
Battle For The Truth
What is Gibson's final fate?


Utrek intelligence service collapses?

There are reports coming in from third-parties including in the Utrek military that the Utrek secret service, the JO, has collapsed following a catastrophic cyber attack of unknown origin but possibly from the DDS. The central JO database and several others have collapsed, dozens of agents were betrayed in the field (and most likely now have knives stuck half way up their behinds), research corrupted and details of secret information de-encrypted and broadcast to rival services.

The damage caused by the cyber attack has rendered the JO totally inoperative. The Utrek government has stepped in immediately to suspend all JO operations, the military rival to the JO has now been tasked with JO's old role. A Utrek source says the JO, which had been running campaigns against the Utrek government and military have been fatally weakened and will likely now be totally re-organised under military control.


Aces High!
Trok prepares to send the TPM data to the JO and reach the zenith of his powers...


T-76 makes first flight / TF-45?

The T-76, the next generation basic trainer of the HCSAF, has made it's first flight. The T-76 is based on the A-85NT and is said to be a very pleasant and forgiving aeroplane to fly. This marks the T-76 out as rather different to the plane it is intended to replace the T-75. The T-75 is rather notorious in being hard to fly (though this has resulted in HCSAF pilots being rather good). Production is due to begin next year of the T-76 as the HCSAF are keen to replace the ageing T-75 fleet as soon as they can.

In other training news a two-seat training version of the F-45 is being mooted to replace the two-seat version of the F-40. These serve as advanced jet / conversion / weapon trainers in the HCSAF but the TF-40s were built fairly early in the F-40's production run and are now getting rather old. A TF-45 may tide the F-45 production line over until 2114 when the C/K is due to begin production.

Other Fleet News (28/08/09)


Work has begun on the 5th Dinomark RS. This is likely to be the last RS to be built, though of course the Dinos have said this before. There were rumours the SS might also have one for their flagship but the SS have now decided to stick with the PT for SS-1. The 5th RS should be completed in about a year.

Once PT/2 production ceases early next year the Dinos say they will begin upgrading earlier PTs to PT/2 standard. They are also working on a PT/4 which could debut in a few years.


As well as the Shark upgrade programme previously mentioned the HCS are busy with the Cosmos K and Molentic Tuul M upgrade programmes with the Soulaki K also in the pipeline.

The Intruder landing ship platform may be used for a new EW/Elint ship. The Intruder-E would have plug-in electronic modules instead of landing craft though would also have some provision for small craft which indicates it may be also used for the special forces role like as is planned for the DDS Marconi EW ships. No firm order has yet to be placed for Intruder-E.


Following a ceremony at the Raegris Fleet HQ the last 3 RF-1 Mel'Ukka frigates were withdrawn from service. The RF-1 were based on the Tarbot Yeoman II and are now obsolete and pretty worn out. At least 2 will be preserved.

New Arit

The Aritans have received their latest batch of MQ-5AA Ferret-E UCVs taking their force up to 40.


Shark update, minesweeper test

The HCS have begun an upgrade to their Shark frigate fleet. The upgrades include improved sensors, including passive sensors (though the Clones are far behind the DDS on this), better shields and improvements to the computer system. Some of these improvements add compatibility with the SPECNES minesweeping system and integration of sensor data streams with SPECNES.

Testing has begun of a modified version of SPECNES, SPECNES-SH, on a Shark. The system fitting into the ship's gondola. The HCS are hopeful SPECNES-SH will be cleared for operation by early next year.

It is thought the HCS are planning a full roadmap of improvements to their Shark fleet which has quickly become very popular with the fleet. An improved engine is being developed for a later update. It is thought the Shark's frame is capable of 700-750c so more powerful engines may later take the ship up to those speeds.

Force Voth to be reduced?

Force Voth was increased earlier in the Summer because of Bolitic incursions into Vothite territory, a secondary detachment was established near Apasarra and a minesweeping flotilla added to the force to clear Bolitic mines away. However the size of the force is putting a strain on the DDS fleet resources and the DDS are looking into if they can reduce the force.

The minesweepers will soon return to GHQ anyway and the DDS are looking into withdrawing one of the frigates if they can persuade their allies to replace it. A Sirikwanese warship is already attached to the force and the Aritans have been asked to send one of their Intrepid destroyers.

Combat between HCS and Xenon?

An Eritran trader is reporting reading weapons fire between a HCS warship and an unknown vessel near Woloron 12 on the edge of the Clone Star Empire. HCS bloggers are reporting that the aliens were the same as have attacked HCS ships over the last couple of months and thus may be of the Xenon faction of the 7 Sa Sao.

The outcome of the battle is unknown though it is not thought the HCS have lost any ships.


Type A upgrades increased to 25

The DDS have been upgrading older Type A transports in the HCS fleet with new engines and refurbishing them. 20 were originally destined for the upgrades of which 12 have now been completed. The HCS have signed a contract extension with DDS Upgrades to increase the number to 25 which will take the programme to the end of next year.

The upgrades are also now to include an improved navigational system though these are HCS built and will simply be fitted by the DDS.

Operation Ground Shock

Finally Operation Ground Shock will begin on the 3rd of September. The fleet has already been allocated and is listed below. This will be a major test of the DDS' growing amphibious warfare capabilities and will involve landing a brigade of the New DDS Army supported by special forces on Loeuss and another unspecified planet.

R102 Lancer (flag)
C109 Antarctic
D103 Puma
F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II

The fleet will be joined by 2 Aritan, 1 Sirikwanese and 3 Raegris ships. The Dinos will also take part and be the "enemy" in exercises. The deployment is expected to last until late October.


