
Sea Urchin confirms he will retire after one term

NS President-elect Sea Urchin gave a speech to NS on NS News 24 where he thanked his supporters and colleagues for the "great honour of being the first New Sparta President". Sea Urchin also thanked Knobhead for his service as the last NS Commander and wished him luck for his new role as Vice-President of Technology.

Sea Urchin said that a full review of the NS military would be undertook next year, it would examine everything from rifles to the largest warships and help direct NS in the next decade. However that decade will not be one where Sea Urchin has an active role in NS. He confirmed that he will not stand for re-election in 2120 and will retire.

Sea Urchin's first decision, when he formally takes over in January, will be the winner of the Light Patrol Ship contest between the Mariner and the Protector. Sea Urchin said that in the next ship building plan 8 new patrol ships will be built, a decision will need to made as to what these ships will be as early as possible next year to allow time for component production and planning.