centralised, more so than the NS who in theory could survive the loss of Proxima Centauri. If the Dinos lost Dino-Land though it would be over. The Dino Republic is a much smaller area than the UNP and the Dinos would be able to deploy their forces much quicker. Advantage: NS if on offensive

The DDS considered in the early 2100s that if they were at war with the Dinos then the Bolitic would most likely take advantage to attack the Dinos. However nowadays the Bolitic are a much weaker power, it is also possible they might opportunistically attack the Raegris if there was a war as this region of space has been the focus of their recent interest.

The analysts considered than the NS would have an advantage if they launched a quick sharp attack aimed at giving the Dinos a bloody nose, however if drawn into a war of attrition then the Dinos would win.