
A year in the DDS Comics Universe

Thanks to all our fans worldwide for supporting the DDS in 2010, stay tuned for more action, more excitement, more deviance in 2011!

Argon 7SS rebuff DDS

There are unconfirmed reports that the Argon faction of the 7 Sa Sao have responded to DDS diplomatic overtures by saying they are not interested in any relationship with the DDS. A Starbotian monitoring station is reporting a speech by Facilitator Kira where he called the DDS a "vice den of loathsome mammals". He added that the Argon would never have anything to do with the DDS.

However the Argon did not threaten the DDS which indicates they are content to let bygones by bygones for the moment which may be the result AP was hoping for anyway.

Dinos forced to reduce their reserve strength estimate

A key cornerstone of Dino strength was the huge reserve of former military and non-combat role Dinomark XTs that could be quickly returned to service giving the Dinos a potential XT fleet of over 300. However the heavy losses of the war mean that that number is now far beyond the Dino's current reach.

Even with all reserve XTs called in and other non-combat ships (like the Dino Weather Service's fleet) the Dinos could only muster around 170 XTs. Currently the Dinos have 126 in service, a number that will grow as new ships are built but around 50 of the current fleet are reserve ships and will need to be returned to their new owners at some stage. The Dinos are said to be aiming for a permanent fleet of 150 XTs with a reserve pool of 60-70 XTs available. However getting to this point is likely to take a number of years.
A Decent Cup Of Coffee
The Triad investigate an ABBO base.

Other Fleet News (30/12/10)

  • The Dinos have built 3 Dinomark PTs and 4 Dinomark XTs this month (a pattern likely to continue until 2112 at least as the fleet is rebuilt). All the XTs are XT/120s which means all the new ships are worm drive equipped. 
  • The Bolitic have built a new Snarl and a new Meltinan though the war of succession is hampering production as many workers have returned to their houses to join the fight.
  • The Raegris have added a DF-1 and a PC-1 to their fleet.

Knobhead supports AP as Commander

Having being a contender in the last leadership election it might be expected that Knobhead would be against the temporary regime of AP and be planning his own campaign. Instead he has said that AP should be made DDS Commander permanently. "He has already proven he knows what he is doing and has a great vision for how the DDS can grow and recover from the war."

Knobhead said he had no leadership ambitions of his own anymore but did not elaborate as to why.


LRM-20 cancelled in favour of LRM-100

The LRM-20, the DDS counterpart to the Clone Space Missile, has been cancelled as predicted earlier in the year. Instead the DDS will concentrate on a 100 light year ranged missile called LRM-100 to enter service by the end of this decade.

Because of the geography of the Clone Star Empire the LRM-20 would only have a limited range of targets though LRM-100 would be able to reach any point of CSE-W and most of the east too. To compensate the DDS are likely to work on extending the range of the MRM that is already in service beyond 5 light years up to 10.

Barrage Barge used again

The Barrage Barge has been deployed again against the ABBOs on Delta 9. Since the first attack DDS Engineering worked to fix some of the problems found on the hastily put together weapon and added 6 pylons for space to ground missiles. These were also used in the attack on ABBO positions behind the front lines.

The DDS also made a large air attack using F-10Ss, A-85s and K-18Ds on the ABBOs with artillery also being used for the first time.

Oojok : "Clone Star Empire will continue to expand"

Oojok, in an interview with Dino TV, has said that the Clone Star Empire was stronger than it had been at any time and that further expansion was likely. "Lornaca Melnig and Oscar have recently joined the CSE and more planets will be added in future." he said. He did not elaborate on where this future expansion would take place though and declined to answer when asked if this included the Free Eritran States with whom there has recently been some tension.

Oojok also said that relations with the CSE and Dinos would be further improved over the coming years. He congratulated the Dinos for setting up the DTA saying a wider alliance is essential for future security. Joint HCS and DTA exercises are to be discussed by a meeting of officials by both sides in the new year.

AP details plans for future direction of fleet

Acting Commander AP has detailed his plans for the future direction of fleet procurement though critics say its not really his place to instigate this work as he might only be in command for a few months. AP says that the fleet will be remodelled along a "high-low" mix with destroyers being the high mix and frigates the low.
  • The Independence 35B destroyer will be renamed the Intrepid III 35B class and this and the Solaris III 37C will be procured at high rate until 2113 at least. The older Velocity destroyers could be sold off once sufficient numbers of Solaris III are in place.
  • The final 3 SOT 43D heavy frigates will be cancelled instead cheaper Freedom 41B and later Corkscrew FFX frigates will be procured.
  • The existing 2 SOTs will be merged with the other Terran Sea frigates which will become one unified class during the Terran Sea ILU to begin in 2114.
AP says the DDS council will discuss his proposals later this week.


A-85NTK makes first carrier take-off

The navalised version of the A-85 COIN and close-support aircraft the NTK has made its first catapult assisted take-off from the deck of the HCS Navy carrier CNS Cloneworld. The first carrier landing was made in the Summer though a take-off was delayed because of problems with the strengthened undercarriage which broke in tests.

The first NTKs could enter service late next year giving a great boost to HCSN carrier operations given the shortage of F-40Ns.

Za'Enyu approached by DTA

Za'Enyu have been approached by a DTA team about joining the new alliance. Za'Enyu are an unaligned planet though were for a time DDS customers though they cancelled their order citing the war delays (though it is thought the cost had as much to with it).

Za'Enyu would be a good strategic fit for the DTA as it would allow them to site listening posts that could monitor the far borders of Tarbotian space.


Clones/Dinos develop Tapir-HDS

The Clones and Dinos have developed a replacement for the now ageing Sand Tapir-C desert operations optimised IFV in the shape of the TRV-5HDS or Tapir-HDS. This is a modified version of the HD which is already in production for the HCS and Dino Army. It has modified tracks, improved filters and air conditioning as well as navigational system differences and a water recycling system.

Both the HCS and Dino Army operate across large desert areas and such a specialised version of the Tapir is badly needed. Pre-production HDS examples are to be trialed on both Sand World in the CSE and Dino-Land ahead of an expected entry into service next year.

Windscorpion sends message to DDS

Windscorpion has sent the following message to the DDS:

"Fellow DDSers. This year has been as hard as my cock at Freshers Fayre but we have survived despite the most bloody war in our history since the end of the Clone Wars. The end is in sight as the ABBOs have been pushed back. It only exists for one final thrust for us to achieve breakthrough and leave them as broken as Trojan Warlord's soul.

"There have been changes in the DDS lately following the death of The Orchid. Maybe it is not the time for such changes but we will deal with these things after the ABBOs have been defeated. In the new year we will crush the ABBOs but to do so we must work harder! I ask on all the young men of the DDS to get their heads down and lets get hard at it!"


