To secure the New DDS and to get Rotarios in as the new commander Vodaphone needed to bring down the Shiner regime. However Windscorpion loomed large over the DDS as a colossus and he would have to be disposed of too...
That is easier said than done of course, many have tried to kill the Apogee Of Man but nearly all have failed. Rotarios of course did kill the original Windy but he had the resources of the HCS behind him that time. However an opportunity did arise to kill Windy thanks to a strange chain of events on Starbot.
Its a little known fact but the K-series of Starbotian have a design flaw in their brains. This flaw only manifests itself in later life and can cause feelings of anxiety and depression if not detected and treated. K-1, the eternal companion of S101 and B-B, had this flaw unknown to everyone including himself. It finally came to the fore when a Starbotian ship he and B-B were on was attacked and destroyed by the Rectoids. K-1 panicked and used the only escape pod seemingly dooming B-B to death. K-1 was later rescued and felt ashamed by what he had done but everyone just assumed B-B had been caught in the initial explosion. K-1 played along with this.
B-B however had survived. The Rectoids beamed him off the ship before it was destroyed and sent him to a prison planet. Later he was found by Windy, S101 and the Triad who also ended up Rectoid prisoners and were sent to the same prison. After they escaped and returned to Starbot B-B told the truth of K-1's betrayal and he was banished from Starbot.
Later on the K-series Head K-2 approached S101 and told him of K-1's mental illness and how it probably caused his actions. S101 and B-B headed off to find K-1... Unfortunately by now K-1's condition had deteriorated and he had ended up in the hands of hackers who wanted to use him for their crimes. They removed his moral safeguard circuits to turn him into a killing machine. The first thing K-1 did was kill the hackers and then began a rampage across a little known planet beyond Eritran space.
S101 found K-1 but was forced to fight the deranged K-1. When S101 subdued K-1 it was found his brain had been badly damaged by the hackers and the illness and he was literally hours from death... unfortunately Starbot was weeks away. A ship with a worm drive was needed, back in those days (2102) they were few and far between though S101 knew Professor Piss had one. S101 was forced into a deal with the Devil in order for Piss to take K-1 back to Starbot where he was saved by medical personnel there. The price for S101 was to give Rotarios the command codes to Windy's ship...
Not long after the DDS was preparing the first battle in a short war with Porquat 640. During the battle Rotarios used the command code information to turn off the shields of the Pulsar resulting in its destruction. Windy was badly injured. Knowing that Rotarios was involved Firefly encouraged Windy to fake his death and he remained hidden on Rathun's World until he was strong enough.
Rotarios now had a clear run at becoming commander however there was still work to do...