
Story #2187

Getting Late
Can Windy and the crew of Indigo 4 survive... and save the UNP/Bolitic trade deal?

Story #2186

Strap On
The DDS are prepared to take extreme measures.

Story #2185

Difficult Run
The crew of Indigo 4 discover the enemy base.


Major LRM test held

A major test of the DDS' astral missile system the LRM-20 has been held. A missile was launched using the Bright Spark launching system from a launchpad on Proxima 7 which then successfully deployed the attack stage. No hyperspace drive has yet been fitted to the space stage though it did perform a 3 hour sub-light test flight before being recovered by a DDS ship.

The space stage hyperspace ability was tested earlier in the year, the DDS won't say how fast it can go but it is thought at least 450c due to the engine fitted. The DDS are aiming for a full test with a hyperspace enabled space stage early next year and a full mission test (one that ends with a bang!) before the end of 2116. The DDS has now settled on a deployment date of 2117.


Worm drive deal criticised by Marcus

The Emperor of the "eastern" part of the Clone Star Empire, Marcus, has criticised the decision to spend 10 billion zarks on Dino worm drives. "We are talking about a third of a billion zarks per drive, why is no one questioning this price?" he said at a media briefing on Austini 55. "The DDS recently revealed that building a worm drive costs around 70 million zarks, so why are we paying nearly 5 times as much?"

A Clone Space Navy spokesclone on Cloneworld later said that the price included engineering and integration support as well as 10 years of technical help though did acknowledge that the price had been set by the Dinos.

A former HCS general, Ramedok who is noted for his comments on military procurement, said that the Clones had been forced to massively overpay. "We desperately need ships with worm drive, the Dinos knew that and also knew we would pay it. And you know what, it will be worth it. Thirty worm drive equipped Soulakis will be a formidable force."

Many weapon programmes have been cut back and delayed however Ramedok said this was not that important in the long run. "A few less jet fighters or navy carriers is a shame but the Soulakis are strategically much more important. CSM will also not be affected by this and as Soulaki SLM will be able to carry CSM-S it will be a huge boost to our offensive might."


Clone worm drive deal signed

The Clones have bought 30 W1A wormdrives from the Dinos for 10 billion zarks, the deal being finalised today on Dino-Land. As part of the deal the Dinos will help with the worm telemetry for the Soulaki battlecruiser and the worm drives will form the part of (what is now) a 15 billion zark and unification of the Soulaki SL, SLB and SLBK into the new Soulaki SLM standard.

The upgrade will also see a full refurbishment and zero-houring of the hull as well as weapon and sensor upgrades. The 30 strong Soulaki SLM will form the core of the Clone fleet from 2120 until the 2140s.

The upgrade programme will begin in 2117 a Clone source said, next year an engineering training worm drive test bed will be delivered by the Dinos who will also help with training and integration.

The upgrade programme is one of the most expensive in the history of the Clone armed forces and has forced delays, cut backs and cancellations on at least a dozen other weapon programmes.


Story #2184

I'm Bored Of All This
The mission gets real.

Story #2183

Navy Boyz
Windy joins a ship from the newly absorbed former UNSP.


DDS sell ships to Durant 7

Durant 7 have become the latest DDS customers after placing an order for transports and shuttles. Durant are looking to recapitalise their support fleet which is said to be a mixture of types (all ancient). Combat ships may follow later in the decade.

Durant have ordered 2 Depender 753D7 combat support ships, 3 Extender 126D7 transport/oilers and 5 Coril ST-75D7 shuttles. Deliveries are expected to begin in 2117.


Other Fleet News (17/09/15)

The Dinos have accepted 2 more Dinomark XTs into service.

New Arit has received its 2 final Shark SKH-EA frigates.

Sirikwan has accepted its second Arutan combat support ship into service. The 2 Relan class ships which did fulfill this role before have both been retired.

The Clones have built a new Cosmos CS cruiser.

Porquat 640 has built its 17th and final Quagan 665 frigate. The 5 older Quagan 658s will now be rebuilt and merged into the 665 class.

Haylei has received a Pentekonter Protector 351HA.

Sear N7 have received an Extender 127 oiler.


New DDS breed more relaxed on Clone worm drives

When the Dinos agreed a deal to sell worm drives to the Clone Star Empire the immediate DDS response by senior figures was negative. However the new rising generation of DDS officers who have come to prominance under the rule of Knobhead show a much more relaxed approach to the Clones with some including Akbar and Caratore approving of the sale.

The reason is because the Clone Wars are receding into the past with fewer DDS personnel having experience of the conflict. Young highflyers like ISSF Chief Stella for example were in their teens when the Clone Wars ended and so they do not regard the Clones with the same suspicion and sometimes hostility of veterens of the war.