Benito Clone carrier launched

The first of two "Benito Clone" helicopter carriers for the Austini 55 division of the HCS Navy have been launched. It is of a similar design to the Cloneworld class carriers though smaller at 20,000 tons and for helicopter operations only. It and its future sister ship will be the flagships of the Austini 55 navy although a conventional carrier is also to be built later in the decade.

The carrier is due to be completed by late 2111 and then will perform proving trials on Cloneworld before being moved to Austini 55 in 2112. As yet the Type AA "super transport" what would be required to move such an item is not in service though this is due for next year.

Artillery arrives on Delta 9

The DDS have managed to land elements of the 1st Fire Support Battalion on Delta 9 to help support ground operations there. Around 24 ATC-107C self-propelled guns were landed during a window opened up by a DDS fleet presence in orbit. The artillery is expected to support the next offensive planned for next week.

The DDS now hope to wrap up the ABBOs on Delta 9 early in the new year. Attention will then turn to Malau however this will likely be a much tougher fight given the time the ABBOs have had to dig in and build their forces.


LLFX makes first flight

The LLFX F-47 has made its first flight at Central AFB on Cloneworld. The ultra-cheap low-technology warplane took off successfully and landed an hour later at the CAC factory in Micom. The subsonic F-47 is designed to replace 1000 ageing F-40s in secondary worlds where basic policing and air sovereignty is all that is needed.

The HCSAF have said that the F-47 could enter service in 2112. The F-47 is a key part of HCS plans to recapitalise its fighter fleet by the early 2120s. Currently the HCSAF has 3300 fighters (900 F-45As and 2400 F-40s) though the plan is for these numbers to be cut to 3200 in 10 years with a mix of 1800 F-45A/Cs, 1000 F-47s and 400 upgraded F-40s. However this number of fighters will only be affordable with the F-47s which will be around 60% cheaper to operate than the F-40s they are replacing and of course much cheaper than the F-45C.

DDS diplomatic overtures to 7 Sa Sao

The DDS are understood to have sent diplomatic messages to the Argon faction of the 7 Sa Sao with a view to trying to form an alliance with them. The DDS have had their troubles with the Argon though over the last couple of years the Argon have been quiet and haven't encroached on DDS territory near Starbot.

It is not known how successful such an overture might be especially as the Argon contain leaders like Toko and Kira who are known to hate the DDS but Commander AP said that "The unthinkable must be thought. We must think outside of the box and approach the future with a full spectrum narrative in mind."

New Arit leaves DDS

New Arit has finally dissolved its relationship with the DDS following 2 days of meetings with the DDS. The break-up is being seen as very amicable with Aritan troops remaining in the New DDS Army in a reserve role until the end of the war and the DDS retaining the ability to refuel and repair ships in Aritan space. A DDS listening station that monitors traffic in the direction of the ABBOs will also be kept active for at least 5 years. All sensitive DDS technology will be removed from New Arit by a DDS Engineering team over the next few weeks.

In return the DDS are offloading 4 Kalahati Tuuls to the Aritans, thought to be the last in the DDS' reserve stock of the ex-Utrekian cruisers (except for the ones currently in DDS service). The ships are unpowered and will have to be towed to Aritan space though it is likely they will be towed to Dino-Land for updates and refurbishment before being given to the Aritans.

LLAD enters service

The important MQ-14 Long Loiter Attack Drone (LLAD) has been cleared for production and the first drones have already entered service (albeit final pre-production examples). LLAD is a long-ranged subsonic drone designed for patrol and strike roles. LLAD is stealthy though thought not good enough for a strike against a top-rate air defence.

It is seen as a key part of the DDSAF though there had been thoughts it might be delayed because of the war. 220 will be built.

CSM-S begins testing

The space-launched version of the CSM, CSM-S has begun testing with the HCS ahead of an expected entry into service by the end of next year. CSM-S is largely the same as CSM only without the Gale-III booster stage. Instead it has a small cold-gas launch stage to propel the missile away from the launch ship (usually a Kelsan KS) before the NSV stage kicks in with its own engines.

Cold-gas launch is being used for stealth reasons. The CSM-S is said to be intended for launch 5 light years away from a target and would be used in conjunction with the CSM and other weapons.

2010 DDS Quiz

So do you think you know your DDS Universe? Try your hand with this quiz!

1) Who is the squire of Sir Joshi of the House of Melson?
a) Dodek
b) Rendran
c) Aliowaki

2) Before his recent promotion what was Redjec's role in the DDS?
a) Head of Team Redjec
b) Head of DDS Security
c) Douchebag General

3) Who is the head of the SS?
a) Gibson
b) Lakes
c) Stinkyson

4) What sport was The Orchid very good at, and wore very tight shorts while playing it?
a) Soccer
b) Rounders
c) Volleyball

5) What does CSM stand for?
a) Clone Space Missile
b) Counter Strike Missile
c) It doesn't actually stand for anything

6) Which was the first DDS planet to be invaded by the ABBOs in the current war?
a) Liberation
b) Malau
c) Delta 9

7) What species are the Sirikwanese?
a) Human
b) Raegroid
c) Dino

8) Which Dino Senator was killed in battle against the Bolitic this year?
a) Lassetrens
b) ZBH
c) Rahshadson

9) What is the HCS superluminal drone called?
a) Bite
b) Nybble

Answers are below the scores, no peeking now!

How did you score?

0 : You are Trojan Warlord's thong washer
1-3 : You are the Aritans, basically useless
4-6 : You are the Bolitic, tough but basically losers
7-8 : You are the Dinos, winners but ultimately losers
9 : You are the DDS!

Answers : 1a 2b 3a 4c 5a 6b 7c 8b 9b


Ppl Are Having Sex
Windy sets off on a new mission.

Sea Urchin attacks AP's plans for DDS reorganisation

Plans by AP to reorganise the DDS into regional commands with a "floating" battlefleet have been leaked and have been attacked by Sea Urchin who is currently head of DDS Centre. "Should we be reorganising the DDS in times of war? In any event AP is the Acting Commander so shouldn't he just be concentrating on keeping the ship afloat instead of instigating major changes?"

Redjec replied on the behalf of AP saying that reorganisations were being discussed now but would not be instigated until after the war had ended.

DDS seize key town on Delta 9

The town of Verity Falls has been seized following heavy fighting between the ABBOs and the DDS on Delta 9. The ABBO positions near the town were pounded by the new Barrage Barge yesterday and today the DDS followed up with a ground attack. Losses are said to have been high of the WM 8th Light Brigade which led the attack.

