

Can Ronald be saved? (Sygnet P3)

Wayne King-Meiouf : The game-changer?

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

I am currently traveling to a conference on Dino-Land so do not have access to my usual information sources apart from the BBC and P24 but the Eritran Free States joining the DDS has to be the biggest news story of the year.

Since the Clones invaded Kontai and Unatel Gamma it was maybe predictable that the Eritrans would seek to find help somewhere. The Clones knew this too but possibly thought it was a calculated risk to go ahead with their attack. So now the Clones have the DDS on yet another flank, along with an alien race who truly hate them and are now to be armed with TPMs...

But the Clones will not be that sad about it, i'm sure this came up as a fairly likely outcome after they began wargaming their plans. The Clones deal with the DDS on many other flanks so one more will not cause them too many headaches. The policy of pressure will continue, i expect we are in for a rather intense period of cold war in the Eritran sector over the next decade. The Clones know that DDS membership isn't for life, if the Aritans leave because they have a better offer elsewhere then its possible others can too.

(Helinox is interesting by the way, astrally separate to the other Eritran Free States but closely aligned to Sear N7, they haven't joined the DDS yet though i received a tweet telling me that AP might be visiting them on his way back to DDS space so maybe Helinox are just waiting for that.)

Free Eritran States join DDS!

DDS Commander AP has announced that the Eritran Free States (Molab, Sear N7, Castaris 9065A, Rimegga and Oxsasx) will join the DDS as "Tier 2A" members. They will retain separate fleets and militaries but will integrate into the DDS command structure. They will also have access to DDS weapons and technology such as the TPM-1. The DDS will build a refueling point in orbit around Molab, a DDS Army base on Sear N7 (likely to be mostly used by special forces) and liaison offices on the other planets.

The TPM-1s will be key, Molab and Sear N7 will both build factories to make the weapon. Sear N7 is keen on buying F-10S fighters to carry the air-launched version of TPM and Molab may follow. AP's ship SS Cicero was carrying 3 TPM-1 loads and these have been handed over to the Molab military to begin technical integration.

The Eritran Free States will further integrate their militaries as well, it is thought they may form a unified fleet with separate flotillas for the member states (though the fleet would be dominated by Molab the major economic power). The DDS no doubt hope that further ship exports will follow.

AP said that as DDS members an attack on the Free Eritran States would be seen as an attack on the DDS and the DDS would defend them. This was sent as a stark warning to the Clones.

DDS sources say that around 350 TPM-1 rounds will be donated to the Eritrans from DDS reserve stocks (half will be Canister-TPM loads) and a DDS team will help the Eritrans integrate them into their fleet.


Dinos looking to expand DTA

The Dinos are said to be keen to seek new DTA members in far off space that only since the invention of the worm drive has become considered reachable. This is space beyond the far edge of the Bolitic Confederacy, Raegris space and even the little-known IKA Federation and only recently has been included on UNP space maps (Segment A1 in fact). It includes the Saurian race the Repicans who took part in the Bolitic war on the Bolitic side (and didn't do very well).

Ronald is understood to be exploring this area of space (which even with worm drive is several weeks away from the nearest friendly port) and will visit Sygnet 80 where Saurian remains were recently found by the Raegris. His ship may also go onto the Lahta Regency who are known to be a space faring race though have not ventured far from their own systems.
  • The DDS and HCS have held surprise talks on Starbot. A team of HCS officers made the secret visit yesterday and held "fruitful" talks with S101 and Knobhead (AP and Benito Clone also attended the meeting remotely). The Clones have reassured the DDS they will not attack the DDS or DDS allies. AP has remained in Eritran space and after extensive meetings with the Molab has moved onto Sear N7. It is thought he will return to Molab tomorrow to make an announcement.


Alpha 121A NFV incorporates UCV technology

Dr Forbidden has given a technology briefing on the forthcoming Alpha 121A Nano Fighting Vehicle to senior DDS staff, a brief summary was also declassified and distributed to the media. Dr Forbidden has said that the NFV will incorporate design features and technology from the DDS' various superluminal UCV projects over the last few years such as Stoat-UCV and FLUSV.

"These projects came to nothing for various reasons (FLUSV was part of the aborted Chrysalis cruiser concept of course) but we waste nothing in DDS Research and much of the technology will be used in the Nano Fighting Vehicle." Dr Forbidden wrote in the summary. "NFV will be optionally manned and will leverage technology like FIDO-VR to enable a fully equipped warship in a tiny package. Design concepts are now being finalised and we expect to reveal a finalised design and spec by the Summer. Building will commence in September."