A Violent Man
Trojan Warlord has to enter the shadowy world of the Hoods 2.0.

DDS to upgrade Molab Kalahati Tuuls

A while ago Molab bought 16 ex-Utrek Kalahati Tuuls (subsequently increased to 20). These old ships were near the end of their service lives and thus needed extensive rebuilding and modernisation. The DDS and Clones both bid for the work though the Clone bid was not very professionally delivered (mis-spelling the name of the wife of the Molab President, and that mis-spelling being the Molab word for fornication was unfortunate) and the DDS won through to get the 450 million zark contract.

Molab KT Modernisation is the name of the programme which will begin before the end of the year, the Molab want at least half the ships available for service by 2111 and the rest by 2113 so there is a tight deadline. Under the programme the ships will be stripped and fully refurbished to give them at least 10 years more life. They will be localised for Molab needs and fitted with new communications systems. They will be given QPM support and passive sensors similiar to those fitted to Remedian KTs by the DDS. At least 45 other systems will also be upgraded ranging from the cannons to the toilets. The result will be a perfectly acceptable general purpose warship for Molab needs. Molab intends to use it's KT fleet for general duties and support thus keeping it's Isometrics and Pentekonters together as a battle fleet.

A DDS Provider is currently en route to Molab to pick up the first 2 KTs, they will be strapped to the exterior of the transport's hull, for the programme which will be carried out at Solaris.

Current deployments (25/08/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)

Ferret-E USV

C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F110 Miocene
(F145 Arafura Sea)
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin
F108 Eocene
F109 Oligocene
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus
A151 Gasoline


New variant of Samara destroyer spotted

A Raegris scout ship has encountered a Tarbotian patrol near the IKA Federation. The small patrol did not engage with the Raegris though they did issue radio warnings to back off. The Raegris are reporting that one of the ships in the Tarbotian patrol was a previously unknown Samara variant.

The Samara is the backbone of the Tarbotian fleet, several hundred are known to be in service. The Tarbotians have bought into service a slightly larger destroyer of an unknown name but the Samara continues in production too. Is is thought the new ship replaces ships like the Vormix in the Tarbotian fleet. The Samara, if it is a new type, is likely to be the rumoured Samara VI which will replace the V+ in production. It is noticably more "bumpy" than the V+ which indicates more sensors and weapon systems.

Ferret-E production winds down, G Migration Plan

The Ferret-E UCV is now winding down in production for the DDS though will continue for export customers. Ferret-G, the version able to operate in atmospheres as well as space, is now coming to the end of it's test programme and is due to begin production early next year. The Dinos are finally going to purchase the type (they did not buy the E as they were waiting for the G, which they largely developed anyway) which will bring down the unit price.

The DDS will rebuild it's fleet of Es to G standard as the UCVs enter their refits over the next few years. Aerodynamically the E and G are virtually the same though the engine is new and the avionics are quite different. These will be replaced during the upgrades.

Aritans and Sirikwanese ground forces to take part in exercise

It was already known that the Aritan part of the New DDS Army was going to take part in Ground Shock, next month's major amphibious exercise, mostly because the Aritan Division is the only part of the New DDS Army that is actually operational! A brigade of Sirikwanese ground troops will also take part along with DDS special forces and Remedian observers.

The Sirikwanese will be infantry only though they are forming an armoured brigade too. Their army is reorganising to better fit into DDS operations with a new communications protocol and compatibility with DDS datalinks being planned by 2113.


Accident at Gale silo kills 8

HCS bloggers are reporting that there has been an accident at one of the Gale IRBM silos which circle the "central district" of Ailier, Cloneworld where the capital, HCS GHQ and other major military bases are located. A missile exploded in it's silo while undergoing maintenance. The crew of 6 technicians and 2 base staff were killed in the explosion which badly damaged the silo. Luckily the missile in question was not nuclear armed.

Why the missile exploded is not known but it is speculated that the high explosive warhead was set off somehow.


DDS request changes to C-440s/KC-440s

With 11 aircraft delivered and 39 more on order the DDS plan a large fleet of CAC C-440 transports built by the Clones. The DDSAF have requested changes to the type from Plane #17 onwards. These are mostly with the avionics and cargo handling systems to better match DDS and not HCS practice. The DDS have also opted for a higher thrust version of the engines for these later planes to improve "hot and high" performance.

The DDS are also to have some configured for air-to-air refueling. The KC-440 is the HCSAF standard refueler and the DDS will follow suit. The first KC-440s are due from 2111. There is no rush on these as no DDSAF aircraft currently have provision for inflight refueling. It will be part of the F-10SEP update and will also be fitted to the NDAA.

Gibson hospitalised after assault

Dino Liaison Officer Gibson has been found in the gutter at GHQ, a broken bleeding wreck. Doctors say he had suffered days of violent brutal sustained abuse. His anus was especially damaged it has been reported with extensive tearing and painful infections. The misery for Gibson did not end there when he was accidentally dropped when the stretcher he was being carried on hit a bump and he slid off into a large puddle of pond water.

Gibson has not divulged who inflicted this damage on him.


DDSAF outlines plans for 2120 force

The DDS Air Force has published a document called "Airforce 2120" which outlines the plans for procurement over the next 10 years in offensive manned and unmanned aviation (excluding man-portable UAVs). Projected force strengths for the various aircraft types show an increase on current orders. An intention to keep a rump of the legacy F-10A force for air defence duties has also been revealed. The current F-10ASE programme will keep them flying to around 2122 but after that they will likely have to be replaced, perhaps by the follow-on fighter to the F-10S. No details of that have yet been given however.

