
DDS purchase equipment for new GHQ

Finance Officer The Shiner has signed off, no doubt with a heavy heart, 549 million zarks worth of contracts for equipment for the new DDS GHQ currently being built on Proxima 5. The equipment purchased includes defensive and communications equipment plus track, rolling stock and other infrastructure for the 2 railways to be built on Helnikan Island.

The first railway is a surface track (already being built) which will link GHQ to the airbase and sea port on the island. The second railway is a metro system which eventually will connect all bases and establishments on the island. The first line of this, linking GHQ to the airbase is due for completion by early 2114.

Cargo handling equipment and refuelling rigs are also being built for both the airbase and sea port. It is expected there will be a further series of contracts next year, it is thought the total cost of the new GHQ is around 3.1 billion zarks. This will be offset (to some degree) through the sale of surplus land as the DDS reorganises. Two small DDS Research bases on Solaris will be sold next year bringing in 113 million zarks with the personnel and facilities relocating to DDS City.



Anger Of A Little Man
Terin's plans to destabilise Benito begin (Benito O'Clock P2)

DDS unveil plans for "Pentekonter 2.0"

Although the Pentekonter 44A/M was not a success in DDS service as a patrol asset (it has become a very useful minesweeper) it has been the great success (as the Pentekonter-E) for DDS Exports with 25 produced and sold to date and a current order backlog of 28. The DDS have announced that by 2115 they will make available an ungraded and improved model which is currently known as the Pentekonter 2.0.

Unlike the Isometric-E, which is due for replacement by an export Corkscrew later in the decade, the DDS have no plans for a next generation patrol ship. The Pentkonter 2.0 is intended to keep the type viable well into the 2120s. It will include technology developed for Corkscrew (which is derived from it via the Rome) such as the new evolution of the HS-760 engine. TPM-VLS will also be fitted (though this will fire just conventional missiles on most export ships).

The Ion Recycle Scoop will also be removed as this has not yielded the efficiency as was hoped (at best around 3% not the 10% as planned). This will free up the centre-top of the hull for a new weapon emplacement which will likely be a turreted Z5m (which will be cleared for general sale once Z7 enters service). The Rome 46A will also lose the scoop when it has its next major update. More details on Pentekonter 2.0 will be released next year, it is expected the upgrades will also form the basis of the Pentekonter 44M ILU later in this decade.


HCS View : Rebooting the exports market

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

The HCS Exports Agency recently held a conference on Cloneworld between the Clone government, agency officials and representatives from major suppliers like CCA. The theme of the conference was how to arrest the slide in income from military export sales...

Revenues dipped 3% last year, this may not seem much to worry about but the revenues are forecast to dip another 7% this year. The HCS needs this money to fund new weapon development and help plug holes in its budget caused by the crumbling economy of the Clone Star Empire and budget cuts, especially as these cuts are getting more severe.

The problem for the HCS Exports Agency is that the easy pickings are fairly saturated now, they are having to go further afield to find new customers as existing customers have bought what they want for the moment. Competition from the DDS is also increasing with the DDS now offering a number of aircraft as well as spacecraft and will soon offer land weapons too. Although the specs of most export grade equipment are fairly similar the DDS is perceived as being more technologically advanced and thus a better bet...

How to turn this around then? Well one idea already in progress is to improve relations with the DTA and use them as a base for approaching new markets, another is to expand the range of products on sale especially in the budget market. The hundreds of withdrawn HCSAF aircraft for example will soon be on the market, the HCS are looking into refurbishment and update packages for the F-40 which it is hoped could sell well.

The key way to improve the image of HCS weapons will be to improve the technology. Key to this is TPMs, which are sexy even if the sale of them is highly restricted. Customers buy into the DDS system in the hope that one day the technology will cascade down to themselves (as will be likely one day with TPM-1 level weapons). The HCS need TPM-like weapons not just for themselves but for their brand. Unfortunately Clone attempts to develop similar weapons have so far failed to come to fruition. Even the transfer of TPM technology to the Dinos has not eased matters. As part of the transfer agreement all TPMs built by both sides are recorded in a database so can be tracked at all times (the public part of the database is rather vague but it can help stop missiles disappearing). The Bolitic did get hold of a missile but this was an unexploded round used in the war (and they couldn't reverse engineer it). These are not easy to come by. Even if the DTA form a joint company with the Clones then Dino-TPM tech could not be shared even if the Dinos wanted (and they wouldn't).