DDS begin building up to Terran Sea ILU

The Terran Sea ILU and Unification Programme will begin next year (January 2113 to be exact) and could well top the Quasar and Isometric ILUs as the biggest and most expensive upgrade programmes yet! All 14 Type 43s will take part in the programme which will result in the Terran Sea 43G class. The 8 Barents Sea 43B ships will be first followed by the 4 Arafura Sea 43Cs and finally the 2 Sea of Tranquility 43Ds. Each upgrade will take around 6-8 weeks, though 2 upgrades can be done in parallel it is estimated it will take around 2 years to complete the programme once testing is included.

The Terran Sea 43G upgrade will likely include the following :
  • A new evolution of the Meson engine, the TL-04C4. This will boost performance slightly though most improvements will be in efficiency.
  • Traditional sprint speed boosted to around 1040c, cruise 900c.
  • W1A worm drive will be fitted, worm drive speed not yet calibrated.
  • Z7 cannon fitted (though early upgrades may use Z6 instead if Z7s are not available.
  • The hull of earlier ships will be modified as for the Type 43Ds to allow a 64 missile load.
  • EA-X and shield enhancements (perhaps multi-layered shielding?)
  • IWC 3.0 with enhanced data security and offensive cyber capabilities.
  • Plus around 300 other improvements across the ship ranging from mission computers to lighting!
Sea Urchin said the Terran Sea 43G would become the new backbone of the patrol fleet and would provide a fleet of ships with combat capabilities on a par with the heavy combat ship fleet but with the operational flexibility and proven reliability of the medium combat ship fleet.



Free World
Ronald is up for sale! (Sygnet P2)

Operation March Hare

The DDS are getting back to normal operations following the work-up to possible combat operations against the Clones a couple of weeks ago (though the alert level remains high). A exercise in February was canceled but the DDS are to go ahead with March Hare which will begin next week. The series of exercises will include mock-combat with the Porquatians and joint operations between the Prowlers and Porquatian special forces. The location of the exercises has not been disclosed but it can be guessed to be near Porquat 640.

A302E Morse (flagship)
H164 Castor
M155 Sulu Sea
M162 North Sea
A146 Trident
A224 Rhone

It is thought the River 75B transport will be used as the "host" for the special forces exercises. The DDS are known to be keen to improve its ship-borne combat skills.


Fast Fleet Tanker ordered

The DDS have placed an order for 6 Fast Fleet Tankers, a 900c/worm drive capable oiler/supply ship able to keep up with fast combat detachments. The Velocity-N derived ships will be known as the Zephyr 76A class and the first will be delivered as part of the 2113/4 Ship Building Plan (thus after April next year).

The ships will be fitted for worm drive though its not clear yet if they will be fitted from new, the DDS are prioritising combat ships.


HCS seeking Telvin 802 as ally?

Telvin 802 is a system between New Arit and Putri 500. The Aritans have been at war with them in the past and tensions remain high, their recent purchase of HCS military equipment angered the Aritans. How they will feel now the HCS are interested in a formal alliance with Telvin.

It is understood the Clones wish a system of external allies to provide friendly bases, intelligence and assistance in conflicts. Triple Megan is seen as the template for what might be a series of other HCS allies across the galaxy. Telvin 802 could be next, a HCS party is en route for talks.

The DTA and DDS might not be as concerned about this as they were when it was rumoured Telvin was being approached by the Tarbotians however.

HCS View : The pain to come

Introducing our new contributor on HCS affairs Keith Remadra. Unfortunately General Garendin will no longer be able to comment on HCS affairs for us but Remadra is a fine replacement. He has been an expert on Clone and HCS affairs for decades, servicing at the UNP during the Clone Wars as chief advisor to the Security Council on Clone affairs. From 2105 to 2109 he served as advisor to the military attache at the re-opened Proximan embassy on Cloneworld and now has taken up a position at Solaris State University in the Department of Astral-Politics.

The Clone economy is in trouble, that much we all know. What is less clear is what the Clones are going to do about it. Recent leaks have indicated that massive cuts in budgets will be needed to rein in the budget deficit, one figure that seems to be gaining favour is a 10% cut in department budgets across the board followed by zero growth for the next 5 years. This cut and budget freeze would apply to the defence budget.

So the HCS could be facing a big cut in its budget followed by 5 years of no-growth, in other words the HCS will have to make do with 90% of their current budget for the next 6 years. This seems harsh but it must be remembered that the budget has been increasing for years, indeed the cuts will mean the budget is reduced down to the level in 2107, not exactly the end of the empire then.

