
Clones agree major network upgrade

The creaking Clone Star Empire communication network infrastructure has been a serious concern for the government and HCS for some time with network brown-outs already occurring in some areas where communication and data traffic overwhelms the system. The CSE has already invested 4.2 billion zarks in upgrades and repairs but today announced the biggest upgrade yet.

The main trunk linking the core planets of the empire (Cloneworld, Daggaddon, Sandworld and Randalf 74) is to be supplemented with a new databus with 25 times the capacity of the current network along with improved speeds and data security. The cost of the upgrade will be about 3.7 billion zarks but will alleviate the problems in the most strategic parts of the empire. Once the new network is up and running the existing links will be privatised (though the HCS will retain the ability to commandeer it in emergencies) which is hoped to raise around 1.5 billion zarks. The new network is planned to open in 2116.



The Boyz On The Case
Melaris 12 and the DDS come under attack (Rim Incident P3)

DDS Politburo to move to new GHQ by May

Director of Technology Sea Urchin has said that the DDS will phase in its new GHQ on Helnikan Island, Proxima 5. Construction is continuing of much of the infrastructure though some of the surface facilities are now ready to move in. The DDS will hold a Politburo meeting there in May though will not move in fully from the temporary GHQ facilities at the nearby DDS Communications HQ until the underground bunker is completed later in the year.

Progress at the GHQ is steady. A rail link from the naval port on the North of the island to the GHQ building has just opened and a link from the port to the airbase is nearing completion which will then complete the core triangle of transport infrastructure (a rail link from the airbase to GHQ is already operational). A railway maintenance and storage facility is also due to open within a few weeks.


UV187 : Into The Future

  • Off Side - The DDS are given a mission deep in the heart of Bolitic territory (Into The Fire P1)
  • Free Radio - The hunt is on for the UNP President's son (Into The Fire P2)
  • Pan De Mode Eel Dum - Dodek joins the hunt for the VIP (Into The Fire P3)
  • MR Con One - The forces line up to get their hands on Alfie's sweet young ass (Into The Fire P4)
  • IKA All The Way - Ronald heads into the mysterious IKA Federation (Long Shot P1)
  • Beyond Understanding - Where exactly are Ronald and his team? (Long Shot P2)
  • TTG - The ultimate horror

Missile fired at Melaris 12

A missile has been fired at the Rim World planet of Melaris 12 which was threatened by a ship of unknown origin a few weeks ago. A DDS team had recently arrived on the planet to investigate the first attack and were able to destroy the missile before it could hit Melaris' capital. Its not known if the missile was armed (the first attack was with blank laser shots) though debris is currently under analysis.

The DDS have despatched a ship from the Rapid Reaction Squadron under the command of Windscorpion. It will arrive at Melaris 12 tomorrow and will begin a full investigation into the attack. The missile is thought to be a Tarbotian one though that does not necessarily mean the Tarbotians were behind the attack because Tarbot often sell weapons like this to minor powers.

Firefly has ordered the alert status raised to AMBER as further attacks and attacks on the DDS cannot be ruled out.
  • Putri 500 have added 2 more Pentekonter-E2P1s on top of their existing order. They are also negotiating for an extra Isometric-E though want to tie the order in with an upgrade to their existing ships.


HCSNAS to get F-45Ks this year?

The F-45C/K is due to finally enter service next year after a long development, however HCSAF sources say the plane is now ready and it is mainly due to budgetary reasons that the type is not due to enter production until 2114. The only component yet to be completed is an active ECM system.

However the HCS Navy Air Service (HCSNAS) are in desperate need of the F-45K now, their last carrier capable F-40Ns have now been retired and until the F-45K arrives then the navy's carriers will only have the piston engined COIN aircraft the A-85NTK as airpower, and this type cannot maintain air patrols.

Therefore the HCSNAS has called for F-45K production to start this Summer, funds are available for 12 of the 100 on order for this financial year a navy source says and there is no reason why production cannot start now. The HCSNAS planes will not use the ECM system which is yet to be completed. The HCS command will decide next week.


Death From Above!
Windy is sent to Melaris 12 (Rim Incident P2)


Firefly says DDS open to name suggestions

Following the news that Firefly was considering changing the DDS' name, possibly to New Sparta came calls for there to be a consultation on a name change and to explore other options. Firefly has agreed that there should be more thought given to the new name, it is known that he hates the DDS name though isn't totally sold on New Sparta either.

Sea Urchin has suggested keeping the DDS name but changing what the acronym means. He said "It would save on paint and printing anyway."
  • The 4 Coril 86A shuttles (which are used by ISSF) are to receive an upgrade and refit which is designed to keep them viable up to their planned withdrawal in the early 2120s. The shuttles will receive the same WSN-865J engine as the new build Coril 86B as well as upgrades to the navigational and communication systems. The shuttles will also receive a refurbishment. The upgrades will be spaced out throughout the Summer and Autumn so 3 of the fleet are always available. Although they will have the same engine as the Type 86B as their hull and structure is a lot older they will be restricted to 200c (though this will still be a speed increase).


