
DDS order 12 Mulberry 36A ships with an option for 3 more

The DDS was trying to keep the order for its Raegris built Fleet Combat Ships under wraps until after the election but it was leaked by the Raegris and UNP media over the weekend prompting the DDS to make the announcement officially. So its now confirmed the DDS will buy 12 RC-2B derived ships to be called the Mulberry 36A. The DDS will also keep an option for 3 more to be added to the order.

The ships will be equipped with a Z7 cannon, TPM launchers, TPM-VLS batteries and an extensive docking bay to support special forces operations. The first ship could enter service by the Autumn of 2115.


Story #2042

So Close To Disaster
Is Windy turning his back on the DDS?

Story #2041

Cautious + Conservative
Can Malanson and company escape the ABBO zombie lair?


Two more Ailier frigates enter service with CN

The Clone Navy has accepted into service 2 more Ailier II class frigates. It now has 3 of the multi-role ships with 1 building. When that is complete the CN will modify and refurbish the veteran original Ailier class frigate (a survivor of the original Clone Navy) to the mark 2 spec to create a fleet of 5 frigates.

The Ailiers perform a flotilla commander role, usually leading small fleet detachments on anti-piracy and scouting missions. The Clone Navy is said to be looking at further augmenting the type's communications and command systems.


DDS conduct tests with Alpha and Ferret groups

The DDS has successfully conducted a test of using a (manned) Alpha 121A Nano Fighting Ship directing a group of Ferret UCVs. The Alpha worked with a group of 8 Ferrets using its sensors to provide targeting information for the Ferrets in a simulated combat test and the human operator was also able to prioritise threats and conduct assistance using the Alpha's ECM suite.

Further tests will be carried out but the DDS say the first test was highly successful and could point the way to future space combat scenarios where groups of Ferrets integrate with manned assets.


New Puritan Way disbands

Father Sharpe has formally wound up the discredited New Puritan Way and says he will now dedicate his life to "quite pious worship and charity work" in Jaffray City, Proxima 7 where he is vicar of a church.

Some senior member of the Way are trying to continue in politics and have already formed new parties though their support is low. In next week's re-run Proxima 7 election pro-DDS parties are expected to win hands


First Dino F-10 begins flight testing

The first of an eventual fleet of 350 F-10SED multi-role fighters for the Dino Army has begun flight testing at the DDS Central AFB at DDS City, Proxima 7. The F-10SED differs little from the current DDS F-10SEP though with the improved radar and ECM suite from the forthcoming F-10SNG as well as localisation for the Dinos' needs.

The first 50 F-10SEDs will be built by the DDS and the rest built by the Dinos at a new factory being built with DDS help on Xi. The first examples are expected to reach the Dinos early next year. The order is a very lucrative one for the DDS said to be worth over 3 billion zarks.


UV203 : Sinful Desires

  • A New Direction - Windy takes SFX in-hand, meanwhile Team Q get a new mission.
  • Hard At It - Team Gibson strikes again.
  • Slaughterhouse Sex - The Onion infiltrates the New Puritan Way.
  • 707 Coming At Ya! - The Onion enters the New Puritan Way lair.
  • Delighted About - The Onion is saved by...?
  • If U Tolerate This Filth - Malanson's team make a startling discovery.
  • Expected To Struggle - What is the deadly ABBO secret?

Firefly officially launches the DDS 3.0 era

At a major speech at DDS GHQ Firefly has spoken of the future of the DDS and officially named the current era of the DDS as "DDS 3.0". This name has been used a few times informally by Windy but this is the first time its been used officially and Firefly intends to draw a line under the vicious New DDS era and move the DDS onto the next level.

"Rotarios, Vodaphone and AP tried to take the DDS to a new place with their New DDS Project. That place was a dark place of ignorance and filth however we should not ignore the foundations of the current multi-phase DDS portfolio were made during that dark second era of the DDS." he said.

DDS 3.0 would be a DDS of diversity and innovation. "We will maintain the large fleets but will add more specialised equipment to fill niches and give us a wider variety of strategic options." Firefly added referring to forthcoming weapon systems like the Windscorpion 18A mega gun ship.


Clones exploring Shark evolution

The Clones are to explore using the Shark platform as a basis of a family of warship classes as the DDS have done with the Isometric, Panther and Rome/Pentekonter platforms. It is thought an upscaled model could form the basis of a future cruiser to supplement the Soulaki and Molentic Tuuls.

"The Shark platform is basically very sound." Clone expert Keith Remadra told this website, "It was also designed with extensibility and design growth in mind. While i don't think it could be scaled up to cruiser size it may be able to extended into a number of specialist models. I have heard that the Clones want a second bomber to supplement the Kelsan, the Shark could be a good fit there."