But the cuts required will be hard and there is a lot of debate as to what will be cut. Collating these various sources i think we can be fairly certain on the following taking place.
  • The HCS will lose around 35 regiments, all 4 regiment brigades will be reduced to 3 regiment strength (the majority). Most cuts will be infantry regiments. Artillery will not be cut as it has only recently been invested in.
  • The withdrawal of the T-88 will be accelerated and new build like T-55ZDM2 reduced to minimum rate. The stock of AFVs in storage is likely to be further reduced thus lessening the HCS' ability to rotate AFVs.
  • The F-40 may end service at the end of this decade and not the next, the F-45C programme is safe (development has been paid for now) but production may be slower. A-84 and 85 production is likely to be also slowed down. The F-47 might be reduced, especially if the HCSAF decides it has to cut combat squadrons.
  • Older transport types already scheduled for retirement may go quicker, the HCSAF might seek to increase commercial company involvement in air transport tasks.
  • The HCSN's future carriers will be either pushed back until the mid-2120s or canceled outright. The Austini 55 carrier might be instead given to Cloneworld. Surface warship production may be cut, no ships are likely to be withdrawn.
  • The submarine fleet is likely to be unchanged, and CSM/SeaGale development will probably be left unchanged. CSM is partly funded outside of the military budget.
  • The Space Navy could emerge unscathed though updates may be reduced. The Space Navy might look to see if there is scope in replacing manned ships with more drones.
  • The Amphibious Warfare fleet will be untouched though older transports might be withdrawn quicker due to their more expensive maintenance needs.
  • Big investment projects like the communications upgrade will be looked at though there probably arn't many things that can be done there (indeed the upgrade has been delayed for too long).
  • New projects like an effort to build a credible cyber-warfare capability will be reduced or even canceled outright.
  • Training and maintenance is likely to be reduced.
So the HCS will be facing reductions, luckily some big development projects like F-45C and CSM have already been paid for (though costs will remain especially in the production phase). Details about what will happen will be dribbled out later in the year. The HCS that remains will still remain an incredibly powerful arm with almost unrivaled full-spectrum capabilities but later in the decade the effect on the reduction in training, upgrades and new build will start to be keenly felt.


Clones declare victory on Unatel Gamma 540

The Clones have declared victory on Unatel Gamma 540 and will formally add it and Kontai to the Clone Star Empire at the weekend. Sporadic fighting is still going on in some districts though the Unatel defence forces have been smashed. The HCS have begun withdrawing amphibious assault forces and landing occupation troops including 1000 soldiers from Triple Megan.

As for Triple Megan they are being rewarded for their assistance by military aid from the Clones including ex-HCSAF fighters and ammunition. The Clones have also announced they will build an orbital refueling point in Megan orbit and establish an intelligence office on the planet. Triple Megan have agreed to the basing of listening probes in their system, it is thought the Clones will mainly target the 7 Sa Sao though would also be able to listen in on Starbot.
  • The F-47 LLFX has begun series production. The first HCSAF squadron will begin converting from the F-40 in the early Summer with the type expected to enter service by September.
  • The Alpha Centauri 93X training ship (an ex-Bolitic Helwin) has been cleared to serve until 2119 (an increase of 2 years) following an overhaul and structural check.
  • The Dinos have set a minimum size for the combined in-service and Civilian Reserve Dinomark XT fleets of 350 ships. Currently there are around 340 ships with 155 in the Dino Army. Once the 350 target is reached old XTs will only be released from the Civilian Reserve when new build allows.
  • The Raegris have accepted into service the Ferret-G UCV. A total of 350 MQ-5BRs are on order, they have aerodynamic and engine differences because of the denser Raegran atmosphere as well as some communication and software changes compared to the DDS baseline.
  • The Nano Fighting Vehicle prototype, now in final construction ahead of testing in the Summer will be known as the Alpha 121A in DDS service. SS Alpha will carry the pennant number X701.



Stepping Out
Ronald heads out into the unknown (Sygnet P1)

Defacto : New duties

Lieutenant Commander Ames Defacto is the Second Officer of SS Charm Quark, Quasar 15A bomber.

As the alert status reduced to ORANGE then the need for both attack squadrons to be ready diminished, thus SS Charm Quark was released for other duties. Although we are primarily a bomber of course we do perform other duties of course to boost training, testing and increase morale.

Because of the still tense situation any alternative duties will remain short-term (and short-range) jobs so we can return to our primary role very quickly. Yesterday we began a 4 day deployment on a mapping mission near New Jakarta. As we were close to the border with the HCS (at one point of our programme we will be less than a light year from Oscar) it was also an opportunity to show the flag. A HCS warship (a Cosmos CK) shadowed us for a few hours yesterday. This happens normally anyway but the recent tensions have added a new bite to it.

