

Incel Attack
The vile plot is foiled.


Got No Money
A traitor seeks to sell NS' greatest weapon to the Bolitic.


Why Don't You Do That?
Windy remembers his fight with the Great Moanki.


Let Me Run Away With U
Windy recalls a battle during the Clone Wars.


I'll Be Your Queen
The Dinos fight back against the Tarbotians.


Incident At Romeo 14
A Dino repair crew come under attack from the Tarbotians.


SS Combat Forces to be reorganised

Emperor MBH in conjunction with SS-Commander Solax has announced some big changes to SS Combat Forces. This is the branch of the SS which assists the Dino Army on combat operations. For several decades the SS has formed a legion of the Dino armed forces though in recent years the SS has continually tried to built resources and manpower to have a 2nd and 3rd Legion.

MBH announced that the SS would have three legions though the 2nd and 3rd would be reserve units consisting of SS brigades in reformation, rebuilding and training. Many support functions of the two legions would be merged (thus in reality the 2nd and 3rd will only exist as administrative entities).

The 1st SS Legion will be strengthened and become a four combat brigade legion up from three. It would also have in it a Special Operations Battlegroup consisting of elite units. The formation of the 1st SS Legion will be as follows:

1st SS Panzer Brigade (Black Dragon Martyrs)
1st SS Infantry Brigade (Iron Fist)
3rd SS Infantry Brigade
5th SS Infantry Brigade
1st SS Artillery Regiment (Wrath of God)
2nd SS Artillery (Rocket) Regiment (Fire of Death)
1st SS Logistics Regiment

Special Operations Battlegroup
SS Flamethrower Company
2nd SS-D Company
3rd SS-D Company
SS Paratrooper Assault Company


Dino space force news

The Dinos are to upgrade around twenty Dinomark PT/1s to PT/3M standard. This will be the first phase in an eventual unification of the seventy-eight strong PT fleet to a single standard. The PT/3M will be as the final Mark 2 production standard including worm drive (though many Mark 1s already have it), improved weapon systems and ground attack capabilities.

The SS are to receive ten Dinomark AMs, until now only the Dino Army have received the latest attack cruiser. The SS will lose two of it's nine PTs however which will go to the Dino Army during the Mark 3M upgrade.

Finally it is thought twenty Dinomark XTs will be withdrawn from service, mostly old ships in support units such as weather reconnaissance and training. Most will go to the civilian reserve.

CSS (Consul Security Section), the elite of the elite, which guards the Dino head of state has exchanged it's XT for a brand new Dinomark LM (CSS-2). The old ship CSS-1 has been returned to the support pool.


Porquat 640 decides to build mine warfare squadron

New Sparta has received a surprise order for five Pentekonter-M minesweepers. Until now only Molab had ordered the type (for a joint Free Eritran States pool) and it had been thought NS had removed the type from it's export portfolio.

Five Pentekonter 106Ps will be delivered from 2119 it has been reported. It is not known yet what will act as the minesweeper director. The 3.5 billion zark order includes three Pave Yellow MCM control suites.

UV248 : The Utrek Cauldron

  • Boring It Isn't - Ronald recalls an earlier Terrasaur attack.
  • Looking Good - As Ronald recalls, the Terrasaurs once stole a deadly bio-weapon.
  • Crisis Time - Ronald recalls when the Dinos had to stop the Terrasaurs using stolen biological weapons.
  • Low Foreheaded Grunt - Windy's plan to steal Utrek ore is running into trouble.
  • You Look Tired - Windy outwits the Utrek.


You Look Tired
Windy outwits the Utrek.


Windscorpion monitor used to destroy asteroid

The sheer power of the ZMax ultra cannon on the Windscorpion 18A monitor is intended to destroy enemy ship formations or fortifications. It has been used in action for the first time to destroy an asteroid which was in danger of drifting into the heavily used Proxima-Terra spacelane, on the busiest in the known galaxy.

In the past fleets of ships have been needed to either destroy or nudge asteroids like this (which measured about the same size as Hexian City) but 018-101 Windscorpion was able to obliterate it with one shot!


Castaris order third Corkscrew

Castaris already have two Corkscrew 422C ships in their fleet which are their primary fleet assets and one acts as their flagship. To increase cover a third has been ordered for delivery by the end of 2119.

As as the new ship the two existing ships will also receive a number of updates to bring them more in line to the current NS specification. The value of the sale has not been revealed by New Sparta.


Clone Space Navy introduce new ships at last

After a lengthy period where new ship construction was halted for budget reasons the production lines resumed last year. Today the Clone Space Navy announced three new warships added to their fleet and the first rebuild of a Soulaki.

The three new ships are two Cosmos CG ground attack cruisers and a Tiamon TM landing ship (used to launch aircraft during amphibious assaults).

The first Soulaki SLM rebuild has been completed. This is also the first official Clone Space Navy ship fitted with worm drive, the Dinos having supplied them in a huge arms deal agreed last year. A Shark and a Cosmos have both been fitted with worm drives for calibration and test purposes though were not used in service. The first of eventually thirty Soulaki SLM is the first service ship with the propulsion system.


Low Foreheaded Grunt
Windy's plan to steal Utrek ore is running into trouble.


Crisis Time
Ronald recalls when the Dinos had to stop the Terrasaurs using stolen biological weapons.


Clones developing Air-Space Interception Missile

The Clones have revealed they have begun field testing of a new air-launched missile designed to attack space ships in low orbit, similar to the NS TPM-A. The missile is currently known as the ASIM (Air-Space Interception Missile) though may have a different name when it enters service.

It is not known what the warhead of ASIM will be, nuclear or a variation of the multi-phase explosive used in space combat is probable.

ASIM will be rather large and not launchable by the K45 the Clones have admitted (which indicates it will have a longer range than the TPM-A). A version of the venerable K19 Borehole anti-shipping bomber is thought the favoured option to carry ASIM. The Clones are already working on a new version (K19NG) for the mid-2120s. This may be bought forward for ASIM which is planned for the early 2120s.


Operation Mass Field 2118

Mass Field, which has it's second edition this year, aims to improve co-operation between NS and it's allies. This year it will consist of a number of mock-combats and patrols with the Free Eritran States. The exercises will take place around Molab over the next week.

As well as a fleet of around nine FES ships (under Molab command) the following NS ships will take part:

021-101 Missileer (flag)
035-201 Independence
037-113 Altair
043-107 Sea of the Hebrides
076-102 Zebra


NS change ship designations

Vice-President of Operations Caratore has announced New Sparta will revert to Navy ship designations for the Space Fleet. "There is confusion about what some of the terms we use mean, why is an Isometric a Medium Combat Ship for example when it contains enough firepower potential to destroy a small moon?"

With immediate effect the Heavy Combat Ships will be re-designated Cruisers, Medium Combat Ships will be Destroyers, Sloops or Patrol Ships. Bombers and carriers, plus non-combat ships, will retain their existing designations.


Fleet News 03/05/18

The first two ships of the new Ship Building Plan have entered service.

035-307 Kangaroo is the latest Kinetic 35C cruiser to enter service. Note it is referred to as a cruiser, NS are changing how they classify their ships (again).

116-103 Eucalyptus is the latest Emerald 116A unmanned transport.


Dinos skirmish with Tarbotians near Xi

Three Dinomarks are reported to have skirmished with a Tarbotian Samara destroyer near the Dino Empire world of Xi. This is the first known incursion by the Tarbotians into Local Group space for some time. There were no reported injuries and the Tarbotian ship left Dino space.

The return of the Tarbotians will worry everyone though. Over the last few years they have been quiet  thought to be due to conflicts elsewhere on their borders.