WM Commander Quarz has questioned why WM units are being used at the vanguard of attacks on Delta 9 and not other more seasoned units. AP replied that all DDS units must be prepared to action their areas of responsibility.

Sirikwan buy Dino & Clone weapons

Sirikwan has placed a large order for aircraft and land weapons with the Dinos and Clones as part of their re-equipment of their army which was already being reorganised on Dino lines even before they joined the DTA. 120 K-18s of the new E model will be bought to provide close support.

The bulk of the order is for land weapons, all from the joint-design programme the Dinos have with the Clones (the Clones build them though the Dinos receive a royalty). 450 T-55ZDM-S tanks, 675 TRV-5HD-S infantry carriers and 60 ATC-107GDS self-propelled guns will be bought. It is thought their general standard will be similiar to the Dinos' own.


6 ABBO worlds now off mesh

A Dino scout ship has confirmed that 6 outlying ABBO worlds have "gone dark" and are no longer connected to the ABBO mesh net. The scout ship was not able to ascertain how these planets had been neutralized or who had done it though unusual residual radiation was detected on one of the planets that the scout ship scanned at long range.

Scans of the planets indicates zero EM transmission indicating that all power systems and computer systems on the planet are dead. Long range scans indicated no signs of any physical attack indicating possible use of EMP weapons though what kind was used is unknown as all known EMP weapons have no effect on the ABBOs (otherwise the DDS would be already using them!)

DDS unleash "Barrage Barge" on ABBOs

The DDS have made an attack on ABBO positions on Delta 9 using a new weapon known as the Barrage Barge. This crude weapon platform was conceived and built in just 43 days by a joint team from DDS Engineering and DDS Research and consists of 3 independently powered Z5g cannons plus a data multiplexer.

The barge was towed over Delta 9 by a Quasar 15A cruiser and then pounded ABBO positions taking targeting data from the Quasar and an accompanying pair of frigates. The barge can be towed at up to 250c though has no propulsion of its own. The barge was a success though one Z5g had to be deactivated towards the end of the attack due to a datalink loss. The DDS retreated when an ABBO force was scrambled from a nearby holding area. Damage to ABBO positions on the planet was said to be "extensive".

DDS and Dinos to share experience on info-weapons

The DDS and Dinos (on behalf of the DTA) have formed a working party that will share experience and information on cyber warfare and info-weapons for defensive and offensve purposes. Both have experience of combating Bolitic and ABBO info-weapons amongst others though neither side have much headway on producing their own offensive info-weapons.

As part of the exchange the Dinos have given the DDS full schematics of current Bolitic info-weapons gained from captured ships (or remains of destroyed ships) and in return the DDS have given the Dinos details of 7SS cyber-warfare attacks.

DDS transport attacked by ABBOs

Friendship 75A transport A201 Friendship has been attacked by 2 ABBO ships near Sanger Alpha 6329. The transport was returning to Sanger Alpha after delivering supplies to the DDS base on New Jakarta when it was attacked by the 2 ABBO ships lying in wait.

Friendship received damage but the crew were able to contain fires started, one Canister TPM was fired but missed its target. A Rome corvette raced to assist causing the ABBOs to flee. The Rome then escorted Friendship back to Sanger Alpha.


AP scores extra funds for the DDS

Acting Commander AP has managed to score an extra 14 billion zarks in emergency funding to help keep the war going and fund replacement warships. The expenditure of the war had put a squeeze on DDS coffers with the DDS facing the prospect of raiding its emergency reserves if the war continued beyond February (as looks likely). The extra funding from the UNP will mean the DDS can continue operations and expenditure at current levels for much of next year.

It is rumoured that powerful figures in the UNP are backing AP and have provided this funding in return for DDS (and especially Hood) involvement in undisclosed "future security measures".

Windy departs GHQ but for where?

Windy has left GHQ in his newly worm-drive equipped flagship SS Carboniferous but his mission and flight plan are top sekrit. It is being speculated that he has embarked on a lone mission against the ABBOs as his ship was said to be full to the rafters with TPM-2s and stores.

A DDS spokeswoman said that Windy would be merely testing the capability of the worm drive which gives the Isometric ship an estimated top speed of nearly 4900c.

Ronald : Dinos will no longer stand alone

Ronald yesterday gave a speech to his old guard the 6th Legion (the pseudo legion which consists of many of the elite Dinos) where he said the Dinos' traditional isolationist stance was now over. "Experience has shown us that the old ways have to change. Even with our much larger military we struggled to defeat the Bolitic and the price was very high."

Ronald said that the DTA signalled the end of that isolationism. "We have formed a new network of alliances, the Dino Trade Association will become a very powerful network of like-minded sovereign nations. Together we will be stronger, together we will be safer."

Ronald said that relations with other powers like the DDS and HCS would also be improved upon. "The future is unpredicatable, all we can truly say is that there are unknown dangers lurking in the future and the DTA must stand ready for them."

3 more Hood brigades formed

Three more brigades of the New DDS Army have been unexpectedly formed, the 24th, 25th and 26th Light Brigades are all Hood units which has raised some eyebrows as it was not thought there were so many Hood recruits available. All 3 brigades have been attached to the Reserve Division and will be based at DDS GHQ.

In other army developments the 1st Fire Support Batallion (equipped with ex-HCS ATC-107Cs and other artillery) has been declared operational along with the 17th Light Brigade.


Threat of break-up of Bolitic Confedracy

Despite always being one step away from anarchy the Bolitic Confederacy has always remained a cohesive political unit even if its leaders spend most of their time trying to kill each other (and the rest of the time thinking of ways of killing each other). However over the reigns of Aliowaki and Borca there was a noticable shift of population away from the core worlds to elsewhere in the confederation with powerful barons for the first time having their bases on outer worlds and not just on Castarian.

This means that some barons are staying out of the war of succession on Castarian to decide the new leader. A group of barons on Relia Magnus and Delos 3 are remaining in their territories. A major reason for this of course is the huge losses of the fleet which means that barons based on outer worlds can't get their forces to Castarian but it is thought that this is only partly the reason why they arn't getting involved.

There is even some talk of a breakaway union of barons based around the powerful houses of Lords Mokai and Depson and their satallites on Relia Magnus.

HCSN reveal future carrier plans

With the second aircraft carrier CSS Clone Empire expected to enter service alongside CSS Cloneworld next year the HCS Navy have been revealing their plans for the follow-on class of carrier which will be much bigger.

Still known as "Future CV" these 50,000 ton carriers are expected to enter service from 2118. The existing Cloneworld class will then become support carriers. The HCSN confirmed that typically the future carriers will carry a mix of F-45K and A-85NTK aircraft. Usually 20 of each though more could be carried should the need arise. At least 12 SH-26 helicopters will also be carried.