DDSAF Offensive Aviation 2120:
  • 250 F-10S
  • 40 F-10ASE
  • 160 NDAA A-12
  • 200 K-18D
  • 220 LLAD MQ-14
  • 50 RQ-10
  • 15 RQ-12N


Ritual Slaughter
Trojan Warlord is given a suicide mission. (145/1)

NDAA fitted for phase 3 of flight testing

The DDS light attack aircraft the NDAA has been fitted out for phase 3 of it's flight testing which will begin in the early Autumn. The full avionics suite has now been fitted (though some components are still in development build) and an early build of the attack system and software has been installed. The NDAA will be able to begin weapon testing.

An improved build of the turbofan has also been fitted. Phase 3 testing will take the programme up until the end of the year when the NDAA will then be fitted out to Pre-Production Standard. The DDS are planning for it to enter service by the end of 2110.

Edge Cutter to end at weekend

Operation Edge Cutter which began as a fill-in training deployment with the Raegris because of the delayed Ground Shock deployment and turned into a minesweeping mission because of mines discovered near Mila is due to end at the weekend. The DDS are now confident the space lanes near Mila are clear of mines though further sweeping missions in adjacent space may be needed in future.

The ships in the deployment will return to Solaris and Proxima 7 by the end of next week. Ground Shock will finally begin early in September.


Team Redjec delighted as new shuttle will be named after Commander Redjec!

The DDS have increased their order of Coril 79B shuttles by 3. The new shuttles are named after notable DDS figures old and new, dead and alive. A584 is due to be named after Redjec. Team Redjec held a spontaneous celebration in honour of their leader who shall be imortalised in this way.

A Team Redjec spokesman said "This glory is reflected on all of us! This shows why Team Redjec is for winners!"

Missileer 2109 Update A

The Missileer 21A/B carrier fleet will be upgraded in the Missileer 2109 Update A programme over the next month or so as ships end current operations and enter refit. The update is not that extensive and should only take 2-3 days per ship and can be carried out alongside refit work. The update includes:
  • Support for Ferret-G UCVs and general refinements to UCV handling equipment
  • Improved datalink multiplexing increasing the amount of data that can be handled
  • 21B ships have improved Combat Ware 2.0 support, all have better damage control facilties in key areas
  • 21A ships will receive the improved missile launchers fitted to the 21B ships
  • 21A ships will receive MRM support but no launcher as yet, 21B will receive improvements to MRM handling systems
Next year the DDS are aiming to bring the 21A ships up to 21B standard. It was originally hoped to do this this year but budgets were too tight.

Current deployments (18/08/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Edge Cutter

F108 Eocene (flag)
F109 Oligocene
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus
A151 Gasoline

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)


C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F110 Miocene
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin


The development of space warfare tactics (1) : DDS

With new developments like the Ferret-E, Missileer and Combat Link set to change totally the way the DDS fights it's space battles we thought it was time we took a look at how DDS tactics have developed up to now.

Tactics have had to change in line with technological improvement. The earliest warships were rather slow and ponderous compared to today and ships tended to not move at all during the battle because as much power as possible was needed for weapons and shields. Thus the classic space battle up until the 2090s saw two lines of space warships meet up in space and then proceed to fire at each other until one side gave up or was destroyed (known colloquially as the "Blast The Crap Out Of Them Method").

These were tactics inherited from races like the Tarbotians, Bolitic and Utrek (the Dinos with their smaller faster ships have always tended to go for more hit and run tactics). The DDS decided they needed an edge so developed a refinement to the classic line battle.

The DDS came up with the "Overbalanced Line", this is where instead of spreading your forces out evenly in an orthodox manner you "overload" one side of your line. This side can then apply much more pressure on your enemy and aim to break through and then attack him in the rear (a very DDS tactic). It of course means the ships along the rest of the line have a tougher job to do but their job is not to attack but to hold. Indeed the job of smaller ships like frigates in DDS fleet battles is to hold ground and maintain pressure on the enemy.

The tactic was introduced during the Tarbotian War of the late 2090s and was a great success. The above diagram shows a typical example of the tactic. Two evenly matched fleets (3 CC, 3 DD and 9 FF) meet up. The aliens in a standard balanced line, however the DDS have heavily loaded the right flank. As the battle progresses the right flank will aim to punch through the alien flank and then attack the centre of the line. This should then cause the whole line to collapse and many alien deaths will ensue.

As said above tactics are modified as technology is improved. The introduction of super weapons like the Z Cannon was capitalised on by another modification of the line tactic.

With the "Central Focus Line" the heavy warships are collected together and use their heavy firepower in conjunction, supported on each flank by the rest of the ships whose job again is to hold and maintain the pressure. The heavy warships (which in variants of the tactics can sometimes be at either flank instead) concentrate their firepower and aim to make a breakthrough in the opposing part of the enemy line. As their line collapses then the flanks will fall in allowing the DDS to rout the enemy and kill many aliens. The tactic first appeared in the First Utrek War and also was used in the Second Utrek War a couple of years ago.

In later parts of this series we will look at alien tactics and also how DDS tactics have evolved and may evolve in future.

Combat Link

The DDS have announced they are going to test a new concept in space warfare called Combat Link. In the simplest terms this teams up 3 or 4 Panther destroyers with a Missileer carrier. The Missileer is loaded with 4-500 TPM-2 reloads and can reload the Panthers it is linked to automatically by teleportation.