Tomorrow we will be closest to Oscar, thats when we expect the most attention from the Clones. This ship will be on full alert though we do not expect anything to happen, but we will be ready of course if it does.

Wayne King-Meiouf : Back in the game or a last hurrah?

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Is the invasion of Kontai and Unatel Gamma 540 a sign the Clones are getting back in the empire game after several years of inactivity and internal strife? Or is it the last desperate hurrah of an unwieldly and crumbling empire?

Since the restoration of Oojok the Clones have been quiet externally, Benito has been allowed to get on with his far off rump of the empire while the HCS stayed out of the various emergencies like the Bolitic-ABBO War. Even the Clones' last war with the Xenon was fairly limited and had no strategic aims.

The Free Eritran States have always been a thorn in the empire's side though, and the Eritrans have known it. The Clones regard Molab et al as "unfinished business" (and indeed privately have cursed their decision not to annex them when they invaded the rest of the Eritrans years ago). The Eritrans of course know the Clones are a threat too hence the massive arms sales by the DDS to that area.

But the time to attack the Eritrans was a few years ago surely? Before Molab got its hands on a fleet of DDS warships? Also, the Clones have complained in the past that the empire was maybe too big already, so is adding yet more strain on transport links a good idea? A TYA transport - not the fastest of ships of course but the backbone of their transport fleet - going from the two furthest points of the empire - pre-latest additions - from Calantratia to Miliaris would take over 9 months! Kontai adds an extra 3 weeks on top of that.

The Clone Star Empire is not doing that well economically at the moment, a decade of growth has ended with inflation rising by 10% over the last year, unemployment is also rising especially off Cloneworld. The Clones say that a period of  "economic reworking" is needed which is likely to mean more unemployment. Could it be it was felt there needed to be a nice diversion from internal strife?

The problem is though that invasions are expensive, neither of the two new planets are rich so there isn't much that can be looted. It is likely the HCS budget will need to be cut next year (and cut a lot), this begs the question as to whether this new expansionist policy can be sustained?


HCS to station legion on each new planet

The HCS say they will station a legion on both new planets which they say will become assets to the empire. Oojok is understood to have agreed the transfer of a legion from HCS-W to HCS-E to bolster Benito's available manpower. It does mean that both Kontai and Unatel Gamma 540 will have much larger garrison forces than most planets in the empire.

However the DDS think the sheer manpower to be deployed will not be permanent and is just to intimidate the other Eritran states. The DDS think that within 2-3 years the forces on both planets will be reduced to a couple of brigades.

UV175 : Rule Of Law

  • Wheels Within Wheels - The Bolitic ready their ash cannon (Ash Death P8)
  • Part-Owned - The Triad go into action (Ash Death P9)
  • In The Yard - Its a battle for survival for The Triad (Ash Death P10)
  • Burning Circle - The HCS launch an invasion of the Eritrans (Invasion P1)
  • Proud Sponsor - The HCS launch their attack (Invasion P2)
  • His Targets - The Triad go into action (Invasion P3)
  • Like A Rash - Can The Triad evade detection? (Invasion P4)


Ronald begins DTA tour

Consul Ronald has begun a tour of DTA capitals, he arrived on Yeng earlier today for talks with the government and will also visit Sirikwan and the Voth over the next week. Ronald will discuss trade and cultural links with the DTA members, the hope is that now the initial security focussed phase is over the DTA can start to work towards greater economic cooperation.

After the Voth Ronald will leave the DTA and explore little known planets out far beyond Bolitic space, space that up until the invention of the worm drive was too far to visit. A Raegris mineral prospector is reported to have found 2 Saurian skeletons on a planet near Sygnet 80 recently and Ronald is keen to investigate this. It is thought many more of the colonies sent out by the Dinos in their now-lost first technological age existed than are known about now. The Bolitic, Sirikwanese, Yeng and Repic (who took part in the war on the Bolitic side but are little known to the Dinos) are known to have descended from these ancient colonists but is it thought there could be more Saurian populations out there, maybe not yet rediscovering spaceflight, or perhaps dying out.


AP to visit Molab

DDS Commander AP, who has recovered from his illness, will visit Molab next week to attend an emergency meeting of the Eritran defence pact. The Eritrans have put their meeting back a few days so AP can attend, even though his ship SS Cicero has worm drive it will still take 9 days to get to Molab.

AP is likely to offer much greater military co-operation between the Eritrans and the DDS now that the Clones have invaded 2 nearby planets. The Clones meanwhile will officially add Kontai to their empire in a few days when a governor is appointed by Benito Clone. Fighting is continuing on Unatel Gamma 540 though the capital is now occupied by HCS and Triple Megan troops.
  • The DDS have reduced their alert level to ORANGE. Although a direct attack is not thought likely now there is still the possibility of accidental conflict.

