
7SS and Tarbot come to blows?

The DDS is investigating unconfirmed reports that the 7 Sa Sao (faction unknown) and Tarbotians may have been involved in a skirmish near the free system Blant 5831 which lies between Tarbot and 7SS space. Since the Tarbotian annexation of ABBO territory the fear was that with Tarbot now on the DDS border trouble could be in store, what most analysts have missed is that Tarbot and 7SS now have a common border too.

It is thought the DDS have sent a ship to the region to investigate what exactly is going on. Long range sigint indicates the possibility of a medium-scale space battle though this cannot be confirmed at this stage.


Consuls Ronald and Zanus review Dino Army

Outgoing Consuls Ronald and Zanus have attended a parade of the Dino Army and SS at Dino-Town as part of the end-of-service celebrations before they step down in favour of Consul-Elect El Diablo. Elements of the 1st Armoured Brigade, 1st SS "Iron Fist" Brigade, 2nd SS "Black Dragon Martyrs" Brigade were led by an honour guard of the 6th Legion flanked by SS-D and CSS.

It was the biggest military parade on Dino-Land for some time as displays of military force have been toned down since the unsavoury events in 2108 when some SS stormtroopers taking part in a parade got over excited with unfortunate consequences for a party of schoolboys who had gotten lost.



Skeleton Key
S101 tells Ronald about the origin of the Starbotians (First Steps P3)


Raegris Quasars will gain strike capability

The Raegris' fleet of 5 Quasar cruisers (known as DC-1 in their service) serve primarily as combat ships with a secondary mine warfare capability. Next year they will receive an upgrade which will include strike capabilities. The upgrade will include the fitting of SAS-Q attack systems (thought to be previous generation models cascaded from Quasars in DDS service), pylons for MRM carriage and modifications to sensors. Strike will not be their main function unlike the DDS Quasars but will be added as a "strategic option", full interoperability with DDS assets will be the aim.

The ships will also receive other tactical updates including a Z6 cannon and an improved TPM missile launcher.



First Contact
S101 remembers how and Ronald first met (First Steps P2)


S101 remembers when the Starbotians made contact with the Dinos for the first time (First Steps P1)


Dinos reveal details of the Dinomark PT/3

The Mark 3 Dinomark PT will enter service from next year (expected to be late in the year). Up until now few details of the major new version have been revealed but today Consul Zanus in one of his final engagements before he stands down at the end of the year gave a media briefing on the PT/3.

The PT/3 will have a new reactor design that will produce 35% more power compared to the unit in the Mark 2. This will allow for a new generation of energy hungry weapons and shields and still allow for maximum engine output. The PT/3 will have a new tactical sub-system (though to be the main reason for any delays), this will allow for simultaneous engagement with a theoretical 512 separate targets. The new system uses shared weapon data links similar to the DDS.

Another delay caused to the PT/3 was the redesign of the interior to take advantage of experience from the ABBO-Bolitic War. The PT/3 interior will be modular with fast switching of specific role modules (which will be carried under the belly).

Zanus also announced that PT/2b production would end once the final ships under construction were built. Then the remaining Mark 1 PTs would be rebuilt to PT/2b standard before production of the Mark 3 begins late in 2113.


Is a DDS/HCS deal close?

The summit in Wolverhampton between DDS Commander Firefly and Emperor Oojok has concluded with what is reported to be "fruitful" and "encouraging" results. Firefly is now to meet the DDS Politburo tomorrow and Oojok will consult with his inner advisers and Benito next week. No details have yet been revealed but it is rumoured that the DDS and HCS could be close to a historic deal.

Firefly told reporters after the summit, "Over ten years ago the Clone Wars ended and since then we have had a period of uneasy peace punctuated by periods of détente and rising tensions. Maybe its time to become closer."

Firefly could visit Cloneworld in the new year, an event some thought unthinkable but if Nixon could go to China then why not?


DDS Universe Quiz 2012

Have you been keeping attention this year? See how you do with the following quiz and then see how you rate.