The ships are all linked and can share targeting information. The aim is to create one "virtual warship" with over 1200 TPM loads. It is envisaged the Missileer would be protected by 2 frigates of the Isometric class (though of course has it's own TPM launchers). The DDS will test this configuration soon.


HCSN battle pirates off the east coast

A HCS Navy fleet has engaged with a major piracy organisation off the Cloneworld continent's eastern coast. Led by the destroyer CSS Olana the fleet of Triona OPVs and support ships was supported by aircraft from the Naval Air Service operating from a shore base. F-40Ns launched an attack on the pirate stronghold on the Mekera Islands. The air attack was followed up by attacks by surface units.

The pirate base has been reported to have been destroyed but the HCSN did not emerge unscathed. One Triona OPV was shot at by an anti-ship missile though managed to destroy it with it's CIWS suffering some minor damage from the blast. Another Triona was hit by gunfire injuring 2 sailors. One SH-26 helicopter was lost due to engine failure but the crew were rescued. Six marines were reported killed in the amphibious assault though the pirate death toll is reported to be in the "scores".


HCSAF reopen A-84 production line for EW version

The A-84 was one of the "Holy Trinity" of HCS combat aircraft but production ended a couple of years ago leaving just the A-85 in production (the F-40 has been out of production for a number of years). However the production jigs were kept intact and now will be reactivated next year as the HCSAF build at least 150 EA-84FEA electronic warfare attack aircraft.

The HCSAF have been looking to enhance their EW aircraft and develop a dedicated EW aircraft for attack and support duties. After looking at a number of options including a brand new aircraft it was found that the best option from a number of standpoints (including cost) would be to use the A-84 platform of which over 1700 remain in HCSAF service.

Two A-84s are currently being modified for a flight test programme.


Henry releases album

SS Tribune Henry, head of the SS on Pulsin and one of MBH's inner circle, has released an album of death metal. Death metal is of course the most popular music genre on Dino-Land which is why ear plugs are suggested for all visitors to the planet.

Henry was in a band before he joined the SS and has decided to form a new band which he has named Violent Thuggery. The debut album apparently contains 73 tracks written by Henry which "explain my love of violent thuggery and brutal penetration of my sex doll whom i am soon to marry".

Dinos stage impressive amphibious exercise

Everyone is eager to show off their amphibious and expeditionary warfare capabilities these days it seems. The Dinos are the latest to stage a major exercise, on the Remedian planet of Loeuss where they have a large permanent base. The Dinos entire fleet of SX-98 and Provider-EDA transports was used on the exercise as well as dozens of Dinomarks. The 10th Legion plus SS-D and 6th Legion elements were landed in the exercise plus no fewer than 3 brass bands.

Ronald himself commanded the operation, his first public duty for some time. A sign he is beginning to prepare for his next stint as Consul already (he is eligible for election in 2112) or is simply bored fishing.

Faction In Focus : The Raegris (updated)

The Raegris is a medium-power some way off the Central Powers' area of space but quite closely aligned to the DDS, indeed the Raegris are maybe the most important allies of the DDS if only for their manufacturing capacity. The Raegris have a fairly small territory of space but have some rich mineral deposits and are an importer to all three Central Powers. The Raegris have proved eager to spend their wealth on military hardware. They have purchased a number of Quasar cruisers from the DDS and are now building Isometrics for themselves easily giving themselves one of the most powerful fleet in their region of space.

Raegris soldiers

This has increased tensions with their rivals including the Vosun-Voth and IKA Federation but the Raegris are thought not to be that bothered about their neighbours, at their far frontier they are fairly near part of Tarbotian space and on the other frontier bordering the Utrek who are both more of a strategic concern. As yet they have not been attacked by either mega-empire but the Raegris think its only a matter of time.

Thus the Raegris have been building DDS ships both for themselves and for the growing export sector. Thats not to say the Raegris do not have good technology of their own. The Cosmos cruiser, now the backbone of the HCS fleet, is based on the RC-2 cruiser of Raegris design. The Raegris look set to continue their close co-operation with the DDS, their geographical location means they are not really that involved in Central Power politics but are a very strategic location for the DDS with respect to the Bolitic Confederacy and Utrek.


T-91 leaves HCS service

The T-91 Executioner has left HCS service after the last 20 were withdrawn from the training unit they were serving with. The tanks are now all in HCS Reserve but are unlikely to be reactivated. The T-91 was the ultimate development of the HCS MBT, marrying the hull of the T-89 with a new unmanned turret. However by the time the T-91 had arrived the Clone Wars were over and tanks were no longer needed to combat their DDS equivalents.

The HCS decided to standardise on the T-89 and T-55Z and over time have begun rationalising other types. The T-88 is no longer in front-line service though several thousand remain in HCS Reserve (in readiness units unlike the T-91).

ER-72ACR Airborne Communications Relay enters service

The latest version of the R-72 Mustang reconnaissance/EW aircraft has entered service with the HCSAF. The ER-72ACR (Airborne Communications Relay) is intended to provide a survivable communication system for the HCS in the event of massive attack on ground based sites. One key role would be to maintain a communications link with strategic response assets such as the CSM if HCS GHQ and other major headquarters are destroyed from orbit.

120 will be bought of the ER-72ACR, 60 on Cloneworld and the rest spread throughout the empire. The ACR is basically a flying radio relay station but also with provision for a commanding officer to communicate with HCS assets. It is thought the HCSAF will maintain continuous patrols of ACRs when they have sufficient assets in place.

QPM begins testing

The Quad Phase Missile, the cut-down version of TPM-1 for export, has begun testing with the DDS Weapon Proving Ground near Proxima 5. QPM-1 is based on the TPM-1D platform with a new quad-phase warhead. It also has a new countermeasure system based on the one used on the TPM-2 (which will be rolled into the TPM-1 at the next update) though said to be not as advanced.

