
Clones developing space combat Tapir?

It is thought the Clones are developing a space combat version of its iconic Tapir infantry fighting vehicle. The project, known as TRV-5X, is developing a combat vehicle that can be used in low gravity and low or no atmosphere environments such as on a small moon or asteroid. Changes to the Tapir are extensive. The engine has been replaced by an electric motor, the entry doors at the rear of the Tapir have been enlarged due to the bulky suits personnel would be wearing.

"Space Tapir", as one publication has called it, would not have its own life support equipment installed due to size and power constraints. Personnel such as Red Lizard Space Corps would wear their space suits. The turret has been changed, the hatch being removed and the gun replaced by a laser. The interior of the Space Tapir is said to have an absorbent anti-shatter layer to prevent shrapnel in the event of a hull penetration (which in space could be from enemy action or a meteorite).

Two prototypes are under test according to reports. If the Clones decide to go ahead with Space Tapir then its likely older Tapirs will be rebuilt and modified instead of new build.