
Firefly officially launches the DDS 3.0 era

At a major speech at DDS GHQ Firefly has spoken of the future of the DDS and officially named the current era of the DDS as "DDS 3.0". This name has been used a few times informally by Windy but this is the first time its been used officially and Firefly intends to draw a line under the vicious New DDS era and move the DDS onto the next level.

"Rotarios, Vodaphone and AP tried to take the DDS to a new place with their New DDS Project. That place was a dark place of ignorance and filth however we should not ignore the foundations of the current multi-phase DDS portfolio were made during that dark second era of the DDS." he said.

DDS 3.0 would be a DDS of diversity and innovation. "We will maintain the large fleets but will add more specialised equipment to fill niches and give us a wider variety of strategic options." Firefly added referring to forthcoming weapon systems like the Windscorpion 18A mega gun ship.