So the HCS must get TPMs the hard way, indeed turning around the whole exports sector is going to be hard work. But the HCS need to do it, the need for this revenue is getting more marked every day.


Helnikan Air Base becomes operational

Helnikan Air Base on Helnikan Island, the future home of DDS GHQ, has been declared operational (though the runway has been in regular use since last week). The air base will allow much easier supply of materials and personnel to the island, large parts of which are now multiple construction sites. A second longer runway is also under construction and is expected to be ready by December.

Top priority now is getting the new port at Ren's Bay operational. Several quays have been completed though cargo handling equipment has yet to be installed. Roads are being laid from the bay to the air base and major construction sites. DDS Commander Firefly is to visit the island tomorrow, from the temporary GHQ at nearby DDS Communications he said that everything was proceeding very well.


DDS will improve humanitarian training

The DDS will expand training in humanitarian relief and disaster recovery after a request from the UNP to improve capabilities in these areas. One of the monthly exercises will be reconfigured to train in these areas (perhaps being held as early as November).

The exercise will integrate DDS forces including amphibious assets with personnel and equipment from the UNP's Rescue Recovery Team (UNP-RRT). The RRT is a new organisation set up following the ABBO-Bolitic War to assist civilians affected by the aftermath of military attacks and other disasters.


Voth Kalahati Tuul update complete

A DDS provided update of the Voth Space Navy's fleet of Kalahati Tuuls has been completed to all 12 ships (though only 5 are in service). The update includes a TPM compatible missile launcher, improved communications, passive sensors, info-warfare defence as well as other updates. The ships have also received a refurbishment intended to keep them in service for the next 5 or so years (when it is likely a final update will be made to take the fleet up to their planned withdrawal in the early 2120s).

The DDS Updates team performed the work in situ and will now move onto another DTA member to carry out an update to Sirikwan's Helwin fleet. The 6 Helwins will be given an update and refurbishment which will include fitting a TPM launcher, and the same sensors as Sirikwan's Pentekonter-E fleet as well as other updates.



Dark Deeds
Oojok holds a thought shower to decide how to deal with his rival. (Benito O'clock P1)


Operation October Onslaught 2112

The DDS have announced the line-up and programme for the 2112 running of the October Onslaught exercise early, as it will run at the start of the month and not the end like last year. A reason for this is scheduling with other nations, like last year the exercise will involve mock combats with third parties. This year the Raegris and Dinos will take part and 3 Dinomarks will join the exercise, with 2 more joining later on for the final exercises. Two Raegris warsahips will also join in. The ships involved will be :

H124 Inflexible (flagship)
H169 Sanger Alpha
M163 Sea Of Serenity
M126 Fury
A143 Jetstar

Last year's exercise was notable for a failed Bolitic renegade assassination attempt on DDS Commander (at the time) AP and the UNP President who were watching the exercise.


The Historian : History of the new DDS (4) : Taking Power

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

Windy was assumed dead, The Shiner's grip on power was unravelling by the day. Now the final part of taking over the DDS : getting Rotarios in as DDS Commander.

The Shiner had to be removed first and as Hood attacks at GHQ stepped up he finally stepped down. Vodaphone now had to get his man in in place. Back in 2103 the election rules were different to as they are today, instead of a wide vote across the whole DDS the Commander was decided by the DDS Council.

When the debate began to decide on the new commander Vodaphone stepped in immediately suggesting Rotarios much to the disgust of Sea Urchin, however the vote went ahead "so we could move onto more sensible suggestions". To Sea Urchin's shock Rotarios was voted for by Vodaphone, Lord Argox, The Shiner and... S101!

Before the election Vodaphone had been busy securing the votes he needed. Sea Urchin, Horsehead and The Orchid would never vote for Rotarios he knew (though The Orchid later became a loyalist of the regime). But he could do without those as long as he got the other 4 votes on offer. The Shiner was threatened by The Hoods and Lord Argox was bribed by AP. S101's vote was the clincher and again Rotarios' hold over him again came in use. S101 was threatened with his role in Windy's death being made public if he didn't vote for Rotarios. S101 almost abstained but in the end went through with it.

Rotarios was now the DDS Commander.


