
Dinos to evaluate Olympus Mons

The Dinos are to evaluate an Olympus Mons 23A support carrier. One of the 9 ships in the NS fleet will be loaned to the Dinos (operated by an NS crew but with a team of Dino specialists and a joint-command) for several months starting from April. The Dinos are hoping to place an order for a customised version of the type should it pass their evaluation criteria.

Provisionally this type could be known as the Provider ZF. The Dinos plan a fleet of around 5 or 6 of the type and thus would probably buy the ships from the NS and perform any customisation themselves.

Story #2231

Bid For Freedom!
Ronald decides enough is enough, Gibson must be stopped.


Charlotte votes to become full UNP member

Rim Worlds planet Charlotte has held a referendum to decide if the planet should accept the UNP's terms of accession to become full members. Over 70% voted for the UNP and the Charlotte government will now begin the process of joining.

A full NS presence will be established on the planet which has a very strategic position in the Rim Worlds and near to Tarbotian space.


NS to ramp up Provider/Extender ILU

The Provider/Extender ILU programme began a couple of years ago but as yet not a great deal of work has been done apart from essential refurbishment and the fitting of new engines to these hard working ships which put in on average 1250 light years a year!

The Provider 071B sub-class which includes worm drive is to be expanded. As yet only one ship has been so treated. Under NS plans at least 15 will receive worm drive along with improved communications and self-protection. These will be known as the Skytrain 131A class.

All Providers will receive a full refit this year too. The Extender oiler fleet will also be split with around 12 receiving worm drive to become the Type 132A.


Other Fleet News (17/02/16)

New Arit has received the first of 3 Provider-EDAs (Dino licence built Extender).

The Raegris have received a Yel'Tema RC-2C.

Porquat 640 has received a Xian 508 cruiser.

Molab has received 2 more rebuilt Kalahati Tuuls completing their fleet of 20.

Haylei has received a Pentekonter Protector 351HA.


Dinos detail new ship projects

In a media briefing to discuss the Dino defence budget the Minister of Defence Zanus also revealed a number of new and ongoing ship projects, some revealed for the first time.

Dinomark AM
The new ground attack cruiser entered service late last year and is proving to be a formidable warship in exercises. So much so that the planned general purpose AR variant may be cancelled and instead just the AM built in larger numbers. Some tactical systems intended for the AR may be fitted to the AM instead.

Dinomark LM
The XT replacement was due to enter service this year but this will likely be delayed until early 2117 following issues in development with the Solarburst engine evolution used in the LM. The Dinos hope the LM can be as successful as the XT (which remained in production for 50 years) so are making sure they get it "perfect" before series production.

Dinomark XTe
Newly announced will be a programme to rebuild and upgrade older XTs to a new XT Evolution (XTe) standard. This will be an ongoing programme and may encompass the entire fleet of nearly 200 XTs in the end. The initial XTe will be based on the XT/131 which would have been the next production variant if XT production had continued.

Dinomark PT/3x
The forthcoming PT/3 upgrade will include all 77 PTs in Dino Army and SS service. It will see a number of feature enhancements as well as a fleet harmonisation to bring the PT fleet to a common standard.

Provider KX
Newly announced is a design study for an amphibious landing ship similar in concept to the NS and Clone Intruder design. The Dinos have not ruled out buying Clone ships though are said to prefer their own design.

Olympus/Provider ZF
The Dinos have declared a need for a small number of support carriers for their force of Ferret UCVs which is expected to greatly increase over the next few years. The favoured option is to buy NS Olympus-Es and it is expected the Dinos may request the loan of a ship for evaluation.

Opinion : Can Windscorpion regain his aura?

The return of Windscorpion as a proper member of NS is long overdue as is his presence at GHQ as the new Director of Military Intelligence. As well as bringing expertise to the NS the new post may also help the legend arrest his waning aura with the NS.

Wait what is this? The Apogee of Man's aura waning? Well yes it is, he is no longer the legend he once was to the NS rank and file, he is an icon but an icon who seems part of the past not the present and future. This is down to a number of reasons.

