
Story #2435

Academy Nites
Trojan remembers back to a horrific incident that happened at DDS Academy.


Story #2434

Broader Incident
The NS come under attack from a Utrek faction.

Story #2433

So Many Bear Traps
Sea Urchin becomes the first NS President.


Feeder 82A leaves NS service

The Feeder 82A VIP shuttle fleet has formally left NS service after the final scheduled jobs were concluded. NS Commander Knobhead (who usually uses the NS flagship SS Cicero) used 082-101 Oscar for the final trip when he visited Solaris.

The ships will now be demilitarised and given a light overhaul before being handed over to their commercial buyer next year.

MBH promises a solid response to Terrasaur threat

In what is being seen as the first major test of the new MBH regime the Emperor has promised that the Dinos will give a solid response to the Terrasaur threat which has recently destroyed a Dinomark. "The Terrasaurs will not be permitted to operate in the space of the Dino Empire or that of its allies in the Dino Trade Association." MBH said in the Senate.

MBH has ordered a change to the rules of engagement. The Dinos will shoot first in any future encounter with the Terrasaurs. Patrols have also been increased.


Protector performing well in Light Patrol Craft contest

The Protector prototype (a modified Pentekonter) is reported to have performed well in the Light Patrol Craft contest against the Mariner prototype so far. The Protector is expected to win the contest which will be decided early next year. Series production of the winner will be the centrepiece of the next Ship Building Plan.

However the Mariner is also proving to be a good ship. President-elect Sea Urchin has mooted that both ships will eventually be built though Protector will be the priority.


Dinos report ship lost, Terrasaurs suspected

Contact with a Dinomark PT has been lost, the Dino Army has reported. The ship was on patrol at the far reach of Voth space off Apassara. Its thought the patrol was investigating the loss of contact with a remote Voth mining colony. Telemetry picked up before the loss of contact plus ultra long range scan data indicates the Dinomark was destroyed. Although no official word has been made as to the cause of the loss insiders say the Terrasaurs are suspected.

Its been thought the Terrasaurs have been probing the edge of Dino Trade Association space for a few months though this is the first hostile action. Six more Dinomarks are en route to Apassara to reinforce DTA defences there.


Story #2432

Would Of Have
A Dino patrol encounters the Terrasaurs.


Utrek successor state claims Remedian Belt!

One of the successor Utrek states now vying for dominance in the remains of the Utrek empire has claimed a chunk of UNP space! There was bemusement on Remedia Prime and NS GHQ after the Tenna Sucessor Republic claimed the Remedian Belt as its own territory!

Its not thought the Tenna possess much in the way of a fleet to enforce their claim though has restarted production of Reptoli Tuuls. The powerful 3rd Legion is on Tenna and is largely intact though the Utrek lack much in the way of power protection of their large army which survived the war with the Mantae largely unscathed.

An NS source says the Tenna claim is for domestic and inter-Utrek propaganda consumption only. The various successor states (which may number over 12) have skirmished over the last few months though a full on civil war has yet to occur. NS and the Remedians are, however, to strengthen their patrols along the border.


The Shiner eyes sale of part of DDS City

The new Vice-President of Infrastructure The Shiner has said his first priority will be to raise money from the sale of surplus parts of DDS City on Proxima 7. The former DDS GHQ is still the largest NS facility though around 30% of it is unoccupied due to previous reorganisations.

The Shiner wants to concentrate remaining staff so a surplus block of the huge sprawling site (around 20% of it) can be sold off. Its hoped the sale could raise over 1.5 billion zarks.

Shock as Torus becomes head of NS Intelligence & Internal Security

The former NS+ intelligence and internal security department of New Sparta is to be called NS Intelligence & Internal Security (NSIIS). The big surprise is who will lead this department: Torus! The former Deputy Commander was disgraced earlier in the year and demoted from her former role which was very much like her new one. She will report directly to Windscorpion the Vice-President of Intelligence.

Windscorpion is said to have personally assigned her to the role without consulting NS President-elect Sea Urchin. Sea Urchin is reported to be rather bemused by the appointment but will not veto it.

Torus was in need of a new job after Sea Urchin decided to finally abolish the old regional commands (she was Head of NS North). The Head of NS South The Chef has been appointed the new head of the Rapid Reaction Force after the resignation from the role of Rubick Cube Warrior who said he wanted to return to being a full-time ship commander.


