
35 Hours (2565)

Ladies + Gentlemen (2564)

Red-Heads (2563)


Sea Urchin and MBH meet to discuss crisis

Jeloka is usually a quiet backwater of the Dino Empire, most known for farming, but now it is hosting a summit between Emperor MBH and President Sea Urchin. The summit is being very heavily guarded. An entire regiment from the elite SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade, plus two SS-D special forces battalions plus four NS Prowler units are guarding the meeting which is being held at an air base on the planet.

After the first of a number of meetings held by MBH and Sea Urchin, with Ronald and Windscorpion also in attendance, it was agreed to form a joint Dino-NS team to investigate the threat caused by the rogue SS-CINT operative and his agents including former VP Operations Caratore.


NS say explosion was caused by enemy agent

NS have said that the explosion in Caratore's apartment which killed an NSIS team was caused by an enemy agent. The agent was found dead during a search for him at NS GHQ. He had committed suicide though had tried to teleport a bomb into the NS GHQ armoury. VP Operations Torus said that the bomb could have devastated GHQ if it had been successfully teleported in.

The agent is said to not be an NS member and his identity is unknown. After some days delay President Sea Urchin and VP Intelligence Windscorpion will travel to Jeloka for a meeting with Emperor MBH tomorrow.


Explosion at NS GHQ

A bomb has devastated the apartment of former Vice-President Caratore, killing an NSIS team analysing the communication equipment he used to speak to Red Phoenix. The apartment was completely destroyed. Six NS personnel including two in an adjoining room were killed.

The bomb was teleported into the room. NS GHQ is covered by a teleport dispersing field to prevent such incidents (or is the plan anyway). New Vice-President Operations Torus said NSIS was investigating the attack and could not rule out more attacks.

President Sea Urchin has raised the alert status to ORANGE.

Torus promoted to Vice-President Operations

To most people's surprise, especially Torus herself, President Sea Urchin has promoted Torus to the new Vice-President Operations replacing the disgraced Caratore. Torus is therefore again the defacto deputy to the NS leader. She held this position before but was demoted largely due to Sea Urchin disliking her. This about face is therefore a bit of a surprise.

NSIS chief Stella will replace Torus as head of NS Intelligence and report directly to the Vice-President Intelligence Windscorpion. It is thought that Sea Urchin has also granted Windscorpion extra powers and will be joint deputy along with Torus.


What if NS and the Dino Republic went to war?

New Spartan anger over the Caratore spy crisis has led some to fear NS and the Dino Republic could fight a war. This is highly unlikely but some analysts have been looking at the two sides and wondering what would be the result of such a conflict.

Space Fleet
The New Spartan fleet is on the face of it more powerful but the Dinos have the definite edge in numbers though most of their ships are much smaller than NS. The Dinos also have a large reserve of older ships that could be called into bolster defence (especially if equipped with TPMs) though would be of less utility in an offensive operation. Advantage: Narrow NS win depending on strategic aim

Ground Forces
NS Territorial Forces is a well equipped and well trained ground force but in total number is equal to one Dino Army legion, the Dinos have over thirty legions plus SS and strong special forces. Advantage: Dinos

Strategic Weapons
NS has finally deployed it's LRM strategic missile and also has powerful bomber units. The Dinos have only recently developed a specialised bomber though are known to deploy nuclear weapons on a large scale. Advantage: NS

NS can call upon powerful allies such as the Raegris, Porquatians and Remedians. The Dinos have the Dino Trade Association though of them only the Sirikwanese can be considered a serious power. Due to long standing ties with the Dinos going back centuries Starbot may not take part in any NS war against the Dinos, though that may be also true of the Dino allies the Aritans who used to be in the DDS. Advantage: NS

The Dino Republic is highly centralised, more so than the NS who in theory could survive the loss of Proxima Centauri. If the Dinos lost Dino-Land though it would be over. The Dino Republic is a much smaller area than the UNP and the Dinos would be able to deploy their forces much quicker. Advantage: NS if on offensive

The DDS considered in the early 2100s that if they were at war with the Dinos then the Bolitic would most likely take advantage to attack the Dinos. However nowadays the Bolitic are a much weaker power, it is also possible they might opportunistically attack the Raegris if there was a war as this region of space has been the focus of their recent interest.

The analysts considered than the NS would have an advantage if they launched a quick sharp attack aimed at giving the Dinos a bloody nose, however if drawn into a war of attrition then the Dinos would win.


