
Clones reverse engineering Molentic Tuul

The Clones are reported to be building their own Molentic Tuul space cruisers, reverse engineering the Utrek type as they did with the Kalahati Tuul. Its not thought if they will try and update the design of their own built ships (as they did with the Kalahati Tuul 2). One source states funding has been agreed for 20 of these new ships.

The Clones are working with the Rectoids and may try and incorporate Rectoid technology or at least experience in their design (the Rectoids have experience fighting the Utrek). The Utrek reaction is unknown but if the experience of the Kalahati Tuul is any guide they do not seem to be bothered about this sort of thing.


DDS releases very different star map

The DDS have released version 4.0 of their star map which shows star systems in local space covering a span of around 400 light years from left to right. This new map is radically different however as it does not attempt to accurately portray the astral position of stars but instead uses a schematic system to show the distribution of systems belonging to the various factions.

The map links systems using major space lanes (or an approximation of). The DDS say the old map was becoming increasingly cluttered and unwieldly, this new map is said to be much clearer and future proof and will include supplementary information in later updates.



Old Fiends
GBH has to fight for his life (Terra P2)


Demons Of The Past
Ronald encounters an old enemy (Terra P1)


Operation Winter Candle 2113

Operation Winter Candle 2113 is both the last DDS exercise of the year and the last under the current monthly schedule, next year the DDS will concentrate on 4 larger exercises. The last Winter Candle is a special forces orientated exercise and will include simulated ship boardings by Prowler units (on one of the DDS' ex-Bolitic Helwins) and a counter-terrorism event.

DDS Territorial Forces observers will be on-hand to feed in ideas for the DDS' new Space Marine force which is currently under development. The ships to be deployed in Winter Candle are:

A303E Braun (flag)
H161 Solaris
M164 Sea Of Fertility
X131T Alpha Centauri
A184 Zealous
  • DDS Commander Firefly has agreed to a request from the DDS Logistical Corps for a further increase in the size of the transport fleet to match an ever increasing need for capacity. Three more Provider 71As will be built by the Raegris for the DDS, the first has been added to the current Ship Building Plan (so will be built early next year, one of the ships on the jig will likely be reallocated to the DDS) and the other 2 will be added to next year's plan.


Wayne King-Meiouf : The new DDS/Clone battleground

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

So we know then what the new battleground between the DDS and the Clone Star Empire will be for the next decade and beyond. It will be a battle between interstellar missiles and missile defences. Its a high-stakes battle too.

A few years ago the Clones had a "Eureka" moment. They knew they were too far behind the DDS in space technology to catch any time soon and their massive land and air weapon advantage was largely irrelevant. The DDS could sweep their fleet aside and then attack Cloneworld from orbit.

The Clones therefore needed the means of fighting back, a new weapon that could give them a vital advantage and deter DDS aggression (as they see it, the DDS are unlikely to ever attack the Clones to be honest but of course decades of religious indoctrination has made the majority of Clones fear they are going to be personally sexually assaulted by Windscorpion at any time). The Clone Space Missile was that new weapon.

It was a brilliant idea, a missile that can be launched from Cloneworld, can travel through space under cloak, and then hit DDS targets with nuclear warheads. You can tell its a brilliant idea as both the DDS and DTA are working on their own equivalents.

The Clones are putting a huge effort into enhancing CSM's survivability, accuracy and flexibility. The missiles will soon use the cloaking device built into the space stage during the rocket stage. At the moment this is pretty pointless because of the large IR signature of the hot rocket exhaust but the Clone cold rocket technology, plus aerodynamic enhancements to minimise wake will make the missile very hard to detect during its boost stage, and thats really when its at its most vulnerable.

The next version of CSM will also be launchable from submarines and (we think) road mobile launchers. The Clones will make it almost impossible to stop a CSM counterattack even if the DDS have destroyed the Clone fleet and much of the military infrastructure on Cloneworld.

So now the attention is being focussed on intercepting the missiles when they are on their final attack runs to the targets. TPM-ABM is just the first of an enhanced layered space defence of key DDS positions. The fighter launched TPM-A will also have upgrades to help intercept incoming warheads and the DDS are also working on other more advanced technologies too (which are very secret right now).

Here is where the focus is though, a struggle of wits between Clone missiles and DDS defences, expect a lot of work, time and zarks spent on this over the years to come.

