The Dinos have used "size" as the differentiator though there is not that much difference between a "Medium" Dinomark PT and a "Light" XT!
- Super Heavy Ship (3) - these are the 3 existing Dinomark RS
- Heavy Ship (60) - these will be the new Dinomark AM/AR and later on the KK
- Medium Ship (68) - this will be the soon to be completed Dinomark PT
- Light Ship (200) - over 150 of these will be XTs with the rest the new LM
- Transports (45) - also listed are transports which cover a number of sizes
The Dinos said they hope to reach these targets around 2120 though it may be difficult to build so many Heavy Ships in just 5 years. One other snippet taken from the announcement was the news that a new "Medium Ship" Dinomark replacing the PT will be developed in the 2120s. This is likely to be either derived from the AM/KK platform or the LM.