DDS launch offensive on Delta 9

The DDS have launched a land offensive on Delta 9 with attacks made by WM troops at their spearhead. Losses were higher than expected though as the WM troops were rather too eager and raw. The ABBOs were pushed back from the town of Trincolan Falls though an attack on the town of Verity North failed and the DDS had to pull back.

Free attacks are planned for the next few days. AP has ordered that Delta 9 be wrapped up as soon as possible.


Molentic Tuul M programme complete

The final 2 Molentic Tuul M conversions have been completed ahead of schedule giving the HCS a unified fleet of 21 MTMs instead of the split fleets of MTAs, MTGXs and MTVs they had before. A HCS spokesclone said it would make upgrading and maintaining the fleet easier and cheaper in future.

Indeed an upgrade to the MTM fleet is to take place in the new year to standardise all of the ships (later ones having later versions of some systems) and to add passive sensors and an improved main databus.

Raegris seek bigger role in DDS

The Raegris have said they wish to have a bigger role in how the DDS is run, to become what they term a "Tier 1+" ally. The Raegris leader made these remarks on a visit to Solaris before meeting AP. He said that the Raegris were now at full manufacturing capacity making ships and weapons for the DDS and a Raegris fleet would remain attached to the DDS while the war continued.

Analysts say the DDS may have no choice but to give the Raegris more say in how the DDS is run with the defections of the Aritans and Sirikwanese leaving DDS foreign policy in tatters. However the DDS are also likely to welcome the Raegris taking a bigger role compared to their earlier preference for remaining more on the margins.

UV161 : The Man Demands

  • Deepest Blue - Team Redjec try and join the Windy Massive. Fools!...
  • Take + Hold - The ABBOs attack New Arit....
  • Do You Think This Is Shite? - Spikeson comes under fire....
  • A Close One Again - There are dark forces at work behind the scenes....
  • Extended Cut - The Orchid falls....
  • Staying Alive - New Arit joins the DTA....

HCS hold large exercise near Eritran space

The HCS have just completed a 5 day exercise in space around Woloron 12 culminating in an amphibious landng on the planet of a entire legion of HCS troops. Around 40 HCS ships in total were involved in the exercise which included mock-combat as well as an "invasion".

Woloron 12 is close to the border with the Eritran Free States and it is surmised that the Clones chose this location to intimidate the Eritrans with whom relations have been tense lately. However HCS bloggers also note that Woloron 12 is the second-planet in the CSE-E and would be a natural choice for such exercises anyway.

Arit's NGs destroyed by ABBOs

In a set-back and humiliation for the Aritans who have just joined the DTA the 4 Dinomark NGs which were given to them by the Dinos have been destroyed by an ABBO ship which was caught in the Aritan system on a scouting mission. The ABBO ship, badly damaged by weapon fire from Arit's orbital dock, collided with the 4 NGs which were awaiting localisation. All were totally destroyed along with the ABBO ship.

These were the last intact NGs in existence, a nearly intact battle damaged NG exists in the Dino Space Museum plus some assorted bits and pieces in other collections.


Staying Alive
New Arit joins the DTA.

Two Pentekonter-Es join fleet

Two Raegris built Pentekonter-Es have joined the fleet on a short-term measure to boost auxiliary patrol assets numbers. X114 Paris and X115 Hector will both be used on patrol duties in DDS Centre thus releasing an extra Isometric frigate for fleet operations.

Once the war is over and the fleet is being rebuilt the 2 ships are expected to be refurbished and then sold to an export buyer (or used by the Raegris themselves).


DDS hit ABBOs with MRM attack

The DDS have attacked the ABBO positions at Malau with a salvo of MRMs launched by Pulsar and Quasar cruisers. It is reported 8 MRMs were launched of which 7 reached Malau. Cloaked Panthers provided terminal guidance to the missiles which destroyed 11 ABBO ships and badly damaged a depot station in orbit.

The DDS have not used MRMs for some time in order to rebuild stocks though are expected to keep the missile in reserve apart from the odd surprise attack as ABBO tactics to disperse their ships have negated their destructive potential.

HCS looking to sell to DTA

Relations between the HCS and the fledgling DTA are fairly good and the HCS are hopeful of helping supply the DTA with more military equipment as the Dinos, Aritans, Sirikwanese and Voth rebuild their armed forces following the war with the Bolitic and ABBOs.

A HCS trade delegation is to visit Dino-Land next week and will also visit Sirikwan. An export version of the Shark frigate has been suggested as being suitable for the Aritan and Voth fleets while it is thought the Dinos will be looking at the Intruder amphibious landing ship as used by the Clones and DDS.

The Dinos and Clones are also thought to be going to sign a 10 year deal for further collaboration on land weapons with the next version of the jointly designed (and operated) T-55ZDM tank being the first project to be undertaken. Sirikwan are expected to buy some of the tank, the Aritans already operate mostly ex-HCS weapons in their army.

Aritan units removed from New DDS Army

Aritan brigades have been removed from the New DDS Army roll though they continue in a reserve role for now until they can be repatriated to New Arit as per agreement with the Aritans. The DDS have reinforced their two main divisions with brigades from its reserve units.

The main problem for now is that the bulk of heavy armour in the army was Aritan though indigenous units are in the process of forming. Fighting on Delta 9 has precluded the need for heavy armour though until now.

AP addresses the DDS

Acting Commander AP has made his first DDS wide address on DDS News 36. He said that the DDS had had a hard 2110 having fought its bloodiest war since the Clone Wars but that the end was in sight. "The ABBOs have been pushed back, in the new year we will deal the final blows and finish them once and for all."

AP moved onto other challenges facing the DDS saying that the loss of Sirikwan and New Arit to the DTA (his speech was recorded before the Voth announcement) was "dissappointing but would not de-rail the New DDS Project".

"We have a multi-vector strategy in place for the post-war situation and the DDS will neutralise these negatives and prioritise and action a whole spectrum of initiatives." he added.

Voth join DTA

Hot on the heels of New Arit the Voth have also joined the Dino Trade Association at a ceremony which MBH attended. Like the Aritans the Voth will require aid to get them on their feet as a military component of the DTA though they do have rich untapped mineral wealth estimated to be worth at least 7 trillion zarks.

MBH announced a 200 million package of military aid to integrate the Voth into the DTA command and communication systems plus some unmanned orbital defence posts. Voth will be the site of the second-source Ferret-G factory the Dinos are planning once their first factory begins production early in the new year. The Dinos will build a number of bases on Voth and Apassara both on the surface and in orbit.