QPM has been ordered by Molab, Helinox and Sear N7. The testing is being carried out on a Starsystem frigate with Molab space navy officers present. QPM is due to enter service next year. The missile is load compatible with TPM-1.

Could you join Team Redjec?

Team Redjec is the fastest growing movement in the DDS with membership up 117,400% on an earlier period. We get literally a few applications every day but to save us time we have devised this simple quiz to help wannabe applicants see if they have a chance of being accepted into the true elite:

1) Have you or have you ever had any sexual thoughts about a close family member? Do you photo yourself self-abusing over their image then posting the pics on the internet? Y/N

2) Do you suffer from bed wetting? Especially if you have watched a scary TV programme or have eaten cheese before bedtime? Y/N

3) Are you afraid of balloons or loud noises like crisp packets being blown up? Or cats? Y/N

4) Do you admire Commander Redjec as a new God? Y/N

5) Not in a sexual way (unless you are a girl) but is Commander Redjec your idea of masculine perfection? If you are a girl then Commander Redjec will call you later. Y/N

6) Are you a loser? Have you never achieved anything of note in your life, which has been an endless conveyor belt of despair, abuse, bullying, self-loathing and woe? Y/N

7) Have you ever masturbated in front of class mates or close friends? Has it been videoed by your friends and put in Youtube? Y/N

8) Are you insecure about your body, especially genitalia? Did you post 100s of nude photos of yourself on-line as you wanted ridicule and humiliation to feed your desire for pain? Y/N

9) Do you self-harm because you are not as perfect as Commander Redjec? Y/N

10) Do clowns scare you? Y/N

How did you score? For each yes you score 1 point

0-3 : Sorry you are too cool to join Team Redjec
4-7 : As long as you worship Commander Redjec as your God we may consider you
8-9 : You are in, join Team Redjec : World Losers today!
10 : Why did you take the test Trojan Warlord, you are already in.

Aritans receive 2 more Kalahati Tuuls

The DDS has given the Aritans 2 more Kalahati Tuuls. Unlike the previous 8 ships which were given to the DDS from the Utrek as part of the terms of the end of the Utrek War these 2 ships were captured during the conflict and have now been repaired and fitted with DDS communications and command interfaces. The Aritans will carry out more localisation and fit them with TPM launchers.

All 10 Aritan KTs will receive improvements next year in a co-funded Aritan/DDS upgrade packedge. Aritan Kalahati Tuul 2109 Enhancement (AKT09E) will include the fitting of passive sensors, improved laser cannons and support for DDS Combat Ware 2.0. The Aritans are to move to fit Combat Ware 2.0 which includes the integrated messageing system built into goggles, real-time medical status feedback of all crew and protective gear for combat situations over the next few years. The cost of this upgrade is estimated at around 53 million zarks across their fleet and there have been some grumbles by the Aritans as the DDS have insisted it be done by all allied nations if they wish to continue as a part of DDS operations. The Raegris have already begun switching to Combat Ware.

Team Redjec Awards 2109

Team Redjec, the refuge of many broken young men and women victims of abuse and addicts to self-loathing, has announced it's first annual awards celebrating and rewarding merit and accomplishment in TR which is the fastest growing movement in the DDS!

Toilet Attendant Of The Year : Trojan Warlord

TW wins this prestigious award and earns a golden broom. He has been consistent in his toilet cleaning duties, consistently awful that is but no one else was up for nomination. TW dropped his award and broke it of course.

Most Improved TR Member : The Onion

Redjec was happy to award his cousin this award after his massive improvement over the last year. Redjec told the audience that Onion no longer regularly wets the bed and is no longer afraid of balloons. The Onion was very happy to hear these kind words it was reported.

Man Of The Year : Redjec

Who could win this prestigious award, to reward he who has done the most for Redjecism and given a slim flicker of hope to the hopeless. Who would win this award given to a man who typifies the values of Team Redjec : modest success, miminal sexual dsyfunction and being cheap? Why Redjec of course! Who else?!

Redjec gave this speech : "Fellow TR members, it is a great surprise to me to receive this award from ...er... myself. Of course my dazzling unparalelled achievements would not be possible without the help of ...er... OK moving on. These awards proves that Team Redjec is not a collection of losers! We are not losers! We are winners! Well except Trojan Warlord of course..."

Fleet news (13/08/09)

P139 Osprey is the latest Fighting Falcon 47A ship to be delivered to the DDS from the Dinos. The DDS have 8 others on order but are also thinking of adding 2 more to the order of the underwater capable XT variant. It has been speculated these may be used by DDS special forces.

The latest Extender 73A oiler to be delivered is A159 Ethane though will not join normal fleet operations for a month or so. It has been "loaned" to DDS Research for use in their unmanned space vehicle programme. It will be providing support services for a series of tests using SS Isometric.

Coril 79B shuttle A578 Perei Potsone has also been delivered.


New long patrol sets off

Despite the crushing failure of the first Long Patrol the second one has set out from Xi, again under the command of Tribune Comer and again consisting of some Dinomark NGs. A Dino spokesdino said that Comer had been ordered to discover the strength of the ABBOs in the vicinity of the Rim Worlds and had to find out how many ships they had no matter the cost.

Its not known if there are to be any back-up units to support Comer's 5 NGs though 2 SS Dinomark PTs were seen departing Xi at the same time.

