
Dr Forbidden : Pace of progress is not slowing down

Recently there have been concerns in the media and even raised in a Politburo meeting that the pace of NS technological development is slowing. However Dr Forbidden has said this is not true.

"There are two kinds of research really, theoretical and applied." he said in an interview with NS News, "The last decade has seen a lot of applied research, resulting in tangible new technology like TPM, EA-X. Currently much research is theoretical, so maybe won't manifest itself in new applied technology immediately. However it will lay foundations for future decades."

Dr Forbidden said that Deep Subspace Burrowing Teleportation (DSBT) is the current major focus for his team. This is a variation of wormhole technology with cargo and equipment teleported through an opened artificial wormhole. The Dinos have recently opened the first link.

"We are progressing well with DSBT. We hope to be able to start building the first link between laboratories on Proxima 7 and Solaris soon. It will revolutionise transport throughout the UNP when we set up a DSBT network. Equipment and personnel can be transferred across light years in seconds." Dr Forbidden said.