
Panther 2115 Update A

The Panther 35A fleet is to be upgraded as part of the normal maintenance cycle over the next couple of months. Part of the upgrade will be standardise the 12 strong fleet which has different ships have different trial pieces of technology. The upgrade will also be a "tune-up" with refined hyperspace and worm parameters resulting in an improved performance. The upgrade includes:
  • EA-X energy absorbant layer added
  • Z7 cannon
  • Propulsion management and drive enhancements boosting worm speed to 4900ec and hyperspace cruise to 975c
  • Improved data security sub-system
  • Two extra teleport stations added and provision to quickly convert a storage bay into accommodation for Prowler special forces
  • A number of other minor updates


Provisional Ship Building Plan 2115 posted

The DDS has posted the first public draft of its Ship Building Plan for the 2115/6 period starting in April. The provisional plan will likely undergo some modification before the end of March but will largely be as listed below. A number of new types will make their debut during the plan.

Warrior 16A (4)
Olympus Balista 23M (2)
Kinetic 35C (3)
Mulberry 36C (3)
Corkscrew 51A (4)
Pentekonter 44M (2)
Oceania 63A (2)
Triumph 66A (1) - built by the Clones
Alpha 121A (3)
Provider 71A (1)
Extender 73A (2)
Zephyr 76A (1)
Friendship 75A (1)
Nightingale 88A (1)


Argon have not occupied Aldebra

The hyperlaser link to Aldebra has been restored following the lifting of an Argon jamming field. Government officials were able to contact the UNP, they said no Argon forces were on the planet. Small teams had landed to captured the small DDS and Starbotian presence but had left when they had completed their mission. The DDS liaison office was burnt down by Argon troops.

No Aldebrans were reported killed or injured though 2 DDS Prowler troops are thought to have been killed and the rest (around 4 and their commanding officer plus a Starbotian) captured and taken off the planet. The 4 Argon cruisers remain in the Aldebra system.


Story #2113

Crickson is given a new suicide mission.


FES to guard Starbot space

DDS allies the Free Eritran States have agreed to help protect Starbot's borders while Starbot concentrates on their response to the Argon. Four ships from Molab and one other from the FES will form a patrol pool and take over Starbotian patrol circuits over the next 2 weeks.

Meanwhile it is understood that a forward operation base is to be formed on Saeou in DDS South for operations against Argon around Aldebra. Forces are expected to arrive next week.


DDS do not declare war but will give Starbot full support

The DDS Politburo met in a special session to discuss the Aldebra situation and it is understood that full support is to be given to Starbot who will retain the lead on handling and responding to the Argon threat. The DDS has raised its alert status to ORANGE though has fallen short of declaring war on the Argon faction of the 7 Sa Sao.

This may be largely due to the localised threat and the fact that Starbot is in charge of the theatre. The Free Eritran States and Porquat 640 have both been asked to contribute to the effort against Argon.


I-6 destroyed, Aldebra occupied by Argon

The latest intelligence reports by remote DDS sensors have confirmed (beyond much shadow of a doubt) that the Starbotian ship I-6 has been destroyed by the Argon. Aldebra has also been occupied by Argon ground forces. The status of the DDS and Starbotian personnel on the planet is unknown. A Prowler detachment was on the planet along with a DDS liaison officer.

The DDS Politburo is to meet in an emergency session later today. The Starbotians have fully mobilised their forces.


Story #2112

Uzi 9mm
SFX is given another last chance.

Story #2111

So Fit
The Starbotians come under attack.

Progress made on Zoneland environment

When Zoneland was devastated by a DDS nuclear attack (which included cobalt-60 warheads) the planet was thought to be uninhabitable for millennia. However a Clone science team has begun experimental geo-engineering techniques on the planet (similiar to terraforming) which it is hoped could render Zoneland at least marginally habitable within a few decades.

Zoneland has rich mineral deposits but is so irradiated that mining operations are very hazardous and expensive. The Clones are keen to reduce the radiation threat to help them exploit Zoneland's wealth which was ceded to the Clone Star Empire in return for the Clones giving refuge to the bulk of the surviving Zone population. Several million Zones still live on Colom in camps.

While most Zones are fairly peaceful an extremist faction known as New Zoneland Now (NZN) is threatening to take over Colom and make it "New Zoneland". NZN vow to kill all humans and any aliens linked to the DDS if they gain control of Colom (Clones would be allowed to leave unharmed). The Clone authorities are hoping that the prospect of Zoneland being habitable again (even if remote) could weaken NZN which is growing in strength in the Zone camps.


DDS put DDS South on full readiness

The DDS is on AMBER alert which means selective and relevant assets are put on immediate readiness. DDS South has been put on full readiness with ships despatched from Liberation on pre-planned mission profiles to reinforce Saeou and Malau

A DDS ship is also thought to have been diverted from its patrol route (it was said to be currently near Saeou) to approach Aldebra and perform long range scans. The planet and the Starbotian ship there have been cut off by jamming, suspected to be the Argon.