1) Who did Redjec marry?
a) Rathun
b) Crystal Ribbon
c) Windy

2) Who does the resurrected Megara work for?
a) An unnamed being from the future
b) Mutre Bee
c) Dr Slow

3) Who is Terin and why is he working for Oojok?
a) He is a HCS agent
b) He is Oojok's son
c) He is a mercenary

4) According to Ronald why do the SS speak in their funny pseudo-German way?
a) They copied Nazi prisoners
b) They watched Allo Allo and thought it was a documentary
c) It was a policy of an (insane) former SS Commander

5) What year did Megara and Dicknose go back to to foil a temporal plot?
a) 1971
b) 2086
c) 2033

6) On what planet did Ronald encounter primitive saurians who flew biplanes?
a) Randalf 74
b) Orkadelrick
c) Sygnet 80

7) Why did Windy lead a joint DDS/Dino mission into the Bolitic at the start of the year?
a) To stop a new ash cannon becoming operational
b) To stop the Bolitic stealing TPM technology
c) To rescue a captured DDS General

8) How did Windy kill AP?
a) Shot him in the head
b) Blew up his ship
c) Fired a rocket up his ass then sent him into a pile of gas bottles where he died in a massive explosion

9) What rank is Dodek?
a) Knight and deputy to Lord Joshi
b) Head of house
c) Squire

10) What planet did Ice Ranger go to to hunt a renegade DDS officer?
a) Cloneworld
b) Dakkar
c) Castarian

11) Who invaded Dino-Land in 2074?
a) The Bolitic
b) The Nazis
c) The DDS

12) Who did LPG use to launch a false flag attack on DDS GHQ?
a) Zones
b) The ABBOs
c) The PRB

13) How did Ronald gain his amazing psychic powers?
a) A teleporter accident
b) Mystical occult powers
c) Genetic engineering

14) What happened during a meeting of the Dino Elders this year?
a) Strike by public sector workers
b) A terrorist plot to detonate a radiological bomb
c) Air attack

15) What happened to Unatel Gamma and Kontai?
a) They joined the DDS
b) They joined the Eritrans
c) They were invaded by the Clones

16) What do you use to defeat a Tarbotian energy sentry?
a) Water
b) Plasma cannon
c) Nothing, just run!

17) Who was shot in DDS Research HQ?
a) Windy
b) Dr Forbidden
c) AP

18) How did Redjec suppress the information the crew of SS Velocity had discovered?
a) He had the ship destroyed
b) Mind melt
c) Killed the crew by faking a reactor leak

19) Who tried to sell Ronald to the Bolitic?
a) The Repicans
b) The DDS
c) The Clones

20) Whose sex tape was shown on DDS TV?
a) Windy and Quarz
b) Redjec and Rathun
c) Onion and a toilet roll

That is the end of the quiz! You will find the answers below... no peeking now. After you have checked your answers see how you did with out score ratings...

Score : 0-3 - Trojan Warlord, is that you? 4-9 - Obviously a beginner, try harder or else... 10-13 - Windy is disappointed in you boy, you will turn up at iP Services at once for a structured programme of hard physical pursuits. 14-18 - Well done, you are a possible future DDS hero! 19-20 - Ronald, Windy, MBH... and now yourself.

Answers : 1a 2a 3b 4a 5c 6c 7a 8c 9a 10b 11b 12c 13a 14b 15c 16a 17b 18c 19a 20b

Firefly and Oojok meet again

DDS Commander Firefly and Emperor Oojok have met again, this time at a secret location on Terra (rumoured to be Wolverhampton). The fact Oojok was willing to hold the follow-up summit on DDS territory was seen as a sign that Oojok is moving towards an alliance with the DDS instead of accepting Utrek coin. Details from Oojok's meeting with Benito last week (thought to have been on Paragon) have not been released though it is rumoured that Benito's misgivings have been largely placated.

One rumour coming out of the summit is that Firefly has offered the Clones TPM-1 technology and would grant a licence for the Clones to build their own factories producing the weapon. Although this would be a big shift in export policy it has been thought the Clones have managed to get a TPM-1 round via an unofficial source earlier this year anyway (perhaps a Dino built missile via the Aritans) and have been working on reverse engineering it. As the TPM-1 is now much more widely available it is thought a matter of time until the Clones get the missile anyway, some DDS senior staff think the time is right to sell the technology to the Clones.


UV185 : Return Of Evil

  • Tenth Attempt - A dark ancient evil is awoken (Rise Of The Acheron P2)
  • Emergency On Solaris - David and Re'Vent head to the heart of the DDS (Rise Of The Acheron P3)
  • All The Secrets - David and Re'Vent infiltrate DDS Research (Rise Of The Acheron P4)
  • Got To Go For It! - Can Quarz save the day? (Rise Of The Acheron P5)
  • Ultra Impressive - A top Bolitic officer defects (The Defector P1)
  • The Hunt Is On! - The Bolitic hunt their defected senior general (The Defector P2)
  • Powers Of Pain! - Maowcla's ship is chased into an asteroid field (The Defector P3)


Accident destroys Dinomark at Central AFB

DM86, a Dinomark XT commanded by Centurion Maowcla, has been destroyed in an apparent accident at Central AFB at Dino-Town. When DM86 was landing it was struck by a cargo handling crane. The ship was destroyed killing the 8 man crew, the crane operator and 2 others on the ground. Consul Zanus said the cause of the accident was still being investigated and sent his condolences to the families of the deceased.

