
K-1, Oil Stop Boss accept jobs in new Starbot regime

K-1 and Oil Stop Boss, S101/B-B loyalists, have accepted high-level jobs in the new K-2 administration. K-1 is the new Starbot Armed Forces (such that are left) Commander. This was a role held by S101 in conjunction with being the Starbotian Commander before. Oil Stop Boss will take over from B-B as the Home Commander (equivalent to Minister of the Interior).

B-B has said he will join S101 in retirement. S101 said he had no ill will to his friends for taking their new positions. He said that life goes on and he hoped their experience will guide K-2.

K-2's main policy is to remove Starbot from the DDS though he said this will not happen until the war has completed. Starbot has already been removed from Starbot secure communications links and intelligence databases however.


Story #2147

To The Last Salute
The DDS strike back against the Argon.

Story #2146

Good Pace
The Bolitic engage the Terrasaurs.


DDS strike major blow against Argon

The DDS have announced they have attacked and destroyed the Argon forward operating base near Aldebra. A large repair and command complex was attacked and destroyed by a DDS fleet which included Warrior 16A bombers making their combat debut. The base is reported to have been much stronger than anticipated and required 2 separate attacks however it was utterly destroyed along with over 30 Argon ships, around half cruisers and the rest transports.

The DDS lost 3 ships and a number of others received damage to some degree. The ships lost were :

H125 Indomitable
H163 Vega
K108 Seneca

The DDS fleet is said to be now preparing to head towards the Aldebra system where the Argon are now withdrawing to.


DDS consider rebuilding Starsystems to create new MCS

The DDS are said to be considering rebuilding the 8 remaining Starsystem 91X training ships along the lines of the Isometric Prototype. SS Isometric was originally a Starsystem but was extensively rebuilt and upgraded and is now a very powerful ship though tends to be only used for technology and equipment trials.

Rebuilding the 8 Starsystems could boost the Medium Combat Ship fleet more quickly and cheaply than new build. An "Isometric-fied" Starsystem could cost 65% of the cost of a new Corkscrew 51A. A DDS source says that new Pentekonters could be built to cover the training role and also fulfil a back-up minesweeping role. A Pentekonter could also take SS Isometric's role if it is decided to merge this into the new upgraded Starsystem class. A decision will be made after the war.


Clone Defence Force gets budget boost

After 7 years of stagnation the Clone defence budget has finally seen an increase after the Clone Star Empire finally returned to growth (and good growth too). The Clone Defence Force budget has been increased by 8% this year and will be increased by 6% for the following 3 years. This has allowed the CDF to invest in new weapons and restart production in a number of programmes. The army, which has suffered the most from the lean times, will benefit the most though all 4 services will get something.

Clone Army
  • J89FSU2 follow-on upgrade for 1000 more Eradicator tanks
  • J55ZDM2 production rate increased
  • Over 2000 J5 Tapirs to receive a mid-life upgrade and refurbishment
  • Order for 350 J107GDM self-propelled guns
  • AR-100 assault rifle to be replaced by AR-105 by 2120
  • Two new Red Lizard special forces units to be established
Clone Air Force
  • K58 Raptor set to enter service by 2118
  • 300 more K85NTs to be upgraded to NIK standard (inflight-refuelling capability)
  • Initial design work on a replacement for the Z36 heavy lift helicopter
Clone Navy
  • A second West Clone Republic class helicopter carrier has been ordered
  • A 5th Ailier II class frigate has been ordered
  • Two more K44K tanker aircraft ordered
Clone Space Navy
  • Soulaki SLM upgrade and unification to begin properly with the aim to have upgraded all 30 ships by 2118
  • Production of new build Molentic Tuul MTM2 to begin in 2117
  • Order for Shark SKB increased by 10 plus funding to upgrade all older SK to SKB standard
  • Production of Horizon HZ unmanned transport has begun


Story #2145

One Member One Vote
K-2 becomes the Starbotian leader.

Story #2144

End Of The Hair
S101 is diagnosed with bit rot.

DDS lock down DDS South

Despite already being at alert status RED security across the DDS is dictated by local conditions. Across DDS South security has been stepped up with a virtual lock down at all DDS facilities and key civic institutions and infrastructure on Malau and Saeou. This indicates either an Argon attack is expected or the DDS are about to go on the offensive.

The latter is thought more likely as over the last week a number of ships have left Malau and Saeou. Where they are going to is unknown but is thought to be a DDS forward base nearer Aldebra.


DDS to introduce new generation of powerplant

The faster and more powerful and advanced DDS ships become the more power they require. The nuclear array technology developed by the DDS in the 2090s has been the mainstay of DDS ship architecture since then though now the sheer amount of power needed is outstripping even the latest arrays.

DDS Research are said to be developing a new form of power system that uses distributed arrays, advanced power management and recycling from systems such as EA-X. The new system could develop 40% more power than a traditional array. SS Isometric is likely to be fitted with the new system when it receives its next update and overhaul later in the year.


