
Solax outlines SS changes

The new SS Commander Solax has outlined changes to the SS' armed wing which he ssssssays will make the SS a more effective fighting force. The SS, as well as providing military policing, regime support and intelligence also has a powerful fully armed wing which acts as a bolster for the Dino Army.

The SS Legions number 3 though the 3rd is administrative only and acts as a home for units forming or disbanding. The only real legion is the 1st Legion with the 2nd consisting of the reserve. Solax plans to get rid of the 2nd and 3rd Legions and just have a single SS Legion with inactive units collected in what he has called the SS Reserve. This will prove controversial with many in the SS who regard having multiple legions as a status symbol of their power.

All available units will be part of the SS Legion however even if they are recovering from combat losses which means the SS Legion will be increased in size by about 30%.