
Remedians delay withdrawal of Perimpaz until 2116

The Remedians have delayed the withdrawal of their final 3 Perimpaz 39As until 2116 after the problems with the replacement Corkscrew 51As. One of the withdrawn Perimpaz has also had its final power shut down delayed and the ship kept able to be reactivated within a month "just in case".

The Argon war means that many DDS ships have been redeployed to DDS South leaving little available to cover for the Remedians if problems with the new ships continue. A new rectifier is now being trailed on a DDS Corkscrew and a team is investigating the databus problems, one report says the problem could be a manufacturing defect and thus should be fixable.


Corkscrew to trial new improved rectifier

M201 Corkscrew has been fitted with an improved design of main rectifier following problems with the systems installed on the Corkscrew 51As to date. Some rectifiers have failed causing main power failure.

The improved design has extra sensors and an improved diagnostic system, it also replaces some components which are thought to have potentially caused the problems. Corkscrew will return to service next week and perform patrols near Solaris.


DDS send out patrols to look for Argon FOB

The DDS are understood to have sent out at least 3 patrols from Saeou. The groups of ships have begun patrolling unclaimed space near Aldebra. What the DDS are looking for is unknown but it is suspected the Argon have a Forward Operating Base (FOB) in the area from which they have launched their recent attacks.

Finding and neutralising that FOB will be vital though as yet the Argon have not shown their hand. The DDS suspect that will not last for much longer however.


Wayne King-Meiouf : The DDS' strangest war

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

As yet there have been no combat operations or incidents (apart from a minor skirmish) since war was declared against the Argon. I thought it would be a good idea to think about this war and how it differs from all the others the DDS have been involved with to date.

Unlike the ABBO-Bolitic War and the Utrek Wars the DDS is not facing an existential threat, there are no large invasion fleets, alien troops on the ground on DDS territory. The DDS has gone to war because the Argon have been growing in annoyance rather than because they are overly threatened. Sure the Starbotians have lost a couple of ships but the second can be put down to their slack security protocols. A couple of high ranking DDS have been killed though the DDS itself is not under attack. Aldebra has been the focus of aggression though its not yet a UNP world and any Argon forces "invading" the planet have been small special forces units.

The DDS had to go to war but the problem now is what exactly are they are war against. Argon territory is a long way off (even with worm drive the nearest Argon worlds are weeks away from Starbot, a fully equipped - and hyperspace limited - fleet would take months to get there). It is unlikely the DDS will be able to advance into Argon territory apart from small raids by worm drive equipped ships.

Argon forces outside of their territory and nearer to DDS territory is likely to be the focus of the war but of course finding these is easier said than done. The DDS lack much in the way of intelligence on Argon capabilities, technologies and deployments. It may be the first few months of the war will be mostly fought by the reconnaissance and intelligence gathering arms of the DDS.

The ultimate objective is also in question. The DDS have already said this is a limited war so do not expect any invasion force to set off for the heart of Argon space (which would take many months to get there anyway) . I suspect the DDS will bide its time, work out where the Argon are operating and then try and give them a bloody nose and kick their deployments out of the DDS sphere. This will be a very different war and will be very interesting to see as it develops.

Saeou to be used by DDS as operational HQ

Saeou has become the operational HQ of the DDS forces engaged in the war against the Argon. Normally Starbot would be chosen but it thought that S101 requested it not be because of the problems the DDS allies are already having in the wake of their losses against the Argon. Unrest has been reported across the planet as K-2's anti-DDS faction gains momentum.

DDS Protector Windscorpion has been put in direct control of all DDS forces for the duration of the war and has established his base on the planet. Its not known when combat operations will begin or even what the objectives are.


Story #2127

The DDS declares war on the Argon.


Skirmish near Aldebra

A DDS ship near Aldebra, possibly SS North Sea which was in the area earlier in the year, has come under fire from an Argon cruiser. The DDS ship was uncloaked due to the need to reset the cloaking device (after prolonged use cloaking devices need to be reset and degaussed) and was attacked.

The DDS ship only received minor damage and returned fire. The Argon ship cloaked and is thought to have withdrawn. This is the first incident since the declaration of war by the DDS.


Ground Shock forces stay in DDS South

Ground Shock 2115 has now ended but the ships deployed to the major ground attack and amphibious assault exercise are reported to be staying in DDS South. The amphibious ships have been withdrawn to Liberation though the combat ships are thought to be either at Saeou or Malau.

It has also been reported that nuclear weapons from a secure DDS facility on Proxima 7 have been taken to DDS South (the location is being kept secret).


