
Story #2177

Third In Line
Crickson and company are given a new secret mission.

Story #2176

Can't Be Trusted
The Brotherhood of the Forgotton begin to control Ronald.

Dinomark explodes at Central AFB

A Dinomark XT is understood to have exploded just after take off on a mission from Central AFB (the main Dino Army base) near Dino-Town. It is not known what mission the Dinomark was on or who was aboard though the SS have bought a right security cordon around the area which indicates there were VIPs aboard.

The cause of the explosion is unknown, Dinomark XTs are very proven and safe technology so the explosion being caused by a failure or accident is highly unlikely. The fusion reactor was not breached so no radiation was released however a decontamination zone has been set up for other toxins.


Civilian Partnership 2115

The latest edition of the DDS' humanitarian and disaster relief exercise is due to begin in early September. This year (and maybe topically) the exercise will involve civilian evacuation and relief during a war. The exercise will be based around the Remedian planet of Mila with Remedian ships acting as an "enemy" (though there will be no combat exercises but the Remedians will "harass").

The exercise will involve evacuation, resettlement in a temporary camp and relief delivery. Around 3000 volunteers from Remedian and Terran relief agencies will act as the displaced civilians. Remedian agencies will also take part (along with the UNP) to train in interoperability. The ships involved will be:

L151 Oceania (flagship)
L157 Central America
S223 Vesuvius
M108 Holocene
M130 Formiddable
K151 Fighting Falcon
K159 Goshawk
K161 Raptor
A113 Crate
A117 Hercules
A166 Ethanol

Remedian fleet:

H203 Remedia Prime II (flagship)
H204 Mila II
M204R Citix of Remedia


CAF want funding for more COIN regiments

The Clone Air Force is pressing for more funding to afford 6 more COIN regiments. They are arguing that current COIN resources are spread too thinly with the size of the empire as it is and the number of insurgencies (at least 8) currently ongoing.

If the CAF get their way then around 200 more aircraft will be needed. Some K85s can be reactivated from the reserve though the rest will need to be new build K85s though the hybrid powered K58 light strike aircraft currently in development may also have a role.


Story #2175

Just Too Many Words
Ronald is targeted by the cult.


Story #2174

Voodoo Attack!
The Brotherhood of the Forgotton get the material they need.


Story #2173

Need A High Score
The Dino SS launches a crackdown on Acheron cultists.

Alpha Centauri 93A to receive final major overhaul

The 2 Alpha Centauri 93A training ships (ex-Bolitic Helwin cruisers) are due to stay in service until 2120 but were already old when they entered DDS service (they may be the oldest warships in DDS service though the exact origins are still not sure). The DDS will give the 2 ships a major Tier 2 overhaul later this year which will likely be the final one before withdrawal.

The overhaul will include a full refit and replacement of worn parts. Navigational and communications systems will also be upgraded. The docking bay will also be reworked and enlarged so the ships can accept Coril shuttles more easily (at the moment it is a bit of a squeeze).


Rome 2115 Update A

The Rome 46A fleet is to receive a major update over the next few months. Rome 2115 Update A will be a Tier 2 upgrade so will include major system enhancements (ILUs and MULEs are Tier 1s and are virtual rebuilds). The major change will be the long expected replacement of the failed Ion Recycle Scoop on the top of the ship (which is supposed to have increased range by drawing in astral gases but has not proven to work anywhere near as well as hoped) with a Z7 turret.

Other changes include modifications to the docking bay to improve small ship handling, fitting for worm drive (the actual drives will follow at a later stage but all the power and navigational systems will be fitted), an 8 cell TPM-VLS (increasing total missile load to 24) and various updates and upgrades to tactical, navigational and power systems.

The flagship SS Cicero and the reserve flag SS Caesar will also receive communications and security upgrades.


Olympus Balista impresses in trials

The first Olympus Balista 23M missile/UCV carrier, S251 Anubis, has impressed in its first deployment joining the DDS fleet at Aldebra. The Balista is proving to be a very flexible ship, its large docking bay proving highly useful in a search of one of Aldebra's moons for left over Argon equipment.

Anubis also took part in a small exercise using live rounds and it pounded a target "fleet" with no less than 30 TPM-2s fired in just a few seconds. Anubis has now returned to Solaris for some modifications to fix a few teething problems.