Wayne King-Meiouf : Molab's death of a 1000 cuts

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

All we can is applaud (i guess) the Clones and their ingenious plan. They played the DDS along making them think they were going to undertake the winnable but costly invasion of Molab and instead have picked off two much weaker fruit (and Kontai and Unatel Gamma are weaker - the HCS have reported only 19 personnel have died during the invasion of Kontai and just 7 of those due to enemy fire).

But where does that leave Molab now? In a very bad place to be. The HCS now can build up their forces nearby and slowly strangle the rest of the Eritrans economically and culturally. The remaining weaker Eritran planets may be targeted first, i suspect Triple Megan will play a big role here in presenting the acceptable face of being part of the Clone sphere.

So over time Molab will end up more and more isolated, until they can be picked off easily too?



Like A Rash
Can The Triad evade detection? (Invasion P4)

Fleet News (15/02/12)

  • In a major boost to the Starbotian fleet no fewer than 3 ships have been completed and have joined the DDS ally/satellite. S225/I-51 Mekanaka is the first Olympus 23A carrier and is expected to become the Starbotian operational flagship. H124/I-35 Inflexible is the first of 2 Indie 35Bs to join the Starbotians and their first worm-drive equipped ship. M131/I-41 Fearless is the first Freedom 41B for their fleet.
  • H174 Evolution completes the Type 37 unification programme following its upgrade to Solaris 37C standard. The Evolution 37B class thus has ceased to be.
  • H104 Lynx has been fitted with worm drive.



His Targets
The Triad go into action (Invasion P3)


UV174 : Crucify Me

  • Incest In Paradise - Windy has a new mission (Ash Death P1)
  • Hyper Reality - Both the DDS and Dinos begin their respective missions (Ash Death P2)
  • Under The Lash - The DDS come under Bolitic attack (Ash Death P3)
  • New Rules - The Bolitic close in on the stricken DDS (Ash Death P4)
  • Meet The Rents - Can the DDS survive the Bolitic attack? (Ash Death P5)
  • Dragged Wide - Who is the second temporal agent? (Ash Death P6)
  • On The Court - The race is on to get to the ash cannon (Ash Death P7)

DDS and HCS warships skirmish near Kontai

A DDS warship on a scouting mission has been intercepted by 2 HCS ships and forced to move on. The DDS ship (identity unknown) was on the edge of the Kontai system when it was approached by 2 Cosmos cruisers which told the DDS they were now trespassing in CSE-E space. The HCS fired some non-heat shots across the DDS' bow (non-heat laser shots are light only would would not cause any damage if they hit anything).

The DDS returned fire with some non-heat shots of its own before cloaking and it is thought moving to a new position further away from Kontai. The DDS say they do not recognise the space as belonging to Kontai and have called on the Clones to withdraw.

On Kontai meanwhile remaining members of the government and senior military staff have surrendered. The fight is continuing on Unatel Gamma 540 but with the capital surrendered and the Unatel Army smashed the Clones are calling on them to surrender. Again they are promising no reprisals.


DDS will keep alert on RED

Knobhead has said that the DDS alert status will remain on the highest level (i.e. RED) for the next few days at least. Although the likelihood of a HCS attack on the DDS has now diminished there is still the worry that the HCS operations against Kontai and Unatel Gamma 540 could spark a wider war.

AP is said to be recovering from his collapse on Starbot and is returning to DDS GHQ in SS Cicero.

On Unatel Gamma HCS troops are now poised for an attack on the capital after crushing the Unatel Army's main division in a land battle outside the capital.


Zip/Z7 begins field tests

The Zip (Z InterPhase) Cannon, the next stage in the development of beam weapons using transphasic technologies is to begin field tests within the next few months. SS Isometric will have it fitted to begin a wide ranging series of tests. The DDS have revealed that the Zip will be called the Z7 when it enters service.

As for when it enters service the DDS will not say. In the past 2114 was given as the date after an earlier estimation slipped. DDS sources are now saying that if the tests (which will last over 6 months) are fine then the Z7 could enter production next year.
  • The HCS are claiming victory on Kontai after the President and some other senior politicians surrendered. Benito Clone will land on Kontai tomorrow (he is on Unatel Gamma 540 at present) and will formally declare it part of the Clone Star Empire. Benito has pledged no reprisals or executions if the rest of Kontai's establishment also surrender by Monday.


HCS occupy capital of Kontai

The HCS are reporting they have seized the centre of Kontai's capital and have occupied the parliament building, Presidential palace and state broadcasting centre. The Kontai government are reported to have fled the capital beforehand and are holed up at a secret army installation.