Contact lost with Aldebra

The DDS are reporting that the hyperspace link to Aldebra has been lost, possibly due to Argon jamming. The Starbotians are also unable to maintain contact with their assets on the planet and the ship I-6 which is currently in orbit. The DDS has raised its alert status to AMBER and put the Rapid Reaction Squadron on standby.

The loss of contact could be due to the remoteness of Aldebra which is a UNP colony but outside of normal spacelanes and the DDS communications network. Only one L2 commercial link exists to the planet from Malau and this can sometimes go down due to subspace interference.


DDS developing gravity based weapons?

The DDS are refusing to confirm (or deny for that matter) that they are developing a new generation of weapons based on gravitational forces. The weapons are said to be potentially far more powerful than anything else available and have no known defence as they work with the fundamental gravity field of space time.

Such a weapon, analysts believe, would tear targets apart with directed massive gravitational force. Field tests of a weapon could begin this year though one source said that a production weapon is likely to be years away.


UV210 : New Era

  • Looking Across Hell - Quarz fails again.
  • Hot Headed - The time bomb goes off.
  • Shattered Dreams - Krusty is angry.
  • Master and Commander - There is a surprise down the morgue.
  • Okay Open - Quarz's torture begins.
  • They Are Human - Ronald describes how he and GBH first met... and hated each other!
  • Behaviour - Quarz is put under the lash.


Story #2107

Quarz is put under the lash.

Story #2106

They Are Human
Ronald describes how he and GBH first met... and hated each other!

Space Combat Integration System (SCIS)

At the annual DDS Technology Conference on Solaris the Director of Technology Sea Urchin has detailed a number of technological initiatives for 2115 and beyond. Key to everything will be the Space Combat Integration System programme (or SCIS to the acronym loving DDS).

This brings together a number of technical improvements coming over the next year to boost DDS combat performance and also aims to tighten DDS technology so it works together even better than it does already. Sea Urchin said the new Combat Ware 4.0 already announced was part of SCIS and there would be more announcements soon including a new version of TPM and local info-warfare equipment.


DDS ships runs with virtual bridge crew

FIDO-VR is a DDS technology that allows for remote crewing from a centre at DDS Engineering on Solaris with on-ship holographic projectors to allow for remote personnel to operate and interact on a ship many light years away. This is done typically to relieve the pressure on the crews aboard a ship and also to allow for specialists to help out when needed.

However for the first time a DDS ship has run a shift with an entire bridge crew that was actually located on Solaris. The unnamed ship ran the crew as a special test and it was carefully monitored by teams onboard the ship and at DDS Engineering. The test is said to have been a success though there were some issues with lag due to large amount of bandwidth needed.


DDS introduce Combat Wear 4.0

The DDS have just announced the latest improvement to its "Combat Wear" clothing and personal equipment for DDS personnel in active service. Combat Wear 4.0 will be rolled out across the DDS this year and it is hoped to replaced 3.0 by the end of 2116.

The main improvement is integration with the Darli, the new DDS laser rifle. Integrated Force Goggles 5.0 includes support for the Darli, with eye-tracking and aiming via the IFG sight and "head-up" diagnostics on the rifle.

Further improvements have been made to the flak jackets which have a greater degree of protection. They also now have tracking devices and biomechanical sensors now built in.

Other Fleet Review (15/01/15)

  • The Dinos have put 50 Dinomark XTs in their Civilian Reserve on short notice for a recall to military service (though they will remain with their commercial owners for now). 2 more Provider XMA drone transport conversions have been completed.
  • The Voth have received 2 Dinomark XTs.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have completed a Snarl (perhaps the last to be built).
  • The Raegris have received 2 RC-2C Yel'Tema cruisers.
  • Porquat 640 have received a Provider transport (known as Provider 925 in their service).


Some K85s to be restored to service

Some withdrawn K85 COIN aircraft are to be returned to service in the Clone Air Force, mostly to push the number in service back above the symbolic 3000 number but also to help release jet fighters like the K40 for other duties on some secondary planets.

Twenty are likely to be restored, all will be fairly old mid-period Brownings. New production K85NTs has ceased for the Air Force though continues for the Navy. Work continues on the 5th generation all-electric K85QA which will enter service (and replace all Brownings prior to the NT) in the next decade.


Two new regiments declared ready to join DDS Land Corps

Two new regiments, both consisting of Porquatian volunteers, have been declared operational by the DDS Land Corps Inspectorate. Infantry Regiments L16 and L17 have joined the X03 Reserve Brigade though will likely join one of the active brigades when the Land Corps shuffles the brigades later in the year.

Only a fire support unit and a communications regiment are still forming otherwise the DDS Land Corps is now at full strength. The DDS Land Commander Zeppelin said that a further expansion of the land component of Terrestrial Forces may occur but not for a while. The focus is now on improving the equipment and training of what is already there.
  • The Dinos have bought 6 TPM-G ground based launchers from the DDS. The launchers will fire Dino built TPMs. Delivery is expected within the next few months.


