
NS / UNP merger plan agreed

A plan to merge New Sparta with the UNP has been agreed by the NS Poliburo, it has already been agreed by the UNP Council. Under the plan NS would become the UNP's armed forces with direct funding instead of the somewhat complicated method it is funded at present. The NS Space Fleet will become UNP Space Defence Fleet, NS Terrestrial Force will become UNP Terrestrial Defence Force. NS as a whole will be renamed UNP Defence Force (UNPDF).

NS personnel would therefore become UNP employees. Although there would be oversight via liaison with the Poliburo the UNP will be largely hands off from UNPDF. There would be an agreed set of strategic and tactical objectives which UNP Defence Force will have to meet.

A separate private company called New Sparta Corporation (NSC) will be spun off to handle arms sales and contracts with non-UNP planets (such as military assistance and advice). Money raised by NSC will supplement the direct funding from the UNP.

President Sea Urchin said that although the plan has been agreed there are many fine details to iron out. The merger has only been agreed in principle. A final decision will be made when a full and detailed plan is published at a later date.