DDS order spare landing pods from Clones

The Pangaea 62A amphibious landing ships to to the HCS Intruder design and include 22 landing pods which take troops and vehicles down to the planet. The DDS has 5 of these ships along with 120 landing pods (known as RJ-91s) which allows for a few spares. The DDS have placed an order for an extra 30 RJ-91s as well as an upgrade pack for their entire fleet to improve communications and electronic countermeasures.

In related amphibious fleet news the DDS are exploring whether to develop a variant of its Oceania 63A landing transport optimised for personnel transport.


Bolitic working on Snarl replacement?

The Raegris Intelligence Service is reporting that the Bolitic are building the prototype of a new battlecruiser to supplement and later replace the Snarl. The new ship has not yet been named though is reported to be quite different to earlier Bolitic types. The ABBO-Bolitic War was a wake-up call to the Bolitic and to the fact that the self-styled "Gods of War" have fallen behind the curve somewhat.

The new ship is based around a cluster pack of combat missiles with a rotary launcher built into the nose (similar to the Kelsan KS bomber of the HCS however these missiles are for space combat not planetary strike). These missiles are said to be a new type of enhanced radiation nuclear weapon designed to break up enemy formations and overwhelm sensors with radiation. The rest of the ship is a lot more compact to the Snarl (and the Helwin which preceded it) and is more akin to the Meltinan.

No other details or any estimated entry into service are known.

Fleet News (17/09/12)

  • Just one new ship joins the fleet this month, L155 Europa is the latest Oceania 63A landing ship.



Pounding Anii
Can Megara save the future? (Irregular P3)

Oojok appoints his son to head ODS

Oojok's eldest son Wolkapi has been out of the headlines ever since he tried to flee Cloneworld a number of years ago. Following that episode, thought to be due to Wolkapi being overwhelmed by his status as the heir of Oojok, the young Dino has undergone a long series of training and reeducation (though this was disrupted for a couple of years by the Secular Coup).

Wolkapi is now ready for a role in the empire Oojok has decided and he has made him head of the Oojok Death Squad, Oojok's personal guard. Oojok's other son Terin as yet has no role though it is known he is also undergoing training.


UV182 : Space Nazis Must Die!

  • Quickest In Your Life - The Crugg brothers are captured by the Space Nazis (Nazis P3)
  • Hard-Bodied - One becomes three... enemies (Nazis P4)
  • Closing Ceremony - Can the Dinos survive the combined attack? (Nazis P5)
  • The Violence - The hunt is on for the final Hoods (Hunted P1)
  • Dead-End - SFX closes in on the Hoods (Hunted P2)
  • Back In The Past - Megara and Dick-Nose are sent into the past (Irregular P1)
  • Power Of Evil Dreams - Dick Nose makes an unexpected discovery (Irregular P2)

The Historian : History of the New DDS (3) : Killing Windscorpion

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

To secure the New DDS and to get Rotarios in as the new commander Vodaphone needed to bring down the Shiner regime. However Windscorpion loomed large over the DDS as a colossus and he would have to be disposed of too...

That is easier said than done of course, many have tried to kill the Apogee Of Man but nearly all have failed. Rotarios of course did kill the original Windy but he had the resources of the HCS behind him that time. However an opportunity did arise to kill Windy thanks to a strange chain of events on Starbot.

Its a little known fact but the K-series of Starbotian have a design flaw in their brains. This flaw only manifests itself in later life and can cause feelings of anxiety and depression if not detected and treated. K-1, the eternal companion of S101 and B-B, had this flaw unknown to everyone including himself. It finally came to the fore when a Starbotian ship he and B-B were on was attacked and destroyed by the Rectoids. K-1 panicked and used the only escape pod seemingly dooming B-B to death. K-1 was later rescued and felt ashamed by what he had done but everyone just assumed B-B had been caught in the initial explosion. K-1 played along with this.

B-B however had survived. The Rectoids beamed him off the ship before it was destroyed and sent him to a prison planet. Later he was found by Windy, S101 and the Triad who also ended up Rectoid prisoners and were sent to the same prison. After they escaped and returned to Starbot B-B told the truth of K-1's betrayal and he was banished from Starbot.