Clones receive Mekit MK4A cruisers

The Clones have received the first batch of Mekit MK4A "Mushroom" cruisers from the Rectoids. The ships were built in the 2090s so are not cutting edge though they have been fully refurbished, updated to latest Rectoid standards and localised by a combined Rectoid/Clone team.

Four have been delivered and the final 4 on order will follow later in the year. The Clones say they will be used for long range patrol and scouting.

The Clones have also accepted into service the first 2 of the latest batch of Kelsan KS bombers.


DDS place provisional order for Mulberry 36A

The DDS have placed a provisional order for the Raegris Yel'Tema derived Mulberry 36A (the name appears to be official) Fleet Combat Ship. Until the DDS' financial situation is stabilised (hopefully after the forthcoming re-run of the Proxima 7 election) the DDS cannot commit fully to the type though have agreed a 120 million zark contract for the Raegris to begin design work and defining specifications.

Twenty five million zarks is also to be spent on calibrating the type (and the Raegris ships) for worm drive. The Raegris are contributing 20 million zarks also for this work.

The DDS hope to firm an order for 12 ships later in the year.

Other Fleet News (17/06/14)

  • The Dinos have built a Dinomark XT and a Provider MX transport.
  • Sirikwan have received 2 more Shark SKH-E patrol ships.
  • The Voth have received a Dinomark XT.
  • Bolitic are reported to have completed 2 Meltinans and withdrawn 2 Redhulls.
  • Putri 500 have received 2 Pentekonter Protector 200P1s.


Story #2037

Expected To Struggle
What is the deadly ABBO secret?

Clones to increase defence budget by 7%

Oojok has agreed a 7% increase in the Clone Defence Forces budget for 2115, this is above the 1.5-2% increases which the CDF has enjoyed over the last couple of years. Oojok has agreed to the larger increase because of the growing urgency of upgrading key parts of CDF infrastructure.

The CDF Communications Network has been struggling for years and needs an immediate 12 billion zark upgrade of key nodes and lines else it is warned the network could collapse even with peacetime traffic. Six billion zarks is also needed for a CDF physical infrastructure fund replacing and repairing key bridges, roads, runways and bunkers. A bridge collapsed a couple of months ago near Beyond Micom killing 16 troops, and it is thought many more of these vital yet neglected parts of the CDF infrastructure are out there.
  • The DDS have dropped their alert status to GREEN, still elevated above the norm.


DDS successfully test Ferret-N in superluminal mission

The DDS have successfully tested the third generation Ferret-N Unmanned Combat Vehicle with the strap-on superluminal engine module the FFLE (Ferret Faster-than-Light Engine naturally). The Ferret-N test module successfully travelled at 50c for 2 hours between Solaris and Barnard's Star. Afterwards the Ferret-N redocked with SS Isometric which controlled the drone during the test.

Further tests will be carried out over the next few months, the DDS hope to test the Ferret-N/FFLE combination at its maximum speed of 450c by the end of the year.


Liberals to decide Consul candidate next month

The Liberal Party say they will decide on their candidate in this year's Consul election next month. Whoever is chosen will face a tough fight against MBH who has begun campaigning already.

Who the Liberals will choose will depend on whether they think MBH can be beaten or not. Jimmy is unlikely to want to stand in a failed election so Spikeson or even Razorback could stand instead.

Imperial Order have not said anything about the election yet. It is thought Cruggson was going to be their candidate but his near fatal injury has meant those plans are now on hold. Cruggson is recovering but is not likely to be ready to return to service until the end of the year at least.
  • A Raegris defence publication has said the forthcoming Type 36 Fleet Combat Ships could be known as the Mulberry 36A class. No official word has been given on names by the DDS though which will wait until the order is confirmed at the very least.


MBH to stand in Consul election

MBH has said he will stand in November's Consul election, to decide who will replace El Diablo for 2115 and 2116. He is the first serious contender to announce and is going to be hard to stop becoming Consul for the second time.

If he is elected though it will not change the dynamics of the Dino political system that much. Most commentators regard a triumvirate of Ronald, MBH and the current Consul as being in charge of the state with roughly equal power (though Ronald is above all) so if MBH become Consul it just means there will be two at the top for a couple of years and not three.


Story #2036

If U Tolerate This Filth
Malanson's team make a startling discovery.


Dinomark AM specification locked down

The design and specification of the forthcoming Dinomark AM ground attack cruiser is now said to have been locked down by the Dinos and construction of the prototype will begin within weeks, though flight testing is not expected until 2115.

The AM will be powered by a re-cored evolution of the Pulseburst engine used in the Dinomark PT, it will have much more power but lack the thrust response the PT employs for its famous agility. The AM is designed for steady efficient high performance not dogfighting.

