
Clones developing Air-Space Interception Missile

The Clones have revealed they have begun field testing of a new air-launched missile designed to attack space ships in low orbit, similar to the NS TPM-A. The missile is currently known as the ASIM (Air-Space Interception Missile) though may have a different name when it enters service.

It is not known what the warhead of ASIM will be, nuclear or a variation of the multi-phase explosive used in space combat is probable.

ASIM will be rather large and not launchable by the K45 the Clones have admitted (which indicates it will have a longer range than the TPM-A). A version of the venerable K19 Borehole anti-shipping bomber is thought the favoured option to carry ASIM. The Clones are already working on a new version (K19NG) for the mid-2120s. This may be bought forward for ASIM which is planned for the early 2120s.