
New Factions (3) : Malanas Assembly

Thousands of years ago the Dinos first reached for the starts, dozens of colonies were formed by this early semi-mythical civilisation. Then came the psy-war when the Acheron-backed Chosen tried to conquer their less psychic-power equipped brethren. The war devastated Dino-Land and its colonies hurling them all back to a pre-technological age... all except one.

Malanas professor
The Malanas at Taurus Sigma 605 were the most distant colony, over 400 light years from Dino-Land. They avoided the devastation of the war and were able to retain the basics of their civilisation. Now the Malanas Assembly is several 1000 years ahead technology wise than the galactic mean. As the Tarbotians found out to their cost when a single Malanas ship destroyed an entire Tarbotian fleet with ease.

The Malanas are isolationist, perhaps a by-product of their vigilance over the Chosen. They devote themselves to pure science and exploration, they have kept tabs on the Dinos but have not revealed themselves until they had to when Ronald's expedition discovered the Assembly. 

Its not known if the Malanas have a military, the only encounters have been with ships from the Science Commission led by Chief Professor Xox
Malanas Assembly Science Commission Spaceship