TPM-G upgrades to combat CSM

The DDS have announced a series of upgrades to its ground-launched TPM variant, the TPM-G. The missile will be receiving a new booster, enhanced data linking capabilities and an improved seeker. The upgrades are known as TPM-ABM and are intended to act as a last line of defence against incoming missiles launched from "space or another terrestrial body". In other words CSM.

TPM-ABM rounds will be compatible with existing TPM-G launchers and it is expected, when the missile is rolled out from next year, defensive positions at key points of the DDS such as DDS GHQ and DDS City will operate the missile as part of their defence mix.


Cruggson intends to stand for Consul next year

Senator Cruggson has said he will stand as Imperial Order's candidate in next year's Consul election for the 2115-6 period of office. He said it had already been agreed with Ronald, the party leader, before the Anointed One went off on his year long expedition.

"Its time Imperial Order returned to the top table." Cruggson told a meeting of party members in Baeou. The popular Cruggson is sure to be a strong candidate though most observers regard the Dino Republic Consul as only part of a ruling troika which also includes Ronald and MBH.


CAF give go-ahead for K3 Pterodactyl

The Clone Air Force have given the go-ahead to CAC to develop and build 5 prototypes of a new advanced trainer to prepare pilots for the K45C. The K3 Pterodactyl (as it will apparently be named) could be developed fairly quickly as CAC have already conducted design studies into trainers of its type (LIFT).

A CAF source says that 120 K3s could be ordered, the fleet shared with the Clone Naval Air Service. An entry into service of 2116 is being pencilled in.
  • Another new CAF type, the proposed light close-support attack aircraft has been allocated the type code K58. This does not mean it will definitely be built but having a type code assists with admin and planning.



The End Of The Future
Future Guy is unmasked at last, can he be stopped? (Echoes P4)


Unholy Alliance
Megara joins forces with 74Solar (Echoes P3)


Infinity has EA-X 2.0

Yesterday the singleton test ship SS Infinity (also a highly capable Fleet Combat Ship of course) joined the fleet. The ship is already notable by being the first Type 35 fitted with a Z7 Zip cannon but DDS Research are also reporting that the ship is fitted with a prototype version of EA-X 2.0.

EA-X is an energy absorbent layer applied to a ship hull which can absorb a surprising amount of energy fired at it from directed energy weapons. Version 2.0 of this technology can recycle the absorbed energy back into the ship's power grid. Capacitor banks fitted throughout the ship store the energy which can then be used by the ship's weapon systems like the Z7. "Enemies will find their own weapon energies fired back at them!" a DDS Research spokesman said.

EA-X 2.0 will be evaluated over the next year and is hoped to begin rolling out to the rest of the fleet by the end of 2114.


Fleet News (18/11/13)

  • H131X Infinity has joined the fleet as the sole Infinity 35X trials ship, though will also be available as a regular Fleet Combat Ship too. Initially the Infinity will help develop technology for the Kinetic 45C class before moving onto the Panther ILU at the end of the decade. The Infinity's baseline is that of the Indy 35B though it has extra test and sensor equipment fitted.
  • A565F Jennifer has been withdrawn bringing to an end the service of the original Coril in the DDS fleet after 20 years, the type has served since the DDS' earliest days though lives on with the reverse engineered Coril 86Bs. Like the other last few Corils SS Jennifer has been preserved.
  • SS Arafura Sea and SS Solomon Sea have completed their upgrade and conversion to the unified Mediterranean Sea 43G standard. These are the first of the Arafura Sea 43C ships to undergo the conversion.


DDS to concentrate on just 4 exercises next year

The DDS are to stop having monthly training exercises and instead concentrate on 4 larger exercises next year. The 4 exercises will have a more "multi-spectrum" approach with as many parts of the DDS included as possible. For example Atomic Fist 2114 will, as well as the core strategic attack mission, include mock combats, cyber warfare, special forces and minesweeping missions.

The schedule for 2114 is therefore (primary mission objective given) :
  • Ground Shock 2114 (March) - ground attack, amphibious
  • Atomic Fist 2114 (June) - strategic attack
  • Civilian Partnership 2114 (September) - relief, humanitarian
  • Northern Project 2114 (December) - full-spectrum mock "war"
The special forces exercise Winter Candle 2113 will take place as scheduled next month but then from January 1st the DDS will switch to the new schedule a DDS spokeswoman said.


