
Sea Urchin plans to form NS commercial arm

Nominations close in a few hours for the NS Presidency, it seems unlikely anyone will now stand against Sea Urchin who therefore will be elected as president by the Central Committee next month barring any disasters. Sea Urchin gave a speech at DDS City where he outlined his plans for NS commercial activities.

Raising money from commercial activities such as arms sales has become very important for NS with a target of raising 10 billion zarks a year in this way set a few years ago (NS will fall well short this year after a disappointing sales campaign). Sea Urchin said that a spin-off company called NS Investments will be created if he becomes President.

NS Investments will bring together the NS Exports Agency and other commercial off-shoots under one umbrella. There will be increased tie-ups with third parties though Sea Urchin ruled out a rumoured purchase of Consolidated Spacecraft by NS. Instead NS would increase its partnership with the spaceship maker.

Consolidated Spacecraft build the basis of the Friendship/Olympus/Defender family for NS under their Avery-Dunlop subsidery as the Star Rider. Sea Urchin said that a next generation Star Rider would be developed using NS improvements and an e-Core based engine. NS taking royalties from each sale. Sea Urchin said such partnerships would feature more in future.


Story #2427

Where Are You Going?
S101 unveils a new ally.


Oojok orders Clone Defence Forces to prepare for war with NS

The Clone Star Empire has accused New Sparta of operating in its territory and violating its sovereignty. NS has confirmed that a warship (a Panther class ship according to the Clones) did stray into CSE space due to a "navigation error". The head of the CDF Admiral Anderson said the NS warship was in Cloneworld orbit, "Quite an error."

WIndscorpion himself is claimed to have been on Cloneworld, the Clone Air Force bombing an area North of Beyond Micom, six Clone Army troops are reported to have been killed and a Z26 helicopter destroyed. The Clones claim this was done by Windscorpion. NS are denying any personnel were on the planet. Privately the Clones are admitting that the damage caused by bombing of the area means that any way of truly knowing what happened to the troops will remain unknown.

Oojok has ordered the Clone Space Navy to prepare for war with NS, however NS consider this to be simply rhetoric. NS is maintaining a high alert along the border however.


Story #2426

Starbot Belongs To Me!
K-2 is under pressure to deal with S101.

Story #2425

All Arguing
Can Windy be saved?


Explosions reported on Cloneworld

Cloneworld is on full-alert and the rest of the Clone Star Empire also on the highest non-war alert status. NS monitors have reported explosions in the Micom province of the planet. There are no military exercises scheduled and the explosions were reported in the countryside North of the provincial capital Beyond Micom (and Cloneworld's second city).

There have been no official word as to what is behind these explosions (or even that they happened) but the CDF have rushed 3 Red Lizard special force regiments to Micom.

Sea Urchin will restore the Army and Air Force names to NS

Sea Urchin said, on a visit to Terrestrial Forces HQ, that he would restore the names Army and Air Force to the land and aerial components of Terrestrial Forces if he becomes the first NS President. Sea Urchin said that the current names Land Corps and Air Corps were confusing and implied they were small supporting units (though one newspaper critic did later say that Sea Urchin had been the main architect behind the decision several years ago to use these names!)

Sea Urchin said that Terrestrial Forces would remain as an umbrella organisation over the NS Army and NS Air Force. Both are expected to get a budget increase if Sea Urchin takes over.

Story #2424

Art Is Defined
Windy and Witchdoctor fight back.


Sea Urchin discusses his plans for NS President

Sea Urchin, the likely first NS President, has outlined some of his plans for New Sparta for 2118-20 which would be his term of office. Sea Urchin said that he wanted NS to have a more efficient backbone and to strengthen in a number of areas. Key points of his manifesto included:
  • New post of Director of Estate to look after NS infrastructure and finance (it is expected The Shiner will be appointed to this role)
  • Efforts to raise 9 billion zarks through surplus land sales
  • Funding for initial gate next general air combat system to replace F-10S in late 2120s
  • Strengthening of Land Corps with 3rd combat ready brigade by 2120
  • Deployment of LRM-20 interstellar missile to 3 sites across NS space
  • Funding for Type 35 unification and enhancement
  • Decision on Light Patrol Craft and series production by mid-2118


Operation Long Patrol 2117

This month's NS exercise is another new one being run for the first time. Long Patrol 2117 will train for deep space operations. Unlike other operations which are set up and run for a week at the moment Long Patrol (due to the nature of the exercise) began being set up in August! A small group of ships (detachment LP2117A) headed off to unclaimed space near the 7 Sa Sao (the exact location is secret). There they conducted surveys and reconnaissance.

