
Dino View : The lost generation

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Is the loss of El Diablo and Razorback to Imperial Order a blow? Well yes it is of course but the party can regenerate by elevating other talents can it not?

Actually that may prove more difficult than first appears. Most of what is often referred to as "The Golden Generation" who worked with Ronald to turn the Dinos into an interstellar power are already in positions of power (or dead). But thats fine, Ronald can just turn to the next generation.

Or can he? An unfortunate consequence of the Bolitic War is that the "next generation" bore the brunt of losses. Around 120 officers of Centurion First Class rank and above were killed in the war. It is precisely from these Centurions and Tribunes that Ronald would look for fresh talent.

There are still some stars around of course, Razorback will likely be a Consul one day but he has followed his friend El Diablo out of the party. Tribune Malanson is someone who is likely to be promoted soon. He has been in the 6th Legion since the "golden days" (though was one of the youngest in Ronald's elite unit). There are a few more who might be considered.

But the vast bulk of future Dino talent will have to come from later generations, Dinos who are now Decurions and Centurions. Its too early for them to reach the top but their time will come, and a lot sooner than many of them could have bargained for.