SS-10 also uses cold flame

A Clone Army source has confirmed that the new SS-10 IRBM also uses the new "cold flame" rocket technology announced yesterday as used by the SS-11 SRBM. The innovative technology reduces IR signature by 80% and the Clones hope further developments will reduce it further. One unnamed source says that the Clones are also working on cold plasma cycles for parts of the rocket frame to cover kinetic hot spots too.

This is to help the development of the Clone Space Missile, version 2 of the missile (which will be introduced with the sea-launched version atop SeaGale) is designed to be highly stealthy to help the missile evade interception during its launch phase.

The Gale-III SS-5 ICBM is to also receive the cold flame rocket (it is the basis of the launch phase of CSM in any case). A source says Gale-IIIB SS-5B missiles could enter service around 2118.


Clones introduce another new missile

Following on from their new IRBM the SS-10 the Clone Army has also introduced into service a new short range ballistic missile (SRBM) the SS-11. The missile has a range of about 1100km and is fully road-mobile. Like the SS-10 it can carry conventional and nuclear warheads and may also use the same MAV guidance data link capability. The Clones are not commenting on this but the missile uses the same guidance and communication module of the SS-10 so it seems likely.

The SS-11 is solid fuelled and uses a highly innovative "cold flame" rocket technology. The chemical composition of the fuel is a special formula that can produce a low-heat chemical jet reaction. The infra red signature of the missile is 80% less than a conventionally fuelled one. This technology is being developed as part of the stealth suite for developments of CSM and SS-11 is likely to be helping develop the technology.


Wayne King-Meiouf : The numbers game

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Its been some time since we have analysed the DDS combat fleet so i thought it would be interesting to see where the DDS is now with its 5 types of combat ship, where numbers are projected to be with current production up to 2120 and where they could be at the end of the following decade.
Type 2113 2116 2120 2130?
* Includes the Remedian Perimpaz 39A ships which are listed as Fleet Combat Ships for political reasons though will be replaced by Corkscrew 51A Medium Combat Ships

As can be seen the bomber and carrier fleets are expected to reach equilibrium by the end of the decade with combat ships of the fleet and medium types expected to increase, the latter greatly thanks to Corkscrew. Although no ships are expected at the moment after the Kinetic FCS is built later in the decade i am sure the DDS will want to increase their larger combatants.

The Patrol and MCM fleet is an interesting question, the DDS will need more minesweepers at some stage so i suspect they may convert some of their Rome 46As into MCM ships. We could see more bombers in the next decade though this is quite a niche role that can be supported by other types like the Indy 35B so a fleet of more than 20 may be considered excessive.

More carriers are a possibility though the DDS may achieve this through a gradual increase in their amphibious assets which can also serve in this role.

The trend for the DDS is the great increase in the number of MCS, this already is the workhorse of the DDS fleet and the Corkscrew will be a very flexible asset that can serve in a large number of roles and situations.

DDS receive new tanks

The DDS have received the first of their new standard tank developed and built by their in-house land weapons manufacturer Sanger Municipal Arms (SMA). Ten T-62Ys have been delivered to a DDS Terrestrial Forces trials unit and the type is expected to enter service next year. SMA will build 250 of the tanks to supplement the ex-HCS tanks currently in service. Further tank orders are expected to allow the DDS to move to a standard fleet in the 2120s.

The Free Eritran States are also eyeing the tank as they seek to build their land forces, a Molabite team has joined the Terrestrial Forces unit to observe the tank being put through its paces.
  • The Clone Navy has placed an order for 2 landing ships to assist with anti-piracy operations. The 12,000 ton LSDs are expected to enter service in early 2115.


Clones considering new "cheap" close-support aircraft

The Clone Air Force is reported to be considering a new close-support aircraft to fill the gap between the K84 Bombardier, a large tactical bomber, and the K85 Browning COIN aircraft. Currently this gap can be filled by the K40 and K45 fighters but the CAF wants a dedicated aircraft that can provide tactical ground support in the same vein as the DDS NDAA or the Dino K-18.