Interview with DDS creator Chris

DDS creator Chris (his surname is withheld due to legal advice) kindly agreed to give Team Redjec a brief interview in between court sessions, he wouldn't say what the court case was though he did grumble something about how she didn't look 13.

TR : For how long now have you been creating comics?

CD : Since about 1978 or 9, whenever i saw Star Wars at the cinema, that prompted me to try and create some comic stories. Reading Starlord and then 2000AD also encouraged me to start drawing. There hasn't been a year i haven't done some comic stories since though some years i was less prolific than others and its only been the last 10 years i have been creating stories regularly with the UV series.

TR : How did you come up with the idea for the DDS?

CD : Well the Dinos came first and i have been drawing them since the early 80s, when i went to college in the early 90s i met Carl my best friend and we developed something more military based on films like Predator and other cinematic classics. Originally the DDS was a spin-off off the Dinos but over time the Dinos were replaced by human characters like Windscorpion.

TR : Ah yes Windscorpion how did you come up with him?

CD : Carl came up with the initial concept and the name. I fleshed it out, refined it a bit and made him the uber gay terrorist we know, love and fear. He was not the main character to start with but over time has evolved to become the focus of the DDS.

TR : Is that why you couldn't kill him off for good?

CD : Yes in the late 90s when i was going through a crisis of confidence with the DDS i did try to relaunch it without Windy but he is too much a big name to do without. Of course the great thing about comic characters is that you can bring them back to life if you kill them and then change your mind. You can't do that with pets, i've tried.

TR : When did you start to build a coherent universe?

CD : When i moved to "real time", in that each book covers a set period of time with the UV series in 2001 i started to formalise the universe and bring the DDS and Dinos together into a "canon", this website is a big part of that of course. It is a massive database of the DDS Universe which i refer to all of the time!

TR : So how do you come up with your ideas?

CD : All over the place, from TV, other comics, stuff just pops into my head. I don't have any formal plans apart from when there are big continuous storylines such as the Utrek War when i have a basic outline of how the war will go. Carl is a big help to me, he comes up with outlines and suggestions and also helps me out with consistency. He is the world's biggest DDS superfan and lives the DDS.

Oh, court is in session again. See you!

Are the Utrek losing the war against the Mantae?

The DDS know virtually nothing about the Mantae, a mysterious enemy who have invaded Utrek space on their far border, apart from the fact they are hard. They may one day know a lot more about them though as there are signs the Utrek are starting to wilt under the relentless strain of the war.

The Utrek are reported to have sent another army and 2 fleets into the fight against the Mantae after (as reported by Dino traders) the Mantae managed to break through a defence line after a large battle and attacked a Utrek planet with cobalt-60 nuclear weapons.


Current deployments (11/08/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Edge Cutter

F108 Eocene (flag)
F109 Oligocene
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus
A151 Gasoline

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F116 Cryptozoic

M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho
P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F110 Miocene
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

C122 Photon
D151 Velocity
L111 Pangaea

UV144 : Enter The Manmeat

  • Milking The Cows - Redjec is tasked with destroying Hoods 2.0...
  • Toko Feels It - Windy faces Toko of the 7SS again...
  • A Broken Man : Gibson - Gibson is given a suicide mission by Trok...
  • Still Hills - The Clones are attacked by the Xenon again...
  • End Of The Line - Gibson faces oblivion...
  • (Last) Rites Of Passage - TTG 4.0...


Eritrans co-operate in military exercise

With a number of Free Eritran worlds on the Clone Star Empire's eastern border now buying DDS warships a fear for the Clones is that the Eritrans may unite their fleets to form a formidable combat force. These fears are well grounded as Molab, Helinox and Sear N7 have just held a joint-exercise.

A combined fleet of Molab and Helinox ships comprising an Isometric, 3 Pentekonters and 2 Extenders (albiet apart from 1 Pentekonter all Molab) with sailors from Sear N7 was formed and it took part in exercises against 3 ex-Utrek Kalahati Tuuls operated by Sear N7. It is estimated by 2112 the Eritrans could form a combined fleet of 5 Isometrics and 10 Pentekonters plus support units and older types, such a force would pose the HCS a very serious challenge.

Faction In Focus : Oscar (updated)

Up until a few years ago Oscar was a very insignificant planet, but recently it has been the cause of near conflict between the DDS and HCS.

Oscar was discovered in the 2070s but was not settled until 2092 when the effect of some climate engineering started in 2075 began to take effect and the climate cooled to near Earth like conditions. Oscar was settled illegally by both humans and clones, both refugees from the late 3rd Clone War and this was the source of the later problems.

The two sides have formed unofficial nations on the planet's only continent though the human side (Oscar Human Authority) was rather chaotic, falling quickly into a dictatorship. The New Clone Nation Of Oscar (NCNO) was not much better though. Both sides seem to be largely united by hatred for the other side.

Conflict between the Human Authority and NCNO soon drew the attention of the DDS and HCS. The NCNO appealed to the HCS for military assistance. The DDS told the HCS not to intervene and there was a minor skirmish. After talks between the DDS and HCS there was an uneasy truce with ships from both sides present to make sure there are no illegal weapon shipments to the two sides.

Then the Human Authority collapsed after it's dictator tried to force the DDS to help them by kidnapping The Orchid. After he was killed anarchy returned to the streets. The humans are now too busy fighting each other to bother with the NCNO. The NCNO began to re-arm it's army the Clone Army of Oscar (CAO) with HCS help, the blockade gradually falling. The DDS began to openly arm the Oscar Terran Army (OTA) in reply. Both the DDS and HCS agreed to not intervene directly though both sides did break this, it is common knowledge that "advisers" were heavily active on both sides.