Dinos to strengthen DTA defences

The Dinos are to strengthen defences along the periphery of the DTA as a response to the Terrasaur/Terib-Kan of the long range patrol late last year. Intelligence from the DDS indicates the Terib-Kan were able to destroy a number of Dinomark PTs easily which has greatly alarmed the Dinos.

Reinforcement squadrons of Dinomarks will be sent to both Voth and New Arit and a listening station will be established on the Voth world of Pinkax 807. A ready battlefleet of around 20 Dinomarks headed by an RS will also be stationed near Sirikwan.


Jimmy outlines plans for army reform

New Consul Jimmy has said the main aim of his term of office will be to reform the Dino Army to better cope with current and future threats. Jimmy said the existing 23 legions would be merged into 7 or 8 "armies". The SS' 3 legions would also be merged into a single armed SS. The armies would be separated into different divisions which would roughly correspond to the current legion structure but allow for much greater flexibility and variety of of force structure.

A separate "Space Army" would also be formed of dedicated space forces instead of ships being allocated to terrestrial legions even if they never leave space.

Jimmy said his plans would be properly fleshed out this Spring and presented to the Senate in the Summer. Ronald is said to be largely in approval with Jimmy's plans.


Jimmy is installed as Consul

Jimmy has been officially installed as Consul of the Dino Republic, taking over from his Liberal Party colleague El Diablo. El Diablo has taken Jimmy's previous role of Minister of the Interior. It is the second time Jimmy has been Consul but the first time he has ruled alone.

"Ruled" in name however as it is an open secret that Ronald and MBH truly call the shots and only include the Consul as a courtesy. Jimmy is keen to make his mark though and already has spoken about the future Dino Army fleet. Jimmy is also looking at reforms to the Dino Army such as combining the current 23 legions into a smaller number of "super-legions".

Jimmy's focus on defence is a change of direction for the Liberal Party who have usually concentrated more on social affairs. This may be a sign of the anxiety many Dinos have started to feel because of the growing Tarbotian threat.


Story #2105

Okay Open
Quarz's torture begins.


Dinos issue targets for their fleet

For the first time the Dino Army has publicised target strengths for its fleet and also defined the categories of warship it has. These targets have been kept secret up until now, the reason for the change in approach is unknown though the new Consul Jimmy is said to be keen on greater transparency in the military.

The Dinos have used "size" as the differentiator though there is not that much difference between a "Medium" Dinomark PT and a "Light" XT!
  • Super Heavy Ship (3) - these are the 3 existing Dinomark RS
  • Heavy Ship (60) - these will be the new Dinomark AM/AR and later on the KK
  • Medium Ship (68) - this will be the soon to be completed Dinomark PT
  • Light Ship (200) - over 150 of these will be XTs with the rest the new LM
  • Transports (45) - also listed are transports which cover a number of sizes
The Dinos said they hope to reach these targets around 2120 though it may be difficult to build so many Heavy Ships in just 5 years. One other snippet taken from the announcement was the news that a new "Medium Ship" Dinomark replacing the PT will be developed in the 2120s. This is likely to be either derived from the AM/KK platform or the LM.


Fulcrum given reprieve

The DDS' 2 remaining Fulcrum 85A special forces transports were due to be withdrawn in 2114 but at the last moment it was decided to keep them for another year. They are now due for withdrawal by the end of 2115 (and more likely early 2116).

The reason is that the 2 remaining ships are still in good condition unlike the other example already withdrawn. DDS Engineering say they will easily make another year though any longer will probably need a decent overhaul.


DDS offer civilian Provider for sale

The DDS have begun selling a commercial version of its highly successful Provider 71A transport in conjunction with Consolidated Spacecraft. The Provider GCS, as it is known, is very similar to the DDS' military export version (Provider 500) but unarmed of course and with some commercially available systems replacing military-spec systems.

The DDS say they have already had expressions of interests from a number of spacelines.


DDS decouples from Aldebra situation

The DDS has reduced its alert status back down to the lowest level CYAN and is pulling some of its forces back from Aldebra. One Prowler unit and an ISSF liaison team will remain on the planet but the rest of the planet's security will be left up to the Starbotians.

The Argon 7 Sa Sao annoyance has continued with an Argon team infiltrating a Starbotian ship causing injuries to a crewman in a brief fracas. It is thought the DDS do not regard the situation as serious enough to maintain the forces. The Starbotians are also considering pulling out.


Fleet News (01/01/15)

No new ships were completed this month due to the Christmas shutdown. The first SUP ship has been outfitted with a worm drive however, oiler A144 Globemaster will begin flight tests in the next few days and will herald small sub-classes of the Extender 73A and Provider 71As which will have W1AA worm drive.