Stealth will be key to the AM even including acoustic stealth while operating in atmospheres, here propulsion will switch to 2 fanjets which have a very small acoustic signature. The AM will be equipped by a variety of stand-off and short-range missiles and beam weapons. The AM will also have a minelaying capability, the first time the Dino Army will have such a type in their fleet.

Twenty five AMs are on order from 2115. The related Project ZWU space combat cruiser is now a priority for design lockdown though is not expected until 2117. The XT replacement the Project GHT has been put forward to 2115 as well as the AM and a design lockdown is expected before the end of the Summer.


DDS move onto Missileer/SUP ILU

The Terran Sea ILU is to date the largest and most expensive upgrade programme the DDS have undertaken but that has now been completed and the DDS are now moving onto a programme that will be even bigger. The huge fleet of SUP (Standard Utility Platform) ships is to receive its ILU starting later this year.

The Missileer/SUP ILU includes the 10 Missileer 21Bs, 2 Tethys Ocean 65As, 19 Provider 71As, 28 Extender 73As, 2 Nightingale 88As and 5 Marconi 81As. The ILU will be applied differently on a ship by ship case due to the variety of ages, roles and conditions.

All ships will be re-engineed with a HS-740CE engine (a variety of variants of the 740 are used and the DDS are keen to standardise) which is more efficient and cheaper to run. The Missileers and selected Providers and Extenders will also receive W1AA worm drive. All ships except the hospital ships will receive armament upgrades though this will vary on the class. Communications, internal security and computer systems will also be upgraded. Older ships will also be refurbished though all ships will receive attention and be readied for another 8-10 years hard use.

The upgrade programme is expected to last 3-4 years and cost over 12 billion zarks. This will be spread over several budgets, the current DDS financial restrictions will not affect the start of the programme as this has already been funded though may do next year if the restrictions are not lifted.

Fleet News (06/06/14)

  • The DDS has received 2 new Dinomark XTs from the Dinos, part of the Falcon 47A/W class. Both are underwater capable "W"s and are K168W Ptarmigan and K169W Seagull.
  • A185 Zesty is the latest Zephyr 76A fast oiler.
  • The Terran Sea ILU programme has been completed as the 2 SOT 43D ships are converted to the unified Mediterranean Sea 43G class, these are the renumbered M183 Sea Of Serenity and M184 Sea Of Fertility.


New Proxima 7 elections called

With the New Puritan Way crumbling after the espionage and cyber-warfare charges and Proxima 7 still not yet having formed a government new elections have been called for next month. Its hoped this time a clear winner will emerge. Support for the Way have collapsed to 9% though 2 new splinter parties have been formed and are hoping to capture some of the prior support.

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf however believes this will further hinder the Way by splitting their potential vote. "The Way will be lucky to hold onto any seats though there is a thirst for restrictions and cut-backs on the DDS. It will be interesting to see what new policies the mainstream parties will adopt in the new election."

The Shiner is keeping current financial restrictions on the DDS until the new elections are complete at least.


Investigation into New Puritan Way continues

Further raids on New Puritan Way offices across Proxima 7 have been made by the UNP though no further evidence of alien involvement in their activities has been found. It is thought that one senior member of the Way, Father Joshua, was responsible for the alien infiltration. The DDS have said it was his corpse that was found in the basement of the Way's HQ in Hexian City.

Analysis into Joshua is continuing, although he appeared human his DNA contained alien material of an unknown species. The ISSF have also begun a background check into Joshua in conjunction with Proxima 7's intelligence service.

Although some members of the Way have raged against the UNP and DDS many members have left already saying that they were duped into following the Way and were aiding a foreign power without their knowledge.


New Puritan Way raided by UNP Police

The head office of the New Puritan Way in Hexian City, Proxima 7 has been raided by UNP Police supported by the DDS' ISSF. This is due to the Way's HQ being the source of the info-weapon attack which nearly destroyed a DDS warship.

Father Sharpe and other senior members of the Way were arrested after "alien material" was found in the head office. The UNP and DDS are not disclosing which alien race or what kind of material it is though independent analysts say the info-weapon was a Tarbotian type. One source also says the corpse of a senior Way member was found in the office basement (in what was described as a torture chamber). DNA analysis has so far been inconclusive on the corpse which wasn't strictly human but the other DNA has so far not been identified.


Story #2035

Delighted About
The Onion is saved by...?

DDS ship hit by cyber weapon

A DDS Pentekonter 44M in orbit over Proxima 7 has been hit by what has been described as a "cyber weapon". The ship was badly damaged with some crew losing their lives and others seriously injured as malicious code caused overloads and system blow outs. The ship was not lost though a DDS Engineering source said it had been "a close run thing".

The DDS has raised the alert status to AMBER as a precaution.