500 Meganite troops have landed on the planet and will take charge of the capital occupation, the HCS are keen to use their ethnic-Eritran allies to help prevent an attack by other Eritrans. The HCS say the Kontai army has largely given up the fight though some pockets of resistance remain.

The battle is still raging on Unatel Gamma 540 but the HCS are also now closing in on the capital there too.


Clones build bridgeheads

The Clones are consolidating their bridgeheads on Unatel Gamma 540 and Kontai though the land battles are not expected to last too long. HCS warships have continued to bombard military targets on both planets from orbit, F-45As launched by a Tiamon TM carrier have also carried out a number of air attacks. On both planets the HCSAF are building airfields and expect to be able to deploy A-85 attack aircraft by tomorrow, a tarmac equipped airfield able to host jet fighters is being built on Unatel Gamma though it will not be operational for weeks, long after the Clones expect to complete their conquests.

The Clones have reported they have lost an AH-26 helicopter due to ground fire but casualties have been light so far. The Clones are already fighting in the suburbs of the capital city on Kontai the HCS said.
  • The DDS have confirmed that AP has been taken ill and that Knobhead has taken over direct control of the DDS forces. One problem is though that Knobhead is on Proxima 7 not Starbot and thus well away from the action. The nature of AP's illness has not been disclosed though the DDS say its not life-threatening. 


Clones invade Eritran planets... but not the ones DDS expected!

In what must be seen as a classic diversion the HCS have begun an invasion of Unatel Gamma 540 and Kontai, two Eritran planets but crucially neither is part of the Eritran defence pact (though Unatel has observer status). The DDS and Eritrans had expected an attack on Molab and the other pact planets and positioned some ships ready to intercept what was thought to be the invasion force.

However this force turned out to be a small group of warships with strategic leaking cloaks and sensor spoofing to make it look like the main force. While the DDS found themselves confronted by a group of transports the main invasion force of around 30 ships entered the Unatel Gamma 502 system. Cosmos cruisers attacked the planet's orbital defences, destroying them in seconds, before bombarding key military installations on the planet.

Unatel Gamma's defences were minimal, they had 2 Extender-Es on order for 2113 and were planning a space force (though with their minute resources it would have taken a long time). Around 27 sub-light orbital fighters formed their only space-based defence and these were wiped out in minutes by the HCS.

The cruisers moved onto Kontai, around 9 hours away, but faced even less opposition there. Kontai surrendered immediately though Unatel have vowed to fight to the last (maybe hoping the Eritrans and DDS save them). The HCS have landed 6 brigades on the planet and a second wave of troops is on the way augmented by troops from Triple Megan. The Meganite ships were detected a few days ago and it was assumed they were going to assist their ethnic Eritran cousins, however Triple Megan (who are a Clone military customer) have announced they are allies of the Clone Star Empire. Their transports rendezvoused with 2 HCS cruisers and are now heading to Unatel Gamma, though may divert to Kontai to occupy the planet.

The Eritran Free States have been thrown into confusion, it is thought that Molab were keen to help Unatel and Kontai but Sear N7 and the other members of the pact did not. The DDS are also unsure what to do, Deputy Commander Shiner has said the 2 Panthers will remain at the Molab border but no other decisions have been made. There are rumours that DDS Commander AP has been taken ill but these have been denied by the DDS.



Proud Sponsor
The HCS launch their attack (Invasion P2)


Burning Circle
The HCS launch an invasion of the Eritrans (Invasion P1)

Defacto : Call to arms

Lieutenant Commander Ames Defacto is the Second Officer of SS Charm Quark, Quasar 15A bomber.

(Editor note : this was written before the raising of the alert status to RED and has been cleansed by the DDS Censor Office for operational security reasons)

Its been some time since my last posting (late October in fact), there are a couple of reasons for that. Following our successful training deployment in September Sunrise SS Charm Quark went into space dock for some heavy maintenance in November and early December. Following that, and a week long test voyage (to make sure everything was back in the right place!) CQ (as we call her) was allocated to the 1st Attack Squadron and thus was one of the three ships that remain armed and on very short notice to deploy.

In late January there was a rotation of ships and we became the "spare Quasar". The DDS try to maintain 2 attack squadrons, each of 3 ships. Obviously as there are only 8 Quasars often there will be a couple spare. In practice a number of ships will be unavailable at any one time due to maintenance or training and we have in the past only had 5 Quasars available and had to draw in a Panther to fill the gap in the 2nd Attack Squadron.