The as-yet unnamed aircraft would be developed using low-risk and established technology and off-the-shelf components like the recent K47 light fighter. It would be designed to be cheap to build and maintain and allow the CAF to withdraw more of its ageing K84s which are highly capable but also rather expensive to run and overkill in many circumstances.
  • The DDS has received the first of a planned 6 RP-30 Canada Goose seaplanes. They will be part of the maritime patrol around DDS GHQ on Helnikan Island. Their main role will be reconnaissance and patrol though will also have basic anti-shipping as well as air-sea rescue as part of their portfolio. The type is expected to enter full service early next year.
  • The lead ship of the new Warrior 16A bomber fleet has now been completed and has begun extended trials. It is expected to enter service in mid-2114.


Main tower at DDS City named Windy Tower

The largest building at DDS City on Proxima 7, which used to house the DDS Politburo and other command functions before GHQ moved to Proxima 5, has been renamed Windy Tower in honour of the former legend who died recently. The building is suitably in the fashional "phallic" style and is said to have loomed over the rest of the massive base like a "huge phallus".

DDS Commander Firefly said he could think of nothing more suitable to commemorate his brother. Windy Tower houses the DDS City command functions, a back-up DDS GHQ facility and core communications suites.
  • The first of an expected 10 K48T Vulture multi-engined trainers has entered service with the Clone Air Force. The K48T is a modified and refurbished version of old K48 Cargolifter  transports and will be used to train pilots in flying larger and multi-engined aircraft.


One Hour
Megara goes off-script (Echoes P2)



Take Me Down
Megara and Dick-Nose are sent into the future (Echoes P1)

DDS to have fewer, larger exercises

DDS Commander Firefly has ordered the DDS to cease the practice of a monthly military exercise and instead concentrate resources for 4 quarterly exercises. The reason being he feels the exercises are often too specialised and the DDS needs to learn how to use specialist skills together in conjunction instead of developing them in a vacuum.

To that end an amended schedule for 2114 will be published soon, the three big exercises of the current calendar will survive (Ground Shock, Atomic Fist and Civilian Partnership) and be joined by a new exercise that involves as much of the DDS capability spectrum as possible (Northern Project could be used as the template).


Operation Northern Project 2113

The 2113 edition of the DDS' main joint-exercise with the Raegris has just begun. It will include mock-combat, tactical reconnaissance, mine warfare and special forces scenarios. Most of the action will take place near Nemoska in Raegris space. The DDS ships involved are :

S203 Musketeer (flag)
H101 Panther
H129 Impregnable
M171 Mediterranean Sea
M125 Forward
M113 Precambian (MCM flag)
K201M Thucydides
K205M Pindar
K212M Xerxes
A203E Morse (SF flag)
A111 Forwarder
A161 Alkane
A226 Elbe


Extender ILU to begin

The Provider ILU has now been completed with all of the DDS' core transport ships fitted with a number of upgrades and improvements including TPM-VLS. The 28 strong Extender oiler / transport fleet will now undergo a similar upgrade and refurbishment programme.

As well as TPM-VLS the Extenders will be fitted with the engine evolution, a HS-740B-JX, as fitted to the Providers. Top speed will increase also to 575c. Tactical and security systems will be enhanced and cargo handling equipment will be improved. Refuelling systems naturally will also be upgraded.

The ships will also undergo a full "health check" and refurbishment which should give the ships 7-8 years more service until the next major upgrade. Each ILU should take 2-3 weeks per ship and will be undergone over the next 12 months as part of the normal maintenance cycle.

CDF View : What this tells us about the Rectoids

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

The massive arms deal between the Clones and the Rectoids has risen many eyebrows (not that Clones have eyebrows) but one thing struck me as i analysed the details of the sale.

Not about the Clones, who will benefit from such a huge injection of cash and work, but from the Rectoids. First of all lets recap what we know about the order, it was for Kelsan KS bombers, Nybble NL drones and CSM (both the space and land launched versions). There are some other minor items included in the same but the bulk of the sale involves these systems.

To me it screams that the Rectoids are short of people. Most of the weapons are either drones or missiles. The losses of the DDS war of course ran into the billions so it is likely that the Rectoids are short of manpower for their military hence the need to force multiply in this way. When it comes to a conflict involving the Rectoids this needs to be taken into account. How many further losses can the Rectoids take right now?


Wayne King-Meiouf : Could the Eritrans do something rash?

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

News of the defence pact and arms sales between the Clones and the Rectoids are a nightmare for the Free Eritran States. Their military strategy has been to build up forces to defend again Clone incursions (and even one day liberate the former Eritran Trade Federation worlds which now forms the bulk of the CSE-E - not that anyone will say that openly of course!)