Firefly considering changing name of DDS?

In the early 2100s the DDS considered changing its name to New Sparta in order to distance the DDS from its roots when it was set up by Ronald as a private army (DDS stands for Dino Death Squad though the full version of the name is never used now). In the end the DDS decided to stay as they were and Lord Rotarios rebranded the DDS as the New DDS anyway.

Now Firefly has said that the DDS should consider this change of name again. "We have to think about what the DDS stands for and what its name means in the context of the astral-political situation now and in the near future." Firefly said while visiting Helnikan Island, the new GHQ. Firefly added that he will discuss the name change with the DDS Politburo when they meet next week.


DDS publishes provisional ship building plan for next year

The DDS has published its provisional ship building plan for 2113/4, starting from next April. Like in the current plan the DDS plan to build 19 ships next year though they will cover a larger number of different types including the first Warrior 16A and Corkscrew 51As and the singleton Infinity 35X.

The next plan will also see the final Indy 35B and Freedom 41Bs built, the latter finally bringing to an end Isometric production for the DDS after 12 years (though the type will remain in production for export for a few more years). Five ships in the plan will be built outside of the DDS (3 Falcons by the Dinos and 2 Intruders by the Clones). Firefly has agreed the provisional plan though it will possibly be revised after consultation with the DDS Politburo before being finalised next month.


Provider shows benefit of ILU

The Provider and Extender fleets of transports and oilers are the hardest working ships in the DDS. The majority of their year is spent in space. The average combat ship spends 192 days a year in space, for one of the DDS' transports that figure is an incredible 317! Last month A101 Provider was the first SUP derived type to complete its Intermediate Life Update or ILU and the DDS say the benefits are already being felt.

The new HS-760AY is more efficient, reliable and easier to maintain which is a boon for the crews of ships which are nearly always under way somewhere. Other updates and improvements to the ships' systems will also reduce the workload on the ship's engineering department and enhanced diagnostic and monitoring systems will help detect problems early. FIDO-VR is also helping to reduce the workload of the crew in general with distributed crewing in quiet periods enabling crews, who might be in space for months at a time, extra leisure and relaxation time.

With the SUP fleet's workload unlikely to reduce any time soon the ILU update can't be rolled out to the fleet fast enough though it will take a number of years to update all 50 ships.


Colom chosen for HCS trial

Although the plan to split the HCS into 3 separate entities (a core HCS Army, an expeditionary HCS Marines and separate National Territorial Armies (NTA) for local defence) is still being discussed Oojok has signalled that it will likely happen and has directed that a planet be chosen for a trial of the NTA scheme.

Colom, a fairly minor planet in CSE-W, has been chosen for the trial. Until now its main claim to fame in the empire was that it was the temporary home of the millions of Zone refugees who fled Zoneland after the DDS destroyed the planet's environment. Most Zones have now been dispersed throughout the rest of the empire.

Currently Colom has the following military units stationed there :

32nd Armoured Brigade
118th Infantry Brigade (including Red Lizard detachment)
162nd Infantry Brigade
6719 Artillery Regiment
1092 Engineering Regiment
4511 Transport Regiment
4598 Transport Regiment
62nd Air Defence Squadron (F-40)
109th COIN Squadron (A-85)
134th COIN Squadron (A-85)
93rd Reconnaissance Squadron (TR-72, OA-85, UAVs)
230th Transport Squadron (C-440)
245th Transport Squadron (C-485 + others)
890th Liaison Squadron (Various types)

Under the trial the Colom National Territorial Army would be formed out of all of these units except parts of the 118th Infantry Brigade. The HCS is keen to keep a small presence on each planet which will mostly be liaison officers, special forces and advisers. The HCS say that the NTA would be funded directly by Colom whose tax return to the centre would be reduced accordingly. It is hoped the Colom NTA can be set up by the Summer.



Melaris 12 Incident
A DDS team is sent in to help lowly Melaris 12 (Rim Incident P1)

Fleet News (18/02/13)

  • The final Solaris 37C fleet combat ship H175 Altair has been completed and joined the fleet, it is also the first built new with worm drive. H166 Barnard's Star has also been fitted with worm drive.
  • The Freedom 41B medium combat ship M135 Fox has joined the fleet as well.
  • A165 Essence Of Starbot is the latest Extender 73A oiler to be completed, and has joined the fleet. It was to have been the final Extender but the DDS have decided to build at least 1 more (though as part of next year's ship building plan).