The media are speculating that DM86 was carrying a Bolitic defector though the Dinos are refusing to comment on this.


Photo call for Operation Long Shot

Ronald will soon head off with a specially picked crew on a long-range exploration, which has now been given the codename Operation Long Shot. Yesterday a media day was held and the following poster of the crew issued.


Sparkling Whine
Can Grogen get to safety? (The Defector P4)

Fleet News (17/12/12)

  • A181 Zephyr is the lead ship of a new class of fast oilers based on the Solaris platform and has entered service. Fitted with worm drive and capable of 900c with hyperspace the Zephyrs can keep up with front line DDS fleet combat ship deployments.
  • S228 Kilimanjaro is the latest Olympus 23A support carrier to enter service.
  • Solaris 37C H163 Vega has been fitted with worm drive.



Powers Of Pain!
Maowcla's ship is chased into an asteroid field (The Defector P3)


Alpha begins testing

The prototype Nano Fighting Ship X701 Alpha has begun final testing ahead of its delivery to the DDS next week where it will then begin a series of proving and development tests in both manned and unmanned modes. The Nano Fighting Ship (NFS) is designed to test out future concepts of ship design. The Alpha is very small (smaller than a Coril shuttle) but has worm drive and full superluminal capabilities.

It will be armed by 2 TPM-2s and a laser defence system though will receive a mini version of the Zip cannon next year. Alpha is understood to have a development version of EA-X 2.0 energy absorbent coating that can recycle the energy from enemy beam weapon hits into its own beam weapon systems.


Dr Forbidden leaves hospital

Dr Forbidden, who was shot in the attempted theft of DDS data at DDS Research, has been released from hospital though will not return to work until the new year. Head of Technology Sea Urchin said that DDS Research was being shut down until then but ongoing work would not be that badly effected as a Christmas shut down was due for next week anyway. He said that during the shut down new data security measures were being installed to help prevent such an incident happening again.

Firefly meanwhile has dropped the alert status to GREEN. He has, however, instructed Torus to review security and protection measures of senior staff.


Winter Candle 2112 / Exercise schedule for 2113

The final exercise of the year began yesterday, like last year Winter Candle involves special forces. This year the Dino SS-D have joined the DDS Prowlers for a series of simulated incidents including hostage recovery, covert surveillance and anti-terrorism operations. One exercise that has been missed this year is Ground Shock which has taken place in November in previous years but the DDS say this will now occur next month and will start the 2113 programme.

As for Winter Candle the ships taking part are :

A301E Marconi (flag)
H122 Illustrious
H169 Sanger Alpha
M125 Forward
A155 Pentane

A full schedule for 2113 has been published and will be as follows :
  • January - Ground Shock 2113 (ground attack / amphibious)
  • February - February Flourish 2113 (EW / ECM / cyber warfare)
  • March - March Hare 2113 (combat)
  • April - Atomic Fist 2113 (nuclear attack)
  • May - May Mission 2113 (new internal defence exercise, full details TBA)
  • June - June Fade 2113 (minesweeping)
  • July - July Wave 2113 (amphibious)
  • August - August Flourish 2113 (combat)
  • September - September Sunrise 2113 (strategic attack / interdiction)
  • October - Civilian Partnership 2113 (humanitarian / disaster relief)
  • November - Northern Project 2113 (joint exercise with Raegris)
  • December - Winter Candle 2113 (special forces)



The Hunt Is On!
The Bolitic hunt their defected senior general (The Defector P2)


DDS to upgrade satellite networks

The DDS has placed a 5 year contract with 3 UNP space companies work 475 million zarks to upgrade and maintain 6 strategic satellite networks. The networks (3 around Proxima 7, 2 around Solaris and 1 around Proxima 5) provide a mixture of duties including weather reconnaissance, surveilance and back-up communications. Two more networks will be added to P5 as part of the contract as the planet becomes the new command heart of the DDS from next year.

Director of Technology Sea Urchin said that many of the duties the satellites perform are mundane but vital. Sea Urchin added that the DDS would be spending around 1.2 billion zarks on communications infrastructure upgrades over the next 4 years too.

Dino View : Ronald interview (exclusive!)

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Consul Ronald is due to leave on a year long exploratory mission early in 2113 and yesterday held a media day with his crew. He was very kind to grant me the following interview.

DRALSON : Consul, why did you decide to undertake this mission?