Caratore (who joined the DDS Academy 2 months after the Clone Wars ended) has said that a stronger Clone Star Empire is in the DDS' best interests. "As long as we all respect each other's territory and soverignty then i see no reason why a stronger Clone fleet is a bad thing." It is thought that some regard the Clones as being a vital potential ally in any future conflict with the Tarbotians.


Worm drive purchase will affect other weapon programmes

The expensive purchase of worm drive by the Clones from the Dinos will affect a number of weapon programmes the Clone Defence Forces have acknowledged. However they say that a worm drive equipped Soulaki fleet will be a massive benefit to the Clone Star Empire and will be worth "pain" elsewhere.

The Molentic Tuul new build MTM2 programme will likely be delayed for a couple of years and Cosmos CS/CS production will be halted or delayed. The air force will also see its new build procurement budget cut though they say that this will just mean production of new types like the K45C is slowed down and not stopped. The navy will also see its next carriers delayed probably until the 2120s.


UV217 : Quarz : The End

  • Annoying Wooden Twat - Redjec and Windy come face to face.
  • Falling Of Tears - Windy wonders if Redjec was right.
  • Need A High Score - The Dino SS launches a crackdown on Acheron cultists.
  • Voodoo Attack! - The Brotherhood of the Forgotton get the material they need.
  • Just Too Many Words - Ronald is targeted by the cult.
  • Can't Be Trusted - The Brotherhood of the Forgotton begin to control Ronald.
  • Third In Line - Crickson and company are given a new secret mission.


Story #2182

Ultra Voodoo Assault
Can the Acheron cult kill Ronald?

Story #2181

A Contender
Crickson's team close in on the Brotherhood of the Forgotton.

Clones to buy worm drives

The Clones are currently negotiating with the Dinos in a massive deal to buy W1A worm drives. A 10 billion zark deal (paid over 3 years) will see 30 worm drives delivered as well as help on integration, engineering and geometry development. It is thought the Clones will upgrade their Soulaki battlecruiser fleet.

The purchase will be controversial with Dino Army and DDS elements opposed to the spread of the technology to the Clones. Some Clone Defence Force elements are also against the deal as it will take money from other programs, possibly including the new build Molentic Tuul MTM2 which may be pushed back to 2120.


Clones to upgrade key communication nodes

The Clone Star Empire communication network has been in a poor shape for over 10 years with a series of emergency crash programs, commercial tie-ins and bodges helping keep the network running. However while the network can still cope in peacetime a recent exercise near Woloron 12 saw the CDF network collapse in that area.

The Clone economy has improved and now finally the money appears to be available for some proper upgrades. Six core communication links will be installed and will run alongside the existing links. Core parts of the CSE will see a 300% increase in bandwidth as well as improved speeds. The links will be up and running by 2118. However to demonstrate how data is always increasing even with the upgrades more bandwidth will probably be needed by 2123-5!


DDS preparing "generation 1.5" worm drive

The DDS are currently testing their first major development of worm drive technology which they originally obtained from the Dinos in return for transphasic technologies. Dozens of Electron W1A worm drives are in service and the power boosted W1AA for larger ships is also now being rolled out.

The Election W1B will see a speed increase (said to be on average 300-400ec depending on ship geometry) as well as more efficient power use and improved maintenance. The first W1Bs could be rolled out to ships in mid-2116.


DDS develop Provider kit to enable mass personnel transfer

The DDS have developed a quick to fit modification kit for the Provider 71A transport for large scale personnel transfer. The kit involves installing seating, sanitary and recreational facilities and can turn the Provider into a passenger transport capable of moving up to a 1000 people. The kit can be installed in less than 24 hours.

This has been bought in for troop transport which is an area the DDS are still lacking in. The DDS have extensive amphibious warfare facilities now but have lacked the ability to move troops and personnel on a large scale fast. Up to 10 kits will be bought with at least 1 Provider permanently fitted.


Dinos to increase size of Civilian Reserve

As well as a fleet of over 200 Dinomark XTs in Dino Army, SS and government support services the Dinos also have a fleet of ex-military older XTs in the Civilian Reserve. These are sold at a discount on the proviso that they are kept available for military service and in a state where they can be restored to a full military state very quickly.

At the moment there are 173 XTs in the Civilian Reserve but the Dino Senate has agreed funding to raise this to 250 as older XTs are replaced by the new generation Dinomark LM from next year. The Dinos will also continue to build a small number of water capable XTs over the next few years as a water capable LM is not planned until the 2120s.


Fleet News 01/09/15

  • L158 South America is the first of 2 extra Oceania 63A landing ships being bought under a joint-ownership contract with the UNP, they will be part of ther DDS Amphibious Squadron but their first priority will be UNP humanitarian missions.
  • A121 Jumbo is the latest (and perhaps final) Provider 71A transport to be built for the DDS.
  • M110 Cryptozoic and M111 Proterzoic Isometric 41As have both received worm drive.