Mind Games R M Thang
Can Ronald and company escape the IKA? (Long Shot P3)


HCSAF to disband 42 squadrons

The HCSAF are to disband 42 squadrons though 17 squadrons will also be strengthened by some crews and aircraft being redeployed. The cuts are part of the downsizing already planned for the air force and will mostly involve aircraft like the F-40 which are coming to the end of their lives.

Some squadrons may be moved to the forthcoming National Territorial Armies which will take over the day to day patrol and garrison duties in the empire if the army changes are agreed (probably by the end of the year). The HCSAF have said the changes will take place over the next 3 years.
  • Ronald's expedition Operation Long Shot is reported to have entered the space of the mysterious and ultra-isolationist IKA Federation.
  • The 3rd Armoured Brigade (Terra) has been declared operational by the DDS Terrestrial Force Land Division. The brigade is part of the 2nd Combat Department though Zeppelin, the head of DDS land forces, said that the Land Division will be having one of its periodic rotations soon.


HCS View : Splitting the HCS into 3?

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

The HCS have talked about a massive reorganisation and decentralisation for some time, and they are talking about it again but i think this time they mean it.

The plans for the HCS are interesting, driven by the need to improve the land forces of the Clone Star Empire as much as saving money (for a change). The Clones have finally realised that a massive monolith army with millions of men and tens of thousands of tanks is no longer needed and is wasting a huge amount of money.

Under the latest plans i have seen (and these are a work in progress so can change) the HCS would split into 3. The bulk of second-line and lower units would be devolved to local command to create separate defence forces known as National Territorial Armies. The core of front-line units would form a solid centre to the HCS Army and a rapid reaction force. These two new forces are well known but the third new force was new to me.

This would be the HCS Marines, forces optimised for amphibious operations. This should not be confused with the HCS Navy's own small marines unit and the naming issue may need to be looked at. This is an interesting development though and hopefully will be further fleshed out in the weeks and months to come.

Despair City becomes operational

iP Services first permanent HQ has become operational (though still limited) and personnel and prisoners will now transfer from temporary facilities at DDS City. The new HQ, Despair City, is a former US Navy base in what is now the Mexican Alliance on Terra. It has a extensive subterranean levels as well as an underwater entrance and an air strip on the surface which has been refurbished.

The underwater entrance will become operational later in the year until then prisoner and personnel transports are via air, the DDSAF have loaned iP Services 2 of its C-440s for transit operations from a spaceport in the US which iP Services have hired.

Despair City has extensive surveillance and self-defence measures including sharks with lasers and a surface based barracks for guards.


DDS to send team to Melaris 12

Following Melaris 12's request for help after a ship from an unknown power violated its space the DDS are to send a team to meet with Melaris and assess the situation. The team will include security advisers as well as a specialist historical sensor analysis team who will examine the sensor logs from Melaris' defence systems (though these are rather primitive) to try and determine the identity of the trespassers.

The DDS will also analyse Melaris' orbit to see if there are any residual remains from the ship. The team will not be authorized to intervene if Melaris is attacked while they are there though will be accompanied by a Prowler unit for self-defence.


February Flourish ends with problems for Zephyr

The latest exercise, the annual EW, cyber warfare and special forces February Flourish exercise has ended a day early because of problems to SS Zephyr, the oiler attached to the fleet detachment. The new ship, on the first operational deployment of its type, is reported to have been plagued with problems with its cargo handling system all through the exercise. The main crane finally failing yesterday preventing the transfer of supplies to one of the other ships.

Zephyr has now returned to Solaris for analysis by DDS Engineering. A spokesman said it was likely to be just teething problems with a new type. "These things do happen and its better they happen in the controlled situation of an exercise rather than a combat situation!"
  • The unaligned Rim World planet Melaris 12 has requested both the UNP and DTA for assistance after a ship of unknown type entered its low orbit and fired what has been described as laser "blanks" at the surface before retreating. It is thought the ship may have been testing Melaris' defences though the planet has virtually none apart from a small ground based police force. Although the ship's identity is unknown the proximity of Melaris to Tarbotian space indicates Tarbot could be involved.


HCSAF granted money for upgrades

In a sign that the Clone economy is starting to come around and budget pressures on the HCS are starting to lessen 100 million zarks has been made available to the HCSAF for upgrades. The money will be used to fund a number of pending updates including improved targeting pods for the F-45A fleet to improve their air-to-ground attack capability (around 150 pods is likely to be bought).

Other money will also be spent to upgrade around 30 of the oldest C-440 transports, giving the work horses a full refurbishment and upgrading their cockpits. The A-84 attack fleet is also likely to receive some upgrades to older examples. The HCSAF are also keen to upgrade more T-1 trainers to M standard ready for the introduction of the F-45C.

Its not all good news for the air force though, initial funding for a new generation of medium range air-to-air missiles has been postponed until 2116.