Sea Urchin confirms he will retire after one term

NS President-elect Sea Urchin gave a speech to NS on NS News 24 where he thanked his supporters and colleagues for the "great honour of being the first New Sparta President". Sea Urchin also thanked Knobhead for his service as the last NS Commander and wished him luck for his new role as Vice-President of Technology.

Sea Urchin said that a full review of the NS military would be undertook next year, it would examine everything from rifles to the largest warships and help direct NS in the next decade. However that decade will not be one where Sea Urchin has an active role in NS. He confirmed that he will not stand for re-election in 2120 and will retire.

Sea Urchin's first decision, when he formally takes over in January, will be the winner of the Light Patrol Ship contest between the Mariner and the Protector. Sea Urchin said that in the next ship building plan 8 new patrol ships will be built, a decision will need to made as to what these ships will be as early as possible next year to allow time for component production and planning.

Sea Urchin elected NS President

To everyone's surprise the Central Committee, chaired by Witchdoctor, made its first act the election of Sea Urchin to be the first NS President. The vote was supposed to have been held tomorrow but Witchdoctor said as it was such a formality he saw no need in waiting. The decision did catch Sea Urchin on the hop though as he didn't even know he had been already elected until reporters called him at his home on Proxima 5!

President-elect Sea Urchin will officially take over from NS Commander Knobhead at the start of 2118 but wasted no time in making his first appointments in a new look NS heirarchy including Knobhead to replace him as head of Technology - a decision already known about. Under Sea Urchin will be four vice-presidents. One noticable aspect being that three of the four are ex-DDS/NS Commanders.
  • Vice-President (Operations) Caratore (and overall deputy)
  • Vice-President (Intelligence) Windscorpion
  • Vice-President (Technology) Knobhead
  • Vice-President (Infrastructure) The Shiner
The Shiner will head the new Infrastructure Department which will include NS Building Services, NS Estate Services, NS Financial Services and NS Development as well as the new exports agency.

More appointments will be made in the coming days.


Light Patrol Ship fleet will probably include Protector and Mariner

The Mariner and Protector prototypes are currently competing in an evaluation test to see which type will be chosen to become NS' Light Patrol Ship to replace the legacy UNSP fleet. It is widely expected that the Protector, a version of the Pentekonter, will win as it is Sea Urchin's favoured option.

However Dr Forbidden has said that it is likely both types will enter series production. If Protector is chosen, he said, there will still be a need for a smaller fleet of Mariners as Protector is not suitable for all light patrol roles where the smaller Mariner would be a better fit. He thinks the eventual light patrol fleet will be 49 Protectors and 12 Mariners though Sea Urchin will be the one to decide.


NS prepares for Sea Urchin's ascension

The Central Committee will meet in a few days, its first duty will be to elect the NS President. There is only one candidate of course though Sea Urchin will still require a majority of the electors.

Barring any catastrophe over the next few days Sea Urchin's election as President is pretty much a foregone conclusion and it is thought (though not confirmed) that preparations have already been made in some quarters for the transfer of power (though this will not happen officially until the end of the year).

At a media briefing Sea Urchin said the priority for the NS fleet would be to enhance what it already had. Its thought Sea Urchin will not order that many new ships (apart from the light patrol fleet replacement) but will be putting zarks into upgrades and improvements of what already is in service.


Story #2431

Can't Afford The Space
A Dino patrol is sent to investigate a possible Terrasaur attack.


Sale of Feeder shuttle agreed

NS has agreed the sale of its fleet of 9 Feeder 82A VIP shuttles to Solaris Space Lines in a 200 million zark deal. The shuttles will be demilitarised and given a light refurbishment before being handed over to the commercial carrier next year. The type will be withdrawn from NS service at the end of the month following existing timetabled programmes.

NS will not replace the type, as they already use Rome 46As for much of the VIP and general transport duty roles.

Nano Fighting Ship to be upgraded

The Alpha 121A Nano Fighting Ship, a small optionally manned scout, is to receive an upgrade NS have confirmed. Alpha 2117 Upgrade A will include the fitting of a special mini Zip cannon, improved sensors and autonomous systems. The crew facilities (2 can be carried) will also see some improvements thanks to some interior rearrangement.

The work will be carried out over the next few months. NS said that no more Alpha 121As on top of the 9 already built will be ordered.

NS discuss Lavender 105A

Director of Technology Sea Urchin has discussed the Lavender 105A unmanned patrol ship project which has just received step 2 funding which means final specification and design can now proceed. Sea Urchin did not commit to a firm date, "late 2110s" is still the published introduction date though its thought 2120-2 is a more realistic timetable.

