
Argon to withdraw from UNP space

The Argon have been given a full Aldebran day (about 27.3 Standard Hours) to withdraw utterly from Aldebra and begin a departure from UNP space. They have 4 days to leave UNP space completely (a figure based on the speed of their slowest ships). If the Argon to not abide by this timetable the DDS will resume combat operations.

The Argon are rapidly packing up and returning their personnel on the planet to orbit. With the DDS' agreement a quantity of heavy equipment (mostly Argon Army equipment) will be left behind and destroyed. The DDS have landed 4 Prowler units and UNP officials to observe the withdrawal. DDS Terrestrial Forces personnel who have been in hiding in the hills since the Argon invasion have been reached by the DDS and evacuated to a hospital ship, many are in a poor state after weeks in the open and under continual Argon bombardment and harassment.

A 3 light year across exclusion zone has been placed across UNP space opposite the Argon territory. No Argon ships will be permitted to enter this space and will be attacked without warning if they do.