Although the Utrek are a looming threat too the FES have chosen to largely ignore this, and wisely in my view as an attack from the Utrek would be unstoppable for a force as big as the FES so there is not much point in wasting resources in that direction apart from a few token patrols and surveillance stations.

Now however the FES face a threat from their other flank, they are the filling in a Clone-Rectoid sandwich. The FES could ignore the Rectoids too of course but it is likely the Clones will place some of their forces there too.

Faced with this strategic nightmare i understand there are genuine worries in the DDS that the FES may decide waiting will just make their situation worse and they should strike the Clones now. They probably have enough forces to punch through the relatively weak CSE-E line actually. Contrary to some rumours (mostly of Clone propaganda origin) the DDS can't "turn off" the TPMs and other goodies they have given the FES though they may stop sharing information.

There isn't a huge amount the DDS could do to stop the FES if they decided to embark on such an adventure, the best they could do is advise the Eritrans against it. While the FES possess the forces to storm into CSE-E space what then? The FES possess little ground attack weaponry and no amphibious capability (and not much of a land force in any case). The Clones could simply wait it out for the FES to run low on supplies or reinforcements from CSE-W came. Indeed the Clones would be best off letting the FES through into their space unopposed and relying on static defence of their orbital facilities (which are pretty strong).

Logically attacking the Clones is totally wrong but of course desperate people can lose track of logic. The DDS need to do something to reassure the Eritrans and fast before that desperation runs out of control.


Oojok and Rectoid leader meet

Oojok and the Rectoid leader, President-Facilitator Yoko982, have met on Petric a planet in the mid-point between the two halves of the Clone Star Empire. The meeting took place yesterday but had only been reported now due to the high level of security.

As expected Oojok and Yoko982 signed a mutual defence pact, a diplomatic agreement and a huge arms deal. The pact will see both the CSE and Rectoids grant full refuelling and repair rights to the other's ships at any of their facilities. Both sides will also able to establish two ground based stations somewhere in the other's territory. One Rectoid station is expected to be on Randalf 74, its purpose is unknown but it is likely to be an intelligence gathering station.

The arms deal is huge. The Rectoids have bought 35 Kelsan KS bombers, 250 CSM-S missiles, 60 CSM ground based missiles and full specifications to establish their own CSM and CSM-S manufacturing capabilities. The value of this order is said to be about 18 billion zarks though about 2.3 billion of this will be offset by Rectoid technology transfer to the Clones including particle weapons and phasic shielding. The Rectoids will also be getting some other Clone weapons including Nybble NL drones but no breakdowns of these are available.

Oojok has hailed the deal and the pact as being vital to the future security of the CSE, and it is hard to argue with that.



Obvious To All Dudes
Can civil war in the Bolitic Confederacy be averted? (Betrayal P4)

Clones planning to build CSM silos on Lomar

In an about-face to recent policy to only locate the CSM interstellar strategic weapon on Cloneworld Oojok has agreed a 340 million zark project to survey, locate and prepare for a number of silos on Lomar. No CSM silos will be built as yet but all the preparatory work will be done a CDF source has said.

CSMs based on Lomar would be able to target the core DDS/UNP worlds as well as New Jakarta which is just out of range of Cloneworld based missiles. No other targets are viable though which indicates the Lomar CSMs are being considered as insurance. A DDS source said he was not concerned by the move, "We know they have done this on some other planets already, its prudent for them to have options."

The DDS' own LRM-100 system is not due to enter service until 2120.


Other Fleet News (01/11/13)

  • The Dinos have completed a Dinomark PT and Provider MX for their own fleet and built a Dinomark XT for Sirikwan.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have lost 2 Snarls in some kind of internal conflict though a new Meltinan has been built, one report states 2 old Helwins and 2 old Meltinans have been found and bought into the imperial fleet though they will need updating.
  • Molab have received 2 Pentekonter ME minesweepers, which are operated as the FES MCM Pool.

Ronald nears home

The Dinos have said they have received a hyperlaser message from Ronald's "Long Shot" exploration. Dinomark is now returning to home space and is expected to reach the edge of the DTA in a few weeks.

The Dinos reported that there have been a couple of casualties on the voyage though the crew has been filled out by 2 Dinos who were found hundreds of light years away.