Lavender will be a Medium Combat Ship class warship with provision for manning though will be able to operate for long periods autonomously. Five have been ordered though more may follow if the concept works.

Fleet News 07/11/17

044-120 Educate is the latest Pentekonter 44T training ship. It has also been fitted with an e-Core engine to assist with development of the new technology.

042-104 Piscis Australis is the latest Proxima Centauri 42A rebuild of a Starsystem 91X.

086-201 Navelwort and 086-202 Nectarine are the first 2 Coril 86M special forces transports (officially "special transport").


Raegris planning fleet upgrade

The Raegris parliament has agreed a multi-billion zark expansion and upgrade for its space fleet, already one of the most powerful second-tier fleets but facing new threats due to the Raegris location between the Utrek, IKA and Bolitic.

The Raegris upgrade plan has yet to be finalised but will include Corkscrew 51A warships, which are likely to be bought in and localised. More Pentekonters and Cosmos and upgrades for the Isometric fleet are also planned. The Raegris also want to be a launch site for the NS interstellar missile LRM-20.

Operation Material Asset 2117

Operation Material Asset 2117 is this month's NS exercise and is another new type of exercise being run for the first time. Material Asset is an exercise in strategic lift, rapid deployment and logistics under fire. The aim of the exercise will be for troops and material to be picked up from Solaris and then transported to Liberation. A group of "enemy" ships (which will include 2 Raegris and 1 Porquatian ship) will try and prevent the deployment.

The ships involved are:

015-108 Tachyon (flagship)
035-306 Kale
041-207 Faithful
051-102 Centurion
063-101 Oceania
063-106 North America
071-120 North Star
073-101 Extender

036-107 Magnolia (opposing force flagship)
+ 2 Raegris DF-1 Isometric
+ 1 Porquatian Quagan


Caratore and Anderson meet to try and repair NS/CSE relations

Deputy Commander Caratore has met with the head of the Clone Defence Forces Admiral Anderson at a secret summit on Mars. The recent security breaches on Cloneworld were discussed which have sparked recent Clone Star Empire anger and a deterioration of relations.

Caratore did not apologise for the incursion (or even acknowledge anything happened other than a "navigational error") however said that he wanted NS/CSE relations to be restored to how they were before. Anderson meanwhile has kept to the hard line though CDF readiness has been stepped down, mainly because of the expense of keeping the military on full alert. Caratore said that NS would avoid any further "errors" which may be enough to placate the Clones.


Clones begin testing hybrid engine in K40

The Clone Aircraft Corporation has begun testing a hybrid engine in a retired K40 fighter. The engine is bi-mode, able to be used as a normal turbine but also with an electrically powered fan for low but high efficiency thrust. The test K40 will test cruising in "electric mode", the K40 has a number of fuel cells fitted though also can generate electric from the other engine in turbine mode to power the other.

The CAF has no plans as yet to field this kind of engine in one of their fighters (though a similar engine is used in the K3 trainer and K58 COIN aircraft). However it is rumoured the technology may be included in a future version or upgrade of the K45.


S101 gets a new job

Former Starbotian Commander S101 has been a thorn in the side of the current incumbent K-2 for awhile now and in recent months has stepped up his political attacks. A few days ago he was subject to an attack by alien mercenaries, who was behind the attack is unknown though K-2 is suspected.

K-2 has found a way to silence S101 for the moment at least by having him appointed the Starbotian ambassador to the Dino Trade Association. As he will be based on Dino-Land he will be dozens of light years away from K-2!

Central Committee to meet mid-month to vote for NS President

The Central Committee will meet mid-November and vote for the first NS President. Sea Urchin is the only candidate though will still need a majority of the Central Committee to be elected (if he shouldn't get the required votes then the election would be voided and would be re-run - though this is highly unlikely).

NS Commander Knobhead said that the rest of 2117 after the election would be a transitional period and all command decisions would be taken in conjunction with the President who would then officially take over on January 1st 2118.

UV242: Target: Windy

  • He's Dominated - Windy and Witchdoctor begin their secret mission.
  • Hawkeye - Windy's mission runs into trouble.
  • On Da Run - The Clones have killed Windy... or have they?
  • Art Is Defined - Windy and Witchdoctor fight back.
  • All Arguing - Can Windy be saved?
  • Starbot Belongs To Me! - K-2 is under pressure to deal with S101.
  • Where Are You Going? - S101 unveils a new ally.