Following the war with the Argon Windy has been busy reorganising NS assets and UNP liaison in the Aldebran sector and dealing with the strategic impact of the loss of Starbot. Vital work but way out on the fringe. He has become a distant figure, one who appears in the occasional news report not in everyday life at GHQ or DDS City (which by the way should change its name too?)

Since the death of his former love Quarz Windy has become more withdrawn. He no longer appears on NS TV, or making net films. His personality cult Windy Massive has virtually shut down.

Natural wastage has led to fewer in the NS having first hand knowledge of him. Since the war due to losses and other departures 17% of NS personnel have left. Their replacements know little of Windy apart from what they have read in a book.

Therefore Windy's return to the core of NS is needed. He can introduce a new generation to his incredible legacy and remind everyone of why he is the greatest member of the DDS/NS of all time.


NS+ absorb military intelligence

NS+, the former Internal Security Special Forces, has absorbed the former DDS Military Intelligence department. While actual intelligence gathering assets will remain part of Space or Terrestrial Forces the data they gather will be handled by a new department of NS+ called NS-MID.

However to counter what some believe is too much influence for NS+ a new role of Director of Military Intelligence has been formed which will be separate from NS+ but with an equivalent level to Director of Operations Torus in the NS heirarchy. Windscorpion will be the first Director, his first official role in the DDS/NS for years (his role of "Protector" is officially honorary).


Spikeson discharged from hospital

Spikeson, the Minister of Health, has been discharged from hospital following the injuries he suffered during an assassination attempt. Spikeson was on good swearing form and says he will be back "in action" in a week or so.

The SS have reported that his assailant was a former Dino Army officer, and colleague of Spikeson, with a grudge. The man, who has not been named, is reported to have been killed in a shoot out near a war memorial.


NS ORBAT updated

The Order of Battle of the NS has been updated for the first time in ages to reflect the greater number of ships available as well as expanding roles and responsibilities. The Combat and Patrol Divisions have been split into 2 wings each and a number of extra squadrons have been added. The new NS ORBAT can be seen here.

The head of the NS Space Fleet Caratore said that there would be further changes later in the year following reviews and full reorganisations of the NS mine warfare and amphibious fleets.


Knobhead comments on name change, announcement of NS Plus

NS Commander Knobhead has held a media briefing where he was asked extensively about the name change of the Dino Death Squad (DDS) to New Sparta (NS). "The name change has been on the cards for 11 years now, we nearly changed in 2105 and again a couple of years ago but ongoing conflicts at both times were of more pressing need of course. Happily it is third time lucky!"

Knobhead confirmed that NS was the preferred way to state of the organisation, as DDS had been before.

The major surprise was the announcement of the new name for ISSF. The internal security and special forces wing of NS would be called NS Plus (NS+ would also be acceptable). The name change would be rolled in over the next few weeks along with the general rebranding.


UV222 : Neverak: The Search Begins

  • Decision For The Future - Can Kalifei and Tiger avert a disaster?
  • Truth Will Out - S101 and B-1 drop in on Egonneck.
  • Hit Thru - Egonneck remembers back to his time with Neverak and the first encounter with Oojok.
  • Stand & Deliverer - Neverak and Egonneck try and capture Oojok.
  • Clean Sheet - Dr Slow has a surprise for Rotarios.
  • Line Testing - Spikeson is shot by a sniper.
  • Thrash Their Rivals - Can Ronald stop the evil Phoebus.


Story #2227

Thrash Their Rivals
Can Ronald stop the evil Phoebus.


More details of DDS renaming

The DDS is now the NS and also has a new logo. The yellow star has now become a green star (of a slightly different design). At the first meeting of the (as it is now) NS Politburo Knobhead said that he expected all digital signage to be changed in days or weeks and the renaming and rebranding to be completed across the NS by the end of the year.

In a surprise move the head of ISSF Stella has announced that the Internal Security Special Forces arm of the NS will also change name. ISSF is considered to be an awkward acronym (and indeed if someone got a zark for every time its written as ISF they would be rich). The new name will be revealed later in the month.