DDS order 2 more Falcon 47Ws

The DDS have ordered 2 more Falcon 47W (underwater capable Dinomark XTs) from the Dinos. The Dinos are phasing the XT out of production with domestic production being replaced by the new Dinomark LM next year, XT production will continue for export orders but it is thought the Dinos want to cease production entirely by 2118 hence the DDS' decision to place an order now before available slots are taken up.

The 2 47Ws will perform patrol duties and ISSF mission support. Delivery dates have yet to be decided.


DDS to adopt new uniform

The DDS will introduce a new uniform over the next few months. It will include a new standard camouflage pattern, improved personal protection, built in biometric monitoring systems and emergency tracking systems. The new standard DDS headwear will also include built in communications.

DDS Commander Knobhead also wants the Darli laser rifle to become the standard DDS personal firearm within the next 24 months. SMA will ramp up production at 2 new facilities on Sanger Alpha and Proxima 5.


New Vosun forms space fleet

The newest DTA member New Vosun has formed a space fleet which will form part of the unified DTA military command. With resources very tight the New Vosun Fleet is not expected to have any ships for a while but Vosunites have begun training alongside other DTA members (except the Voth with whom there is still friction).

The Dinos may donate some ex-Dino Army Dinomark XTs to the new fleet though this may wait until later in the year when some crews may be available.


Other Fleet News (15/08/15)

  • The Dinos have accepted into service the first Dinomark AM attack cruiser.
  • Sirikwan have accepted the first MRCSS combat support ship (based on the Friendship platform). It has been called the Arutan.
  • Yeng has received its first 15 Ferret UCVs.
  • The Clones have built 2 Cosmos CS.
  • Haylei has received 2 Olympus-E carriers.
  • Molab (FES Pool) has received its 6th and final Pentekonter 105M minesweeper.

New light patrol craft to be called the Mariner 56A

The new light patrol craft currently being designed to replace the legacy USP fleet will be known as the Mariner 56A class. The ships will be built by the DDS (or by the Raegris), Consolidated Spacecraft and SENECA.

The Mariner 56A will have a mission module capability so a single fleet can cover the varied roles of 3 ships in the legacy fleet. The DDS say at least 3 current customers have shown interest in an export version though none will be available until the end of the decade.


Malgar 419 become new DDS customer

Malgar 419, one of the planets on the fringe of the Rim Worlds, has placed an order for DDS warships. In a 5 billion zarks deal 3 Pentekonter Protector 257M and 6 Coril ST-75M shuttles will be bought along with a Depender 752M combat support ship.

Malgar will also host a DDS intelligence gathering base and allow refuelling and repairs of DDS ships.


New Browning version announced

The Clone Air Force has announced a new version of its COIN backbone aircraft the K85 Browning. The K85NTM will be the last version of the third generation NT series before the introduction of the all-electric QA in the next decade. Around 190 NTMs will be built over the next few years replacing older aircraft.

The NTM includes an improved datalinking facility and battlespace integration with unmanned aerial assets. The laser designator has been improved and the weapon operator's console redesigned. The NTM also has an improved more efficient and sonically quieter propeller which has been designed for the QA but its been decided to use it on the NTM (and maybe retrofitted to other NTs). Production will switch to NTM once the current batch of NIKs has been completed later in the year.


SS fully mobilised on Dino-Land to combat Acheron

The SS has been fully mobilised on Dino-Land on the direct orders of Ronald and a lock-down has been ordered in a number of districts in the planet's major cities. It is rumoured that an Acheron cult (adherants of the ancient ways who wish to restore the Acheron culture) tried to seize a nuclear power station but were put down by SS-D special forces.

Ronald has ordered an arrest of all Acheron cultists, a dozen temples have been raided by the SS and there have been dozens of arrests. The cult was banned for a long time though the ban was lifted a few years ago, it is thought the ban will be restored following a number of incidents in recent months.


Torus pays tribute (of a kind) to Quarz

Director of Operations Torus has paid tribute to Quarz, who was murdered by Redjec yesterday at DDS City. "Quarz was a... unique individual." she said at DDS GHQ, "Maybe Quarz's career was not as conventional as some but his achievements cannot be denied." Though Torus did not list any.

The ISSF are hunting for Redjec but Director Stella admitted that they have no leads. Redjec possesses advanced teleport technology and other alien technlogy. It is said he was able to disable both directed energy and kinetic weapons at DDS City using a field of an unknown type.


Quarz murdered by Redjec

Captain Quarz was kidnapped by person unknown some months ago, a search turning up no leads until lately. According to ISSF chief Stella the sensational discovery that Redjec was alive and had kidnapped Quarz was uncovered only a few weeks ago after DNA was found at a crime scene.