RONALD : Exploring is in my blood, i've done a fair bit of it in my time but in recent years i've been a bit busy with running the Republic. Now i've decided its time i stood back and let others run the show and so i can devote an extended period of time to exploring.

DR : Earlier in the year you went on a mini-voyage, and encountered the Repicans and another Dino race on Sygnet 80. Do you hope to find other "lost tribes"?

RN : Yes we think there could be as many as a dozen Dino civilisations that are descended from the original spacefaring Dinos. We know of 5 now of course [Bolitic, Sirikwan, Yeng, Repic, Sygnet 80] but our historians think dozens of settler ships left Dino-Land millennia ago so there may be more ex-colonies waiting for us to discover them.

DR : And hopefully some of them won't hate us!


DR : Why did you not wait to see out your full 2 year term of office?

RN : To be honest i am bored. I've been the Dino leader for most of the last 60 years and now i want a new challenge and new experiences. Its also time for the Dino Republic to stand on its own two claws without me saving the day all the time. I've given so much for the Republic, i've even given my wife and daughter to it [Holisai and Crystal who died in a Zone attack in the ABBO-Bolitic War] and i just feel that its "me time" now.

DR : Well no one could begrudge you this Consul, you are easily the greatest Dino in history and will be a towering icon over the Republic for ever more.

RN : Indeed.

DR : But what about afterwards Consul, when you return to Dino-Land. Will you one day seek the highest office again?

RN : I don't think so. I shall remain a Senator and indeed am Head of the Senate for life. I will play a role but its time for Ronald to step into the shadows. The days of glory are over. The epoch of Ronald bestride the galaxy like a colossus may have ended. Now is the time for Ronald the explorer!



Ultra Impressive
A top Bolitic officer defects (The Defector P1)

Porquat 640 order DDS ships

Porquat 640 have ordered a 5th Pentekonter-E on top of the 4 they have ordered previously (2 have been delivered to date) plus 2 Provider-E transports which will be known as the Provider 925 in Porquat service. Porquat have also announced a 750 million zark upgrade and unification programme for its fleet of Quagan 658 and 665 frigates which will include DDS help.

The frigates will be unified to an improved 665 standard which will include DDS technology upgrades including passive sensors and improved datalinking.


DDS sweeten the deal with Clones

DDS Commander Firefly has encouraged the Clones to accept a military alliance with the DDS instead of taking Utrek coin. He said that if the Clones accepted the alliance terms then the DDS would buy Clone built warships, what exactly the DDS would buy is unknown but it is rumoured the DDS are interested in beefing up their Amphibious Warfare Squadron which uses the HCS Intruder landing ship as one of its major types.

Oojok is still considering the terms of the alliance which include the Clones giving up recent conquests Kontai and Unatel Gamma. This is something Oojok is keen to do (as he never wanted Benito to invade these far-off poor planets anyway) though Benito is said to be firmly against the plans. Oojok and Benito will hold a face-to-face summit next week. Oojok will hold another meeting with Firefly before the end of the year.


Other Fleet Review (04/12/12)

  • The Dinos have built 2 Dinomark XTs, one for New Arit and the other for the Voth. They have also built a Provider-EDA for themselves.
  • The Bolitic have completed a Meltinan.
  • Haylei have taken delivery of 2 Coril-E shuttles.
  • Molab have received a Pentekonter-E and 3 refurbished Kalahati Tuuls.

DDS attackers stopped and killed

The DDS has announced that the two intruders to DDS Research who left behind a trail of mayhem including badly wounding Dr Forbidden and stealing DDS data have been intercepted and destroyed by a DDS warship near the Rim Worlds. The DDS have not revealed the identity of the intruders though some news sources are reporting they were archaeologists though how they managed to get hold of sufficient technology to defeat the tightest security in the DDS and why they were after DDS technical secrets is unknown.

The DDS have reduced their alert status to AMBER though this maintains the full mobilisation of all DDS assets and the highest level of security at all DDS establishments. Security Director Torus has begun a full review of security at DDS Research.


DDS Research attacked!

Agents of an unknown power have infiltrated DDS Research and may have stolen exabytes of top secret data on weapon systems and other technologies. Several DDS Security personnel were killed by the agents who managed to get away, Dr Forbidden was also severely injured by the agents though is expected to recover.

DDS Commander Firefly has raised the alert status to RED, the highest level and ordered a Level 1 lock down of all DDS facilities. The entire fleet has also been mobilised and it is thought been ordered to find the agents and stop them getting away with the data.



Got To Go For It!
Can Quarz save the day? (Rise Of The Acheron P5)


All The Secrets
David and Re'Vent infiltrate DDS Research (Rise Of The Acheron P4)