However this time there was a ship spare. We are available for general duties in the vicinity of GHQ. As we may be called upon at any time to replace a ship in the ready squadron that develops a fault we tend to stay within a day or so of GHQ. We were scheduled to do a patrol along the DDS-DTA border however the HCS-Molab tensions have changed those plans and recalled us back to GHQ (a Starsystem will do our duty instead).

Although we remain a spare ship we are ready to join any deployment. It would be similar to our training mission only this time with live targets that can fire back. Most of our crew have seen service in the ABBO War and some in earlier conflicts so we know what might happen and are ready for it. We train to a high degree of professionalism just for these scenarios. Whatever might happen over the next few weeks and months SS Charm Quark is ready!

Erinthorn throws down gauntlet to Melson and forms League of the Crystal Sword

It is still not clear why 2 ships of a Bolitic house aligned to Baron Erinthorn were destroyed recently (the DDS are among the suspects) but Erinthorn who leads a faction of barons based off Castarian has seized on the destruction as evidence of Emperor Melson's aggression. Erinthorn has formally formed the League of the Crystal Sword (this has some obscure relevance in Bolitic mythology) and says the imperial houses in the league demand semi-independence from Melson.

Erinthorn has said that the League will remain part of the Bolitic Confederacy and fight alongside Melson's forces against "infidels" but that Melson should have no say over anything else. Its not yet known what Melson's reaction is.
  • More ships have been dispersed away from Proxima 7 and Solaris to secret marshalling points in deep space. These ships include the Rapid Reaction Force and a second attack squadron of Quasar 15A bombers. The Departmental Fleet has also been put at the disposal of the DDS Space Fleet though as yet they are continuing their existing duties.

HCS Fleet News (07/02/12)

  • Two new ships are reported to have joined the HCS Space Fleet over the last few weeks, a Shark SKH minesweeper and a Kelsan KS bomber.
  • Two old transports have left the fleet however, a Nerval TYB and a Omiten TYJ oiler. The Nerval may be sold to the Sirikwanese.


HCS attack fleet leaves Woloron 12

The DDS has raised its alert status to RED following the detection of a HCS attack fleet departing Woloron 12. Around 40 ships were detected in the fleet including amphibious warfare ships and they headed towards Eritran space before cloaking.

The DDS are understood to have dispatched its 2 worm drive equipped Panthers from Starbot where they should be able to reach Molabite space before the Clones (though Woloron 12 is a good deal closer). The DDS repeated their calls for the Clones to relent but these were ignored again.

What the DDS are doing now has been shrouded by the highest operational security restrictions but it is thought  a full armed attack squadron has been dispersed from Proxima 7 to a secret location.


Dino View : Will it come to war?

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

The sabre rattling and tension is rising as the Clones appear to be about to try and enlarge their empire at the expense of the Eritran Free States. The DDS have been caught in a bind and are trying to prevent the invasion but at the same time are trying to avoid a war against the Clones.

Really the DDS are not obligated to do anything, the Eritrans are not DDS allies though they are among the DDS' best customers especially the Molab. However the DDS know that a resurgent Clone Star Empire that regains the taste for conquest will be very dangerous indeed especially now there is the elephant in the room called the Clone Space Missile.

The Clones have a working inter-stellar missile that can strike and destroy targets on Proxima 7 (i.e. DDS GHQ) and beyond. It has been called the game-changer before, by DDS officers themselves, which is why the DDS are investing a lot in their own LRM system. However that system is years away and the Clone system is in place now.

Of course that doesn't mean it will be used. It exists as the ultimate deterrent but the Clones know that if they used it to attack the DDS and UNP then the DDS would be reducing Clone cities to atomic dust as well. The DDS may not have LRM yet but their MRM cruise missiles can do a pretty good job. A war between the DDS and Clones would have to remain regional and limited because of the threat of mutual destruction.

Where can the line be drawn though? What if the DDS chew up a good portion of the HCS fleet, could HCS hawks then seize the ultimate weapon to strike back? We are into a very dangerous situation indeed.

DDS go on war footing

The DDS have activated plans to go on a full war footing ahead of an expected HCS invasion of the Eritran Free States (though the alert level remains at ORANGE for now). Measures include :
  • TPM production stepped up to second-highest rate
  • DDS bases restricted to essential authorised personnel and security stepped up
  • Unessential visits and training missions cancelled by fleet
  • Aviation assets dispersed and CAP increased over GHQ and Solaris
  • All leave cancelled and personnel have been recalled
The DDS Ruling Council will also meet (via secure video link) later today to discuss the DDS' response to HCS aggression and any future actions.