The CAO, with a greater population and a more stable government behind it, eventually defeated the OTA and conquered the whole planet. Many humans, especially those involved with the OTA and human government were allowed to leave Oscar in DDS ships. Hardline humans have begun an insurgency against the HCS and CAO. The HCS have accused the DDS of supplying these insurgents with weapons though the DDS have denied it saying the insurgents are using weapons left behind by the DDS when they vacated the planet when the OTA fell.

Although the DDS have warned the HCS not to annex the planet a legion was soon "invited" to Oscar by the NCNO to assist with security. It is likely that Oscar will one day become part of the Clone Star Empire, and it's location would make it a very strategic position for the HCS. The DDS have already begun the process to bring the nearby world of New Jakarta into the UNP and DDS.


Za'Enyu become latest DDS customers

The planet of Za'Enyu has placed an order for 4 Pentekonter-Es (mid-range), 2 Extender-Es and 5 Coril-Es in a total order worth 2.4 billion zarks including training, QPM loads and some infrastructure building. Deliveries are due to begin from 2111. Next year 45 Za'Enyu cadets will begin training with the DDS and will form the nucleus of their space fleet.

Za'Enyu is a planet near New Vosun, Sirikwan and Telvin 802 but it is thought the Tarbotians are their reasons for building a fleet. In the past Tarbotian attack fleets have come via Za'Enyu space and used their commercial ships for target practice.

It is thought Za'Enyu intend to invest heavily in a space fleet with plans for Ferret-Es and perhaps Isometric-Es.

Cruggson promises tough action against ABBOs

In a major speech to the Dino Elders Consul Cruggson has said that the Dinos must take the offensive against potential enemies like the ABBOs. "We must stamp on the sparks before they become fires." he said. More forward bases like the permanent base on Loeuss were required. "We are currently in negotiations with both the Voth and Aritans about having permanent bases in their territory." he said.

More patrols would be sent into ABBO areas he also said. "Many more patrols will be sent into their space to discover the ABBO strength and intentions. Even if we have to sacrifice every single NG it will be worth it!"


CNS Clone Empire launched

The second Cloneworld class aircraft carrier, CNS Clone Empire, has been launched on Cloneworld. It is due to enter service in 2111. Meanwhile the first ship CNS Cloneworld has been fitted with it's catapult system and will be able to begin aircraft operation trials when it begins phase 2 of it's sea trials next month.

40 F-40Ns have now been updated to N2 standard ready for use on the carriers. The HCSN have decided not to upgrade the remaining 21 F-40Ns. The N2 standard "re-navalises" the fighters with arrester hooks and other systems for carrier operations restored as well as support for the new AS-21 anti-ship missile. The 21 non-upgraded aircraft are expected to be gradually run down over the next couple of years. They will likely be supplemented with spare F-40s from the HCSAF if needed.

DDS gearing up for Ground Shock

There is a lot of excitement in the DDS about it's forthcoming first major amphibious forces exercise which now will begin in early September. The exercise should have been going on right now but the delay has meant that the DDS will now be able to field 3 instead of 2 LHDs. Indeed all 3 Pangaea 62A ships will be used in the exercise as well as 2 SX-98s from the Dinos.

The main bulk of the ground forces to be deployed will be Aritan and Dino but there will also be DDS and now Sirikwanese ground troops taking part after the latter sent a company of troops over for integration training.


Other Fleet News (06/08/09)

Our new monthly look at other faction's fleet news using a mixture of DDS and open source intelligence.


The Dino Senate has been debating what to do with the PT. Currently around 57 are operated by the Dino Army with a requirement for 60 though this may be increased to replace lost NGs. The SS have 16 with a requirement for 20. At current production rate, which is the lowest, these orders will be completed by mid next year. Then the Dinos have to decide whether to cease production until the next version the PT/3 is ready sometimes in the next decade or keep production going. The Dinos do not like to stop production of their types because of the costs of restarting. The XT can continue indefinitely because of the wide range of roles it performs and the continual replacement of older types. However this cannot be easily done with the PT.

Testing of the first 2 Dinomark MX transport ships continues with the ships due to be outfitted with Equipment Release 1.1 soon. This will include the final build of the cargo handling system and improved auto-stabilisation systems.


It is thought the HCS will withdraw their 5 oldest Cosmos cruisers early in the next decade. These ships are not suitable for conversion to Cosmos K because of their age and their non-standard configuration. Two in fact are survivors from the original 7 ships built by the Raegris for the HCS. The Clones then mass produced copies. At least 1 of the 2 will be preserved.

Work proceeds on the Molentic Tuul M programme. The GX sub-class will soon all be changed to M standard. Work will then begin on the A sub-class, the bulk of the fleet.

The first prototype Kelsan bomber is understood to now be beginning static testing. It may begin flight testing before the end of the year.


The Raegris will withdraw their final few RF-1 frigates within the next few weeks as the number of DF-1s in the fleet increases. The RF-1 is a long-obsolete ship based on the Tarbotian Yeoman design.

The first RC-2 cruiser has arrived at the DDS port of Solaris for it's upgrade to RC-2B standard. The DDS are fitting the ships (which are the same as the Cosmos in HCS service) with a Z5ti cannon and a TPM-2 launcher as well as a number of system updates. The other 8 ships will be upgraded by the Raegris themselves using kits supplied by the DDS.

Porquat 640

The first Xian 508 cruiser has begun trials. The Xian was the principle ship of the old P640 Navy (before the DDS and Dinos destroyed them all) and the new Xian will be command ships and fleet leaders.