DDS to become New Sparta

The DDS Politburo has voted unanimously to change the name of the DDS to New Sparta. The name change takes effect immediately, with digital assets expected to be changed over as soon as possible and other signage and names changed by the end of the year. Knobhead, now the New Sparta Commander, said that "NS" would be the common acronym used.

Knobhead said the new name was part of a new direction for the organisation, one which wouldn't be passive and reactive as before but would not be afraid to be aggressive and proactive to protect the UNP and it's people.

Story #2226

Line Testing
Spikeson is shot by a sniper.


Story #2225

Clean Sheet
Dr Slow has a surprise for Rotarios.

Story #2224

Stand & Deliverer
Neverak and Egonneck try and capture Oojok.


Spikeson shot!

Senator Spikeson, the Minister of Health, has been shot outside his office by a sniper. Spikeson was rushed to Central Hospital in Dino-Town but is not said to be in danger. A government spokesdino said that luckily Spikeson had moved his head at the last second and the bullet had grazed his skull instead of entering his brain. He will remain in hospital for the next few days at least.

The SS has been fully mobilised and a manhunt (or dinohunt) has begun for the sniper. The CSS and DPC will increase their protection of other Senate members and VIPs.

Fleet News 03/02/16

H202 Midas is the second Mulberry 36A fleet combat ship to enter service.

M210 Conqueror is the latest Corkscrew 51A to enter service.

L159 Australasia is the 9th and for the moment final Oceania 63A to enter service.

Extender 73A oilers A169R Relgis Golor and A170R Remedia Minor have both entered service with the Remedian squadron of the DDS fleet.

Finally Freedom 41B M123 Foresight has been fitted with worm drive.


Whatever happened to the Clone armed forces decentralisation?

The DDS committee which monitors the Clone Defence Forces and empire has published a report into the aborted plans for radical changes to the Clone armed forces mooted a few years ago to radically cut costs. The plans involved massive cuts in the Clone Army and Air Force with each planet in the empire maintaining its own territorial based national defence force backed up by a small core of professional troops.

Paragon, for example, which currently had 30,000 troops stationed on the planet could have changed this to 20,000 territorials in a "Paragon National Army" and a brigade of the Clone Army (about 5,000 men). The plans were evaluated on Taragargi however this is where the major flaws with the plans came to light according to the DDS report.

With most of the troops on Taragargi assigned as "territorials" and one brigade at the capital the "professionals" a number of major incident exercises were held on the planet including a major terrorist attack, natural disaster and even an alien invasion. The problem was the time needed for the professional troops to get to where they were needed. In one test (the terrorist attack), this was staged around 7,000 km from the capital but it took 12 hours just for a bridgehead to be established and 2 more days before the professional troops were in an operational state.

A major lack of transportation assets was found to be a problem, it is estimated the CAF might need 1000 more transport aircraft and helicopters. Plus the time taken to get troops from one side of the planet to the other meant that major threats could not be tackled adequately. The plans for the decentralisation of the Clone Defence Forces has thus been dropped. It is estimated that around 2-3 billion zarks a year could be saved (much less than the original 5 billion estimate) but the cost of new aerial assets was estimated at over 10 billion.

The DDS committee says that a new plan is taking form in the CDF, this using automated drones and ballistic missiles. It is rumoured that a solar-hybrid surveillance drone known as the QX is in early development and this could be married to much greater deployment of a new generation of more accurate Gale ICBMs.


Clones announce major CSM upgrade

The Clones have announced a major upgrade to its strategic interstellar missile system the Clone Space Missile or CSM. CSM Model 2A will be introduced over the next couple of years, firstly replacing existing missiles in the Cloneworld silos. Model 2A's main improvement is the range which has been increased to 14 light years. Stealth and targeting systems have also been improved and the space stage has been modified to work better with the forthcoming sea launched SeaCSM due to enter service in a couple of years time.

Its not known if the Clones will replace all existing Model 1x missiles due to budget pressures. Missiles are also known to be on Austini 55, Woloron 12 (mobile launchers only) and Taragargi (thought to be a test range).

Story #2223

Hit Thru
Egonneck remembers back to his time with Neverak and the first encounter with Oojok.