Dinos add Yomosa to the republic

Yomosa has been a protectorate of the Dinos for some time, only notable for being the site of an ABBO base back in 2104. Since then however settlers have been encouraged to the planet which has rich untapped mineral deposits. With the population rising and infrastructure and exports developing Dino-Land has decided it is time Yomosa has incorporated as a full member of the Dino Republic.

MBH today announced a 5 billion zark investment in communications links and a combined services base. The existing orbital dock will also be extended. A squadron of Dinomarks will be stationed at Yomosa from the new year.


Other Fleet News (19/05/15)

  • The Dinos have built 2 Dinomark XTs plus the prototype Dinomark AM has begun flight testing.
  • The Bolitic have added a Furl to their fleet.
  • Sirikwan have received 2 Shark SKH-Es.
  • Haylei have received a Pentekonter Protector 351HA.

Argon raid on Saeou thwarted

Sixteen Argon cruisers were spotted entering the Saeou system after a lucky solar flare disrupted their cloaks. The DDS was able to quickly concentrate its forces in the Saeou system to face the Argon fleet. After a brief skirmish the Argon fleet retreated and was later spotted returning towards Aldebra. No injuries or damage was reported on the DDS side, no Argon ships were destroyed.

This is the first substantial attack on a DDS planet since the start of the war and shows the Argon may be looking to expand the war beyond Aldebra which they are now consolidating. The DDS may need to maintain stronger defensive fleets at planets in DDS South than they would prefer to.

Wayne King-Meiouf : The loss of Starbot

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

So Starbot is gone (or will be once the war is over), i'd like to discuss how this will affect the DDS in the short to medium term.

In the short term the DDS fleet has been reduced in size as Starbotian ships were included in the DDS fleet register, however these tended to spend all of their time on Starbotian missions and duties so the actual reduction in DDS fleet strength will be negligible. One as yet unanswered question will be what will happen to the 5 Corkscrew 51As on order to Starbot. If the order is cancelled the ships will go to the DDS though there will of course be cost implications.

Strategically the loss of Starbot means a weakening of DDS South along its Eastern flank though the proximity of the Free Eritran States will reduce the impact here. Starbot is a handy staging post for ships to the FES though Malau or Saeou can step in here. DDS South will reorientate into a region between Aldebra and Liberation so strategically it may be better off especially as it would be stronger towards space where the threat is higher.

Longer term the loss of Starbot may be felt in the DDS' standing. After first the Aritans now a second Tier 1 ally has left the DDS. The perception that the DDS is a "human organisation" is strong amongst opponents on alien DDS ally worlds. The DDS may need to bring the Raegris, Remedians, Porquatians and Eritrans more into the heart of the DDS, with roles for non-humans on the Politburo (S101 will need replacing anyway).

So the loss of Starbot will be felt in many ways but none will be that life threatening to the DDS or as dangerous as say the Raegris leaving. However its still sad and a warning to the DDS that they face a challenge on many battlespheres, including cultural.


K-2 elected new leader of Starbot

After S101's withdrawal it was a foregone conclusion (though polling indicated it was not exactly close even if S101 had remained a candidate) but K-2 has been elected the new leader of Starbot with 82% of the vote. K-2 said that he would end the fractious war with the VC faction by negotiation and also begin removing Starbot from the DDS system.

However he said that leaving the DDS would have to wait until the end of the Argon war but that Starbot would not play any part in further operations. All Starbot assets have been recalled to the home system. The DDS say Molab will take up Starbot's patrol commitments.

DDS Commander Firefly said that he was sad that the Starbotians had left the DDS but that the DDS would honour the democratic will of the people.


DDS say Argon super weapon has been destroyed

Although it was too late to stop the destruction of Starbot's army the DDS have said they have attacked an Argon base and orbital sub-space transmitter on a brown dwarf a few light years away from Starbot. The base on the dying star was manufacturing the roadside bombs which were then teleported to Starbot by the transmitter. A focussing antenna on Starbot itself in rebel VC territory then made the final positioning of the bombs.

A raid was led by Windy and destroyed the base, the transmitter destroyed in a simultaneous missile attack.

Story #2143

House Of Cats
Windy attacks the Argon super weapon.

Story #2142

Moar And Moar
The Starbotians attack the VC.

Story #2141

Have A Light Footprint
Krusty is sent into the lions' den.


S101 diagnosed with terminal illness

Recently resigned Starbotian Commander S101 has admitted he has a degenerative mental condition which will, in a few decades, leave him "brain dead". The illness, commonly known as bit rot, affects older Starbotians and is thought to be due to a flaw in the Starbotian brain design. It affects Starbotians in a similar was to Alzheimers in humans and S101 says that his erratic behaviour in the last days of his command are likely to be due to the early stages of bit rot, though he was not using it as an excuse.

Currently the illness, which was only discovered a few decades ago, has no cure. S101 will continue to slowly deteriorate until his brain no longer functions and his personality matrix collapses. This is not likely to happen for around 20-30 years at current rate of decline so he is hopeful a medical breakthrough can be made.