Ronald : SS-CINT will need to change

Ronald has said that SS-CINT cannot continue to operate with the same degree of freedom after the rogue agent scandal. SS-CINT is the Dino counter-espionage agency and while officially part of SS has always operated completely separately. Over the last few decades it has virtually run itself with nearly zero oversight from the Dino Senate or Emperor. Ronald thinks this ultimately has been a mistake.

"The rogue agent could only happen because no one was taking much notice of what was happening. In future the head of SS-CINT will need to report much more directly to the Senate, though we will obviously have to retain a high degree of freedom due to the nature of SS-CINT operations."

Ronald is considering making Senator Krusty, the minister of intelligence services, the direct head of SS-CINT instead of being the liaison as he is now. Traditionally the head of SS-CINT has remained a top secret, only a select few have ever known who he is.

Insane Cabal (2562)

Brown Sauce (2561)


NSIS confirm Caratore was behind attempt on Sea Urchin's life

Late last year a shuttle which was supposed to transport President Sea Urchin to his ship exploded after take off, Sea Urchin would have been killed but for a last minute change of plan in his itinerary. Foul play was suspected and now has been confirmed by the agent Caratore.

Caratore says he was ordered to plant the bomb and arranged it. He also killed the engineer who planted the bomb for him. Caratore's interrogation is ongoing.


Sea Urchin to meet MBH

President Sea Urchin is to meet Dino Emperor MBH next week to discuss the spy crisis. NS accepts the Dino SS-CINT did not recruit Caratore officially but was the action of a rogue agent. However NS is still demanding answers as to how it could happen.

A Dino source says SS-CINT was compromised by a third party and has offered to share data on the investigation with NSIS.


UNP grill Sea Urchin over plot

The UNP Defence Committee has grilled President Sea Urchin in an often heated session at the UNP Parliament on Proxima 7. UNP politicians wanted to know just how the Vice-President of Operations Caratore (and the defacto deputy leader of NS) could become an agent of a foreign power. They also wanted to know what damage to the NS and UNP had been caused.

Sea Urchin said that the plot was unprecedented, NSIS had done it's job in uncovering the plot and was now reviewing all of Caratore's actions and decisions. He said that NSIS needed time to discover exactly what damage had been caused and if there were other agents.


K40N retired

The Clone Naval Air Service (CNAS) has retired it's final twenty K40N Ford fighters, the carrier capable version of the K40. The K40N had been developed for the original HCS Navy's carrier though when the carrier project was cancelled along with most of the HCS Navy at the end of the Clone Wars the K40Ns already built were transferred to the air force. When the new Clone Navy was formed and new carriers ordered the K40Ns were returned to naval hands.

By then the K40Ns were near the end of the their lives and only a handful were considered still safe to use on carrier operations. However they did help the Clone Navy in it's early days of carrier operations before the arrival of the K45K. The survivors have been used mostly for "aggressor" training from shore bases over the last couple of years but now they have been finally retired.


NS accept Dinos were not behind plot

Vice-President of Intelligence Windscorpion is said to be satisfied the agent Caratore was acting under a rogue element in the Dino espionage agency SS-CINT and this was outside of Dino government control. However Windscorpion said the Dinos had to ensure they complied completely with NS and not to keep any information to themselves.

It is now thought Caratore and the rogue SS-CINT elements were part of a wider network run by an unknown third party. Windy said that other powers such as the Clones were also likely to have been infiltrated. 


NS recall all personnel and fleet

New Sparta has recalled all personnel to active service and all available ships in the fleet have been ordered to become fully operational (maintenance being postponed unless it is essential). President Sea Urchin has named Windscorpion Acting Vice President of Operations and has ordered preparations for "possible war" against the Dino Republic.

However that is unlikely to happen. A Dino source has said that a rogue element of SS-CINT was behind the recruiting of Caratore as an agent. The ringleader of the plot was killed by Dino SS as was his replacement/deputy. Emperor MBH has called for calm and says he will meet with Sea Urchin as soon as possible.

Sea Urchin is said to be under considerable pressure from the UNP over this.


NS demand answers from Dinos after Caratore arrested as SS-CINT agent

Vice-President Caratore, the head of operations and Sea Urchin's deputy, has been arrested by NSIS as a spy! He is accused as being an agent of the Dino secret service SS-CINT and has been taken to a secret location. President Sea Urchin has ordered NS be bought to his highest alert status RED.

He also demanded the Dinos explain exactly what is going on. He said that this was a highly serious situation and could be considered an act of war. He said NS was not declaring war on the Dino Republic at the moment but the entire NS war machine was being prepared for "extensive operations".

The Dinos have made no official reply though Ronald is rumoured to have contacted Windscorpion privately.