Dino Army changes ratified

A raft of wide-ranging reforms and changes to the Dino Army (and military units of the SS) has been ratified by the Dino Senate. The reforms will aim to make the Dino Army much more flexible and responsive as well give a greater emphasis to space defence. The changes involve some rationalisation and streamlining with savings pumped into improved equipment.

In summary the changes are:
  • The primary formation of the Dino Army will be the Division which will consist of a number (usually at least 2) brigades and support units.
  • Legions will remain but will become a largely administrative formation responsible for geographical areas. Dino Army assets will be organised by division. Divisions and brigades will be much more fluid and switchable between legions depending on need. Only the ceremonial 6th Legion will remain constant. The number of legions will be reduced to 16.
  • The SS' 3 legions will be concentrated into 1 consisting of a number of divisions and brigades.
  • The Dino Space Fleet will be created with permanently space borne ships (like the Dinomark RS) allocated to squadrons in the DSF instead of being allocated to legions. The DSF will consist of the bulk of front-line Dinomarks and transports though most XTs will remain with the legions as they perform mostly an army co-operation role.
  • The Dinos will develop an unmanned patrol and surveillance spacecraft, perhaps in conjunction with the DDS who are also interested in a drone of this type.
Changes will be rolled in from the Summer.


DDS declares war on Argon

The DDS Politburo, in an emergency session, has declared war on the Argon faction of the 7 Sa Sao. This is following a number of attacks and acts of aggression against the DDS and Starbot culminating in the attack on SS Cicero that led to SFX's death.

DDS South has been put on RED alert (the rest of the DDS is officially also on RED though in reality will probably remain on ORANGE due to the regional nature of the threat). What the DDS will do in answer to Argon aggression is unknown.

DDS ship attacked by Argon, SFX killed

A DDS ship, thought to be the flagship SS Cicero under the command of Windscorpion, has come under attack in deep space by the Argon. In a space combat SFX was killed when he was penetrated by a sharp piece of debris. The Rome 46A ship was damaged in the battle though is reported to have destroyed an Argon cruiser and badly damaged 2 others.

Cicero is now limping to the nearest friendly port, thought to be Helinox in the Free Eritran States. The DDS Politburo is holding an emergency session.


Story #2126

What Next?
The DDS come under attack.

Story #2125

Investigating Feet
Windy hunts for the terrorists who destroyed a Starbotian warship.


Other Fleet News (16/03/15)

  • The Dinos have built a Dinomark PT and an XT.
  • New Arit have received 2 Shark SKH-EA frigates.
  • Yeng has received an Extender-EDA oiler.
  • The Raegris have built a Yel'Tema RC-2C cruiser.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have built a Furl cruiser but also withdrawn a Helwin due to fatigue.
  • Haylei have received their first 2 Pentekonter Protector 351HAs.


Corkscrew suffering teething troubles

The new Corkscrew 51A is not having the happiest introduction into service. The leadship M201 Corkscrew was attached to the Ground Shock 2115 fleet currently operating near Saeou but suffered a primary rectifier failure during a combat exercise and had to withdraw. This caused power outages throughout the ship and forced a main power shut down. This is the third time this has happened to a Corkscrew ship this year alone. The Corkscrew has a new type of rectifier which is much more efficient than the type usually used on DDS ships however it is not yet as reliable.

The Corkscrew has also had problems with its main databus which can suffer random data corruption causing the ship's tactical systems to crash. The cause of these intermittent problems is as yet unknown though a DDS Engineering team is working on it.

These problems mean the Corkscrew is unlikely to be put into a combat situation unless it was urgent as the problems could cause a catastrophic loss if they happened while the ship was being shot at! The DDS say these are just teething troubles and they will be ironed out over the next few months.


UNP make overtures to Vega

Vega is an inhabited system not that far from the core of UNP space but those inhabitants, the Vegans, have always resisted human interest. An aggressive species, the Vegans have traditionally always been either warriors or merchants. One Vegan, who called himself Hank Wolfmann, was an early member of the DDS but apart from that Vegans have not been interested in UNP affairs.

However over recent years a number of bloody civil wars has weakened the old Vegan martial culture and a new democratic movement is said to be interested in closer ties with the UNP. The DDS are keen to establish a maintenance depot in Vegan space as its in a handy position between DDS Centre and DDS North.


New Vosun becomes full DTA member

New Vosun, an ethnically Vosunite planet though opposed to the former Vosun-Voth Star Empire, has finally become a full DTA member after several years of provisional membership and talks. The Voth have opposed New Vosun joining because of their history with their former Vosunite overlords however Dino led cultural exchanges and some economic sweeteners have softened the Voth stance and they voted along with the other DTA members to grant New Vosun full membership.