Later on the K-series Head K-2 approached S101 and told him of K-1's mental illness and how it probably caused his actions. S101 and B-B headed off to find K-1... Unfortunately by now K-1's condition had deteriorated and he had ended up in the hands of hackers who wanted to use him for their crimes. They removed his moral safeguard circuits to turn him into a killing machine. The first thing K-1 did was kill the hackers and then began a rampage across a little known planet beyond Eritran space.

S101 found K-1 but was forced to fight the deranged K-1. When S101 subdued K-1 it was found his brain had been badly damaged by the hackers and the illness and he was literally hours from death... unfortunately Starbot was weeks away. A ship with a worm drive was needed, back in those days (2102) they were few and far between though S101 knew Professor Piss had one. S101 was forced into a deal with the Devil in order for Piss to take K-1 back to Starbot where he was saved by medical personnel there. The price for S101 was to give Rotarios the command codes to Windy's ship...

Not long after the DDS was preparing the first battle in a short war with Porquat 640. During the battle Rotarios used the command code information to turn off the shields of the Pulsar resulting in its destruction. Windy was badly injured. Knowing that Rotarios was involved Firefly encouraged Windy to fake his death and he remained hidden on Rathun's World until he was strong enough.

Rotarios now had a clear run at becoming commander however there was still work to do...


Firefly orders review into Patrol Command

Following the review of the DDS Combat Fleet (and resulting changes) Firefly has now turned his attention to the Patrol Command of the DDS Space Force. Patrol Command includes the MCS fleet (though these were covered by the Combat Fleet Review) but also the Rome 46A fleet, the Pentekonter 44M minesweepers and the Falcon 47A/W littoral patrol ships. The review will look into force levels and ship types.

The review is expected to call for more ships as Patrol Command is already straining to fulfill its current requirements (and often has to "borrow" ships from the Combat Fleet) though one focus for study will be on static defence and monitoring. The review will be completed sometime later in the year.
  • Following on from yesterday's announcement of fleet changes the DDS have placed an order for a third generation Type 35 Fleet Combat Ship. The class will be known as the Kinetic 35C with an expected entry into service in early 2115. Building of the first ship will begin in early 2114. A full specification will be locked down in mid-2113.
  • Former DDS destroyer D177 Iceplains, a Kalahati Tuul 39A once in service with the Remedians, has found a new role as a "Space Fighting Scenario Suite". The decommissioned ship, now moored at Solaris Orbital HQ, has been fitted out internally to support a number of combat exercise scenarios. The DDS see a weakness in hand-to-hand combat abilities on board ships such as repulsing an incursion from an enemy force during battle. The training suite will be used to help train crew but also devise improved procedures and equipment.


DDS unveil plans for larger fleet

Following the review of the DDS Space Force which was reported back last week DDS Commander Firefly has announced plans for a larger space fleet. "The review has highlighted the need for more ships because of the greater territory we need to guard and operate in." Firefly said. The most notable increase in the fleet will be Heavy Combat Ships, though Firefly also said these will be renamed Fleet Combat Ships (FCS) as the HCS acronym was causing confusion! Ten more ships will be added, all in a new third generation Type 35 though no details have yet been revealed of this new class.

Other changes include an extra Missileer, two more Olympus. A 10th Indy 35B will also be built. Eight more Corkscrew MCS have been added to the existing order. The bomber fleet has been left unchanged though Firefly has renamed the new Type 16A bomber the Warrior (the reason has not been given, it is thought it is just because he prefers the name).
Ship type Previous target New target
Bomber 20 20
Carrier 17 20
Fleet Combat Ship 39 50
Medium Combat Ship 72 80

HCS Fleet News (12/09/12)

  • Only one ship, a Shark SKB, has joined the fleet this month. It has been reported that all Clone lines for domestic production have been slowed to minimum rate to save money.


The Historian : History of the New DDS (2) : The Rise Of The Hoods

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

Vodaphone had bought in AP to help him bring about the DDS regime change he wanted but he needed some foot soldiers. AP bought in a couple of thugs into the circle to assist with the destabilisation of The Shiner's regime Vodaphone needed.

AP got the thugs (whose identity has never been disclosed) to disguise their appearance with white robes, its not known if AP intended to copy the KKK robes or just that he had some white sheets handy but the appearance of the Hoods (as they became known) quickly became a key part of the New DDS image and indeed was reflected in the new logo which came about later. AP and his acolytes began a series of random beatings of DDS personnel across DDS GHQ.