Carboniferous receives worm drive

Windy's flagship SS Carboniferous has become the first DDS combat ship to receive the worm drive during repairs following the recent battle. System integration is now being undertaken and geometric testing. The first worm drive jump is planned to be made early next week. Carboniferous is also receiving some updates to its passive sensors and is receiving a new Z-cannon build.

A Panther 35A is also to receive a worm drive though the ship to be fitted has not yet been revealed.

DDS land Prowler units on New Arit

Three Prowler units have landed on New Arit though have been teleported directly into DDS bases which remain UNP sovereign soil for now. The DDS say the special forces are just to ensure the orderly withdrawal of DDS personnel from the planet though analysts think the Prowlers are to ensure sensitive technology is not given to the Dinos by the Aritans.

That includes passive sensor technology, some cyber security systems and communication systems among others. TPM-2 technology is thought to have been safeguarded already. One DDS analyst says however that the remaining secrets are probably not worth getting too worried about. "The Dinos have analogues of a comparable or even superior quality to these already so the DDS are probably best not sparking a diplomatic incident over it."

New Arit joins the DTA

At a ceremony on the main orbital station around New Arit Consul Ronald and the head of New Arit President Malanki signed an agreement to bring New Arit into the Dino Trade Association. As per the agreement Arit signs a mutual defence pact with the DTA and will integrate its armed forces into the DTA's.

Ronald announced a 230 million zark reconstruction grant to help New Arit recover from its damage sustained in the war as well as a 25 million zark fund to help integrate New Arit into the Dino's communication and military data networks. New Arit have not yet officially said they will leave the DDS but its only a matter of time now.

Aritans assure DDS over sensitive technical information

The Aritans have assured the DDS that they will not give up DDS secrets to the Dinos once they sign an agreement to join the DTA later today. An Aritan spokesman said that there would be a transitional period while the Aritans left the DDS and then integrated fully with the DTA. However the DDS think already some secrets have been given to the Dinos though not the TPM-2 schematics which have been already safeguarded.

The Aritans have said that they are happy for their troops to be gradually withdrawn from the New DDS Army so as to not harm the war effort though most Aritan troops have already been moved from the front line.


Ronald arrives on New Arit, DTA signing?

Ronald has arrived on New Arit for what apparently will be the signing of a treaty bring the planet into the Dino Trade Association tomorrow. The Aritans nor the Dinos are confirming this though but a joint press conference is planned for tomorrow.

Interestingly there are reports that the Dinos will buy out the Artic share of the Pentekonter-E in joint Aritan/Artic hands and it will become the first ship in the rebuilt Aritan fleet. 4 Dinomark NGs have been donated.

Raegris fleet arrives to help DDS

A Raegris fleet has arrived at Proxima 7 and will soon join the DDS South fleet to help support the battered fleet in the wake of the 2nd Battle of Liberation. The Raegris fleet consists of 6 ships, a DC-1 (Quasar), 3 DF-1s (Isometrics) and 2 PC-1s (Pentekonters). The hope had been for the fleet to arrive in time for the battle but instead it can now help bolster the DDS while they get their fleet back on its feet.

The Raegris are also thought to be making the finishing touches to 2 Pentekonter-Es which were intended for export but will instead be operated by the DDS until the end of the war and then sold afterwards.

New Arit and Artic in tug-of-war over last Pentekonter-E

The only remaining operational combat ship in the Aritan fleet is a Pentekonter-E (and even that needs repair) but there is one problem : its not wholly owned by the Aritans. The ship was jointly bought with Artic and is "time shared" between patrol duties for both nations. Artic allowed the ship to take part in the battle for New Arit against the ABBOs but now want it to perform some duties for themselves.

Arit need the ship for local defence though Artic also urgently need the ship to perform some duties for themselves. It is the only ship the Artic government operate and so is used for communications and transport roles to a number of small colonies too. The Aritans have offered the Articans two of their Coril shuttles to perform the duties instead. Artic is reported to be considering buying out the Aritans' share of the ship.

DDS offer Tier 1 DDS membership to Porquat 640

The DDS have offered Tier 1 DDS membership to Porquat 640, a move that will almost certainly see New Arit leave the DDS. However the DDS will probably not be too unhappy with that as the Porquatians will bring a powerful fleet to the party.

A DDS negotiation team is said to be on Porquat 640 and the Porquatians may sign an agreement to join as soon as next week. A DDS Engineering team is rumoured to be already holding talks with the Porquatians about integrating the Porquatian fleet into the DDS', though no talks on technology transfer have yet taken place.

Aritan troops replaced by WM units on Delta 9

The 1st & 16th Light Brigades, both Aritan units, have both been taken off the front line on Delta 9 and will be lifted off the planet within days (now that the DDS have a foothold in orbit), they have been replaced by the 7th & 8th Light Brigades which are both Windy Massive units.

The DDS have said that the unit rotation is normal procedure though the 16th has only been on the front line for 3 weeks. It is thought the DDS are trying to get all Aritan units out of combat situations before an expected request by the Aritans to leave the DDS. The Aritans however have said they will not sabotage the war effort if they do join the DTA. An Aritan spokesman said that Aritan troops would not let their comrades down even if they became ex-comrades.


AP names his staff

Acting Commander AP has made some changes to the Central Facility Group in the DDS, Redjec has been named Acting City Commander (AP's former role) with Sea Urchin taking The Orchid's role as DDS Centre Fleet Commander. The Onion takes Redjec's former role as Head of DDS Security.

One of AP's advisers Hibiscus has been promoted to a new role of Head of Communications. AP has also officially made his personal ship the Rome corvette K101 Cicero the flagship.
Extended Cut
The Orchid falls.

Fleet News (13/12/10)

  • Two new ships have joined the fleet this month giving the combat fleet a much needed boost. D116 Puma II is the latest Panther 35A and F176 Forward is the latest Freedom 41B.
  • Remedian operated Perimpaz 39A cruiser (KT2) DR181 Perimpaz Of The Marshes has been withdrawn following major cracks found in its main load bearing structure as well as its reactor. It was not considered economic to repair the cracks as it would have required a virtual rebuild. The rest of the fleet is to undergo a full check.

Final RS joins the Dino fleet, upgrade planned

A third Dinomark RS has joined the fleet, being built in record time though the Dinos will not build anymore instead the RS jig will be repurposed to build Dinomark MXs allowing other jigs to concentrate on the PT and XT.

The Dinos are to upgrade their trio of RS with worm drive and extra secondary firepower (as well as other updates) sometime next year.