Redjec had been presumed killed in the explosion that destroyed SS Stoke City but it is thought he faked his death. He is considered highly dangerous by the DDS and possesses highly advanced technology.

Redjec bought Quarz to DDS City on Proxima 7 and demanded to face Windy, who assumed like everyone else Redjec would try and kill him. In fact Redjec shot Quarz dead in front of Windy then teleported away. Quarz will be buried with all military honours in a few days. The search for Redjec continues.

UV216 : Target : Redjec

  • A New Broom - Windy moves to stop the Starbotians selling TPM secrets.
  • Rodak : Creature Of Evil - Krusty's ship comes under attack.
  • Krusty Attacks! - Krusty goes into the attack against the beast.
  • Rodak III - Why has Krusty become so reckless?
  • The Hunt Renewed - The hunt begins for Redjec.
  • Under The Slash - The Onion comes face to face with Redjec.
  • Shiny Suits - Redjec continues his story.


Story #2172

Falling Of Tears
Windy wonders if Redjec was right.

Story #2171

Annoying Wooden Twat
Redjec and Windy come face to face.

DDS Astro Combat Brigade formed

A new arm of the DDS has been formed with a dedicated "space marines" arm added to DDS Space Forces. The Astro Combat Brigade will incorporate and replace the existing Space Prowler units. All DDS ships will carry detachments of ACB marines though some will need modifications for accommodation. A larger force will also remain on standby.

The ACB will be about 5000 strong by 2118 though is only 900 strong at inception.

ZMax test fired for first time

The massive ZMax cannon, core to the Windscorpion 18A monitor ship, has been test fired for the first time at a purpose built rig on an asteroid just outside the Solaris system. The cannon successfully ignited though full beam was aborted on the first attempt due to anomalies in the targeting array.

The second shot was fully successful and utterly destroyed a small target. The beam was only 5% of the full potential, at 100% the weapon could destroy a small asteroid. A series of test firings will take place over the next 6 months.


Story #2167

Shiny Suits
Redjec continues his story.

DDS issue specification for New Light Patrol Craft

The DDS is in a hurry for its Type 56A New Light Patrol Craft to replace the transferred USP patrol craft, it has to design and build 70 of them by 2120! Most of the legacy USP craft are due to become life expired by the end of the decade with some needing replacement by 2118. The DDS are aiming to have the Type 56A enter testing by 2117 with a entry into service by the end of the year. Commercial manufacturers will be needed to build the bulk of the fleet.

The Type 56A specification includes the following:
  • Speed of 450-500c, fitted for worm drive (hopefully to be fitted from new)
  • Mini version of Z7 cannon, TPM-VLS battery (at least 12 cells)
  • Crew of 18-20
  • Provision for 2 SROPS class or similar light craft


Knobhead secures increase in DDS funding

DDS Commander Knobhead has had his first success in securing an increased funding from the UNP. Part of this is tied up with the transfer of local patrol duties from the USP but there is a real-terms 2.1% increase in funding as well.

The DDS have also sold some more unneeded land from its portfolio raising around 970 million zarks. Selling surplus land has been a boon to the DDS in recent years though the supply of land is reaching the end and cannot be counted on in future to supplement funding from the UNP.

The DDS will continue to invest heavily in its fleet but Terrestrial Forces is also set to receive a substantial increase in its budget.


Fleet News 01/08/15

  • L182 Tireless is the second Triumph 66B strike carrier to be delivered by the Clones.
  • M207 Centurion is the latest Corkscrew 51A to join the fleet.
  • 73 light patrol craft from the UNP Space Patrol have transferred to the DDS (albiet only in name for the time being), these form the Deterrence 53A, Guardian 54A and Sentinal 55A.

DDS to take over more patrol duties from UNP

The DDS have agreed with the UNP to take over local patrol and communication duties from the UNP Space Patrol. The USP was the forerunner of the DDS which once patrolled all UNP space though in the last couple of decades its role has been steadily reduced. The USP will revert to being a mostly administrative organisation.

In a 3 billion zark deal with the UNP the DDS will build a new fleet of around 70 light patrol ships to take over from the largely life expired fleet of USP ships. An adapted commercial type is likely to be chosen and the DDS are currently looking into options.

The existing fleet of 73 USP patrol craft will be transferred to the DDS along with some 11,000 personnel. This transfer process will begin as soon as possible and will be completed by early next year.