The attacks did weaken The Shiner's regime but not to the extent Vodaphone needed. AP bought in more Hoods despite Vodaphone's misgivings about the dangers to secrecy. A training camp for Hoods was also set up on New Jakarta. The attacks increased in frequency and The Shiner's regime began to crumble, The Shiner himself finally was subject to a Hood beating and it has been reported in Tsunami's memoirs ("Diary of a Yes Man") that this is when The Shiner first considered stepping down as DDS Commander.

There was one final hurdle for Vodaphone and his plans to bring in Rotarios however : Windscorpion. There would be no way Windy would allow Rotarios to be commander so Vodaphone had to devise a way to get rid of The Apogee Of Man. Help came from an unexpected source...



Power Of Evil Dreams
Dick Nose makes an unexpected discovery (Irregular P2)

Operation September Sunrise 2112

The latest exercise, the 2112 edition of September Sunrise, will begin later this week. Like last year it will be a strategic attack exercise and will involve simulated attacks and penetration runs by 3 Quasar 15A bombers. The exercises will take place near Liberation and Saeou. Two Starbotian ships will also join the exercise towards the end. The DDS ships that will take part are below. Director of Space Operations Caratore has decided to take command of the exercise himself and had rejoined his flagship.

M103 Jurassic (flagship)
S101 Quasar
S104 Positron
S105 Graviton
H102 Jaguar
H121 Independence
M125 Forward
A149 Refinery


DDS update export portfolio

For the first time in over a year the DDS have updated their spaceship export portfolio. The biggest change is the renaming of the Velocity-E to Solaris-E and upgrade of what is offered. Sales of the type have been small and its thought the type may be withdrawn from sale by the end of next year unless new sales are forthcoming.

The Isometric-E refresh is likely to be the final one ahead of its expected phase out around 2115-6 when an export version of the Corkscrew will be offered instead. The updated DDS portfolio can be seen here.
  • El Diablo has edged closer to the 50% he needs to win the Consul election outright in the latest poll. He is now on 48%. MBH has also raised his rating to 40% as the Imperial Order candidate Malanson is feeling the squeeze and has dropped to just 9%. There is still almost 2 months until the election though so a lot could yet change.


DDS secure big NDAA export orders

On the day the first of 50 A-12HYE NDAA light attack aircraft for Haylei began flight testing ahead of delivery later in the year the DDS have announced another export order for the type. DTA members Sirikwan and the Voth are to buy 60 each of the type for light attack and patrol purposes.

The Voth A-12VE and Sirikwan A-12SE will be very similar with changes only for anatomical purposes and the atmospheric differences between the two homeworlds. The DDS say the NDAA is a very flexible and reliable platform and they hope for further export success.


Zeppelin unveils land force changes

Zeppelin has announced changes to the Land Division of the DDS Terrestrial Force (in other words the Army). A review was ordered into force structure and role as one of Firefly's first acts when he became commander and the review was reported back to the DDS late last week.

Overall the Land Division will not change much, the review stated that current strength was largely as was needed for base defence and also to launch a large amphibious raid. One of the biggest changes will be the addition of 2 more armoured brigades as it is felt this aspect of the Land Division is weak. The 1st Combat Department will have 2 armoured brigades and the 2nd and Reserve Departments one each. One of these extra armoured brigades will be created by converting the only heavy brigade.

All "Light Brigades" will be renamed Infantry Brigades. The numbering of the brigades will also be tidied up (as there are some gaps). The three Fire Support Battalions will be upgraded to Brigade strength.

Finally the Maritime Support Brigade which guards coastal areas will be moved to the Headquarters Defence Department and form a key part in the defence of the new DDS GHQ on Helnikan Island. Changes to the Land Division will begin immediately with units already being renamed though some changes such as the new armoured brigade will take some time to come to fruition.
  • The DDS alert status has been reduced to its lowest level CYAN.


Doombringer to take bigger DTA role?

Earlier in the year ex-HCS and DDS officer Doombringer was hired by the Sirikwanese to advise them on developing their military as part of the DTA. The post was sponsored by the Dinos and Doombringer has already attracted some favourable reviews on the knowledge he has bought to the job.