4 Dinomark NGs transferred to New Arit as DTA talks begin

The Aritans have admitted they have begun formal talks about joining the DTA, the DDS have not yet commented but are expected to take steps to ensure sensitive technology does not remain in Aritan hands if they leave the DDS (though much of it was destroyed by the ABBOs).

The 4 remaining Dinomark NGs have been transferred to the Aritan fleet as a "goodwill measure" by the Dinos. They will be sent to New Arit over the next week or so and then receive localisation ahead of an expected entry into service next month.

New DDS Commander will wait until after the war

Acting DDS Commander AP has said that an election to decide the new commander to replace The Orchid will not take place until after the war. "We can't have the distraction of an election now." AP said to reporters on Liberation.

Windy has said he will not stand. "I am happy with my current position." he told WM members.

DDS launch offensive near Delta 9

The DDS have launched a surprise offensive near Delta 9 and have landed more troops on the planet as well as launching a sustained attack on ABBO positions with a flotilla of ground attack Romes. Twelve ABBO ships were lost in the attack, no DDS ships were lost though some were damaged. The DDS have now positioned a fleet detachment in orbit and say they will not leave Delta 9 now.

A ground offensive is expected soon, the DDS hope to end the ABBO presence on the planet and then move their attention to Malau.


ABBO worlds under attack?

There are unconfirmed reports that a number of worlds on the edge of ABBO space have been lost to the "mesh" the network that connects all ABBOs worlds and major computers together. According to intelligence by an Argon trader the planets were attacked by an unknown assailant using weapons that killed the ABBOs but left the infrastructure on the planets intact.

The trader added that the ABBOs cannot defend against this enemy as their entire remaining fleet is now engaged in the war with the DDS apart from a few core defence assets kept at the capital ABBO 01.
A Close One Again
There are dark forces at work behind the scenes.

DDS reeling from loss of The Orchid

The DDS has been rocked by the loss of its commander in the latest battle against the ABBOs. The Orchid was a highly respected commander and her loss has been keenly felt by all. Even Windy said she "wasn't bad". Foreign leaders including Ronald and Oojok both sent their condolences.

Acting Commander AP said that the war would continue. "Despite our losses the ABBOs also lost a sizeable chunk of what appears to be their remaining fleet. We can win this war! Win it for The Orchid and all those who have been lost!"


Heavy losses for DDS in battle of Liberation

The DDS have lost 9 ships including the flagship of DDS Commander The Orchid in a massive battle that has raged near Liberation between the DDS South and the ABBO fleets. Liberation itself was also hit by an orbital bombardment with 4 DDS bases on the planet sustaining serious damage including a TPM production facility.

The DDS ships lost are reported as Pulsar 12A cruiser C110 Eurasia, Quasar 15A cruiser C126 Lepton (The Orchid's flagship which was thought to have been the main target of the ABBOs), Panther 35A destroyer D114 Manx, Missileer 21A carriers R106 Bowman and R110 Billman, Solaris 37C destroyer D165 Altair II, Terran Sea 43B/C frigates F133 Baltic Sea and F149 Philippine Sea and Sea Of Tranquility 43D frigate F161 Sea Of Tranquility. 72 Ferrets were also destroyed. 137 ABBO ships are reported to have been destroyed.

The ABBOs have now withdrawn. AP has taken over as Acting DDS Commander as per procedure.

The Orchid killed in latest battle

Reports are coming in from the latest battle between the DDS and the ABBOs which is understood to be still raging near Liberation. Losses are as yet unknown but it is known they are "significant" for the DDS. The biggest loss though is the confirmed death of The Orchid who has been killed during the battle. Its not yet known if her flagship SS Lepton has been destroyed or not.

More details as we get them.


200 ship ABBO fleet heading to Liberation

The DDS have confirmed that following several days of feints and course changes the 200 strong ABBO fleet that left Malau last week is now headed straight for Liberation at full speed. It is expected to be in weapons range of the DDS South fleet assembled at the planet by late tomorrow.

DDS Commander The Orchid has taken personal command of the fleet. She says that a decisive victory against the ABBOs could finally turn the tide in the war. "Its been a long had slog but the end is in sight, the massive ABBO fleet is being whittled down. If we can deal a decisive blow then they will be finally on the defensive."

Prowler units on standby to secure Aritan sensitive technology?

The DDS are denying reports that 4 Prowler units have been recalled from other missions to a DDS base on New Jakarta in order for them to quickly reach New Arit and secure or destroy sensitive DDS technology if the Aritans do decide to join the DTA.

Although the ABBOs seem to have handily destroyed the TPM-2 factory on New Arit other sensitive technology exists on the planet. How the Aritans would react to this is unknown.

Sirikwan send fleet to help guard New Arit

New Arit have accepted an offer by Sirikwan to send a fleet to help protect New Arit. Sirikwan will be operating under the DTA banner and it is thought formal talks for Arit to enter the DTA may begin before the end of the year. Riots have taken place on the planet since the attack with protesters calling on the Aritan government to leave the DDS who they say has failed the Aritans in their hour of need.

The Sirikwanese fleet will link with a Dino fleet that is already in Aritan space and it is thought the Sirikwanese will command the combined task force. One of Sirikwan's Pentekonter-Es will go as the fleet's flagship along with 2 Helwins. The fleet will be supported by a Relan combat support ship and an Extender-E oiler. Some relief supplies will also be taken to Arit.

Sirikwan isn't actually officially a DTA member yet though by the time the fleet reaches New Arit by the end of next week the papers will have been signed.

Sirikwan to build Dinomark XTs

Sirikwan is to open a production line for Dinomark XTs from next year. It is expected up to 2 XTs (of the latest non-worm drive equipped type) will be built a month when the production line ramps up to full rate in 2112. Sirikwan will built XTs for itself and other DTA allies according to Consul Cruggson who is visiting Sirikwan leaving the Dinos' own lines (which will soon be able to produce up to 5 XTs a month) to concentrate on rebuilding the shattered Dino fleet.

Yeng is expected to receive export XTs, Voth and New Arit are also likely too if they join the DTA. Cruggson said that he was going to move onto Voth next week on what are expected to be formal DTA entry talks.


DDS historian lament loss of final Intrepid and Solaris II

Dr Underage the DDS historian has said it is regrettable that the last Intrepid II and Solaris II ships in existance have now been destroyed by the recent battle between the ABBO and the Aritans. "These were two cornerstones of the 2nd generation DDS fleet along with the Pulsar and Starsystem but now all have gone."

"They have fought hard and worked hard through countless hundreds of lightyears and battles. To the last they served well but time caught up with the ships." he added.

Parts of an Intrepid still exist in the UNP Space Museum though plans to eventually preverve an example of each class can now no longer take place.