New Vosun is a poor planet which has suffered from separatist insurgencies (thought to be Tarbotian backed) for a number of years though the DTA have helped the New Vosun Army break the back of the insurgency. New Vosun's economy is starting to grow and will be greatly helped by full membership. New Vosun say they want to be full DTA members and have a space fleet, though this may be restricted to some donated second-hand Dinomark XTs for the time being.


Clones reverse trend for cheaper tanks

Possibly as a result of DDS moves to develop its own tank the Clones have reversed a policy over the last few years of neglecting (and withdrawing) its cutting edge J89 main battle tank in lieu of concentrating on the adequate though cheaper J55Z.

While new J89s will not be built around 450 of the existing J89 fleet will receive an upgrade over the next couple of years as the Clone Army seeks to improve its "elite armoured core". The upgrade, known as J89FEA, will only be performed on the final model J89F and FSU, and will include a new improved gun, updates to the fire control system, active EW defence systems and gravo-spatial navigation (this uses the planet's own gravity field for navigation thus cannot be jammed).

The J55ZDM will not be neglected, new build and around 300 of the most recent built will also receive gravo-spatial navigation and the active EW defence.


Clones could go clean-sheet for 5th generation fighter

The Clone Air Force is still introducing its 4th generation fighter the K45C into service but are already planning for what comes next. For completion the initial version of the K40 Ford is considered the Clones' 1st generation with the mid-production redesign (K40L onwards) the 2nd. The K45A and C are the 3rd and 4th generations.

For the 5th generation in the late 2120s the CAF could go for a clean sheet design. Stealth, agility and performance are of course high on the agenda but so is rough field and STOL (preferably VTOL) capabilities too. Some see the K45 Falcon as unable to achieve the latter easily and a new design may be preferable. If the technology has been matured sufficiently the new design could be an all-electric fuel cell design too though that may be a step too far.

Initial studies are taking place but it is unlikely that much will be made public about the new design (if at all) until the end of this decade.

Story #2124

Whats The Buzz?
Can the Dino/Repican mission escape the Terrasaurs?

Story #2123

More Than Just A Cat
El Diablo's ship is approached by a Terrasaur battleship.


Quasar strike squadron on 1 hour readiness

The 1st Strike Squadron of the DDS fleet, seen as the elite of the DDS' Strategic Division, has moved to Liberation and is on a 1 hour readiness status. This means the 3 Quasars in the squadron are fully loaded with nuclear weapons and are ready to depart within an hour for a combat mission.

The move is seen as a message to the Argon that the DDS is prepared to strike back hard if any more DDS targets are attacked. Argon space is some way off though but the Quasars could reach (and strike) Monag within 3 weeks of leaving Liberation.


Operation Ground Shock 2115

Under the threat of potential war with the Argon the large Ground Shock exercise probably could not have come at a better time seeing as it is a dramatic demonstration of DDS power. The exercise (which has been moved to DDS South) will see a mock strategic attack on Saeou and an amphibious landing on Malau. The exercise begins tomorrow. The ships involved are below. The new Warrior 16A bombers will make up all of the strike component for the first time. The new Triumph carrier also makes its combat debut for the DDS.

S201 Missileer (flag)
S121 Warrior (attack flag)
S122 Warspite
S123 Wanderer
S221 Olympus Mons
H111 Cougar
H121 Kinetic
M101 Cambrian
M126 Fury
M130 Formidable
M201 Corkscrew
M193T Proxima Centauri
L131 Tethys Ocean (amphib flag)
L114 Baltica
L117 Rodinia
L156 North America
L181 Triumph
A103 Constellation
A154 Skymaster


Fleet News (04/03/15)

  • M208 Champion is the latest Corkscrew 51A to enter service as Ship Building Plan 2114/5 comes to an end.
  • A171 Propulsion is the latest Extender 73A oiler.
  • Two new Coril 86B shuttles have entered service, A592 Von Kane and A593 Chromedome.
  • M107 Oligocene has been fitted with worm drive.


Aldebra to be fast tracked into full UNP membership

A DDS task force is now in the Aldebran system protecting it against any more Argon aggression. Troops from DDS Terrestrial Forces and ISSF are also on the planet and it is understood a TPM-G battery has been installed at the capital Aldebra City.

A UNP team has also arrived on the planet to help begin the fast tracking of the colony from associate to full UNP membership, this will mean it will come under the full DDS umbrella. Strategically this is not without problems due to the remoteness of the planet, the UNP is expected to contribute around 450 million zarks for infrastructure improvements including multiple hyperlaser links and an improved orbital station.