
Clones declare victory on Unatel Gamma 540

The Clones have declared victory on Unatel Gamma 540 and will formally add it and Kontai to the Clone Star Empire at the weekend. Sporadic fighting is still going on in some districts though the Unatel defence forces have been smashed. The HCS have begun withdrawing amphibious assault forces and landing occupation troops including 1000 soldiers from Triple Megan.

As for Triple Megan they are being rewarded for their assistance by military aid from the Clones including ex-HCSAF fighters and ammunition. The Clones have also announced they will build an orbital refueling point in Megan orbit and establish an intelligence office on the planet. Triple Megan have agreed to the basing of listening probes in their system, it is thought the Clones will mainly target the 7 Sa Sao though would also be able to listen in on Starbot.
  • The F-47 LLFX has begun series production. The first HCSAF squadron will begin converting from the F-40 in the early Summer with the type expected to enter service by September.
  • The Alpha Centauri 93X training ship (an ex-Bolitic Helwin) has been cleared to serve until 2119 (an increase of 2 years) following an overhaul and structural check.
  • The Dinos have set a minimum size for the combined in-service and Civilian Reserve Dinomark XT fleets of 350 ships. Currently there are around 340 ships with 155 in the Dino Army. Once the 350 target is reached old XTs will only be released from the Civilian Reserve when new build allows.
  • The Raegris have accepted into service the Ferret-G UCV. A total of 350 MQ-5BRs are on order, they have aerodynamic and engine differences because of the denser Raegran atmosphere as well as some communication and software changes compared to the DDS baseline.
  • The Nano Fighting Vehicle prototype, now in final construction ahead of testing in the Summer will be known as the Alpha 121A in DDS service. SS Alpha will carry the pennant number X701.