DDS delay aid shipment to Arit

The DDS have delayed their aid and reconstruction shipment to New Arit citing the dangerous space around the planet and the fact the DDS ships would not have any escorts. However insiders say the DDS in reality need their transports for the war effort, transporting weapons and spares around the DDS. "In terms of priorities Arit comes way down the list unfortunately." a DDS officer who declined to be named.

The decision though has infuriated the Aritans who are feeling abandoned by the DDS. A senior Aritan politician has now openly said the Aritans should join the DTA instead. A Dino relief convoy is on the way and indeed should arrive at New Arit by the end of the week. The Dinos are also sending 20 Dinomarks to help defend Arit's local space.

ABBOs wipe out Aritan fleet

The ABBOs have attacked New Arit again and destroyed much of what is left of the Aritan fleet as well as pounding several military bases on the planet. The last remaining Intrepid and Solaris left in their fleet were destroyed in the battle along with 5 Ferrets, one of Arit's Extender-E oilers and 3 Coril shuttles. 12 ABBO ships were destroyed.

This leaves the Aritans with just 1 Pentekonter-E and 1 Kalahati Tuul (which has been badly damaged). They have pleaded for help and new ships from the DDS.


Do You Think This Is Shite?
Spikeson comes under fire.


DDS loan Dino transports

The DDS have loaded a Provider-EDA and 3 Dinomark MXs from the Dinos to help bulk out their transport fleet which has been struggling with the much greater volume of traffic due to the war. The ships are operating with Dino crews with DDS pilots. Dino troops are providing internal protection for the ships.

The DDS have been impressed with the MX, which is a larger version of the XT for transport duties and may consider buying some though this would not take place until after the war.

Dinos will retain high alert for now

Despite the surrender of the Bolitic Confederacy and the death of Borca the Dinos are to keep their armed forces on high alert and are likely to do so until the DDS war against the ABBOs is over. Consul Cruggson ruled out the Dinos helping the DDS out with material forces for now though said the DDS are being helped out in terms of intelligence and some logistical support. He said that the Dinos may help the DDS out with ships and troops next year once the Dinos had rebuilt their own shattered fleet.

Maximum rate of PT and XT production was likely to remain until the end of 2111 at least he said with TPM production to reach maximum rate by next Spring. The Sirikwanese would be helping the Dinos out with some patrol circuits in order to help the Dinos out he added.

Dinos donate NGs to New Arit

The Dinos have offered the Aritans the remaining 4 Dinomark NGs as a "good will offer" to help rebuild the shattered Aritan fleet. The Aritans have accepted the offer and will receive the ships early next year following a refuelling and localisation that the Dinos will carry out for the Aritans.

It is rumoured that the Aritans are interested in buying Dinomark XTs from the Dinos, it is possible some second-hand XTs may be purchased cheap and then upgraded by the Aritans themselves. The Aritans are desperate to rebuild their fleet though lack funds. They have also asked the DDS if they can have the remaining 8 Kalahati Tuuls in the DDS' stockpile, this does not include the 5 Kingfisher 39Bs.

DDS man-rate worm-drive

The DDS have completed their man-rating and calibration of the worm drives received from the Dinos. The research ship SS Isometric completed its first manned journey with the W1A drive fitted and drives are now to be fitted to the flagship SS Carboniferous and a Panther 35A destroyer which is at Solaris for repair. Carboniferous will be fitted with the drive when it receives an general update though this will wait until after the impending battle with the ABBOs near Liberation.

The DDS have also announced that work on reverse-engineering the W1A is proceeding well though it will be next year before the first DDS build W1As are produced. The Dinos have agreed to sell the DDS 3 more W1As for an undisclosed sum. These will arrive before the end of the year.


DDS resupply Delta 9 forces

The DDS have taken advantage of ABBO forces being deployed elsewhere (such as the impending attack on Liberation) to reach Delta 9 and resupply the DDS forces there. ABBO ships were sent from Malau but the DDS had a 20 hour window to rotate troops and also vitally replace the fast wearing out F-10As on the planet with 20 F-10S fighters and a large stock of TPM-As. Several hundred tanks and other AFVs were also landed on the planet.

Interesting many of the Aritan troops on Delta 9 have been taken off along with some Terran and Remedian troops who have been fighting there for a couple of months. Although fresh Terran and Remedian troops have been landed no new Aritan troops have. The DDS said this was just because no Aritan troops were available when the resupply window opened.

DDS transports have now withdrawn back to a secret holding area.

HCSAF invest in transport arm

The HCS Air Force have announced a 2.3 billion zark investment in its transport command with new aircraft and upgrades to greatly increase the capacity and reliability of what is already a pretty potent force. Top-up orders have been placed for the 2 core types the C-440 and C-485 though the C-460 order has not been increased. A new militarised version of the CCA Twinjet airliner will also be developed to replace the ageing C-420 fleet.

As well as new aircraft some 120 older C-440s will be upgraded with new engines and avionics and receive a life extension. Funding will also be provided to CCA to develop an upgraded version of the C-485. Some money (around 40%) will also go into improved cargo handling facilities and equipment at around 30 major airbases across the empire.


Dinos celebrate as Bolitic surrender

Dinos have come out onto the streets across the republic to celebrate the end of what has become the bloodiest (though not the longest) war between the Dinos and Bolitic ever. A representative of Borca's house said that hostilities with the Dinos were now over as the Bolitic would not been concentrating on a war of succession, though that was raging even before Borca was killed.

It is now thought that Borca was killed in the battle with the Dinos when his flagship was destroyed though his days were obviously numbered. All Bolitic ships have now returned to their own space. The troops on Pulsin have surrendered and will likely be repatriated quickly.

Ronald addressed the Dino Senate and said that the Dinos, and its new DTA allies, would rebuild and become stronger than ever.

Bolitic power finally smashed in huge battle near Pulsin

A combined Dino-Sirikwan fleet has engaged a Bolitic fleet near Pulsin and dealt a hammer blow to the remaining Bolitic fleet in a huge battle in which Emperor Borca is believed to have been killed though its not known if it was at Dino hands or by his own side.

The battle was costly for the Dinos though who lost 28 ships (4 PTs, 2 NGs and 22 XTs), the Sirikwanese who contributed 4 ships did not lose any though one was badly damaged. The Bolitic lost the bulk of their remaining front-line fleet including much of the Emperor's Chosen Men. 6 Snarls, 19 Meltinans, 4 Helwins and 3 Redhulls were destroyed in the battle. When the Emperor's death was reported the Bolitic fleet then withdrew and handed the Dinos the victory.

