
AP details plans for future direction of fleet

Acting Commander AP has detailed his plans for the future direction of fleet procurement though critics say its not really his place to instigate this work as he might only be in command for a few months. AP says that the fleet will be remodelled along a "high-low" mix with destroyers being the high mix and frigates the low.
  • The Independence 35B destroyer will be renamed the Intrepid III 35B class and this and the Solaris III 37C will be procured at high rate until 2113 at least. The older Velocity destroyers could be sold off once sufficient numbers of Solaris III are in place.
  • The final 3 SOT 43D heavy frigates will be cancelled instead cheaper Freedom 41B and later Corkscrew FFX frigates will be procured.
  • The existing 2 SOTs will be merged with the other Terran Sea frigates which will become one unified class during the Terran Sea ILU to begin in 2114.
AP says the DDS council will discuss his proposals later this week.