S101 resigns

Starbotian Commander S101 has resigned after the loss of much of the Starbot Army yesterday in VC territory. He said he had made a terrible mistake and had risked the lives of so many Starbotians due to impatience and "overconfidence" (he did not elaborate). B-B has taken temporary charge of Starbot.

K-2 is now virtually unopposed in next week's leadership election (there are just a couple of fringe candidates standing against him who have little support). K-2 has said he will take Starbot out of the DDS if elected.


Starbot suffers horrific losses as Argon weapon strikes again

The Starbotian Army has been knocked out as an operational force after 6 divisions were wiped out as they pushed into rebel VC territory. The destruction was caused by the (now confirmed by the DDS) Argon weapon which beams IEDs into place. Total Starbotian losses are estimated at over 100,000 troops and a large proportion of their armoured vehicles.

With the earlier losses too the Starbotian Army has lost nearly all of its front line units and has only reserve and territorial units left. The Starbotians were warned not to push into VC territory by the DDS but chose to ignore the advice. Riots against S101's regime have raged since news of the massacre.


Starbot prepares to send army back into VC zone

Six divisions of the Starbotian Army are massing at various points on the edge of rebel VC territory and are said to be preparing to enter. Despite the catastrophic losses of 2 divisions (and nearly 44, 000 troops) due to a terrible new weapon said to be Argon S101 is becoming impatient and knows the VC rebellion must be bought down.

K-2 now has a commanding lead ahead of the vote for Starbotian Commander next week, S101 thinks that a victory over the VC rebels who have launched a number of terrorism attacks against civilians could restore the public's faith in S101's regime. However it is not known if the VC/Argon super weapon is still active, sending troops in could be their death warrant.


UV213 : Mayhem On Starbot

  • And They're Off - The Argon attack the DDS at Aldebra.
  • Flotsom + Jetsom - SFX is laid to rest.
  • In His Thing Won't It - The beast is released.
  • Prep On The Main - The DDS counterattack.
  • Out For The Rout - Gibson is loose!
  • That Could Be It! - The Argon unleash their new super weapon.
  • The Answer Is Fish - Has S101 come to the end of the road?
  • The Battle Of Sigma Tau 207 - The DDS and Argon do battle.

Story #2138

The Battle Of Sigma Tau 207
The DDS and Argon do battle.

Story #2137

The Answer Is Fish
Has S101 come to the end of the road?


Clone Navy receives sub boost

The Clone Navy has received 2 more submarines including the first Sealion nuclear attack submarine and a 6th Seawolf diesel-electric boat. In a further boost the veteran training boat / auxiliary patrol asset CNSS Tinfish has returned from its life extension and has resumed operations. This gives the Clone Navy on Cloneworld a pool of 9 submarines though Tinfish will normally be used for training and weapons trials and CNSS Warhammer for development of the SeaGale SLBM.

In other Clone Navy news there is rising tension between the service and the Clone Air Force as they are taking up most of the slots for new build K45s. Since the CAF began series delivery of the K45C deliveries of K45Ks have been reduced to a trickle. The Cloneworld Command of the CN has over 60 on order and is keen to get them as soon as possible so it can begin withdrawing its rapidly ageing fleet of K40Ns.


K-2 takes commanding lead in Starbot leadership election

Every setback for the Starbotians against the Argon or VC separatists hands more electoral support to the opposition leader K-2 ahead of a leadership election later in the month. K-2 now has a 16% lead over S101 who is facing criticism and opposition even from his own side for his perceived weak leadership.

This is a big problem for the DDS as K-2 has pledged to take Starbot out of the DDS system (he says Starbot will remain friends but did not say how big a friend). This would seriously weaken DDS South.


Clones buy Cherrybee helicopters

The Clone Air Force has made a rare foray into importing aircraft with an order for 35 Cherrybee CBH-90 helicopters, a type also operated by the DDS and UNP. The helicopters, to be known as the Z90 Cherry in CAF service, will perform in the liaison and reconnaissance roles in areas where the larger Z26 Halogen is considered overkill.

It is likely more CBH-90s will be ordered once the initial batch is delivered as the Clones have a requirement for several hundred of the type. The CAF is currently exploring licence build options. The first Cherrys are expected to be delivered later this year.


Fleet News 04/05/15

  • S251 Anubis is the first of the new Olympus Balista 23M missile carriers, this is a variant of the Olympus Mons 23A with a much more overt combat role.
  • X705 Zeta is the latest Alpha 121A NFS.


DDS ship battles Argon

A Solaris 37C fleet combat ship has destroyed 3 Argon cruisers in a minor star system near Aldebra. The Solaris, H165 Denebola, was patrolling near the star (which has not been named by the DDS for operational security reasons) when it detected energy signatures. It found 3 Argon ships which it is thought were using the star as a rendezvous point.

Detected the Denebola gave battle, the latest shield and weapon upgrades are said to have finally negated Argon weapons though a number of crew were killed or seriously injured in the battle which left Denebola badly damaged, but victorious. Denebola is now returning to Malau for repairs.