As part of the exercise they will be resupplied and rendezvous with a second group of ships which set out a few weeks later (detachment LP2117B) and also test ultra long range communications. After about a week of exercises the ships will then all return in a single fleet.

The ships involved:

Detachment LP2117A

023-201 Anubis (flag)
043-113 Sea of Fertility
073-116 Methane

Detachment LP2117B

036-102 Midas (flag)
041-209 Fierce
076-101 Zephyr


Oxsaxa receive first Pentekonters

Free Eritran State member Oxsaxa has received the first 2 of 4 Pentekonter Protector 255OX they have on order. They also received the Provider 116 they ordered previously. It had been scheduled for delivery in 2116 but Oxsaxa asked for it to be deferred until this year because of delays in building necessary orbital infrastructure.

Oxsaxa are said to be also interested in the Depender 750 and have asked for more information on the type.


Story #2423

On Da Run
The Clones have killed Windy... or have they?


NS looking to sell Feeder fleet

NS is looking to sell the 9 Feeder 82A VIP shuttles it has as they are now surplus to requirements after the Rome 46K VIP fleet has come on stream. The Feeders were designed for longer trips with a greater capacity than the Coril fleet and are approaching 10 years in service. However over the last year they have seen a decline in usage.

NS hope they can be sold to commercial customers as they are in a good condition and have a competitive performance.


Clones developing space combat Tapir?

It is thought the Clones are developing a space combat version of its iconic Tapir infantry fighting vehicle. The project, known as TRV-5X, is developing a combat vehicle that can be used in low gravity and low or no atmosphere environments such as on a small moon or asteroid. Changes to the Tapir are extensive. The engine has been replaced by an electric motor, the entry doors at the rear of the Tapir have been enlarged due to the bulky suits personnel would be wearing.

"Space Tapir", as one publication has called it, would not have its own life support equipment installed due to size and power constraints. Personnel such as Red Lizard Space Corps would wear their space suits. The turret has been changed, the hatch being removed and the gun replaced by a laser. The interior of the Space Tapir is said to have an absorbent anti-shatter layer to prevent shrapnel in the event of a hull penetration (which in space could be from enemy action or a meteorite).

Two prototypes are under test according to reports. If the Clones decide to go ahead with Space Tapir then its likely older Tapirs will be rebuilt and modified instead of new build.


Clones go to second highest alert status

The Clone Defence Forces have been placed on Red 2 status, the Clone equivalent of the New Sparta ORANGE status, the next step down in their alert scheme from actual war. The decision is said to have been made by Deputy Emperor Sleeze and all Clone space and land forces are now on full readiness.

Oojok and Admiral Anderson were returning from a meeting with Terin on Austini 55. As per the protocol for Red 2 status Oojok's ship was diverted to another planet in the CSE (judging by the most usual flight path probably Petric) where he will be guarded at a secret location before being collected by an elite Red Lizard unit to be taken to Cloneworld.

New Sparta are said to be a bit bemused as to the Clone alert status as no apparent threats are known. NS Commander Knobhead has ordered the NS alert status increased to AMBER as a precaution though units near the Clone border will be on a localised ORANGE.


Story #2422

Windy's mission runs into trouble.


Windscorpion monitor will receive new engine and worm drive

The first Windscorpion 18A monitor ship entered service a few days ago. At the moment it is only conventionally powered, using an engine developed from the Neptune powerplant used in the Quasar 15A. NS have revealed that the engine is only a stop-gap due to delays in developing a new engine based on the Hitachi HS-740 used in the Missileer 21B.

The new engine is expected to be fitted next year, it will include the more efficient Proton e-Core technology being developed by NS as well as provide more power. The Windscorpion 18A can reach higher speeds and the new engine will enable it.

The ship will also be fitted with worm drive. It had been expected to have been fitted already but low yields in producing the heavy duty Electron W1AA meant that the ship had to be released for service without it. NS said the geometry and testing of the power grid has been done. The worm drive will be fitted either later this year or early next.