Consul Zanus has said Doombringer should be given a bigger role in the DTA, and has suggested he be given a guiding role in all none-Dino DTA militaries and how to integrate them into the Dino Army system. Doombringer has said he is keen on the expanded job. The Dino Senate will vote on the matter later this week though the leaders of the other DTA members will also need to agree.

Other Fleet Review (04/09/12)

  • The Dinos have produced 3 Dinomark XTs for their DTA allies, one each for Sirikwan, the Voth and Yeng.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have completed a Snarl and a Meltinan.
  • The Raegris have accepted a new DF-1 frigate and will also perform an upgrade of their fleet of PC-1 patrol ships (Pentekonters). The upgrade will include improved sensors (including a passive mode), info-weapon protection systems and various other minor updates.
  • Putri 500 have taken delivery of a Pentekonter-E and a Provider-E.

The Historian : History of the New DDS (1) : Origins

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

The death of AP and the rise of Firefly to become DDS Commander finally bought to an end the New DDS era, the attempt at rebirth and rebranding of the DDS first under the leadership of Rotarios from 2103 and latterly under AP. But what was the New DDS and how did it come about? In this multi-part series i will examine the rise and fall of the New DDS and the personnel involved in this mysterious and often bloody epoch in DDS history.

History of the New DDS (1) : Origins

Although Rotarios was the DDS Commander who bought about the New DDS the architect behind the scenes was Vodaphone. Quite why he set about creating the New DDS Project can never fully be revealed as he did not write anything down on these topics and of course took his secrets to his (nuclear explosion assisted) grave...

However we can find hints here and there and one big "hint" was the state of the DDS at the end of the Clone Wars. The DDS at the start of the 2100s was in turmoil. The disastrous end of the 2nd Clone War and the death of Windscorpion sent the DDS into a tailspin with the HCS running rampant across the galaxy. The return of Windy and the successful ending of the Clone Wars did help restore the DDS to an even keel but the damage was done. Vodaphone began to openly criticise The Shiner's leadership of the DDS. He made no secret of the fact he didn't like how the DDS was being run. Vodaphone in later years also openly displayed his hatred for Windy and his dislike for Windyism.

Therefore we can infer that Vodaphone feared The Shiner's weak leadership of the DDS was crumbling and that Windy would take over, a situation he considered unthinkable. For whatever reason we know for sure that Vodaphone went along the path of regime change and sought a new leader.

But why Rotarios, again this is unclear but Vodaphone recruited the ex-HCS general sometime in early 2103 (or late 2102). Vodaphone may have considered himself to lead the New DDS but as an intelligent man no doubt realised his profile was too low to have a realistic chance against established warriors like Windy and Sea Urchin and perhaps Vodaphone did not want the top job anyway. Rotarios is a man with a proven track record of command, a man of great charisma, a man also possessing great cruelty and megalomania (though obviously Vodaphone didn't think these latter flaws a problem...)

Once Rotarios was secured as the potential new leader Vodaphone then needed an ally, and he found this in AP. AP was a DDS journeyman who was considered a rather grey but competent administrator (he was City Commander at the time) who thirsted for a more active role in the DDS operationally. He was frustrated in his attempts (and often humiliated by the likes of Sea Urchin). Vodaphone found turning AP fairly easy, although AP at first was aghast at the thought of Rotarios in charge of the DDS he was quickly seduced by the thought of the likes of Sea Urchin having to call him sir. AP was a rather venal man, accomplished and intelligent but also very insecure. AP was thus easy to buy off with the concept of power.

With an ally and a leader-in-waiting Vodaphone now needed to destabilise the existing regime in order to bring about the new. To do this they needed an army... they needed the Hoods.

Next : The rise of the Hoods


HCS View : Its a bluff (probably...)

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

The "leak" detailing HCS plans to withdraw 2 legions from an already stretched HCS-E i find suspicious. It just doesn't seem right to me which is why i doubt its true, though the HCS are looking for further cost savings.

So why this "leak"? Its no secret that Oojok and Benito distrust each other though Oojok has said he is happy to rule the empire in partnership (especially as his "half" is more like 70%). I am of the opinion the "leak" was a deliberate attempt to anger Benito by Oojok's camp to see how he would react.

If thats true then why? Is Oojok planning to test Benito in other ways? Is he out to get rid of Benito once and for all? I can't see the latter as the last thing the Clone Star Empire needs right now is a civil war but then again rationality sometimes is the first casualty when it comes to internal power struggles...