
Bolitic slam Dinos for operating in Vosun space again

The Dinos have revealed a spec ops mission held over the last few days to retrieve a Bolitic traitor, a Lord Nanae, who some decades ago sold out his fellow Bolitic for Dino coin to help them defeat the Bolitic in a war. The whereabouts of Lord Nanae, who obviously had to dissappear, has remained a secret... until the collapse of the Vosun-Voth Star Empire when the Bolitic discovered he was living on an outlying planet in Vosun space.

A Dino team led by Legate Fuzzy was sent by Ronald to rescue Nanae before the Bolitic could capture him and kill him, eventually. Ronald did not want Nanae lost as it might be harder to recruit traitors in future if their future safety could not be guaranteed.

A spokesdino has told reporters that Fuzzy has managed to rescue Nanae and his small retinue literally minutes before a Bolitic fleet got there first. Nanae is being bought to Dino-Land for the short term though will be relocated on a new third party planet at some later stage.

Naturally the Bolitic are furious that a Dino team was operating in Vosun space, which they claim they are protecting for their "Vosun allies" and that Nanae was saved. The Dinos say they are unconcerned at the Bolitic anger, "they are always angry about something" the spokesdino quipped.