Faction In Focus : Urlik Utrek Federation (updated)

The Urlik Utrek Federation (usually just referred to as the Utrek Federation) is one of the major powers in the galaxy possessing territory that stretches for over hundreds of light years. The Utrek are one of the biggest threats to the Central Powers, and in the past have launched a number of invasions that have only defeated at high cost to the DDS, Dinos and HCS. The Utrek remain a threat though more recently have been in a grinding war of attrition with the mysterious Mantae.

They have used the Porquatians as a proxy in operations against the Central Powers, especially the DDS and later the Zones but both suffered massive losses when the "assistance" promised to them from the Utrek did not arrive, the Porquatians lost their fleet, the Zones lost everything. The Utrek were once allies of the Remedians and Clones though and parts of both factions fleets are still based on Utrek designs.

Its thought now the Utrek do not want to invade the Central Powers since their defeat at DDS and Dino hands in the last war any more. Their attack on the DDS can only be seen as a huge defeat, they lost hundreds of ships yet only really conquered one Remedian planet.

The Utrek was actually two races, who existed in a symbiotic relationship. The majority Ital provided the manpower and the Elnar command. Following a series of military defeats the Ital overthrew the Elnar, though their defeats have continued. The Utrek's resources are vast, a fleet of over 1000 warships and an army of 45 million men. Much of these are used to control parts of their territory which border some of the most fractious areas of the galaxy (as yet barely known to us). The war against the Mantae appears to be one they cannot win, just prevent the Mantae from winning. This should keep them weakened in other areas though they should still be considered a threat.


Success for Trojan Warlord... kinda

Team Redjec is proud to announce that Trojan Warlord's autobiography cum toilet cleaning manual "The Toilet Attendant" has gone straight in at #97 in the Proxima 7 Book Sales Chart. Two branches of Borders are known to stock it though one was a mistake and the stock was quickly returned.

TWs book chronicles his sad life, from a brutal childhood of endless bullying and sexual humiliation to a brutal career in the DDS with endless bullying and sexual humiliation. He spends an entire chapter on the harrowing incident where after endless torment and beatings at school he stood in front of the class, dropped his trousers and masturbated. This changed his life at school around. After that he got beatings from his classmates and the teachers as well.

He also covers the rather low point where he was kicked out of the DDS and had to become a male stripper only when he came on stage the audience of mostly women went crazy and demanded he put his clothes back on.

TW also gives advice on cleaning toilets, especially how to avoid breaking them. The book is on sale now and will no doubt be filling bargain bins very soon if not already.

Embarrassment for Gibson

Dino Liaison Officer Gibson, recently returned from a long visit to DDS Research on Solaris (it is reported he caught swine flu and was hospitalised for a few weeks) was yesterday caught in a highly unfortunate and embarrassing incident when he was asked to inspect a group of Dino Army troops on an exchange visit to the DDS.

While he was inspecting the young men it is reported he suddenly had to run off the parade ground because he had an erection. 200 members of the galaxy's press were on hand and by the time he had returned from his office his erection was front page news on 23,000 newspapers across the cosmos.

Captain Clone orders more units to Petric

The HCS has already announced extra forces to be deployed to Petric but since the attack on a HCS Cosmos class cruiser a short while ago more forces have been ordered there including a squadron of Molentic Tuul cruisers (5 ships) and 2 Soulakis.

Land forces have already begun to arrive on the planet, up until now a backwater of the empire, though the bulk of the 15th Legion which has been reassigned to the planet will not be in place until next year.

Future cruiser will be Type 17A?

The DDS has awarded a series of contracts for preliminary design work for a new cruiser, the project is currently known as the Cruiser 2120 though may be renamed something like CGX once work officially begins on the type however this is likely to be a number of years away.

A DDS blogger has reported that the classified (but fairly low-security) DDS Allocation Database which gives a real-time snapshot of the status of every ship in the fleet now has an entry for a "Type 17A". This would put it in the cruiser category. However this does not mean that the ship is definately going to be built.


Clones encounter 7SS again?

The Clones have possibly encountered the 7 Sa Sao again after a Cosmos cruiser encountered a ship of unknown design though analysis indicates it was similar to the ship which hijacked a Type A transport a while ago. The Cosmos was attacked by the ship which had been shadowing HCS ships near Petric.

The Cosmos was disabled by an unknown energy weapon but managed to shoot back damaging the alien ship which then withdrew. Two HCS sailors are reported to have been killed.

Edge Cutter extended to continue minesweeping mission

The Edge Cutter mini-deployment was due to end this week but will now continue into August to continue it's mine sweeping mission in Remedian space near Mila. The military exercises have ended though and the Raegris units have returned home. D162 Epsilon Eridani has gone to join the Remedian Border Protection Force as scheduled (becoming the new flagship) and L111 Pangaea has returned to Solaris to prepare for the amphibious exercise Ground Shock in September.

16 mines have now been found though not all were active. Edge Cutter commander Caratore think it will take around 2-3 weeks to conclude the mission.

Current deployments (04/08/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Edge Cutter

F108 Eocene (flag)
F109 Oligocene
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus


A151 Gasoline

Force Voth

R107 Archer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho
P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
RS-DF1-03 (Raegris)
(F144 Flores Sea)
F110 Miocene
A150 Refinery
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

F161 Sea Of Tranquillity
F126 Mesozoic
C122 Photon
D151 Velocity
L111 Pangaea


End Of The Line
The miserable lives of 2 DDS mainstays make a sudden change for the... ?


Still Hills
Gibson's suicide mission begins, meanwhile the Clones encounter the mysterious new enemy again.