Light Patrol Ship contest to begin next week

A contest between the Mariner 56A prototype and a modified Pentekonter in a form similar to the proposed Protector 57A is to begin next week. The winner of the contest will receive series production to replace the legacy fleet of light patrol vessels which are fast coming to their end of life.

SS Paris is still being modified to Protector standard (it is expected to be completed by the end of October) so Mariner will be evaluated first. The ships will be used in a number of patrol and combat simulations. As the need to begin series production is urgent the winner will be decided by the end of the year and series production will begin in the next Ship Building Plan starting next April.

Director of Technology Sea Urchin said that both ships had a chance though its known that he prefers the Protector (and will most likely be leading NS by the time the decision needs to be made).


Windscorpion 18A enters service

The first of 2 Windscorpion 18A monitors, 018-101 Windscorpion, has entered service. The ship is basically a gigantic gun, the ZMax, with a basic ship built around it. The ZMax is said to be as powerful as every Z cannon in the rest of the fleet put together. One shot from the ZMax could devastate enemy ground bases and orbital facilities.

The Windscorpion 18A is an "options ship", it is a luxury admitted Director of Operations Caratore at a media briefing aboard the ship. "Its the most specialised warship we have, maybe we will never have the right circumstance with which to use it. But it gives us another option. Obviously we could only consider such a weapon with a powerful full spectrum fleet."

The ship will be based with the fleet reserve at Proxima 5 though will be deployed on an exercise to test combat readiness soon.

NS / UNP consider economic sanctions against Clones

The UNP, at the request of New Sparta, have begun considering whether to place economic sanctions on the Clone Star Empire after the sale of Clone Space Missiles to the Dinos. Trade between the UNP and CSE is worth around 27 billion zarks a year - though sanctions would affect both sides equally. It is thought unlikely there would be sanctions though NS are keen for the Clones to know of their displeasure at the CSM deal.

Relations between NS and the Clones are at their lowest for a number of years. NS Commander Knobhead has said that the proliferation of CSM is a serious security problem for New Sparta. The NS equivalent system LRM-20 is now in limited operational status.

UV241 : Back 2 The Clone Wars

  • Pit Stop Strategy - Cruggson and GBH continue their memories of the Ottoman incident.
  • Figured It All Out - How Ronald got his mystic sword Nebuchadnezzar.
  • All Our Yesterdays - Windy remembers an old battle.
  • Shop Floor - Windy learns of a possible fortune.
  • Ridicule To Really - El Diablo has to investigate the murder of an SS officer.
  • Ultimate Protection - El Diablo and Razorback delve deeper into the dark world of the SS.
  • When I'm Cleaning... - The net closes on the murderers of SS-Tribune Varta.

Fleet News (05/10/17)

A bumper start to October with no less than 5 ships entering service (1 delayed from last month).

016-114 Wildebeest
018-101 Windscorpion
035-308 Krafty
046-111 Constantine
071-121 Supplier

The most notable new arrival is the first of 2 planned Windscorpion 018A monitor ships.

Story #2421

He's Dominated
Windy and Witchdoctor begin their secret mission.


Clones withdraw from military co-operation with NS

The Clones have withdrawn their personnel from a joint military co-operation team with New Sparta. The team had been set up 3 years ago to discuss and evaluate joint operations and shared best practice. It was always a small scale operation (at most 5 Clones were involved) but it had been hoped the team would be the start of a greater friendship between the CDF and NS.

However Admiral Anderson has ordered the withdrawal after criticism from NS to the Clones after the sale of Clone Space Missiles to the Dinos.


Sea Urchin nominated for NS Presidency

Nominations for the first election of the New Sparta Presidency opened on Sunday. Sea Urchin today received his nomination, seconded by Caratore and Zeppelin. Sea Urchin did not say anything afterwards though Caratore said he would be Sea Urchin's election chief. Campaigning would be mostly in the latter half of October ahead of the vote in early November.

There have been no other nominees so far.


Story #2417

When I'm Cleaning...
The net closes on the murderers of SS-Tribune Varta.

Story #2416

Ultimate Protection
El Diablo and Razorback delve deeper into the dark world of the SS.