Though an attack has been rumoured for some time the Dinos and Sirikwanese had kept their preparations secret in order to draw the Bolitic into a battle at a place of their choosing. The Bolitic have now withdrawn all forces back into their territory, there is no word yet as to whether the Dino-Bolitic war is over but it seems unlikely the Bolitic will want to continue. With the death of Borca the focus will now be a war of succession.

Windscorpion blasts "lethargic" DDS

Windscorpion has come out and publically criticised the New DDS leadership for the first time calling recent DDS activity "lethargic". "The DDS are sleepwalking their way to destruction. We need to get some energy into our response to the ABBOs!" he told DDS News 36.

His comments are signs of a shift in power in the DDS recently with Windy Massive coming to prominence in the DDS at the expense of Orchidism. Hoods activity has been noticable by its absense in the DDS recently though WM teams are now openly prowling DDS GHQ and other bases looking for "prey".

"We need to renew the New DDS Project." Windy told a group of WM supporters yesterday, "We need to show the galaxy the true thrust of our power!"

New Arit remains "committed" to DDS

With Sirikwan's defection to the DTA rumours are now abounding that the Aritans may also switch from the DDS to the new organisation. An Aritan defection would be far more serious as the Aritans are a Tier 1 ally producing and possessing TPM-2s and other advanced technology. A major part of the New DDS Army is also Aritan.

New Arit have said that they are "committed" to the New DDS Project in a communication to the media today however they also said that they needed immediate help from the DDS to protect their space after the near destruction of their fleet at the hands of the ABBOs. "Please do not take us for granted." the Aritans are thought to have told the DDS privately. The Dinos are known to have discussed the DTA with the Aritans just prior to the ABBO attack and of course sent ships to help the Aritans in the battle.


Sirikwan still wish to buy DDS ships

Despite announcing their intention to leave the DDS and join the rival DTA Sirikwan says it still wishes to continue with its existing order for Pentekonter-E patrol boats with the DDS. It has 8 E120s on order though deliveries are on hold for the duration of the war. Sirikwan say they also want to continue with the DDS upgrades of their Helwin fleet, continue to buy Ferret-E UCVs though its possible they may cancel their remaining Provider-E they have on order.

Its not known if the DDS will honour these orders though Sirikwan have indicated they wish for an "amicable" separation and the DDS will likely be in need of revenue after the end of the war.

Sirikwan have said they will be looking further afield for their future ships however and as well as the Dinomark XTs they already have on order they have shown an interest in the Clones' planned export version of its Shark frigate, the Shark SKC.

Clones demonstrate Kelsan-CSM integration

The HCS have carried out a test firing of a CSM with a dramatic improvement in capability. The missile launched from a silo on Cloneworld travelled 2 lightyears towards an asteroid on a HCS test range then received a targeting update from a Kelsan KS bomber and travelled 1.3 light years towards a separate target before being "hitting" it.

The HCS said that the Kelsans are now able to integrate CSM into their full attack profiles and thus will be able to use CSMs as well as their own weapons during a mission. A Kelsan launched version of CSM (CSM-S) is also in development and could enter service next year.

Sirikwan to join DTA

Sirikwan have officially announced that they are to join the Dino Trade Association. The Sirikwanese leader made the announcement on a state visit to Dino-Land and said that the Sirikwanese would leave the DDS as the DTA better served their "strategic, economic and cultural" interests.

This is a serious blow to the DDS who are seeing their plans for expansion in that region of space now in tatters and also a security problem for the DDS as Sirikwan is in possession of sensitive weapon technology such as the TPM. Luckily for the DDS though Sirikwan has not yet begun production of the weapon and although they have received TPM-2 launchers they haven't received any missiles yet. The Dinos already have TPM-1s.

The Sirikwanese may be in possession of sensitive security codes however and the DDS are now urgently changing their codes.

HCS Fleet News (02/12/10)

  • Two more Molentic Tuul M conversions are now complete, the HCS say they will finish off the programme in the first few weeks of the new year.
  • Two Kelsan KS bombers have been added to the fleet, the whole fleet has also received an upgrade to its communication system and tactical suite to support CSM operation (mid-course guidance corrections and terminal homing).
  • Two Shark SKH patrol ship/minesweepers have been completed. The Derinny DR fleet has now been totally withdrawn with the last 4 ships to remain in reserve for a few months before final switch off.
  • Three Freighter TYA transports have been added to the fleet, this is the new name for the Type A. The HCS have decided to give proper names to its transport types finally. Other names used are the Nerval TYB for Type B, Omiten TYJ for the Type J and Loader TYC for Type C. The Type H and Type AA types in development have yet to be given names.

Other Fleet News (02/12/10)

  • The Dinos have added 3 Dinomark PTs and 4 XTs to their fleet as their fleet rebuilding efforts continue. Two of the XTs are of the new XT/120 variant which is fitted with worm-drive. Other changes from the XT/118 are thought minor.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have built 2 Snarls, 3 Meltinans and restored to service a battle damaged Helwin previously listed as "lost".

DDS transport destroyed near Algol 7

A DDS Provider 71A transport en route from Pulsin in the Dino Republic to Algol 7 in DDS North has been destroyed by an ABBO raiding party. A113 Commando managed to destroy 2 ABBO ships but was overwhelmed by the attack of around 20 ABBOs.

The area of space the transport was destroyed was thought to have been safe as it is far from the front line but the DDS are now going to have to look at unescorted transport operations again. One problem for the DDS is that they do not have enough escorts to protect all areas of space their transports operate in.

It is thought the transport was returning to the DDS after delivering the final batch of TPM-1s to the Dinos. Its not thought the transport was carrying any cargo.


Zanus is next consul

Zanus has just won enough of the consul vote (50.3%) in order to avoid a run-off with the second-place candidate (which was El Diablo with 43.1%) according to unconfirmed reports from the Dino Election Office. Verification is now being carried out but it is likely that the popular ex-army leader Zanus will be the next consul replacing Cruggson.

This will be the first time in the short history of the Dino Republic that one of the consuls has not been from Imperial Order though Zanus' political alignment is close to Ronald's party. However analysts say that the power of the consuls has been greatly diminished lately as Ronald and MBH have largely bypassed them in forming the DTA and forging a new expansionist foreign policy.

DDS confirm ABBOs are coming

The DDS are bracing themselves for a further attack on Liberation by an ABBO fleet that left Malau yesterday. The fleet should reach Liberation by the middle of next week though often the ABBOs prefer to wait an extra day or two before attacking. DDS Commander The Orchid is travelling to Liberation to take personal charge of the forces there.

The DDS will not send any more forces though as there is the fear the ABBOs may be planning more than one attack. The latest reconaissance indicates around 50 to 60 ABBO ships are not at Malau as expected which could mean a second attack is also planned.