The HCS have talked about a massive reorganisation and decentralisation for some time, and they are talking about it again but i think this time they mean it.
The plans for the HCS are interesting, driven by the need to improve the land forces of the Clone Star Empire as much as saving money (for a change). The Clones have finally realised that a massive monolith army with millions of men and tens of thousands of tanks is no longer needed and is wasting a huge amount of money.
Under the latest plans i have seen (and these are a work in progress so can change) the HCS would split into 3. The bulk of second-line and lower units would be devolved to local command to create separate defence forces known as National Territorial Armies. The core of front-line units would form a solid centre to the HCS Army and a rapid reaction force. These two new forces are well known but the third new force was new to me.
This would be the HCS Marines, forces optimised for amphibious operations. This should not be confused with the HCS Navy's own small marines unit and the naming issue may need to be looked at. This is an interesting development though and hopefully will be further fleshed out in the weeks and months to come.