
K-1, Oil Stop Boss accept jobs in new Starbot regime

K-1 and Oil Stop Boss, S101/B-B loyalists, have accepted high-level jobs in the new K-2 administration. K-1 is the new Starbot Armed Forces (such that are left) Commander. This was a role held by S101 in conjunction with being the Starbotian Commander before. Oil Stop Boss will take over from B-B as the Home Commander (equivalent to Minister of the Interior).

B-B has said he will join S101 in retirement. S101 said he had no ill will to his friends for taking their new positions. He said that life goes on and he hoped their experience will guide K-2.

K-2's main policy is to remove Starbot from the DDS though he said this will not happen until the war has completed. Starbot has already been removed from Starbot secure communications links and intelligence databases however.