HCSN warship hit by missile

An Olana class destroyer has been hit by an anti-ship missile while on an anti-piracy patrol on Cloneworld. The ship's CIWS failed to shoot down the missile which is said to have been a Utrek type possibly left behind on Loeuss after the 2nd Utrek War (a number of Utrek weapons have fallen into insurgent hands).

The missile did not cause serious damage though 3 crewmen were injured. The ship has now returned to port for repair. The HCSN has warned that pirates are getting better weapons though in this case it is thought the warhead did not properly detonate.



Beyond Understanding
Where exactly are Ronald and his team? (Long Shot P2)


IKA All The Way
Ronald heads into the mysterious IKA Federation (Long Shot P1)

Other Fleet News (07/02/13)

  • The Dinos have built 3 Dinomark XTs this month, one each for Sirikwan, New Arit and themselves. They have also built a Dinomark PT and a Provider MX for the Dino Army.
  • Molab has taken delivery of its first 2 Pentekonter-ME minesweepers, though they will perform MCM duties for the Free Eritran States as a whole.


Dinos to form unified DTA academy

All military training in the DTA is to be centralised as the various militaries come closer together (or rather closer to the Dino Army). The Dinos will host academies for land and space forces with an air forces academy to be on New Arit and a naval forces one on Sirikwan

Senator Zanus, the Dino Minister of Defence, said that he hoped the new academies would be on-line by 2117. 


DDS agree go-ahead for 2 new versions of F-10

The DDS has given the go-ahead for the development and building of a new version of the F-10S fighter as well as the development and building of a prototype third generation F-10, currently known as the F-10X. The new version of the F-10S, the SNG, will be an upgrade over the current SEP version. Around 50 will be built from 2115 to replace the ageing F-10ASE. Details of the upgrade will be given later in the year. If funding is available then the oldest F-10S will also be upgraded to this standard.

The F-10X is a much longer term programme and is intended to be the backbone of the Air Division from the early 2120s onwards. It will be a much more agile and advanced fighter with the aim of closing the gap with the HCSAF F-45C.
  • A DDS Prowler deployment has arrived on Liberation to help the government in operations against a hard core of King Rathun supporters who have launched a vicious bombing campaign over the last few months (though as the King is dead its not certain what their aims are). Two Prowler units and some anti-terrorism experts from ISSF will be supported by the EW/Special Forces Support Ship A304E Fleming. It is thought the DDS will mainly act as advisers and provide reconnaissance and intelligence though may take part in operations if needed.
  • The HCS say their development Nybble NLB superluminal unmanned vehicle has performed its first fully automated combat test. The Nybble successfully defended itself against a HCS warship (training rounds were used). The NLB version of Nybble may begin production this year. It will still primarily act as a scout though will have an offensive combat option, NLB will not be able to field the CSM-S attack missile though.


Operation February Flourish 2113

Ground Shock 2113 ended at the weekend with a series of special forces exercises involving DDS Prowlers and Remedian Army Special Forces. The DDS are flowing directly onto their next exercise of the year, February Flourish 2113, though this will be a much smaller one than Ground Shock.

February Flourish is an "EW / ECM / cyber warfare" exercise and the first phase this week takes place on Solaris with a simulated cyber attack by an unknown power on DDS computer systems. Next week the exercise moves into space and will include simulated EW / Elint shadowing of an "enemy" fleet as well as ECM protection of a simulated attack (which will be made by a Quasar 15A). The ships involved are :

A301E Marconi (flagship)
A303E Braun
S106 Baryon
H174 Evolution
M160 Solomon Sea
M164 Sea Of Fertility
A181 Zephyr

This will be the first operational deployment of a Zephyr 76A oiler, the exercise being used to help the crew gain experience of the type before "real" operations.


HCS consider drastic reorganisation... again

A couple of years ago a plan was mooted to hive off all but the first line HCS army and air units to planetary guards. The sheer complexity of the task and the resulting initial costs plus the Clone recession appeared to put paid to the plans which seemed to be quietly forgotten. However now a modified version of the plan has arisen and it apparently has the backing of Oojok!

Under the plan the HCS Army would be reduced to a core of around 800,000 men. The rest of the army would be devolved into planetary territorial units for home defence. Some of these would become part-time territorial units. For example the army units on Paragon would leave the HCS and become the Paragon National Army funded directly by the Paragon government. Army co-operation air units (COIN aircraft and helicopters) would also be devolved to local commands (though in a typical Clone smudge would remain in the HCSAF for administrative purposes).

The remaining HCS would become an elite and highly mobile force. Supporters of the plan say it could save around 10 billion zarks a year from the defence budget though there would be a start-up cost of around 20 billion. Supporters say that if the change is phased in over 3-4 years then the costs would be minimised. A detailed plan is to go to the HCS Council next month.