
Firefly wants "ultra-weapon" to combat Tarbotians

DDS Commander Firefly has said he wants the DDS to have an "ultra-weapon" to combat the Tarbotians and other future threats and has agreed 100 million zarks funding to DDS Research for a new massive parallel beam energy cannon codenamed Circus.

This monstrous weapon (itself bigger than a Rome 46A) is said to have potentially the firepower of 40-50 Z6 cannons. It could defeat any known defence screen and also devastate ground targets (one simulation has it that the weapon could destroy a target the size of DDS City with one shot). To field it it is thought a specialist spacecraft would be built which would be little more than the weapon with engines on the end.

Director of Operations Knobhead is interested in the concept though says the ship would only be of use for major space conflicts. The trend for the DDS has been in "multi-dimensional" spaceships with flexibility of roles and capabilities. However if this "ultra-weapon" performs as thought it could turn the tide in a major war.