Clones halt arms sales to DDS

The Clones have not replied to AP's warning that the HCS would have to "come through" the DDS if they want to invade the Eritrans however they have halted all arms sales to the DDS. This mostly includes aircraft with a number of COIN and transport types recently equipping the DDS Air Force. The Clones said that because of the "tense situation" unnecessary transportation must be postponed however one observer has noted this hasn't halted arms sales to Triple Megan as a transport loaded with tanks and other armoured vehicles was detected heading there earlier today.

The DDS have said they are not at war with the Clones and consider their orders for outstanding equipment still  valid but it is known that the DDS have begun looking for alternative sources.
  • Director of Operations Knobhead has said the DDS is going to conduct a fleet strength review over the next few weeks. It will look at present and projected ship totals in the fleet and whether it matches current and projected requirements. There is already a feeling in the DDS that more heavy combat ships are required.
  • The January Sunshine deployment has ended after some successful EW attack training sorties. The next training deployment for later in February has been postponed because of the Clone-Eritran situation.


AP clarifies DDS support for Eritrans

DDS Commander AP, who has remained on Starbot, today made a public statement to the DDS and beyond (it is known that the statement was carried live on Clone TV News) where he clarified what DDS support for the Eritrans actually means. Over recent days several commentators have asked what the DDS would do if the HCS attack the Eritrans including our own Professor Wayne King-Meiouf and AP tried to address the uncertainty.

AP said, "The Eritrans are not members of the UNP or DDS but they are our friends and we will stand by them. If the Clones do, as is rumoured, attack the Eritrans then we will send a fleet to intercept. If the HCS want to enter Eritran space then they'll have to come through us. The DDS will not fire the first shot but we will respond to any aggression with the full might of our weaponry."

Later on Director of Operations Knobhead clarified that the DDS will not shoot first, he acknowledged that it was a risk but said "I am confident our shields can hold up to an opening salvo from the Clones, the Clones should not be confident they can hold up to a returning salvo of TPMs and Z-cannon."
  • The Clones are accusing the DDS of launching an info-attack on Woloron 12's orbital station. The space  station's sensors and communications network was disabled for a few hours yesterday forcing all but the most vital operations to be halted. A virus was found to have entered the base's systems and was removed. The DDS have denied any involvement.
  • Ronald has announced he will tour the DTA starting later in the month. He will visit Sirikwan, Yeng and the Voth and then do some exploring in the presently little explored territory beyond Voth and Bolitic space. Ronald is hoping new allies can be found out there, maybe new DTA members one day. 


Wayne King-Meiouf : The most important question hasn't been asked yet

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The DDS is buzzing with high level meetings and briefings. The DDS have yet to publicly say how they will react to a HCS invasion of the Free Eritran States but i understand the DDS will give its support, hence the ships and troops being sent to Starbot.

However the main question hasn't been asked, what does "support" mean? As i understand it the only thing the DDS have committed to at the moment is to intercept any HCS force and then try and persuade them to turn back. OK thats fair enough, but what if the Clones (who have spent the last few months assembling a mighty invasion force, spending vast amounts of time on planning, war-gaming and strategy) say no? After all i have a sneaking suspicion they won't say "Oh very well lets go home."

So will the DDS go to war on behalf of the Eritrans or will they simply move aside and let the HCS through? It is highly unlikely the DDS will fight the Clones, the DDS arn't geared up for a mega-war (and the 4th Clone War would be lets not kid ourselves). Unfortunately for the DDS the Clones probably know that too so trying to bluff them isn't going to work.

Assuming Molab also send forces to join the DDS at the interception point what happens if the Molabites start firing? Are the DDS just going to get out of the way? What if the HCS open fire on the DDS? We are facing the most serious astral-political crisis since the ABBO War and yet no one in the DDS truly seems to know what to do or what will happen next? Its a very scary place to be.

HCS assembling invasion fleet

The DDS has raised its alert status to ORANGE following intelligence (thought to be by a Panther 35A equipped with the reconnaissance pod) that a fleet of around 40 ships is now assembled at Woloron 12 and appears to be preparing for departure.

The DDS say the fleet consists of combat types like the Soulaki and Cosmos as well as ships in the amphibious warfare fleet as well as transports. The DDS have called on the HCS not to do anything rash. Molab has mobilised its entire armed forces and the Eritran nations are expected to do the same. If the HCS depart then it is estimated they will be at the Molab border within 6 days though only 4 if some of the slower transports follow on in a second wave.
  • The DDS have opened the door for continuation of Indy 35B production beyond the 9 currently on order (5 having been built and a 6th currently undergoing final proving trials). The possibility has been raised after the Raegris said they are considering buying 2-3 of the type to supplement their Quasars. If the Raegris did go ahead with an order then the production line would be kept open long enough that future funding for extra Indies after the Raegris order was completed (in say 2114-5) might be possible.